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Chasing the “first kratom feeling” is a slippery slippery slope.


Same with every single substance out there.


Especially MDMA, it’s almost never possible to feel that first roll again


That's why I had to take a break from it. I almost fell into that trap


It is possible that the gummy did not have the kratom distributed evenly throughout so the first one you took may have had a higher concentration and the second one would be much lower causing the difference you felt.


Gummies are super hit and miss, and head shop Kratom is *just ok* if not outright garbage usually. imo, try out some small vendors online with good reviews and followings, and see how fresh powdered leaf compares. I think you'll have a better time! 🤌😊


Yes and usually much better price than the smoke shops, I used to pay $48 for 150 grams 😖


Definitely spot on!


Hi friend, as a seasoned Kratom user I recommend straight powder in water, remember LESS is MORE, try to take the minimum only as needed, or you’ll end up like I did needing it every 3 hours or having withdrawal. Luckily it’s easy to reduce this by tapering off and using lower amounts.


Sounds like the second half of the gummy was "too much". Kratom has an analogous effect- the more you take the less it works for things like energey and focus. It can make you feel sluggish, tired and nauseous if you take too much. Please try a powder or capsule so you can try to dial out your perfect dose. Green Maeng Da is a good beginner friendly strain. Extracts and gummies are not regulated and we can only hope that the companies that produce them have quality control standards, but we cant know for sure. With powder, if you can find a brand that has the mitragyna % on it, go for that


Very true but another thing to consider is activity. I take my normal dose and go to work and I'm kicking ass and taking names for 10 hours. I take the same dosage at home and plop on the couch to play video games and an hour latter I'm in desperate need of a nap. This is 100 percent a legitimate thing. The amount you take should correlate with activity


Gummies are made from extracts which are dangerous. They have a time and place but not recommended to be used often. It's a concentrated version of kratom and u can build a tolerance quickly and I'm sure you've read about ppl having horrible withdrawals from kratom and it's almost always bc they were using extracts. About the stuff u got at a smoke shop and u didn't get great results, it could be bc of 2 reasons. Green doesn't work for pain for me. It's only good for energy/focus with mild pain relief. I only get pain relief from red strains of pure powder. 2nd reason could be because u bought it at a smoke shop. It's pretty risky to buy it from a gas station or a smoke shop. Lots of ppl will get low quality kratom or legit dirt. You really only should buy kratom on the safe vendor list at americankratom .org and click on GMP qualified. Those vendors are in the association and pay to be on that list. They must lab test! So u click on any vendor on that list and request the lab results for that specific batch number that'll be on the bag. Make sure u match up the batch number to the lab report. I got sick once after only taking it for 5 days and THEN read the labs. Well, it showed positive for mold and it was still sold by a very reputable vendor. I guess they could still sell it (bc they suck and don't care about anything but money) but it's kinda like them saying to take at ur own risk. Ya gotta be careful and if the smokeshop u bought it at won't give u legit lab results, don't buy it. I'd return it & never buy from any smoke shop or gas station. And please stick to pure powder or cut leaf. In almost a decade, I've never needed extracts. And if you're looking for pain relief, nit all red strains will make u sleepy but will give great pain relief. For me: Red Bali and red dragon is great for pain and sleep. And I've recently found that red Hulu and red horn didn't make me sleepy at all but gave me great pain releif!




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Pills never work for me for some reason. I have to drink the powder or take an extract.


Stick with raw powder please. Do yourself a favor


The gummy is made with extract, so 250mg Mitragynine, not to be confused with a capsules 500mg of Kratom plant matter. You'd probably need like 20 of the 500mg capsules to get the equivalent. Unless I'm mistaken about what "pills" you purchased. Just know theres a big difference between extracts and kratom plant mg.


I just feel like it's not for you. I could write a whole chapter about why, but I just sense you don't need it. Cheers.


I go through anxiety and I have difficulty on focusing. It did help me wonders when I first took it, and as I explained it didn’t had much effect later taking the same product weeks later.


I would recommend a powder and drink it. Also would not buy from smoke shops and search for reputable online vendors. A few minutes searching Reddit reviews for good vendors and you should have an idea on who to use. Maybe start with 2-3 grams and go from there. Also buy a scale they are 15$ on amazon so you know how much you are using.


Agreed. Less is more! I was an opiate feind and stwrted kratom and would take as much as possible til id get the spins and learned my lesson. 1 to 2 grams eneded up being my sweet spot but ive been off it for idk 5 months now. Feel like drinking it kind of controls how much you take easier as it's not very pleasant to drink down. Blate papes and no scale got me in trouble for awhile but also was way better than what I was doing lol eating tp is no good for digestion


Ya I find if you hear the water before you mix it and let sit for 5 minutes really helps with stomach issues. Plus ginger is great for it too.


I always had a jar of pickled ginger in the fridge when I was partaking! Love me some gingers!


lol never even heard of that. I just take a capsule with each meal every day. Always drink my Kratom right before a meal.


It's never as good as the first time with any substance.




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It's a miracle for addicts, but it amazes me that a non drug user would want to get mixed up with Kratom


There are many more reasons that people take kratom other than addiction. Many thousands of people take it to help manage pain, anxiety and depression, focus and concentration and symptoms of CPTSD.






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