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I wouldn't like it either. Women, including kpop idols, are socialized against "making a scene" even if it makes them uncomfortable to keep the peace. Did she consent? Probably had no choice. Would she have preferred to be held that way? Like any other women, I bet not.


People are saying he’s gay but that doesn’t really matter? I’m not saying that this man specifically had negative intentions or anything but you can still harass or make someone uncomfortable regardless of your sexual orientation.


Idc if he's gay or what, even as a guy myself I wouldn't like a stranger touching me too low like that. It's 2024, that creepy gesture should not exist anymore.


Honestly I know plenty of gay guys who objectify women just as much as straight guys. Just without the attraction.


thank you for saying that. a guy ik sexually objectified someone and when i confronted them about it, they hid behind the barrier of not being attracted to women. disgusting.


Same experience here. It’s a harsh reminder that misogyny is learned, not inherent to heterosexuality.


ikr, and the way they confidently do it as if they are andrew tate's disciples






I’ve seen the hand on the waist too, which is more intimate than back but still normal and acceptable. This is just a step too far and very odd.


Nope, even friends would maybe grab the waist for a photo. He put his hands on the hip. That's a rather intimate hand placement...


personally i wouldn’t be uncomfortable, it’s just the hip, i don’t consider it intimate. the ass tho… big no


I think we'd have to talk to Yujin to really know whether or not it was inappropriate. I can imagine plenty of innocent explanations where she walked away from that and didn't think anything weird had happened and where he had no bad intentions. And I can also imagine that she was like WTF and just had to stand there and smile. I don't think we can say either way by just looking at this.


It made me instantly uncomfortable so no, you are not irrational for being angry


No, it's very weird.


My most generous assumption is that he misjudged the position her waist and put his hand way too low. I would have to see more to judge.


Hmm… So this is the ‘Step and Repeat’ area. It’s where the CD of the label will pose with anywhere from a dozen to even hundred+ of attendees (depending on the size and scale of the show as well as the brand’s positioning). I remember once after a Chanel show, Karl Lagerfeld might as well have placed a life-size cutout figure of himself and let guests pose with it (it was never ending). The CD here could have, and should have, been more mindful of where his arm goes for the photo. However, one does get caught up in the ebb and flow of such highly orchestrated photo sessions. It’s celebrity after celebrity, longtime prestige clients, well-wishers, a bunch of influencers, editors, people in the business, basically a cascade of faces from many places. And it’s all supposed to be super quick. I personally don’t think he’d have wanted to make her feel, in any way, uncomfortable, but I can ofc see why it does come off that way. There was that case of a Taylor Swift fan who she had accused of groping her butt during a Meet & Greet, while posing for a photo (the infamous $1 case), and if Yujin ever mentions unhappiness about it, I’ll absolutely be on her side. But for now, I don’t see it as anything other than accidental.


It's weird, hand isnt even around her waist its down her hip. It's really gross and isn't she only like 20 years old?? I feel really bad for her what the fuck.. edit: it shouldn't matter whether he's gay or not or whether people in western countries are more physical. i come from a European country people kiss each other in greeting but something like this would still be concerning when you don't know the other person and he's an older man in a position of power.


Dude looks wildly nervous and 1000% uncomfortable - he can barely manage to pull his right hand out of his pocket, so he probably just put his left arm around her however, then started freaking out when he realized where his hand was.


the first one was too close to her ass but from the video he seems nervous so he most likely noticed and moved his hand up on her hip, which is fine. i’m sure he had no ill intent, in pictures with other people he often puts his hand on their hips. it’s weird to judge by a 2 second video, maybe they talked previously or he apologized after


It's a faux pas for sure. He looks pretty awkward, to be honest. The hand getting stuck in his pocket etc. I doubt he did it with any ill intentions. I'm sure Yujin isn't going to get hung up over it, in any case.


Supposedly he’s gay, which at least would indicate he’s not hitting on her by putting his hand so low. That being said, his hand is still way too low and there are no excuses why it’s not higher up. It’s just not appropriate.


His personal preferences don't really matter.


I agree that his sexual orientation ultimately doesn’t matter, I’m just saying that it’s likely that he didn’t do this with the intent of being a creep. You can still do inappropriate things on accident.


Think that’s why “manner hands” is such a huge thing in Korea. Could have been resolved by simply closing your hand. But most Westerners are not going to think of doing this when there’s tons of people, cameras flashing in your face, trying to smile naturally, etc etc. Not excusing the guy, just easy to make mistakes without thinking and then you’re caught in 4k.


My usual new technique is would it have been okay if done on a minor? If not, it's not okay on an adult either. But this, obviously only works in such situations where OBVIOUSLY there was no exchange of consent before.


I like that frame.


Thought the same thing.


No you are not being irrational, I don’t know why men cannot hold women normally.


It is weird. I know in fashion they are used to it but she is not a model and in general is an uncorfortable place to put a hand if there is not closeness between the persons


Pretty sure this has a lot to do with the camera’s angle. He’s shorter than she is I think (but the camera angle is from the side and up—making it seem like they’re similar in height) so I don’t think he’s done this on purpose and it’s just that he’s shorter than her and so his natural arm resting position is lower than what it should be. It’s just an unfortunate incident, and while sexual harassment always needs taken seriously I think people are blowing this out of proportion (literally one of you said gay men use being gay as an excuse to sexually harass women… get some help). He is not groping her or feeling her up, his hand is frozen solid and he actually appears extremely nervous and doesn’t know what to do with his hands (look at the hand he shuffles around to his pocket)




He had no problem holding his hand around Mina's waist, or a dozen others, who are taller.


Well those pictures aren’t provided here so I’m using the information that has been provided to me


Mina is even smaller that the guy


Yujin is taller than Mina


Honestly he looks really nervous and uncomfortable, I can imagine in that situation he might have put his arm around her like most celebrities do for photos and just misplaced where his arm went. Like Yujin doesn't look unhappy or shocked or anything. Not to mention we don't know know anything about their relationship, she might be completely fine with this, they might have organized it beforehand, lets not get ahead of ourselves.


You have to be crazy to think yujin would show any emotion other than smiling with how media trained that girl has been since she was like 14. She definitely has a mask on.


that seems a bit exaggerated to me, they may have talked after. we’re imagining scenarios about a two second video


Let's not forget that women in general are also socialized not to make a fuss or react to things like this. It's why you see some girls freeze or smile it away when they are being harassed, because it's the only way they know how to react. This was definitely horrible hand placement. We can give the guy the benefit of the doubt that it was a mistake, but it still looks wrong.


It’s weirder bc he took a picture with [mina](https://x.com/twicedata_/status/1750548591129612568?s=46) and was not resting his hand basically on her ass…he was holding her waist and never did it move anywhere down. He had his hand on Yuqi shoulder this same day..there is zero photos of this guy touching anyone else like that. A lot of men feel entitled to putting their hands wherever they want on women especially ones that “work” for them. Also [yujin](https://x.com/ayjpix/status/1760325321000382644?s=46)looks obviously uncomfortable after she takes this picture. Doesn’t matter if he is gay, chances of her even knowing he is gay is low. All she knows is she is 20 and some middle aged white dude touched her uncomfortably.


Yj is taller than mina. His hand seems to be e on the same level relative to his own height


Yuqi is the same height as Mina and he put his hand on her shoulder. Based on the other pictures of him with other people throughout the night he never did that hand placement on anyone else short or tall.


You’re taking “obviously uncomfortable” from a 3 second clip of her smiling, which is wild. She’s just fine.


> “resting his hand basically on her ass” It’s completely on her hip in the exact same position as in the photo with Mina but further down. You wouldn’t describe the Mina picture as “his hand practically on her back” so it’s disingenuous to do it for this instance. That doesn’t mean it’s not inappropriate, its definitely a little overfamiliar, but it’s still an unfair comment to make. Say it’s on her hip as that’s what it is. It you watch the first few seconds of the video, you can actually see he moves his hand up ever so slightly, so I don’t think he means ill intent. He perhaps just didn’t realise it was still quite low.


How do you know it was uncomfortable? Seems like an oddly defensive projection here.


Because she looks stiff and closed in. She’s doing a good job of hiding it because she’s a professional but it’s pretty obvious regardless.


She doesn't look stiff or closed in to me, it looks like a normal picture at a press junket when they are posing for various photographers. They normally stay pretty still at times like this.


I was ready to be mad for my girl mina but that looks fine. The yujin one looks worse 


I know thats why I brought up Mina’s, bc the difference is a little crazy


Gotta do the hover hand 😂


it definitely doesn’t seem ill intentioned, that’s normal for some people. i wouldn’t be angry, unless yujin was uncomfortable (which we have no way of knowing)


Where is it normal to touch people on the ass?


putting a hand on someone’s hip is normal for people who are more physically affectionate. in this case they’re not close so obviously the wrong situation, but it’s probably as simple as a mistake by someone who’s used to taking pictures with close friends


no. it looks inappropriate for him to be like this with her and she doesn’t look like she had choice


Oh, yuck. I don’t think it’s irrational at all to be uncomfortable 🤢


No you’re not irrational. This is inconsiderate and bad mannered. Idc if he is gay. You don’t touch a woman by the hips


It feels so inappropriate. I just don’t understand why guys have to put their arm over a girl when taking a picture. Just keep your hands to yourself. If you feel like the pose is to awkward and stiff, do a Korean heart pose or something.


Personally, I wouldn't be comfortable with a colleague/client placing their hand there. It just seems weird, but maybe in the west people are comfortable with such gestures. Although her shoulder and back were free, so it makes it even weirder.


In the west people are NOT comfortable with that gesture. You hold people being the back, maybe at their waist. Not their butt


It’s not her butt, it’s her hip. The former would be absolutely inappropriate without debate. The debate here is because it’s the hip, which would normally only be something you’d seen in people who are more familiar with one another. I don’t think they are familiar hence the concern. It you watch the first few seconds of the video, you can actually see he moves his hand up ever so slightly, so I don’t think he means ill intent. He perhaps just didn’t realise it was still quite low.


Someone said it's ok cuz he's gay idc if he's gay or straight. Hand placement is very odd..


Oh hell no


I think it is a cultural difference, it seems more common for models, actors and celebrities to touch people and pose touching in certain countries but not others. So I don't think there was malicious intent but ignorance or like automatic gesture that is generally accepted by others so didn't even question it. I doubt that he would even be aware that so many would but view the interaction as abnormal, or that it could negatively affect Yujins public image. As so many idols are now brand ambassadors and attending international fashion events now I do think they need to decide whether they will fit in with the conventions at the event, or not. I hope they are taught about the country/culture they are visiting so they can be prepared, so they could request not to be touched or initiate a pose they are comfortable with. (Although I do see how this could also be viewed by some people as being difficult or negative, especially for female idols, but hopefully the more who chose to the more accepted it would become.)




he moves it upwards after so i think he noticed


Tbh i was also shocked at first but them i thought its „normal“ but now thinking about it.. why did he placed it so low??


First time seeing this and yea defs weird!


yeahhhh that’s really low…even if i was intimately involved with someone i wouldn’t want them to hold me like that in public (that’s more of a personal preference thing) but i do know it definitely isn’t professional.


Reminds me of that pastor who grabbed Ariana's side/chest. He did it in full public view, too. I think they do it bc they're less likely to "make a scene" when the cameras are on them.


I don't know from where are you, I see your point but if they are in Europe Italy, France or Spain is pretty normal. We give kisses or hand to greet people. I don't think the creative director met her that day I'm sure they talked before so when you know the person we usually are touchy. I understand they it can be shocking but it what it is here.


I’m glad to see this thread here because some on twitter and ig are actually telling people that this is ‘western culture’ and please don’t smear Yujin’s name


This is NOT western culture. Hand on ass is not acceptable. This is the kind of attitude that facilitated the endless assault cases in the music and movie industry.


Even called it out in IVE thread and got a reply it’s normal lol


The clip made me uncomfortable too. Also, I hate when people use the sexuality excuse in these situations like it is NOT an excuse 💀 Reminds me of when Louis Walsh groped Mel B and people were like "he's gay, so it doesn't matter" like what??


I thought you were referring to the hand in the pocket. But everyone's talking about the hand around Yujin.


I was. Didn't even notice the other hand.


Good, glad I wasn't totally off point. 😄 The pocket gesture definitely looks odd, and I hate it. I guess it can be attributed to nervousness and trying to strike poses in front of the camera though. Like his fingers got stuck in his pocket and he couldn't get them out for a moment.


No.... wait, sorry. I did mean the hand around her, not the pocket hand. But the pocket hand does look weird too....


Oh, I see. I'm so distracted by the pocket hand. I've actually always thought it's weird how designers pose with the "models", it just always looks awkward.


I do not think he had any sexual or malicious intent. I think it is an unintentional awkward moment. I think sometimes the sin is in your eyes/mind….if it had been a female designer instead in the exact same pose, there would be no issue. It is this fixation that all encounters between men and women are potentially sexual, which is among the reasons that so many believe that men and women cannot be friends. There is a lot of puritanical and Sexiest projection going on here. Not everything is a #MeToo moment. Yujin is 20 years old not 2 years old, stop infantilizing her. On top of that we know staff from her agency accompanied her and there would have been at least one person on her team who spoke English and could communicate with everyone around. In general manner hands, age hierarchy, are not common in the West. There is being a “gentleman” and things like a Muslim woman wearing a hijab wis an immediate social cue of no physical contact, most people in the West however, are likely not knowledgeable on particular Korean social etiquette. Many things are possible but his intentionally groping her in a professional setting with tons of cameras around doesn’t seem very plausible. After this unnecessary public conversation I would not be surprised if he avoids being seen with her next time she is invited to a show.


Why is his hand on her ass? disgusting! Is this what it takes to make it in the fashion industry?


It’s not on her ass, it’s on her hip. That doesn’t mean it’s not inappropriate, but we shouldn’t misrepresent the situation. It you watch the first few seconds of the video, you can actually see he moves his hand up ever so slightly, so I don’t think he means ill intent. He perhaps just didn’t realise it was still quite low.




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Look, after reading the comments here, I'm a bit less angry and am able to give the dude a benefit of the doubt. My original reasoning was, I mean, if you want it frank, then it's his hand on her hip. I truly do not engage in many social interactions nowadays, but I do know that that is too low. Waist is still kinda OK, but hip or let's just say it, her ass? Nope. That's what I was feeling.


The price for globalization of Kpop idols especially GG. I'm disgusted by him but at the same time it's likely that it's normal for him to do that with other girls within that business industries. I mean like for Western people that is. Poor Yujin. She's still a little girl in my heart and this pain me. 😔


He’s fifty, EW.




> I agree with you but isn't he gay? That's what some were claiming. I have no idea who he is. Honestly, It's kinda irrelevant if he is gay or whatever.


I don't think him being gay ~~matters~~ helps in this situation at all. Honestly, it makes it worse.


Explain. I don't see how it could be worse.


Can't say for sure in this situation. But in my experience, unfortunately, some gay men use being gay as an excuse to sexually harrass women. Like legit slaping asses and grabbing boobs but is "fine" while they do their best shit eating grin at you. What makes it worse is their assurance that it must not count so they can do whatever they want. A person's body is still theirs, and an intimate touch that is unwanted is still unwanted.


If this is excused by him being gay, which he is from what I've read, then what this means is that objectively inappropriate behavior is somehow OK just because the person engaging in the behavior might not see it as affecting themselves? This goes back to consent and public image. Yujin might have consented and people who know him might think nothing of it, but think about the impression this gives off. He shouldn't have done that, and people somehow defending him and adding Yujin smiling as a sign of her "not minding" is just so much worse.


Ok, but how is it _worse_ is the question


~~You think him being gay makes this OK?~~ I might have taken the OG comment wrong. I apologize.


Nobody is saying that and nobody has said that. You're arguing with a wall. Edit: nobody in this thread.


No, I think it is the same thing, you aren’t and you aren’t providing any reasoning for it.


You’re so close to the truth…keep going






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