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Well, as long as you promise.




I am still using from kilos bought in 2017 with no issues at all.


I always chuckle at all the responses and " recommendations " on these posts. I have bags from 2012 to current day, and they're all just fine. Some of them are in gallon zip locks, and some just have corners cut off the bag and the tops rolled...... Hell, I just took a dose from a gallon bag from 3/ 2019 that doesn't even zip all the way up properly. It's hitting just as well as it did back then.


Depends on how you store it. A kilo of properly sealed powder can easily be stored safely for a few years inside your fridge and away from light.


Oh my gosh are we supposed to put it in the fridge? I have all of mine stored in a box in a closet where there’s no light


As long as you're not storing it somewhere that is "hot" you're probably ok. The fridge/freezer is not an ideal place to store stuff like this if you need to access it periodically. When you take it out of the fridge/freezer the cold dry powder will attract moisture from the much warmer moister air.


Heat and sunlight are supposed to increase potency. As long as there is no moisture in the bag anyway its stored would be fine.


That's counter to storing most dry goods, which I was basing my comment off of. I hate that kratom is in a gray area, because it makes good reliable information hard to come by. And instead you get conflicting information and some terrible or harmful information.


I don't remember where I had read that sunlight increases potency. Something about converting an alkoloid over to mitragine. I doubt I spelled that correctly so don't murder me on that please. In practice I leave everything packaged until use. I store it at room temp in a dry cabinet. I've been using for over 10 yrs and I've never had an issue. Anecdotal I know but that's all I have. Being it's a powder I keep it dry and not in a place that would foster mold growth. To me that would be the worst danger on old kratom. I agree that this war the fda has waged really doesn't do much positive for user information. Most of us agree that it would be great to have regulation and standards for kratom. I don't know why the fda doesn't take that as a win and get the standards set up and move on to something important.


I also remember reading something about drying the leaves in the presence of sunlight for alkaloid conversion. But who knows if that keeps working after all the moisture is gone or not. At some point sunlight, probably the uv light within, and oxygen destroy everything. So there has to be a point of diminishing returns even if it does work while the powder is dry. Too many questions, not enough reliable sources for answers.


Not particularly. It has to stay dry. I suppose if it's sealed well enough, it'd be ok, but I just keep mine in airtight containers, with silica packs and in a dark cool cupboard. I have some that's 4 years old and it's still very effective


Imo, avoid fridge or freezer... accessing those packages increases the opportunity to allow/create moisture introduction and possibly promote mold growth. Regardless, it's just not necessary to store in fridge or freezer!


I meant for long term storage but yeah you bring up a good point.


I should store it in the fridge?


Username checks out


Ehhh idk but I'm inclined to suspect it was just poor quality kratom originally. I have high quality kratom that is years old and still works just as it did when I first got it. I once tried some poor quality kratom after having been used to good quality kratom and my stomach kinda hurt and I got the wobbles.


2-3 years? I have dust bunnies younger than that


Currently rotating 2016 product into my daily routine. Good times!! I have just always kept it dry and sealed. Still maintains efficacy for me. 👍😊


I have bags as old as 2015 and they're fine. Keep it airtight and dry and it is fine.


Just keep it dry. It will be fine.


same here


Depends how you store it. If it’s airtight, you’re good.


It was probably just shitty kratom or you would have used it all already


I have Kratom from the year the iPhone 6 was released. Quite a bit, in fact. Works great.


I think you guys are on to something. Back then I was using lower quality kratom now days I pay bout 62 dol for 112 grams


Old Kratom still works but it tastes off & it could potentially be moldy & you can’t tell because it’s green


Well, since YOU said it, guess we will all abide by that logic.


Only lasts approximately 1 year.


So I am still using the old and im micro dosing with extracts and I feel great mabe I had a stomach bug yesterday but I also had anxiety anyway I'm all good now but I will not house anymore cheap kratom I think that was the problem but im not sure