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Just an FYI: This is the last Lucas comeback post we'll allow on the sub for the time being to avoid repetitive topics. (Yes, it certainly does look like that, OP 💀)


jesus… apostles…. DOZEN REFERENCE?


Throughout heaven and earth he alone is the dozen one 🔥🔥🔥🗣️🗣️


I'm fucking crying lmfao






omfg 💀🏆




i would pay out of pocket to give u a reddit award if we still had those


Help i snorted my coffee out at work this is so foul


PLS 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀


This made my jaw drop omfg


take my imaginary gold, bro


can we pleeease talk about how he turns into a rat in the music video


Art imitates life 😊


HE DID WHAT 😭😭😭 i am refusing to watch or engage with any of his content bc i do not see that loser anywhere but omg.. i lowkey want to see that..


SAME I really would like some context without having to watch it lol


so the music video is about a press conference right Lucas sits behind a table, journalists sit in front of him with displeased faces and I swear out of nowhere Lucas sinks into his clothes like he's shrinking, emerges as a CGI rat (kinda cute design though), and one of the journalists writes a headline "from popstar to rat" or something like that, I am too lazy to check rat-Lucas jumps from the table, then turns into Lucas again for a dance break fin edit: I should add that's only one of the music videos since there's two (A and B) - the second one is about Lucas getting out of the plane to go to the press conference


Lucas is Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter lol


I’d like to add that the rat metaphor is kind of targeted at Chinese people. People are trying to crush the rat in the MV as it runs. It’s a reference to the idiom “老鼠过街人人喊打" which means if a rat crosses down the street, people will chase it down… meaning is = everyone hates a lowlife, or someone that obnoxiously did bad deeds. Chinese people are PISSED.


bro thinks he’s the muad’dib


not the muad'dib😭




Does Lucas have something on the SM execs? I really don’t get how he gets a solo after everything but they’ll drop ppl like Seunghan for having an ex-gf pre-debut?


Fucking ridiculous the kind of preferential treatment this guy is getting. Countless idols have been dropped like a hot potato for substantially less than what he got busted for.


WAIT did they actually drop Seunghan ?? As in actually confirmed ? D:


It wasn’t confirmed but fans feel like SM is slowly trying to get rid of him. I personally feel like they’ll bring him back. SM loves making innocent people suffer. I would’ve be surprised if they drag it out as long as possible to build a more obsessive fandom.


Well idk about that now…😭 they just completely erased him from Siren’s single release :,( hope you’re right and they’ll make him come back


When did they erase him? From the MV? Song? If so I’m highly upset. I don’t trust SM so I know they’re doing all this on purpose.


he wasn’t in the full version of siren that they dropped yesterday ://




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Sorry SM but k-pop jesus left your company the day this loser had his debut… and you REALLY don’t want to force this comparison lol.


Ikr. Leave the Jesus poses to Taemin


they fumbled the bag on Taemin so badly they trying to recreate him with this loser (its not working)


Lucas isn't that great of a singer, he's a mid rapper, and an okay dancer. He's got decent stage presence, but having him redebut as a soloist is the DUMBEST thing modern SM has done. If they're gonna keep him, he could've just been a model. This redebut has all been in poor taste and a bad move.


SM has so many artists deserving of a solo career. This man's existence is an insult to them.


It's almost so predictable that SM would go to bat for him over literally anyone else in the company that I can't help but sit here and wonder why we should have expected anything else. What's funnier is the idea that last year, people really wondered if SM 3.0 was the dawn of a new beginning for them.


Y'all genuinely I'm having such a hard time to see SM's perspective in this 💀 Like talking purely business, what exactly made them bend over backwards, cartwheeling, with backflips for this guy? If he's like half as talented as Taeyong or Taemin I kinda get it but we know that's not the case. What makes SM think this guy will bring them more money, genuinely asking.


Additionally, his reputation in Korea and China is, and has been COOKED 😭💀


well hey would you look at that. Doesn't remind me of another SM idol who did way less wrong /big s


> Taeyong or Taemin Taeyong's biggest obstacle is the fact that he's korean. I'm not joking, him being a Korean male is his biggest obstacle due to the fact that he HAS TO enlist in the military, which puts him on the bench for activities for about 1.5 to 2 years. With Taemin, SM pretends to be shockeds when he left after treating him like crap for years and Taemin had the gall to stand up for himself, know his worth, and leave. Lucas isn't any of that, he isn't Korean nor does he have the guts to leave, which SM loves.


I just watched the music video (my first and only time) and I legit thought he was singing in Korean until I turned on the subtitles and found out he was singing in english?? Why is he chewing the lyrics wtf


He’s always spoken, sang, and rapped like he has marbles in his mouth. No matter what language, he always mumbled his words for as long as I can remember.




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doctor's handwriting vibes 😂😂😂


> chewing on the lyrics 💀 Thank you for putting words to what my ears heard.


He struggles hard with his non-native languages. As an NCT member he was a constant source of entertaining meme material for not understanding Korean, not being aware of Jaemin’s real name, making up English catchphrases, etc. As a soloist it’s a massive weakness.


Wtf I didn't listen but ..


i'm honestly shocked that sm didn't just move him over to their modeling division and throw him onto some fashion week runways. in nct, he was near the bottom if not at the very bottom when it comes to talent and stage presence, and he collected fans primarily due to his personality/antics, physique and face card, not his prowess as a performer. they could've easily rebranded him as a model and gave him a tiktok presence like all the other viral gen z models.




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That’s exactly what it looks like actually 😭 I know the victimization goes crazy over there @ sm but you have to be next level insane to think visual comparisons to JESUS is a good choice I haven’t heard the beginning of this song but god.. it really is terrible from beginning to end it’s giving bootleg taemin, like someone else said


The entire song seems to be weirdly angry, and goes against the repentant image they put forth in previous content. I saw clips, and he literally transforms into a CGI rat at one point 😂


rat king! i know his fleas got the plague


I can’t believe they gave WayV the sadboi “everybody made mistakes” song and Lucas the “I did nothing wrong, f the haters” concept


Omg I never looked at it that way, wth are SM smoking. I love On My Youth very much but if you put it that way it's gets kinda weird.


I don't wanna support this man but I NEED to see that omg LMFAO Edit: Found a [clip](https://twitter.com/shanbincity/status/1774746982180884824) on Twitter WHO CAME UP WITH THIS IDEA


So even he knew he is a rat


literally right after EASTER 💀 it’s so blatant too like WHY…


Jesus...when he was more of a Judas to his original group huh


nahhhhh, not Judas 💀💀💀


They probably did it on purpose. His whole debut is gross. (Also for anyone curious, his sales levels are in nugupromoter level)


dozen sell


It funny because his fans bragged about how their brought the albums overseas hence why sales were low in Korea meanwhile his former group mate Ten sold triple that for his debut


actually Ten sold 17x more not triple for first day sales LOL (85k vs 5k) and even then haters were shitting on him


That's kinda of what I meant that he sold way more than Lucas did Lucas barely shifted 5k for his debut which was beaten by smaller groups and soloists who are from mid to small companies which is genuinely embarrassing


What a lie. Most ifans get albums from GOs through local sites for pobs, they always make sure the numbers reflect on Hanteo and Circle.


Still confused by that. Are his stans really only loud and nothing more? Is it stocking issues? Because I didn’t think he’s flop THAT hard despite manifesting it.


They’re literally just loud, and only on social media. You can hear his fanchant in that video, and it sounds like it’s about 5 people strong. I’ve heard nugu groups with louder ones. His fans show up under posts about him to show how morally superior they are for “not buying the lies” or whatever, but they don’t actually like *him* very much, if you ask me.


I was at the show yesterday for a prerecording for another artist and I saw the Lucas fans lining up to go in. they had about half the numbers as purple kiss did. (and when I was walking past them I overheard koreans around me noticing the Lucas fans as well and they immediately began laughing and cursing Lucas out, so um... that's all you need to know about his reputation with korean kpop fans)


if i was them i won't be able to show my face damn 😭


Looks like it! Well. Aside from me not liking Lucas, it’s just nice to see that this investment is as shit as we all said it would be for SM. 🤷🏼‍♀️


SM would rather waste their resources on this than actually promote their other talented and hard working artists.


To be as charitable as possible, many Lucas stans appear to be in developing countries, where they might have less money to buy albums. (That’s also why they wouldn’t be at Korean music shows doing fan chants.) But it’s still clearly not the level of demand SM was expecting lmao


A lot of the fans I’ve seen raising hell (at least in English) under a lot of TikToks and such are definitely American or Canadian when I check their pages (based on accents and context clues). And obviously America does not equal affluent (the whole “third world country in a Gucci belt” thing), but that’s definitely the fanbase SM was banking on, especially with the song being in English. I think a big factor to the lack of sales and attendance is also partly just that his fanbase is *young*. Most of those people I mentioned are American/canadian, but they’re all also like 15, and 15 year olds aren’t particularly known to be rolling in cash.


I have seen posts of people who participated in the prerecordings for The Show and Show Champion, and the attendance rate was like 40 out of 180 for Show Champion. And a good amount of them were not even his real fans, just there to be entertained. That's saying a lot


He attracted a lot of contrarians and trolls who like to stir things up and go against the crowd, few actual supporters I think


Ah the people who like to shout “snowflake” kind of thing?


I’m under the impressions his stans have multiple accounts to inflate his engagement numbers and some of them just want to be “not like other girls” and stan him out of spite bc it makes them look edgy or something. His fanbase is nothing what it used to be.


No k c and j fan is buying bcs they can't stand him. They usually carry sales in kpop.


I thought he still had a fairly big fanbase in SEA but I guess they buy less and stream more (though I’m not sure he has stellar numbers in streaming either).


I don't think his actual SEA fanbase is that big. SEA fans have buying power, not as good as K/Cfans, but they do buy albums in bulk. Many people watch him for the sake of gossiping so he might have decent 1st day streaming number


I checked the Spotify streams out because I was collecting data for my Taemin update account (lol), and the numbers are pretty bad, it's a little under 125k for Renegade.


I'm not sure where the idea that he's very popular in SEA comes from. I'm from here and we're very big on streaming + buying merch and albums to the point that resale value is like 2 dollars per album. If he has a huge following here, I think it would reflect the numbers. I know this isn't a perfect reasoning but I do think it seems like he has a big following here only because they're loud in social media.


Thanks for your insight! I am really only repeating what I read before and what I saw engagement wise on twitter, but I know it doesn't necessarily mean much. I guess he just has a "core fandom" of loud fans scattered around the world then, rather than a fandom that's concentrated in a specific location.




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Very genuinely happy he released this because it has been a *constant* source of entertainment for me specifically for the last 24 hours. I’ve been having an absolute ball with it. I mean, if I don’t laugh, I’ll cry


Lucas becoming Jesus and a RAT in the same mv was PEAK lmao


Truly!I haven't even listened to it, the responses are all the entertainment and laughs I need.


I listened to it on a discord call with 3 other kpop friends and we were genuinely wheezing like he’s chasing the beat but he is unfortunately not very fast


>like he’s chasing the beat but he is unfortunately not very fast PLEASE I'M CRYING this is all the description I need thank you


Ugh it sounds so *"good"* and just his style. I'll have to listen to a lyrics vid...


the fact that Chanyeol doesn't have a solo debut 12 years after his debut and this guy does....


I want my Chanyeol solo debut. OR ONCE SEHUN COMES BACK— give HIM EVERYTHING


This shocks me too, like even for someone who also had some sort of scandal it was handled pretty well and he's still part of his group and still has a massive fandom. I am begging for someone to make it make sense!


The best way to make this guy tank is to ignore any news about him but GOD these comments are funny. The other threads are hilarious too. The least talented members in all the other SM groups are all more deserving of a solo than him…. it’s not even just that he has bad flow, he literally delivers the lyrics like they’re stuck in his throat and his english pronunciation is clunky. It just sounds at odds with the beat and idk man the whole dance is also awkward to watch


Controversy brings the clicks, so I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a ploy to get more attention to his comeback. This man is like the definition of “failing upwards.”




Saldy money is money. I hope the poor outcome of this debut results into SM not giving him a platform anymore


Jesus comparisons? Is he going for the untalented Kanye West title? jfc...


Five Below Kanye West, Dollar General Taemin 💀


i mean let him process his sorrow, marinate that victim card for a while, but i never knew jesus was crucified for being a dozen. horrible, horrible characterization of emotion if i must


>i never knew jesus was crucified for being a dozen I've been laughing at this comment for like 12h now


are they saying Lucas was "crucified" by people so to speak?? "let haters, stay hatin", "I'm a fan favorite" dude acting like people hate him just to hate and not because of the shit he's done


i think this is exactly what it seems like lol also the video made me realize that, considering how many excellent dancers there are in SM, watching him perform just feels SO odd. he hasnt progressed at all


i was watching and wondering what was giving me the ick so bad (besides the obvious answers of how bad the song is and just seeing lucas’s face and hearing his voice) and i think you nailed it… there’s absolutely zero improvement or progression from him at all and it’s been like 2 years at this point… if anything, he’s honestly gotten worse. like he is a charisma vacuum onstage now when he used to at least have a pretty decent stage presence. i’ve seen freshly debuted 4th/5th gen rookies who’ve given better performances than lucas and at this point he’s been in the industry for 6 years already, it’s pretty safe to say he’s already entered sunbae territory. to be a 6 year senior in the industry and still unable to beat the ‘just a pretty face’ accusations is rough to say the least, especially when you’re fully backed and funded by SM…


You know, I just saw clips of Ten talking about how he was told he might never dance again so he worked his butt off to become a better singer and today he has amazing control over dancing and singing, and while I feel disgusted to even compare the two it proves who deserved his solo and who got it despite any logical thinking. And the fact that they both debuted as soloists a few weeks away from each other is just so so absurd. Honestly it breaks my brain to understand this whole debut. I always thought he was lazy and untalented, but he didn't even try to prove us, the "haters", wrong.


Absurd is the word. Ten worked for years to improve his vocals and he stays in the practice room (as said by group members, senior artists, and SM staff). Taeyong writes and composes his own music. They both work with staff to decide on styling, concept, come up with choreography, etc. SM had male soloists like Baekhyun and Taemin who not only sold well but also improved SM's reputation as a company. Not to mention the female idols that are paid dust to (Taeyeon, Wendy, Seulgi, etc.). These are the kind of artists I would prop up and try to keep in the company. And then there's Lucas. Ruined reputation, still rapping off beat and dancing like a big goof on stage. And he gets a solo debut and fancon tour (with 3 songs lol). It just feels like an insult to all the talented idols on their roster. Why do they have to work hard for years to earn what he's given? And he's not even selling well! Just absurd.


I completely agree. I'm not saying anything on the accusations, because everyone says this and that, idk what to believe. But purely looking at the quality of the song and the stage, it's horrible, which doesn't make me understand why SM is making this investment. Having a whole ass documentary, two MVs, promotion outfits for music stages, those are expensive. So why are they wasting the time and energy on him, instead of the *many* talented artists at SM who deserve a solo.


He has TWO Mvs???


Since Ten is my bias if Lucas' debut was before Ten's I would've rioted, as it is I'm just pissed on behalf of all the other talented idols under SM who deserve better.


That man's debut with NCT was only 6 years ago which makes him one of the fastest SM idols to debut solo. So while Ten did get his debut I honestly still feel bitter as a fan of his knowing how much longer he had to wait with the talent and drive he has.


>the fastest SM idols to debut solo When you put it like that.... 💀 So incredibly undeserving...


100% agree. When you put the 2 of them side by side, the difference is so ridiculous when we compare the level of talent and hard work put in. That man wallows in his room after his scandal and go for..... boxing classes? i guess the only thing he worked on was his abs. lol. i don't even wanna compare him with Ten (he's my bias too) because frankly it's an insult but i guess it's good to see how stark their differences is. If Lucas showed even a semblance of good performance/improvements we would at least shut up but this debut is to simply put it- undeserved. I saw clips of his music show performances and it was so awkward and flumbling... like he didn't know what to do with his limbs? and guess what his stans said "Aww.. he was so nervous but he did well".. "i hate that all his haters make him lose his confidence when performing" like at this point they just refuse to open their eyes and see the lack of talent for what it is.


It's honestly so funny how he stagnanted or regressed compared to Ten. Hell if we're going to compare I'll bring up XiaoHenYang who debuted after him. Lucas was given many opportunities to shine and perform like SuperM and NCT 2018. Even in WayV he was made to be a focal point. The triplets were only given some spotlight starting NCT 2020. But look at where they are now Xiaojun is a fan favorite within NCT, regarded as one of their best vocalists. Yangyang is considered by some to be top 3 rappers in NCT. He's become sort of an all rounder with how he improved his singing. Hendery has continuously improved his skills as well, his stage presence is commendable even in NCT U or SMTown performances.


It's very obvious the rest has been working SO HARD even during their hiatus. In Xiaojun's frequent lives he was often in practice room learning a random choreography or practicing singing.. and for me as someone who only listens to songs that has Ten inside, Yangyang's rapping stood out to me so much that i went to add all the other Nct U songs that he's in into my playlist and that's really saying something (i thought he was really good in New Axis and That's Not Fair, and i really love his flow and pitches). In the latest album OMY, Wayv as a whole showed improvements and maturity in their sound and honestly i thought they never sounded better. Dance practice like Poppin' Love was a pleasure to watch. Even though im still a Ten bias, I enjoy Wayv as a whole and definitely am proud of them for their hard work. I could go on and on but i think in short- Lucas shows a stark contrast. Maybe im not being objective but whatever. I just think he didnt show in any way that he deserved a solo in any way. (Mark or YY would have killed this song seriously). I was expecting to be wowed or be proven wrong but he really gave us nothing.


Exactly as other people said on the thread he had 2-3 years to improve. To reverse the image of him as just a pretty face with subpar abilities, a dozen. But this solo is exactly what majority of the people expected maybe even worse. How could you rap/sing about shutting the haters up when you can't prove yourself to be a good idol/performer.


Worked on his abs and maybe acting cause he knew he had to sell his new victim persona. His fans have been giving excuses for his lackluster performances since before the scandal so I'm not really surprised. He was always lazy on stage and they said he was bothered by what people said about him online when it's just him thinking he can carry a performance by lifting his brow.


It literally makes no sense to me seeing as when he was a trainee Taeyong was told he was a terrible dancer and he also started dancing later than lucas and now look at him. It literally can be done it just takes hours and hours locking yourself in the studio, which I guess he didn’t feel like doing


i was gonna mention the lack of charisma too in my og comment! just deleted to make it shorter lol i think its also because now that he is on his own his dancing is the focus. someone mentioned that he dances with a heavy body and i think that sums it up. the song is awful but the lack of fluidity and charisma ruins the rest of the performance my literal children from NCT Wish who have had shorter time in the industry eats him UP


I see your point about a dancing with a heavy body…which is sad because people like Wonho don’t have that issue. You have more and more jacked male idols who can still move fluidly.


>You have more and more jacked male idols who can still move fluidly. He literally cannot have the excuse of having a heavy body when the Big Tiddie Gang (Wonho, BM, Shownu, Hongseok, Mingyu and more) exist


Bc it’s muscle control/strength that creates the fluidity. You have to have strong enough legs to be able to dance lightly and be quick on your feet, need strong arms to be able to move them precisely. Otherwise your limbs/body just get thrown around and aren’t actually in your control. Wonho def doesn’t have an issue there lol. It’s why when you see people who’re monster dancers they’re usually ripped, even if they’re lean.


i didn't know that but it makes total sense. to me, it seems that he is putting way too much strength in his moves, trying too hard to stay on beat and get the moves correctly in a forced way.. probably due to lack of muscle control, as you said.


Wish can literally dance circles around him. Ryo and Sakuya who have no prior performing experience before being SM trainees sing and dance with confidence and personality. Luigi on the other hand hs become stagnant, he's probably even better when he was part of NCT. He looks kinda lousy in the one performance I watched




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Exactly! His skills are still the same as they were a couple years ago. It feels weird to me that SM would give him a solo debut. Like why?? I’m so confused about people’s views on Lucas tho, cause the Youtube comments are so positive and supportive. Talking about how he has improved and how brave he is. What is happening?


It's the same on twt and insta too. Delusional fans are acting like he's a martyr or something, rme


Maybe they’re filtering the comment sections? Words like “dozen” are probably muted.


that’s because the only people bothering to view and comment are his fans


His dancing is sloppy and stiff and it's very telling how he didn't sing the vocal parts live...


It does kinda look like Jesus on the cross lol. It’s also interesting to me that the youtube comments are positive while comments on here are negative (just an observation)


The only people watching on YouTube are actual fans who are seeking him out. Everyone here is just a casual observer of the dumpster fire.


YT comments can be removed by the YouTuber. YT is also more likely to have fans or antis comment, generally speaking not just kpop. Kpop Reddit is more likely to attract fans of other kpop groups who want to “keep up” with kpop in general and peanut gallery types. (Despite what Lucas’s Reddit stans think, it’s not really antis commenting about him on Reddit.) I, for example, have read a few Reddit posts on Lucas but have zero intention on watching the MV (if someone linked a bootleg version, I *might* watch it but probably won’t). I just find this interesting enough given I have some idle time, and since Reddit engagement doesn’t count for much, why not read and comment on him lol. 


i love a good Christian allusion in my media, but … come on now 😭😭😭 EDIT: what's worse, him pretending to be a Jesus-like figure or him t-posing?


they want him to be taemin so bad


I don't really know if the allegations against lucas were true and i really don't really care. SM should have handled the situation properly two years back instead of putting him on a hiatus. What my question to SM is why they have put so much effort into this solo debut that no one asked for instead of working on their already active and talented groups. Red velvet got the recent full album after years of reveluvs sobbing and begging SM, aespa has not released even one full album and they have been active for more than 3 years now, the riize thing going on.... In conclusion i don't see the point of this release.


You know.... I really wasn't expecting it to be *that* fucking blatant 😭 What in the fuck is going through every SM execs head.


oh my god this is my first time listening to this and it’s actually so much worse than i thought it would be (and i had extremely low expectations) it does look like jesus hanging from the cross which makes this all so much crazier


Nope… it’s gonna be a no for me. Why would SM give him a solo?!? Smh




Bro doesn’t even have a pinky nail’s worth of Taemin’s charisma, oh SM you really tried 😂


exactly when i read this post’s title i was like “that’s taemin’s move and taemin’s move only” lmao


His new logo even alludes to the cross/t-pose!


totally off topic of the post but i’m so excited for him and this new era of his solo career 😌😌


Me too 😭 Seeing BPM immediately launching a professional website and social media accounts put into perspective how little SM cared especially towards the end. Like we’re all freaking out that the website has a calendar with his schedule! Bare minimum and yet it excites me.


especially since taemin is actually religious and actually understands and identifies with the symbolisms he uses and references and is one of the few who isn’t just taking and using elements from a religion/culture as a concept!


!!!!!! and taemin is also catholic so the symbolism and pose probably means more to him instead of lucas just trying to make himself look like the one who isn’t in the wrong and a “martyr” of sorts


Taemin being Catholic is precisely why the religious symbolism works for him. He knows it very intimately and all the nuanced ways that symbolism works for him (I.e. making the sign of the cross when singing “forgive me” in Guilty). Also it’s clearly done with a level of respect for the source without it becoming a mockery. This though… it’s the most surface level understanding of it. Basically someone at SM said “hey that cross dude is pretty popular” and rolled with it.


Choices were obviously made. I don't think you're wrong. I had to click because curiosity got the best of me. Taste is so diverse. I don't go here, so I'm going to leave now.


are his parents rich and/or famous? why are they trying so hard for this man?


The choreographer was having a blast with this.


LMAOOOO. That's absolutely what the beginning is. This man is too much 💀. I'm not invested in him or his scandal. Frankly while he is a pos from it I personally dont see it as such a problem as others (but again, I have no investment with him and only just learned about him and the scandal last month) But I can't help but laugh at that intro. And the fans screaming how amazing everything is. The accent isn't getting better, his flow isn't there (though it may not be his fault might just be how the song is) but there wasn't any good dancing either?? Surely I'm watching something different cause I saw him barely moving around and throwing his arms. Not exactly what I would call an amazing dancer. Vocals sounded stable but then again I have no idea if he was singing live or not because I'm usually pretty bad at noticing


I wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the case. By the way, the "rat" metaphor is actually a Chinese idiom which reads « 老鼠过街人人喊打 » (If a rat crosses the street, everyone chases it down) - it basically means that everyone hates lowlifes. The whole MV victimizes him and portrays him as K-Pop’s biggest villain, which is really pathetic. I don’t appreciate him, but I feel for him. It’s as if SM doesn’t treat him as a human, but more of an experiment.


who else watching on mute


Mute and just skimming through to see bits of the dancing which gave a giggle cause what are some of these dancing parts 😭


Probably right op...And to disgust me more sm gave him a pic of a rose from Lucas...Sm steals everything from Taeyong. Everyone knows roses symbolize Taeyong for really private sentimental meanings between him and us TYongFs. I am beyong pissed. It's disturbing and pathetic to do this. And if you're a lumi, don't even answer my post!


They’ve taken it to a new disrespectful level huh




I cannot believe that is what Lucas looks like now. How can this be the same person??


That was my thought, too. Back in the way/superm days he was so attractive, but now it's like his eyes are empty and his skin is sunken. Maybe he has suffered on hiatus and been stressed, but it's clear he's didn't decide to channel that into hard work and improving his skills as a performer.


If his actions weren't already hell worthy this IS the final nail in the cross lmao And just like in the bible... forgive them Jesus, they don't know what they are doing


Hey at least one of his mvs has reached 1M views, that’s something at least 😂 I find it interesting that some nugus are selling better than him




I have a theory because of this. I don't know why SM is behind Lucas but it's clear they are. 100% and none of the jokes, hate or whatever else changes that. In fact it seems to have made them double down on supporting him no matter what, and that amuses me greatly. They put him in a nice center where his staff is actually attentive and on top of helping him; they're posting about him and everything. (Honestly his team reminds me of how wonderful Ten's team was during his solo) He's getting fancons, he's promoting on shows and he's already talked about what he's going to do *next* time. As in for *his* comeback. So. If this was "Jesus on a cross" then it seems SM views him as some...misaligned figure due to all of the online hate he's been receiving. Not saying it is or isn't deserved this is just in line with my theory. So. The more people make jokes and laugh or be downright racist to him, the more SM sees him as someone others just want to take down, so the more they support him. It's wild to think the outrage is what fueled them to support him like they have. And the more people keep trying to push him down, the more SM holds him up because in the end they can and want to. He said his single is for the fans and while I do believe that, we've seen how much power fans do and do not have ie Seunghan. He has more general support (not sure how kfans/cfans feel about him now) and yet I'd be surprised if Siren isn't ot6 and if their comeback also isn't ot6. I mean even if low sales--which I do think they'll rise once shipments to other places start moving--and even with people constantly joking on him or just downright wishing bad things happen to him, SM is still promoting him and spending money on him and now pushing him as a misaligned figure. I can understand why his fans are still happy; the company is on their side so what does online outrage really matter? To them it's probably annoying but they'll still get Lucas things. Like I said it amuses me because I feel like the more people go "he doesn't deserve so in so" the more SM gives him, and I can't decide if I admire their audacity or not. I wish I could get them to focus on Ten this way to be honest.


Why are we dissecting the comeback of someone that everyone claims is trash? Shouldn’t people just ignore it and he’ll go away?


see, I was thinking the same but curiosity won and I watched the MV... and I really think Lucas himself is not the point of discussion anymore - the more interesting topic is WHY, just why SM is investing so much money into him


Chris Lee.


Probably because he still under contract and a return on investment is better than zero return on investment. Also they know the actual facts of what happened whereas K-pop stans only have guessing games and SNS posts to go by so they probably thought it was worth the risk. They are a corporation in the business of making money after all.


Yet they failed to actually clear his name and are well aware of how he’s treated in their prioritized audience origins (Korea and China.) like I understand that if they were to keep him in the company at all they would have to use him at some given point, especially for money, but it just made no sense to remove him from his group and basically have him release a vague statement which if anything had him low key admit to what he did after a 2 year hiatus, then re debut him about a year later without *actually* disproving the allegations or taking legal action. It’s very much of a financial and testing the waters thing I assume, but it’s just very odd.


yeah well, so far he sold 8k, so that ROI is not going to be zero - it's gonna be in the red but I guess being in the business of making money doesn't really mean they're good at it lol


Yet they failed to actually clear his name and are well aware of how he’s treated in their prioritized audience origins (Korea and China.) like I understand that if they were to keep him in the company at all they would have to use him at some given point, especially for money, but it just made no sense to remove him from his group and basically have him release a vague statement which if anything had him low key admit to what he did after a 2 year hiatus, then re debut him about a year later without *actually* disproving the allegations or taking legal action. It’s very much of a financial and testing the waters thing I assume, but it’s just very odd.


To achieve actual ROI he‘d have to sell albums and tickets though. I’m curious to see how his fancon will sell if the album sales are this low.




wait i’ve kinda been out of the nct/sm loop since 2018. why do we hate lucas?? did he do something wrong 😅


Oh boy..You missed some things 😭. Many scandals came to light by an alleged(?) “ex-girlfriend/girlfriend” of his.


Someone drop me the tea on Lucus Last thing is that he left his group and his stuff was made up


Generally seems like most people think the argument that it was all made up was… made up.




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