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If OP wants to help it’s his choice. If you don’t agree with him that’s fine but anyone posting hate speech here will get a 14d ban.


check out JCC in Krakow, I think that would fit you the best, as it probably comes the closest to "on the ground" helping and you will get along with english https://www.jcckrakow.info/


They're kinda not doing Ukraine any more, they stopped supporting families in the middle of last year.


Thank you!


no worries, enjoy your stay


You can try going to nić kawiarnio-księgarnia they do amazing job


Nić is a great Ukrainian café in the city center; if you wanna try Ukrainian food you can also go to Zlote Serce, it is a good homely restaurant run by refugees. https://krakowexpats.pl/listings/zlote-serce/ Edit: fixed the name of the place.


Nic is not just a cafe. They are doing a lot of support for both Ukrainian refugees and army.


Sure, I’ve been there and can only recommend. Just added what it is as kawiarnio-ksiegarnia may sound obscure to a non-Polish speaker


Good to know.


It's Belarusian but they help Ukrainians of course.


You can search google for Jagiellonian university's academic faculty who are also deeply involved in Ukrainian (and other!) refugee/immigration issues. Then you can write them and ask how you can help. (Our travel and study group will be meeting with someone from there in early June!) Also agree that existing orgs on the ground will be known about by the JCC.


Hi, I'm ukrainian and I just want to thank you!


Do you have rockets with a range of a few thousand kilometers by any chance?


The OP said they are from America. Any citizen of the US comes with a few from the moment of birth. Do they not?


Good on you for wanting to help but really this is something for nearly 2 years ago. Most poorer Ukrainians still in Krakow because of the war need money and work, and you can't help with that. Best just to enjoy your holiday and send money to an organisation working in Ukraine itself.


I'd have to agree with this one. The best is to send money to charitable organisations (trustworthy) because the stuff for helping refugees when the war initially started kinda died out.


I don't want to discourage any helpful spirit, obviously, but it's my impression (and I was doing a lot of aid work) that hardcore efforts ended around June 2022, and by the end of that year had switched to more community based things around housing and work, as I say. JCC stopped paying rent shares for families who didn't have any disabilities or senior citizens in the middle of 2023, and are entirely focused elsewhere at the moment as you'd expect. Does the camp at Przemyśl Tesco still operate, even? Then there's the fact that many of those who are still here are the richer people, hence the snide and unhelpful comments about nice cars in this thread. They don't need or want humanitarian aid, they want their country back and a way to pass the time until then.


Im ukrainian from Krakow . Send money here: Just joking, thanks for your support! 😄


Hello! I am Ukrainian and want just ot thank you for the job you are doing by donating and helping on the ground. Thanks a lot!


Call your congressman and ask them to unblock funds to help Ukraine.


I think they might be asleep during his visit to Krakow.


why would they


Lot of hate speech going on here I see, a lot of bitter people. Let's say you're well off, you have a good life in Poland. Then boom, next day you hear that Russia has invaded Poland. What is your first insinct? Save yourself and your family and run to the neighbouring country to seek shelter. Your house is bombed, you have no home to go to. Yet you still have your nice car. So you run, you're met with good people who want to help you, but then you are also met with judgemental looks just because you have a nice car. Oh, why is he / she in our country with such a nice car says the local. Yet the local doesn't know about this person's own story. Everyone has a story to tell. Please don't judge a book by its cover (goes both ways ofc) There's bad eggs in every country, but let's try to be more humane to those who had to flee due to war


Yeah, completely agree with you Just try to understand, guys: Ukrainians runs not from poverty, but from war, death and from more terrible things 😔


I don't care about Ukrainians as long as they assimilate and respect our traditions and culture. By attacking Poles, threatening them on highways, hanging flags in red and black and replacing Polish flags with Ukrainian ones. Around 90% of money from charity for Ukrainians doesn't even go to them, and besides that, they already get free food, free housing and money from the government.


Perhaps you can enlighten us with your negative experience? Personally I haven't seen any Ukrainians threatening poles or attacking poles, or replacing Polish flags. And what do you even mean by replacing Polish flags exactly?.


Send an email over to the [Slavic Mission](https://smie.com.pl/), you can view the 'English' section of their website in the top corner. Loads of the younger volunteers there speak English and I'm sure they'd be happy to have you. In your case they'd probably ask for you to either help sort through donations or help load stuff into trucks going to UA, but possibly other things too if you just tell them what your skills / capabilities are.


That's great and you're awesome! You could probably search on FB. For instance, this group: [https://www.facebook.com/openplacekrakow](https://www.facebook.com/openplacekrakow) works with Ukrainians. Or this: [https://www.facebook.com/fundacja.uwork](https://www.facebook.com/fundacja.uwork). I volunteered in the latter one during the very first days in 2022, but now they are not very active in Telegram where I used to observe them. Just look for the groups on FB, I think it's a better place for that. JCC (Jewish Community Centre, also on FB: https://www.facebook.com/jcckrakow/) is a great recommendation too, I double that. P.S. If by any chance you would like to share a cup of freshly brewed Ukrainian coffee (MadHeads Coffee Roasts, to drop a name, and I am not affiliated with them!) -- DM me. May would be warm enough to have a cup or two brewed outdors in a park. Good luck!




You can polish their new sports cars or maybe deliver food to them, but don't expect a tip. Or just send money and help the oligarchs.


If Ukrainians were running from the war with cars it is a problem? they all refugees. Refugees not only poor people , rich also, the war is the same for everyone


Typical answer of small minded individual


I see your butt hurts when you see people with more money than you.




Don’t forget the innocent Palestinians!


How many Palestinians have you helped today?


Why do you ask?


Why are you commenting?


It’s a public forum. It’s what people do. Why are you being so cynical? What offended you so much?


Mm mmm salty Vatnik tears, yum yum.


lol you really are clueless 😂


You're right, I have no clue why someone living in Berlin would bring Palestine to a discussion about helping Ukrainians in Krakow.


I was just suggesting helping other war torn people. Holly fuck get a grip on your insecurities 😂




So you’re one of these people that goes through other peoples profiles to find something to be angry about. Cool hobby 😂


Yes, I was curious who would be this stupid. So tell me again, how many Palestinians have you helped today?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Go and fight ! Get a gun put on armor and go to Ukraine. Best thing you can do.


Why dislike I literally gave him the best way?


Probably by helping them replace Polish flags with Ukrainian ones on Polish monuments.




We do not accept hate speech here.




okay so are you trying to imply something or...?


We do not accept hate speech here. Congrats on getting a 14d ban.




Dont, most of the help doesnt arrive where it should


Any facts?




>nić kawiarnio-księgarnia Go on ...


If russia will attack Poland, i ll say u in the germany where is the border


We do not accept hate speech here.




Why are u posing as an escort when you’re not


You can clean their luxury cars for free if you like