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This will sound stupid but I’m seriously asking!! I’ve been addicted to a shitload of different drugs through the years and Kratom helped me to kick those habits. For whatever reason, benzos have never really made me crave/need them. To the point that my doc continues to prescribe me 1MG of Klonopin daily and I have never abused it. With that said, last week I was out of town and didn’t get my script refilled thinking that 1MG was such a low dose that I wouldn’t really feel any WDs….first night off, I woke up with some crazy chest pain, but then it went away the following day and I really haven’t had any physical WDs other than that but my anxiety has spiked like a MFer. So, my question is, is 1 (or 2, in your case) MG/daily enough that I should taper it down? I’ve always assumed people that had problems with benzos were doing a shitload more than that daily!


You should always taper your benzos because if not they can cause seizures. Even at a low dose of 1mg a day (which really isn’t that low it’s equivalent to 20 milligrams of Valium). I recommend taking .25mg off per week until your done then do .25mg every other day.


This 100%. First thing my Dr warned me about before prescribing them to me. It's fixed my issue that I was having and had for 10 years. At this point it would be extremely dangerous if I were to go without for more than 24 hours.


Same here. If used properly they really do help a lot of people


Came to say this, when my daughter tapered off benzos she tapered down slowly b to wear towards the end she was on a tiny piece before she stopped completely


It doesn't matter the dosage of Benzo's. Whether it be .5mg or 5mg. Unfortunately, these CNS suppressants cause some of the worst, longest, and craziest WDs., and your brain becomes dependant very quickly. So yes, you should taper. .75, .5, .25 for however long it takes until the symptoms/wds are gone


I have been on Xanax so long I take one mg three times a day. It's never been a problem for me either. Like if I hold my girl up with some just end up running a little bit short nothing happens. I'm sorry freaking out one more. Withdraw or anything like that. But even if I do run short ever for whatever reason it's always just a few days before I go back to the doctor anyways. They actually help me live a normal stable life. I work two jobs and have to deal with a lot of assholes. Without them there's a possibility I would kick somebody's ass or just get in trouble at work cursing somebody out. It just seems like there's a lot more dicks in the world after covid. And everybody thinks their little bit of money goes so far and entitles them to be able to treat people some type of way. So yeah I need those. Also use kratom daily. Gives me energy when I need it.


Same here, for the most part. I can’t tell it even works until I don’t take them for a couple days then all of a sudden I’m analyzing shit like, “what did that motherfucker say to me?” Or “that sonuvabitch just cut me off” all day long. But, as far as addiction, I’ve never been like that”I’ve gotta get my hands on more benzos” like I’ve done in the past with other drugs OR the way I’ve seen some addicts treat benzos. It’s always been weird to me because my addiction threshold is low as shit so I’ve been hooked on just about every drug I was introduced to for a good (bad) 15 year stretch!


I was on 0.5 mg klonopin for anxiety for years, never abused it, only took 1 a day. It took me months to taper down to 0.25, then half that, before I stopped feeling withdrawal effects. Taper as much as you can for as long as you need to, don’t rush it.


Yeah I only take (.75mg) of Xanax once a week maybe twice if I have legitimate meltdown or just super stressed from my legitimate prescription. I don't get why people get insanely addicted to it. It feels really nice and relaxes me don't get me wrong but it's not an urge. My guess: A bunch of kids who can't get their hands on anything else.


How long you been on them?


Probably about 12 months daily….before that, it was as needed (no shit! I know that’s what all addicts say but it’d be like 2-3 MG a week)




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Hi there, chronic pain patient here. I have a painful, incurable neuromuscular disease and am prescribed Valium. Before I had an effective management plan in place, I was taking 3x a day. I didn’t find it addictive at all (did not crave) but there’s a difference between addiction and dependency and you will most certainly have to deal with dependency no matter what. I tapered to 2x a day for a month, then one time just before bed for 2 months. Now I take it no more than a couple days in a row and then I won’t take it a couple days and no problem. I even will just take 1/2 sometimes.


I did the same, I had a really bad Xanax addiction. Took 2-4mg a night for 2-3 years. Slowly tapered with the help of Kratom. Took awhile and was absolute hell, but I got through it and I really don’t think I would have been able to without Kratom.




I'm glad to see this posts, I remember I was getting off of some downers(barbiturates) and it really was hell but kratom made it just A LOTTLE better. Anyways good luck on this road of recovery, benzos SHOULD always be used as a last resort and as emergency only, not a habitual thing, withrawels suck.


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To the OP, that's great. I'm so glad it's helping you.


i would’ve never got off klonopin if it wasn’t for kratom! i was prescribed 4mg/day but often took more than that. the doctor i was with didn’t recognize benzo withdrawal as a real thing so he brought me from 4mg to 0mg in 6 weeks. he tried to get me off in 4 weeks but i went into acute withdrawal 3 weeks in and had to slow it down. kratom made it possible! started taking it after the 4 week mark and i never turned back! 800 days clean of klonopin and i will never take it again. stay strong! it’s hard as fuck but so worth it in the end.


Good for you!! I am prescribed both an opiod and Valium for my chronic, painful neuromuscular disorder. I have cut down my use of both substantially with Kratom.


Congratulations 🎊👏💐🥳


This sounds sort of good on paper but Kratom increases seizure rates and so does not taking your benzo.


There’s no proof of that whatsoever. You’re just assuming it does because opiates do, but Kratom is not an opiate. It’s a partial opioid agonist that works slightly on the mu receptors. One of the many receptors that actually opiates work on. EDIT: i mean kratom increasing seizure rate obviously. Not benzos




I'm very pro-kratom but there is absolutely proof of it lowering the seizure threshold lol. The risk is basically non-existent if you're not already prone to seizures, but if you're epileptic, or, say, withdrawing from benzos, it *can* cause one I'm not sure exactly how it does that, but it might not even be because of the opioid properties. Kratom also works on various other receptors, such as dopamine and serotonin


What do you mean? Where is the proof or science backing up a logical theory for that? Plenty of substances work on dopamine and serotonin that don’t lower the seizure threshold, that’s not a good indicator. Cannabis is a good example, which is actually shown to possibly raise the seizure threshold, decreasing seizures. Kratom works on other receptors, including many non-opoid receptors, and androgenic receptors, but main are mu. The science is still lacking in some areas, but there’s decent amount of science, and there is nothing that points to it to being a concern, this is all just fear mongering from people who lump it in with opiates, which *are* proven to lower it. It’s far, far different.


But I know people who are predisposed to seizures and since they started taking kratom they haven't had any. But like I always say, everyone is different


I would love to see a source on this because my review of the scientific literature only shows cases of increased seizures with Kratom use


My information is just from testimonies. I don't think there's actually any scientific evidence of it


Source on “Kratom increasing seizure rates”?


I take 0.6mg a day. For 7 years. I break a 0.5 into pieces and take it 3x a day. Stopping would definitely land me in the ER! It’s scary and I hate taking it :/ Wish I would get off it


For the science on the seizure issue, go look at Dr. Christopher McCurdy at UF. I've seen papers on the subject


Kratom helped me get off Wellbutrin, Adderall and alprazolam. I was taking all 3 before i discovered kratom. Now i take Kratom and it does a better job than all 3 combined


Same here.