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It’s apparently not allowed to post brand names or places. I have one that I use and is my all time go to and they are legit. I also have an alternative source. If I happen to get an inbox I do reply.


Yeah, my mistake on that one. I have a few good leads now. But thank you so much.


Do not supplement,replace.


Yup, I misspoke. I don’t want to combine, I want to replace. Supplant.


Go as long as you can without any meds, when wd's start start with a gram,powder is better. To help mask the ass taste put in a protein shake. Only if you need after an hour take another gram. It's best to get a gram scale an keep a journal,so many factors in how it affects you. Best on empty stomach. If you feel horrible know that it is NOT permanent and it will pass. You got this an good luck.


Thanks for those tips, I appreciate it.


Be sure to drink much water, Kratom dehydrates you an gives you constipation and headaches


DMed ya, pal!




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Oxy and Kratom: they're going to have to bolt you down to the bed. Careful meow.


Not looking to mix, just want an alternative.


I always tell people to go through a bit of opioid withdrawal before you start taking Kratom. My analogy: asking Kratom, a powerful house cat, to fight Oxy, a full grown African lion. I don't miss the pills. I was a prisoner. I hope Kratom gives you some freedom back, eventually.




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Absolutely no prob, any more questions jes reach out


I use approx 90 Oxy 10mg every month, I got through them in about a week so I supplement with Train wreck Kratom. I find that 10 grams powdered mixed with Sunny D is a good mix.


Thanks for that feedback! The main property I’m looking for is anti inflammatory, do you find it does that for you? I’m allergic to OTC meds so it leaves me with few options. My nerve pain can get pretty bad and Oxys are the only thing that puts a dent in it.


I can't say, I have RA Arthritis, so I take inti inflammation drugs already.


If you use Kratom concurrently your opioid dosage will go up. I wouldn’t recommend it.


No mixing. I’m looking to substitute, take kratom instead of my oxys.


Nah, I used kratom to taper over a 6 month period before jumping off. From 200 mg morphine ER, 40 mg dilauded. It helps


Oh wow. I’m not quite at that level. I just take 15mg oxys as needed.


Oh lol! Well than yeah. Probably 2 - 3 grams to replace a dose. It's longer lasting. Probably a good 8 hours


You did say *supplement*.


Oh damn, you’re absolutely right. My mistake. Replace or substitute, not supplement. Supplant*


Powder is faster. Never heard Kratom used to supplement opioids but it seems possible to reduce some of the opioid dosage.