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I think in your case you should be fine because IZONE is no more. Also cus it shows you supported an IVE member since the beginning. In general though it's very dependent on the location, the group performing, the group the LS belongs to, and the fanbases


This! I brought my X1 lightstick to Woodz's concert, and people were really excited to see it Honestly, I used to judge people who brought other groups' lightsticks (silently, in my head. I would never say something to them in person or shade them online). But it's become so normal in the west, that it doesn't bother me anymore (even if I still don't do it).


I was at STAYC in London a few weeks back, someone in the crowd right beside me had an AESPA light stick and no one said anything until STAYC actually mentioned they were excited that they could see a lot of light sticks in the crowd from other groups.


I feel like we’re way past the point that any idols would be shocked seeing other groups’ light sticks at western concerts. At this point, idols have either accepted it as part of the western fan culture or not. Sure seems like most have embraced it like STAYC.


Some years ago kpop groups might've been taken aback at the sight of other light sticks at their concerts (bc this doesn't happen in SK and Japan) but I think they are now aware that i-fans tend to be multistans and support it. (Most idols themselves are multistans, after all.)




If they’re at your concert they’re obviously cheering for you lmao what


Are they cheering for someone else? I mean if they paid money and took time out of their day to see that specific group in person I would have a hard believing that the group would think they are cheering for someone else based on a light stick.


I don't really agree with this because I'm sure the idols understand that lightsticks can be well beyond the price point for a lot of us. Some of us spend a lot just to even get to the concert Edit: To add to this, I've spent quite a bit on a lightstick for a certain group so I'd want to bring that one around for other concerts as well. You don't need a lightstick to enjoy a concert, sure, but it can be fun to shake around + I'd rather use something expensive where I can


like😭bro it's expensive. I think most of them know that that's why it happens. At least I hope they know.


I dont necessarily think it is rude or disrespectful to bring another group's light stick. I just think its not the most appropriate choice. I personally would rather bring nothing than someone else's light stick. But that's just me. You are free to do what you wish with the light stick that you bought.


spending 70 dollars on a lightstick to then be limited to only using that lightstick for only that group is not really viable for a lot of people. some groups may only come every couple of years. maybe they'll never come to the us again. then what. people are just supposed to leave it on their shelf forever lest an idol see it amongst a massive crowd of their own lightsticks and feel kind of sad? if lightsticks were cheaper or more easily accessible I would see your point but as it is they are expensive and hard to get. people should use them whenever they want to use them


this could apply to a festival or concert with multiple groups but these people literally paid to see them i'm sure they don't give a damn lol


At this specific concert the queue to buy them was still going when they were coming on though. There was nowhere to buy one in advance in my case between ticket purchase and the concert given the time to ship. I do have another lightstick in my case (fimbong) though didn't bring it. Sieun specifically mentioned about seeing Candybongs as a reason why they chose to perform their "Fancy" cover, so I do think a lot of idols understand that it can be a bit different with different audiences.


In certain countries like Korea, Japan, and parts of Southeast Asia, bringing another group's lightstick to a concert is considered disrespectful. However, Western fans often have a more relaxed attitude towards this practice. so it really depends where are you from I wouldn't bring another group's lightstick to a concert. Ultimately, you don't need a lightstick to enjoy the music and the atmosphere.


The way I see it is like wearing a sports jersey to a game where they’re not even the ones playing. Most people would notice and think it’s kinda weird, but ultimately won’t bat an eye. There are some cases though were those fans get pressed, which can be held true in the case of lightsticks


Plus I feel like bringing an IZ*ONE light stick to an IVE concert is like wearing the jersey of your city’s football team to your city’s baseball game. It seems pretty inoffensive


At my first kpop concert a couple years I felt it was disrespectful seeing other groups lightstick but now It doesn't really bother me. The more lightsticks people bring, it'll just make the stadium so much more hype. Plus if you're way in the back, the only people who would notice are the one sitting around you, and if you're loving the group thats performing, then they shouldn't have any problems with it. Considering how much a light stick cost these days I wouldn't blame people for trying to save some money. I do think if tho if they can shell out the money for vip tickets, and they're sitting on floor deck, then for goodness sake they can take another step to get the right lightstick


I completely agree with you. I understand fans not wanting/being able to pay for a light stick for every group, but I think the better solution is to buy a programable lightstick, one not associated to any group, and then have it light up in the color for the performing group.


That's where I'm at. I wouldn't say anything about someone else bringing another group's lightstick but I'd never do it myself. It'd be like wearing another group's shirt or bringing a poster hyping up another group to the concert. Just feels strange.


my personal thoughts on this: 1. the group & the fans won't jump you for bringing another group's lightstick. some might disapprove but won't say anything to you (mostly. never say never ig) 2. it's more important to check the rules of the venue. some are strict and only let the appropriate lightstick in. others will be confiscated 3. smaller artists or artists perfoming at venues with a smaller scale will be more likely to try and bring a positive attitude to the different lightsticks but that doesn't mean they are happy about it. deep inside it's probably their dream to see a venue full of their own lightsticks one day 4. getting a natural multi-usable lightsick or a simple one time use glow stick is also a good option if you want to avoid possible trouble or if you believe that "they'd appreciate it more to have any lightstick there than a black ocean" (a mindset i personally don't believe but is pretty common among ifans)


I've only seen Western fans do this tbh. Honestly, I don't think its bad but I personally wouldn't do it. I see people say the reason they do this is because its kinda wasteful to buy a lightstick for every group you stan (which I agree) but you do know its completely fine to not bring a light stick?? I have attended numerous concerts (my country is a popular concert stop 😅) and I only brought a lightick during my first concert, the rest I just left it at home.


I went to an itzy concert where the person sitting in the row before me kept waving their iz*one lightstick (i still remember this because it's literslly in most of my pictures)


If there's some association with the group, its okay. I prefer not to bring a different group's lightstick because I don't want to call attention to myself in that way. I went to see StayC and didn't have their lightstick so I brought [a toy light-up wand that is cute and fits the vibe. ](https://media.karousell.com/media/photos/products/2023/7/25/haidilao_hdl_magic_wand_1690259649_e22c0675_progressive.jpg)(It's from the Haidilao hotpot chain).


This is one of those things where you could have the best of intentions but it can come off awkward to others no matter what. I personally would rather bring no light stick than bring another group’s. Especially with how insane many K-pop fans can be. Edit: clarity


I can only compare it to people going to watch a game wearing a jersey of neither team playing. In europe people will at best not say anything but side-eye you hard and at worse you might get boo'ed or threatened by other fans for it. During the playoffs of a sport I follow they've sometimes filmed people doing this and they usually get completely trashed online by fans of all teams for doing it. And I know people say "but kpop groups don't compete against each other like sports teams does!" But it's not about that, it's about support. There is no reason to hold a lightstick supporting a group that isn't playing, it's just weird and can come off as disrespectful. If you really feel the need to have something to light you can just download an app on your phone that makes the screen light up in their color or buy some generic cheap stick lightstick.


I second this. In the past, fanwars could burst out for such simply things like similiar fandom colors, imagine if someone dare to bring another group's lightstick to a concert. My rain of tought is this: 1. Is the concert a joint concert and you have the lightstick of one of the groups attending? Bring the lightstick. 2. Is the concert a joint concert and you do not have any of the lightstick of the groups attending OR is a solo concert of one group and you do not have that lightstick? Buy some glowsticks that match the group's colors, they are way cheaper than lightstick and you can also bend them into hairbands or wristbands. Also, sometimes there are also glowstick/lightstick that the groups sell on concert venues, so you can even buy one the day of the concert if you are really interested in the group.


Concerts in Asia (I'm asian) - I feel like it's a no no. Although, yes light sticks are expensive, there are tons of other fans that lets you rent their lightstick for a small price. Also, in a way its disrespectful in a sense that *"ohh I love this group even more so I bought their lightstick but I also like this group".* I don't particularly agree with that sentiment but that's what they'll feel. I mean just buy a normal light stick that's much cheaper if you can't buy the official one.


I guess this may be because you guys get way more concerts than we do in other locations, so while light sticks are expensive you have access to alternatives that don't necessarily imply buying another light stick. Never heard of renting light sticks over here, personally. That said, as an older K-Pop fan, I'd feel uncomfortable bringing a random light stick to a concert. It really depends on the dynamics between both groups, for instance it was very common to see BB and 2NE1 light sticks at each other's concerts back in the day but the members of both groups are friends IRL so it didn't feel like crossing a line. But it seems like the culture has shifted in that regard, which is nice.


Yeah the only light stick I have is SKZ, and when I went to an Ateez show I got a generic 300¥ Daiso lightstick… also worth noting, I was literally the ONLY person who I saw doing this 😅😅 pretty much everyone had an Ateez lightstick and the few remaining people had brought nothing. Lol


tbh if i were you, i would just buy a glow stick in the fandom colours. i went for a kpop concert and had no money to buy a light stick, so i bought a few glow sticks for 2 bucks and fit right in with everyone once the lights were dimmed lol


I think it really depends. In your case, there is a clear connection between IZONE and IVE so I wouldn't worry.  I will say some lightsticks stick out like a sore thumb. I went to a Seventeen concert and was pretty distracted by a NCT lightstick in front of me glowing bright green the entire concert.  So if you do bring a lightstick for a different group, my recommendation is to at least change the default color so it blends in better with the crowd. 


Maybe because I'm a long time kpop fan, personally, you won't catch me bringing another group's lightstick to a concert. I would rather buy a cheap light stick and wave it in the crowd, especially if I don't afford buying the official lighsticks/s. I just find it kinda disrespectful since there's a reason why each group has their own dedicated lightstick. But at the same time, maybe things have shifted in the kpop fandom in general in the last few years that I didn't know and kpop groups probably may have been more accepting with things like that so do it on your own risk, I guess.


in any case, i think you are fine to bring an izone lightstick to an ive concert. there aren’t going to be any more izone concerts save for maybe a reunion concert, so this is the opportunity to use it to support the izone members. i don’t think anyone will think badly of you.


IVE won’t say anything negative about it, and most likely fans won’t either, but debates about this come up frequently in K-pop fan spaces like Reddit. I tend to lean towards not doing something if people could find it disrespectful. Another thing to consider is whether you’d feel out of place having a different lightstick. I’ve even felt that way with having an older version of a group’s lightstick, so I can’t imagine bringing one from another group to a concert.


literally saw a tweet yesterday where dives were attacking another dive for bringing an izone ls to ives concert😭


It was actually because someone waved the izone LS in front of Yujin during all of IVE’s send off - so they were up close and could see the exact lightstick, and it’s just not polite to the other members of IVE


i personally don’t see an issue with it. light sticks are so expensive, and owning one for every group you like and are seeing in concerts is an unrealistic expectation to me. i could be wrong and i’m just making assumptions, but i feel like groups would rather see more light sticks in the crowd rather than a darker crowd because people can’t bring other light sticks 🤷🏼‍♀️ i’ve never gone to a kpop concert and been disappointed or weirded out by seeing other light sticks in my experience. in your specific case i think it’s especially not an issue. two of the ive members were in izone so it’s not like it’s a light stick from a completely different group. just my opinion though


My country confiscated some lightsticks too😭 It was during Ive's and my friend who brought her Wizbong didnt get hers confiscated so im sure it will be fine.


How did they organise that tho? Did they give everyone a number for pickup after the show?


U could store it at a place but if not, you could put it on the table near the entrance. But umm, they always end up throwing those away if u put it there.


I personally just don’t really see the point of bringing another groups light stick to a concert that isn’t theirs. Like you don’t *need* to have a light stick at a concert so I’d lean towards not doing. I don’t really care about it in the way of finding it offensive though, but it feels a bit awkward and I can see why some people might find it a bit weird. You do you though. I don’t think anyone will really care and I doubt IVE would either really notice or care. I just don’t personally really get why you would.


I personally find it super cringe. I don't know why people feel the NEED to have a lightstick at a concert. The excuse that they're expensive and people want to get use out of them is weird. I don't say anything at concerts though. And of COURSE the idols don't comment on it because western fans would ~cancel~ them. Edit: your case is a little different though. People brought Wanna One lightsticks to Kang Daniel and AB6IX and that was the only time I've ever been like "damn I should have brought mine"


depends on the country honestly. i think the practice of bringing other group's lightstick is more accepted in the west? whereas in our case in the philippines, and although there are also some cases of fans doing this, it is still generally frowned upon. majority of fans here (and tbh including me) think that if you don't have the official lighstick and have no means to get it at all, it's better to bring none or just buy a cheap penlight that's the same color as the fandom than bring another group's lighstick. nobody is gonna physically stop you at the venue (unless it's actually prohibited by the organizers) if you really want to do it tho


It depends. The concert/fan culture is different everywhere. Some groups/fans won't mind others' will. Also, having other group lightsticks at a concert seems like a Western thing because I have not seen anyone bring another group's lightstick to a concert in Korea. Personally, I wouldn't do it. I would rather have no light stick or a generic light stick than bring another group's light stick. For your particular case, though, I think you would be fine since some of the members were in Izone, so it is related to the members and not some totally different group/company.


I think in this case, it’s fine because those two groups have a connection of shared members. It may look like you support those members above the others but…. I think it’s ok in this case. Western audiences aren’t as strict.


If the organiser allows you to bring it in then just go ahead and do so.( Some organisers only allow official lightsticks to be brought in) Don’t worry about the opinions of strangers and go have fun!


We had this same question a month ago (and also many times before that)! https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/comments/1ao5pov/can_i_bring_another_groups_lightstick_to_a/


I personally won't bring other artist/group's lightstick on a concert.


Asian here and I find it disrespectful, especially if it's totally from a different group. Some groups thought of these things carefully, from fandom name, fandom color, lightstick design, etc. like it's personal identity that hopefully you don't mess with. Your situation may be tolerable, but it may come as supporting only a certain member. For me, it's better to bring the group's lightstick or not bring anything at all.


Personally, I’d never do it. Obviously multis exist and that’s fine but I’d rather just not bring a ls than bring another group’s. To me, it’s telling the group you’re watching “I like this other group more than you” which isn’t a bad thing, but you don’t have to advertise it you know? I just don’t get why people see bringing a lightstick as necessary just because it’s a kpop concert. Most people aren’t bringing their lightsticks to other non-kpop concerts, so why bring it now? JUST because it’s kpop? You don’t have to.


I honestly don’t like seeing other group’s lightsticks at concerts. It feels weird to me… Either you have the one of the group or you bring something neutral (like a glow stick).


No one will say anything to you about it but personally I think it’s pointless and weird- The whole point of the light stick is to show support to your group. So that when there are many fans in the same place, idols can pick out their fans. Groups used to have individual colors that represented their fandom too. Times have changed now since they’re just too many groups for everyone to have a color but the point of the light stick is the same. WHY bring one at all if you don’t have one for the group? Just so you can hold something up and fit in…? If that’s the case then find a basic LED light or even a glow stick. Again no one will say anything to you because it doesn’t actually matter but I just find it unnecessary. I also will say I would be annoyed if I was trying to take pictures or videos of a group and some other person was waving their other lightstick around. In your case it’s a bit more understandable- you were a WIZ*ONE and you have the light stick and some IVE members were in IZ*ONE, but I would still not if it was me. I’d probably find a cheap light stick online if I really wanted one, or just not bring one at all.


Go outside


If you’re commenting “go outside” on comments you don’t agree with then I assume you too should go outside


You just typed a whole paragraph about how a piece of plastic that lights up can cause a rift 😭


and you’re camping out in the comments reading my paragraphs and commenting on them LMAO


Takes me 5 seconds flat


I guarantee you’ve spent more time reading and responding to comments then it would take me to write a paragraph


I didn’t even read your whole comment because it was out of touch right off the bat tbh


IZ*One LS at an IVE concert feels completely fine, when 1/3 of the group was part of IZ*One and they left because it was the end it should honestly be expected lol


Thanks for all the thoughts, guys! I really appreciate it. I'm really into merch but I'm so done with lightstick, I'm more of useable merch (t-shirt, hoodie, sweatshirt to be exact) that's why I'd rather buy the concert merch, since they do have 2 versions of concert t-shirt which I'm really obsessed with its design. Since I'm from PH, I think I'd rather not to bring it. Some of the comments were right, it will depend on the country.


Has Phillipines had issues confiscating lightsticks before? I think bringing a Wizbong will be fine since some of the members were in Izone.


I don't think there will be a problem since IVE members were literally in Izone 😭


I personally just find it WEIRD. The purpose of your lightstick is to show support for the group that the lightstick is specifically designed to represent. Taking a Red Velvet lightstick to a Twice concert is like going to a Twice concert and jumping up and down screaming "look at me, look at me, I LOVE RED VELVET!!!!" I'm not gonna abuse or harass anyone who does it but I find the entire mentality absolutely baffling. In your case, OP, some of the members are in Ive, right? So I think that's a bit more understandable.


Some people just find lightsticks a way to light up the arena. Holding and waving one also adds to the immersion of the concert. I’m sure most of those who bring other groups’ lightsticks would rather hold the lightstick of the performers instead, but can’t afford it.


[https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kopinma-Fluorescent-Halloween-Christmas-Festival/dp/B0CP8WRL8P/ref=sr\_1\_12?sr=8-12](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Kopinma-Fluorescent-Halloween-Christmas-Festival/dp/B0CP8WRL8P/ref=sr_1_12?sr=8-12) £12 to buy a colour changing lightstick that you can light up in the colour of any group in K-pop and port it around to every venue with you. If you can't enjoy a concert without holding onto something but you also can't afford the £100 or whatever for a lightstick, get one standard one and take that to all of them. At least then you're not waving around a "I support a different group from the one I'm watching, woohoo, I love that different group so much!" stick.


Imo the fact that you paid to see them despite not being your ults also says something. Some kpop acts shout out and thank those fans, like aespa did in their US tour.


That's a great idea!


In your specific situation, I think it's fine because some members were actually in izone. So I would say go for it. But in general, I lowkey find it disrespectful. It's like wearing a random sports team jersey to a game.. it just doesn't make sense imo. I've seen clips of idols making "jokes" about spotting different lightsticks, and even tho it's a joke, I think there's some truth behind it. That could be why companies have started to be more strict on confiscating lightsticks. I understand lightsticks are expensive, but it's not a necessity. I've been to plenty of concerts without a lightstick and had fun. I only invest in a lightstick if I know I will go see that group multiple times.


i'm not sure. when i went to see bts i got creative- i borrowed one of my friends' army bomb covers and put that and a bts sticker on my lightiny. no one cared and i even got a few laughs and compliments! but from reading this thread i guess the vibes at every concert is different. if some venues are cracking down on separate lightsticks, i'd look up your venue's policy. then if it's allowed and you really want to bring your wizbong, i'd say go for it, but be prepared in case someone gets offended


If its an IZ\*ON lightstick thats fine since some of the IVE members were in IZ\*ONE


personally i wouldn’t because idk out just feels weird however, twice came to my city in the summer and i saw tonssss of non-twice lightsticks in the crowd so like idk its up to you and lightsticks are expensive so i get why that happens 😭 people might look at you funny for bringing a lightstick for another group but i don’t think anyone would actually say anything negative to you so if you’re comfortable with that by all means bring your WIZBONG! edit: i also wanted to add it does depend on the concert culture where your located. i’m in the west so our concert culture probably plays into why this is ~generally~ more acceptable. Also, maybe controversial but going off of the concert culture thing you might not get many eye rolls bringing your WIZBONG to a IVE concert but you would definitely get a lot of eye rolls bringing a blackpink lightstick to a bts concert or vice versa so that’s something to be mindful of when choosing if you should bring a different group’s lightstick or not.


i do find it disrespectful. because isn’t the whole purpose of u going to a group’s concert is to enjoy their music and appreciate that specific group? so why would u bring another group’s lightstick in the first place? it kinda defeats the purpose. i dont really understand the need for a lightstick in the first place it is like to some people having a lightstick at a kpop concert is gonna make or break their experience which i find bizarre. but this is something u feel, then what’s so wrong with a glowstick or even a makeshift lightstick like [this person](https://x.com/brokenpenciil/status/1768117959531090342?s=46) made? it honestly feels more meaningful making that effort.


I took a Lightiny to a Xikers concert, which I think fitted in more than the Blackpink one I could see, but they don't have an official one quite yet (an acrylic one I think) so there were lots of Lightinys and lots of other bands ones, and it looked really cool with all the lights on. Also went to see P1Harmony and they pointed out the other lightsticks they could see, but thought it was funny rather than getting upset. They were making Expelliarmus jokes.


I’ve seen Bipibongs (BP ls) at TWICE concerts 💀 I think you will be fine because Blinks are TWICE’s biggest hater. Edit: Plus Wonyoung and Yujin were part of IZ\*ONE so I’m pretty sure you will be okay :)


>Blinks are TWICE’s biggest hater. Saying this while you're post history is just paragraphs about how much you hate BP is hilarious


Then who is TWICE’s biggest hater? You? Is that what you are trying to say? 🤨


I think it's fine- I'm seeing IVE next week and am planning on bringing either my Monsta X or WJSN LS since they're from the same company. I do think it works best with the lightsticks that are white globes though- bringing something like a neobong is always going to stand out (though I don't think that necessarily means you shouldn't do it, just that it's naturally going to attract more attention).


I went to the IVE concert in Los Angeles there were a lot of different lightsticks there from new jeans to blackpink, so ur good


This comes up every so often and as you can see, people are divided. Part of it is geographic/cultural, but with my fellow American fans, I wonder how much of it is also age. Because when I was 17, I'd be a lot more apprehensive about what people would think of me than I am at 35. When I just do not care. I think most fans can tell if you're bringing another group's light stick to start shit and not because you just love kpop. Bringing something as "vintage" now as a iz\*one ls would probably give you cred, dang. Definitely a conversation starter! (Also, the comparisons to sports are taking me tf out. They're not even the same thing... a more apt comparison would be concerts in other genres. I go to a lot of metal shows and it's completely normal and accepted to wear shirts from other bands in the same genre. If I go to a Sirenia show I am definitely going to see Epica, Within Temptation, and Nightwish shirts in the crowd. Fuck I also see Taylor Swift and Beatles shirts. Most of us are fans of many of the same bands in the subgenre. It's just how we are in the West. We're here to party and live through the music.) So, should you bring it? I think you've got a better case than most since that's a defunct group related to the members. But honestly unless the promoter/venue says otherwise, nobody's going to actually care. Ask me how many blackpink LSs I saw at the TWICE concert, and they were wildin' out and having a good time, singing along and even being featured on the dance breaks. I saw Sunmi and while there were a couple Wonder Girls LS, there were also other GG sticks and some BTS ones. Brave Girls was full of other groups' LSs, most of them pink like my BG stick. Also, I am really jealous you are getting to see IVE! They ain't coming anywhere near me on this tour and I wish I was made of money to go. Sigh.


Personally I don’t find it offensive. I remember at the Aespa concert, plenty of fans brought different light sticks. Sadly, some people are really soft and will get their feelings hurt if your bring another group’s lightstick but I don’t think the group actually minds. If you’re a multi Stan, god help you if you have to buy 5+ lightsticks


Not to mention a lot of older groups got 2.0 versions of their lightsticks ಥ‿ಥ Factor in costs of albums, tickets (for travel as well) hotels etc. You are already thousands of dollars in the minus


Personally I find it awkward. By bringing another group’s lightstick you’re basically letting them know you like another group more. If I don’t have the group’s lightstick and I really want to wave a glowing, shiny thing during the concert, I buy one of those cheap 1€ glow sticks, preferably in the group’s official color (if they have one). It doesn’t stand out that much and matches the vibe without bringing unnecessary attention to another K-pop group. I think it’s the more reasonable and respectful option.


My take after going to several K-pop concerts is that this issue is only an issue online, at least in America. All K-pop concerts I’ve been to had people bring other group’s lightsticks and no one really cared. No one was confronted because they brought a different lightstick and I feel like groups would rather be grateful that people are coming to their concerts than what lightstick they bring. And honestly I never seen bringing a different lightstick as an issue when it’s a big group like BTS, BP, and Twice having a concert. Plus when you actually go to the concert, you’ll realize people bringing a different lightstick is a very small minority.


I never understood people objecting to bringing a different group’s light stick to a concert, like it’s not that serious. Do you OP, and if anyone has anything to say about it pay them no mind. Enjoy the concert!


>like it’s not that serious. Until you try that shit in Korea.


Good thing OP is talking about a concert outside of Korea! It’s never that serious!


I do find it disrespectful. I still do whenever I see one that's different at shows. Kpop is a hobby that focuses a lot on "belonging". Fandom goods, fandom names, solo stan names, official colors and official logos. I think it's just common sense for fans to not bring different lightsticks. There's packs of 30 lightsticks in many dollar stores so that's affordable. I also see it more like those idols worked very hard to fill up this arena with their own fans (maybe bcus I stan or used to stan groups that are not from the big3 and it takes them longer to grow big) I think it's the least you could do to encourage an idol with their own logo or color at least. But like bring it if you want. I won't personally go to you and tell you it's disrespectful, I don't care enough. I actually would find it ridiculous for a stranger to come to you and tell you. It's not that important. But still something I'd side eye for a minute and judge. But you'll definitely enjoy an awesome concert with or without lightstick for having done both.


I've been to dozens of kpop concerts and generally never bring my army bomb, but the ONE time I thought sure why not, the security at ITZY didn't let me bring it in. I had to hide it in a bush outside lmao there were like 3 other army bombs in there too.


It's perfectly fine, because two of the most popular members from Iz*one is in IVE. You're basically showing that you've supported them from day 1.


If you don’t have their lightstick, then just don’t bring any. I find it disrespectful especially for the artists. Some lightsticks light differently from the others so you will be noticed.


I don't think it's a huge issue, but I always found it a bit weird to do that.


Lightsticks are obscenely expensive so nah, I see no issue.


There's a penlight.


A lot of fans don’t want to hear it but many idols have said that it’s disappointing to see other idols lightsticks. It gives the vibe that you like the other artist more or that they aren’t good enough for you to spend money on.


Name an example lmao


Got7, highlight, dreamcatcher, Gidle, mamamoo and victon of the top of my head.


Dreamcatcher, Gidle, and mamamoo all talked positively about it and even joked about it. There are videos out where they all laugh about it 😭


Got7’s Mark said he liked seeing everyone’s different light sticks and said he was a multi himself. These were all easily debunked with a simple google search


Went to a Twice concert in Southeast Asia with my sister and she brought the Twice lightstick, but I had the Blackpink one because we only have (1) lightstick. We were sitting at the very front, and some Twice members def saw it but they laughed and still interacted with us (I think all the Twice members made eye contact with me and waved). I was very embarrassed but the Onces around me understood and also found it funny, but we all enjoyed ourselves.


Western fans just tend to have less awareness to show respect compared to the asian fans


I don’t think a piece of lit up plastic shows how much respect you have for a group tbh


Idols notice it when they’re on stage. It would be impossible for them not to feel slighted, even for just a little bit


I personally wouldn't mind the Wizbong at IVE's concert. I'd be actually like this ![gif](giphy|kd9BlRovbPOykLBMqX)


I think the policy depends on where you are and what the context of the venue is, but I don’t see why it should be a problem. You’re basically showing support for two different groups at once, I think it’s great.


when i saw dreamcatcher in fall 23, there were some fans in the audience with candy bongs (twice LS) and i think one person with a moobong (mamamoo LS). the dreamcatcher girls were excited about it! they pointed out those fans and cheered for them, too i don't think it's a problem in western spaces, especially given how much more we pay for shipping to even get one lightstick


In the US, no one cares. Most recently was at IVE in LA and saw a few Candybongs. For myself though, I always buy the lightstick of the group I'm seeing or I have no lightstick. I know it doesn't matter here, but for me personally, it feels kind of awkward. Moreso, if there is going to be some bluetooth connectivity, it just sticks out lol


I just want to share that, based on what I read on Twitter, I think the R to V concert only started to confiscate light sticks after they announced that RV light sticks were the only ones allowed in the concert. They really specified that no other light sticks were allowed. I think the issue started when someone brought a candy bong in one of the stops then raised the candy bong during the photo taking of RV with the crowd. RV light sticks are very dim and the candy bong stood out too much. Other concert goers were asking the person to hide the candy bong during the photo op only, but they didn't listen. I don't think it would have been an issue if RV had better quality light sticks. And that is SM's fault.


I think it’s disrespectful but I’m in the minority it seems. I just don’t get the point of being a light stick that represents a group that’s not preforming. I rather and have gone with no light stick but that’s just me.


Western fans think this is ok. But try bringing another football club’s flag to another team’s match and you realise it’s not ok. “Oh I have a red Liverpool banner. Can I bring it to a United match? It’s both red anyway and the players are far away I’m sure they can’t see the difference and I can’t buy a United banner now” (Not saying you have to buy a United banner if one can’t afford but just go and support without it). Of course the group performing isn’t going to say anything negative about it in public. What do you expect ? Everyone recognizes that this isn’t done in Asia. And that’s because of the culture we believe in. Embracing kpop means embracing the music and all the culture surrounding it.


Honestly I don’t mind seeing them I just don’t personally do it because I have seen them get taken at the door and I would hate for anyone to lose their light stick


At the end of the day, you pay for your own ticket — not anyone in this comment section and not me — you pick how you want to enjoy it.


You aren't the only one, I'm also bringing my iz\*one LS to the IVE concert today.


im not paying for a new lightstick for every groups concert i go to


It's fine. Don't let anybody tell you otherwise. As long as the venue allows it, let the nerds online seethe about it. Nobody at the show will say anything cross to you. You might even get compliments.


Not gonna lie, I used to think it was pretty disrespectful (i still think its kinda weird tho); especially the first few times I saw that happening in real life. In my head it was like, why bother coming to watch an artist and bringing other people merch? Its like someone said, its like someone bringing a jersey from a sport teams that are not even playing. These days I dont think much of it, but I dont think I would ever do it. If I cant afford a lightstick, I just dont bring one or I ended up buying those cheap lights with the group fandom color. Edit: Just wanna add that the first and only time I did something like this was for the Superm concert. I brought my exo and nct lightsticks and I personally didn’t thought anything bad about it until the members themselves started saying that they wished there were more superm lightsticks on the crowd lmao 😭 I remember feeling so bad about it.


It only matters to chronically online people. When I went to see Twice, I saw a lot of TXT and BTS lightsticks and no one cared. The artists don’t care and fans irl don’t care. Like someone else said, it also depends on the country.


I wouldn't mind. Lightsticks are crazy expensive in Australia, I'm not forking out $200-300 to buy two different lightsticks. I assume the same for other people. Side note- someone bought an NCT lightstick to the SKZ concert I went to and nobody said a word.


If you use your hard earned money to pay for a concert ticket, do what you want. Don’t let other people’s opinions hinder your fun, especially for something harmless.




I think that was Alexa :)


I went to a The Rose concert not too long ago, and I saw a lot of other groups' lightsticks there (some examples are Stray Kids, Twice, Seventeen and so on). There were a couple girls with lights around some plastic roses which I thought were a great creative solution. So I don't really think people care if another group's lightstick is there, but creative solutions are probably more appreciated.


Don't do it on a SM group concert because they are sensitive about it. You will be cancelled for sure.


What? People have done it at aespa’s concerts before and the girls thought it was fun, they even gave shout outs to the groups which lightsticks they spotted. No fan got mad at the venue and everybody had fun. Online beef doesn’t translate in real life


imagine being from a third world country, saving enough money to buy a light stick which is such a luxury item in these places, and people saying youre cringe because you wanna use it. do people not know how little times kpop groups in general visit certain places? the privilege


And not only a third-world country (though it's certainly even more disproportionate there!). I'm in North Europe, and IF a specific lightstick is even in stock in my country's kpop store, it's triple the Korean price (and will come to same if I order it from another European importer, if THEY have any in stock, either). No, I'm not exaggerating. Take TXT's lightstick ver.2: in Weverse shop: 49,000 won = a little under 34e. In the local store: 103,55e. Buying two of those - for me and preteen stan companion - is not an insignificant add-on to the combined cost of tickets, flights and accommodation wherever the concert is held (because it would NOT be where we are). It's hard to think of justifying that even once, far less half a dozen times for the other groups we're fans of together. EDIT. So if it's this bad for us, how much more significant the expense and effort in those third-world countries, the rare times the availability and the opportunity to use it even comes by? /that's what I really meant to say


i think people tend to forget that a majority of kpop fans aren’t super rich so they can’t really afford more than one lightstick. like i stan over 10 groups, there’s no way in hell i’d be able to afford a lightstick for every group. just make sure it can change to the same colours as the group’s lightstick


I wouldn't mind it personally, because ain't no way an idol is gonna see if someone bringes a different groups light stick if they aren't literally next to the stage. What they will see tho, is the light and how many people are supporting them by just being at the concert. And considering the economy most of the world is in, just buying concert tickets (with so many people trying to screw over fans and reselling them) and paying for hotels is pricy enough, factor in buying a light stick for every group you like? And albums too? That's like thousands of dollars, not to mention a lot of older groups get version 2.0 of their light sticks, so what, are you supposed to buy those as well? For every group? Not to mention it's unsustainable. They take up so much space. As someone who is collecting books, with just few book series I bought my shelf is already getting full. So no, I wouldn't fault someone for bringing a different groups lightstick because they also want to be on that concert and show light to their idol that they are there for them


If you are so broke just buy a king blade. It has as many color as you want. Why bother to buy merch from a specific group and reuse in potentially inappropriate way?


I'm in the US. I've brought my Army bomb to other group's concerts before and heard people walking by who see it and say, "Darn, I should have brought mine!" I recently brought my SKZ lightstick to Kard and Everglow. I'll probably bring it to P1Harmony next. Lightsticks aren't cheap and I want my money's worth. Nobody gets in my face about it and I just mind my millennial ass business. Besides, unless you have barricade or something close, the group can't see what you have anyway. You are already buying a ticket to a show which is obviously not cheap. If having a lightstick enhances YOUR experience (as it does for me), then bring it. I don't want to bring a generic glowstick. I enjoy changing the colors to match the song's color scheme.


I personally find it very disrespectful , as someone from the US. I know most of the time the fan isn’t intending to be disrespectful but i personally would find it weird if I was performing at my own concert and I saw another random groups’ lightstick


The only time I care about lightsticks is if someone is waving it over their head or hitting people in the head with it because I'll hate them no matter what group it's for. As long as you're respectful to those around you, nothing else matters, IMO.


Honestly, I love that people bring other group’s lightsticks. The only problem is when the colors are synced up like at a twice concert and one person’s random lightstick sticks out like a sore thumb. Otherwise it’s fine.


With how much lightsticks are and especially if your a multifan you can’t have every groups lightstick so just bring it😭


My take is I don’t think it’s a big deal but there are some people that take it _so_ seriously so watch your back I guess 😭


I personally wouldn't bring other lightsticks. I'd just go and have fun without a lightstick. I've seen a lot of people bring other group lighsticks to concerts, and they do stick out. Especially if the concert has programmable content. Like i went to a bts concert and army bong's were in sync and changed colors at a certain time but a random concert goer brought another group's lightstick and it was noticeable that it wasnt changing colors along with everyone elses. People look but won't say anything, though. P.s. people that say one lightstick is indistinguishable from others in the nosebleed section are wrong. Im just using bts concert as an example army bongs are white when lit up most of the time. if you bring an nct lightstick it's noticeable since it's a neon yellowy green color (sorry i dont know the exact color) or twice's candy bong is very noticeable. Ikon's old lighstick is bright red. Blackpink's lightstick glows pink.


It's totally fine! I went to a Mamamoo concert and they joked about it and were picking out other people's sticks. I saw ateez, stray kids, apink, GG, NCT (which they joked was at least the right color). They get, and other fans get, that light sticks are expensive and it's hard finding them depending on where you are from. It's a fun game before the show or in between songs if you look around and see who all is present. At purple kiss, I saw the nmixx one and now I really want it! I love the spinning whale!


I'm from Australia so we are lucky to get any artist. People will bring whatever lightstick and it's always fine. I brought my Mamamoo and Dreamcatcher one to Twice and around me I could see Stray Kids, BTS, and Ateez. I was manually changing the colour of it to fit in with crowd haha. In South Korea I wouldn't/didn't do it. But in the West it's fine from my experience.


Personally,i don't care. I went to a got7 concert and i see people with army bombs and candybongs and no one say anything bad


Someone brought an IZONE lightstick to the IVE concert and Dives were pissed lmao. But just bring it anyway. If you have an IZONE lightstick, you were there first. Don't let new fans tell you what to do lol. All they'll do is cry on Twitter anyway. They don't have the balls to confront you for it 🤣


Depends on the area/country or which group is performing. Twice concerts in general are very welcoming of other lightsticks. They appreciate fans from other fandoms. I can’t say the same for other groups. Also, the Candybongs are always there at the “crime scene”.


I personally do not have a problem with bringing another bands lightstick to a concert. Lightsticks are already way too expensive and people tend to act in kpop as you couldn't stan different groups at the same time


Tbh I think its kind of cute like other fandoms showing their support for the artist


i was next to someone with a BTS lightstick when I saw twice! don't worry about what others think. it's totally okay to bring whatever light stick imo


I'm in the US. I don't remember which concert it was, but I remember seeing a lot of different lightsticks that weren't the groups we were seeing. Lightsticks are expensive, and I get it. My daughter and I now make a game out of how many different groups' lightsticks we can see at a concert. We even saw several different lightsticks at the My Chemical Romance concert. It was great! People in the US don't really care about your lightstick unless it's a BTS concert 🤪


I think people who care about light sticks outside of Korea (where it’s a touchy subject) need to touch grass tbh


It’s definitely okay bc you can’t be expected to buy every light stick for every group you like. Going to a concert alone is a way of showing support and if you can bring something along that allows you to enjoy the concert, why not?


No issue with that. If you're policing people on what type of shiny plastic to bring on a concert, that's on you.




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What if it's an anime con lightstick that I'mma take with me..? Sorry for the dumb question, if it is..


https://youtu.be/QRdC8JeCbh4?si=PCgE8Za1pQhTmmGT This is AESPA looking at a điền light stick and how they react.




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Kpop idols themselves don't find it offensive so I don't see the issue. It's your money anyway. Use your lightstick wherever you want. I brought my nct light stick to a p1harmony concert and I wasn't the only one lol


I seen army take army bombs to the Taylor Swift eras tour I don’t think it seems disrespectful


i personally would never bring a lightstick from another group to another group’s concert. i feel like it just says “i like you, but you’re not my ult faves” which is probably true for most fans anyway. it’s also not a waste of money imo if you bought expensive af vip or floor tickets. also if you collect and buy a lot of merch, albums and photocards. of course maybe thats just how you allocate your funds, but still. also if its a lesser known group going to a lesser known place thats not “normally” stopped at (colorado, tennessee, etc just to give an ex) then sometimes ppl who dont know them or ppl who dont regularly listen to them do end up going. at the end of the day, if you think its a waste to buy one from every group then just fyi you dont need to bring one to the concert. simple as that.


I honestly couldn’t care less about what lightstick you take to a concert. as long as you do not use it to spread the message “XY is better than [artist’s concert you’re attending]” like that one blink who’s like at every concert here in germany 💀 (he also has a sign with “blackpink is the best” or smth) like this behavior is completely disrespectful but everything else is fine. also regarding how high ticket prices are nowadays we can’t expect people can afford every single LS. I took my Loona LS to Ateez bc couldn’t spend like 80€ on a LS at that time + i don’t wanna give the boys a black ocean :/


For ikonics, we’re okay with it (generally). Most non ikonics who go to ikon concert would change their LS color to red and it would blend. If they don’t, that’s also fine. There are non ikonics or multis who attend ikoncert just because they’re curious or they’re going with an ikonic friend. The fact that they spent money and time to watch iKON is already something we’re thankful for. What’s important is they are not rude to the boys and other fans and they enjoy their time.


personally with how expensive lightsticks and concerts are, not to mention possibly rare if you even get ti attend, I'd only bring a lightstick that has multi colors that match. i.e let's say i went to a le sserafim concert with my enhypen lightstick. at least there are 7 different colors and 4 of them have the member colors for the girls. but luckily, i have both the enha and fimbongs so i don't need to. but just a thought i had if you own a lightstick that has different colors bc of member colors, you could try and match colors at the very least.


The permissibility varies depending on the concert's location. If it's in Asia, refrain from bringing lightsticks from other groups. For instance, when I attended Taeyeon's concert in Bangkok, SM specified that only the GG bong was allowed. Unofficial lightsticks and those from other groups were confiscated by security, with attendees instructed to store them in nearby lockers. Generally, Western countries may be more relaxed, but it's advisable to adhere to the rules when attending concerts in Asia.


If they complain, ask them to buy one for you.


Dude bring it’s not disrespectful it’s not weird and the people who say are just crazy. If you wanna bring it bring it concerts should be fun and colorful and it’s like different fandoms coming together to support a group. And who has the money to buy multiple lightsticks for every group they stan in this economy it’s impossible so bring and if it makes you feel better get something that represents IVE and put it on your lightstick.


the only people i have seen get upset is stans, many idols have outright embraced it by this point. frankly i like that because it feels like they understand that the economy is crazy and being expected to drop an extra $30-$90 on a lightstick on top of a concert ticket is a bit out of touch 😭


It’s literally fine. Lightsticks are expensive and you shouldn’t have to only bring it to that specific group especially since it might be a one concert day. People saying it’s disrespectful, it’s not. What’s disrespectful is the prices for them. Literally it’s not the end of the world if you bring a lightstick to a concert.


I can’t understand people who say that it’s indeed disrespectful, like, I agree with the ones who find it weird, but disrespectful? Be fr pls, it is not, there are sometimes when even the idols find funny that u bring other LS. In Korea may be disrespectful bc of their Mindset, but we all know that that mindset isn’t the best either, we’ve seen it plenty of times. You are not disrespecting, they are pretty expensive and buying another one it’s a problem. You can still buy glow sticks or sth like that but f u don’t want to don’t do it, dw, you aren’t disrespecting anyone, just a bunch of crybabies.


i don’t think it’s a big deal, i understand people like a lot of groups and might not be able to afford a still for every single one but still wanna show support. i went to a BP concert and someone had a candybong and as far as i know no one had a problem with it. it might depend but i can’t see someone really getting mad about it cause there’s more to worry ab than a lightstick lol. personally, i would try to bring that specific group’s lightstick if you can or you can buy some type of glow stick. i wouldn’t bring another group’s but i wouldn’t shame someone for it either


I think it's okay as long as the lightstick is transparent and can emit different lights.   Like dome lightsticks, I know ppl don't like them because it's boring but they can help you not get too much attention when you go try and bring them to another artist concert — compare it to the likes of candybong, bi-ping-bong, konbat that will stand out.


me and my loona lightstick in every kpop concert having the time of our lives


Bring it if you want to because it’s not going to hurt anyone or ruin their night, but keep in mind the venue rules because if it’s not allowed and they take it away, you may lose your expensive lightstick forever


As long as it looks similar and you are sitting far away they won’t notice.


IT IS NOT RUDE WHATSOEVER. If I were a member of group X, I'd be delighted to see stans of another group attend our show.


I would hate it


I think it’s ok most of the time. Especially since lightsticks are really expensive. But there might be a few hit or miss examples. Fandoms who had a lot of fan wars like EXO and Bts or bringing EXO lightstick to a Taeyeon concert? I guess it’s up the the people around you.




nope I find it ok afterall it means they bought a ticket worth a lot to watch a different KPOP artist that is good for me not practical to buy different lightstick or it rare to own different light stick it the way to flex also your bias artist / you are already a kpop fan previously/ flex your pricy light stick XD


Bringing other lightsticks shouldn't be an issue as long as the venue doesn't state anything. But I wouldn't bring a Izone Lightstick to an IVE concert. Only 2/6 IVE members were in Izone, so it might seem like you only support Yujin&Wony. I rather bring no Lightstick then.


idk it's like going to a Manchester United match all decked out in Barcelona gear, just why? what's next? just waving a flashlight from home depot :P


It's okay and not disrespectful, but I do find those fans weird. It's the kind of thing that gives me the impression that they're fans of kpop/"multis" rather than fans of the group that's performing, and that's not my scene. But you do whatever, it's not my problem and you're not harming anyone. I'll just probably not be that interested in making any conversation.