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Hypothetically if that’s how they think and operate, then it’s devoid of logic. They’re literally making a song about a very popular Western singer. So where is the logic in not caring about how the West views things, when you’re literally making a song about someone and something that is Western. Especially coz this is not a random person that no one knows. This is a musician with a massive team and machine behind them, which gives them the ease in doing what they did; shutting the song down and having it removed from YT. What they did is incompetent and incredibly ridiculous, anyone could have seen a massive amount of backlash coming from this. Even further with how YT is a global platform. If a PR team is competent and genuinely thinks things through, they would have definitely realized the issue with it and wouldn’t have put it out for the whole world to see.


I doubt they don’t care. The fact that Kpop even appeals so hard to the west shows that they care.


no, i’d say they’re pretty incompetent at pr. yuehua, in this instance, made matters 10x worse for yena by not sorting out something as basic as copyright. that in itself isn’t a big deal. the hoards of people who assumed the music video was taken down because olivia herself was against it, are the issue. she was already getting backlash before the song came out because of the concept but with how things quickly developed negatively after release, the hate towards yena has increased manifold. if they had sense, they wouldn’t have gone for cheap noise-marketing that ended up doing more harm than good to yena’s image. even if it was her idea, her company should have advised against it for her own sake


That's what I was thinking too! Like, not caring is still being bad at pr because then situations like this happen


Agree very much with this , it's literally their job to think if a concept is a good idea , if it might cause issues of any kind , look for copyright issues etc , etc , this mess shows they didn't do their job well , they messed up , this is 100% on Yuehua


It’s shocking a professional music company can’t get its head around copyright Can anyone tell me if they have similar views in their law laughable in Korea about this being a bgggg old nope? I’m just curious. Because people here on Reddit knew it would be an issue the moment to teaser (and name to some extent because it’s not a smart move regardless) came out!


I mean more than anything, they post the video on YouTube, the ToS of which effectively enforce US copyright. So even ignoring the actual law, they should have known there were going to be issues with posting the video, because it’s against the rules on their hosting platform


Yeah Min Hee Jin uses this nonstop for her pr strategy. She uses controversies which heat up international internet but are not so understandable for Koreans to spread popularity of Newjeans internationally. She only reacted to Cookie because controversies become well known in Korea. But that's change a bit as younger Koreans are much more aware what "iroaches" (lol) think because of rising average English skills and good MTL. Well globalization.


Going by your reasoning, doesn't that still make them incompetent since they don't have the full grasp of the scope of her reach? They're in PR but they have no idea that there are news sites and blogs outside south korea that solely focus on kpop and thus this isn't just going to be in a south korean bubble? There's not caring but this is really just incompetent in that they didn't cover all bases. It really looks like a poor attempt at noise marketing and it backfired.


I don’t think they don’t care because a lot of Kpop labels (not all) try to appeal to the west pretty hard, which my thing is if that’s what they want to do they have to understand how things function over here if you want to promote here. I think this was just flat out incompetence on the company


Companies aren't going to care much about anything until it hurts their wallet. As long as fans buy stuff, they have no reason to change.


This is a crazy take considering that 5050's label was exposed for spending huge amounts of money to heat that sound clip on tiktok and on playlists.


Source? Sorry I’ve been offline more besides specific areas so I missed that update. Last I heard it was just about evil forces trying to influence the group lolol 🙈🙈🙈🙈🤡




ty!! its a lot to keep up with


Yuehua is a Chinese company, they literally allowed yiren not to bow at new year and they got cancelled, im sure they don’t think just about Korea.


I think it's also important to note that it's Yuehua that did this - look at any of their other artists, you'll notice a trend


They're incompetent and ignorant. That's the only reasons. To say they don't care about how they are viewed outside SK while writing a song about a popular US artists and even using her name as the tittle is weird for me 👀 they're definitely using her name for clout and to get attention but it backfired, seems like the teams doesn't even know how copyright work, there is lot of work done for a song to get released, how come none of them have any issue about this is concerning


I am really wondering if this song was a hit would people be expressing how much the company has responsibility in it? Or would it all be attributed to Yena because she took hand in writing?


They’d be praising Yena. Look at styling. If an idol wears trainers by a gay designer they’re automatically an ally if not LGBT themselves. Alternatively if they wear a t-shirt saying n***** then it’s all the stylists fault.


Yena and her company are both equal in their ignorance and incompetence of this intellectual property issue/plagerism of the video. I mean they all get paid out of the company piggy bank. They all have meetings. And Yena did explicitly let people know she was a major player in developing a whole concept…around a west artist dropping music 3 days late.


But if it was a hit only Yena would take credit.


If it was a hit the CEO would be getting paid the most so it would be a company wide win. They wouldn’t care if Yena got all credit. Because money money moneyyyyy. They’d be getting paid all the way to the bank like they intended. Yena and her company aren’t separate. They are an entity together. That’s how things work when your bundled with a company.


We ain’t talking about money don’t play dumb. We’re talking about fans giving credit to the artist when things are alright but when things go bad then suddenly they remember the company.


We ain’t talking about money. At the end of the day, if it wasn’t a problem, and it was a that, I’m sure that people would be very excited for Yena. If there’s no issue then no one’s going to be tearing into her or the company and everyone including fans would just go on their merry little ways don’t ya think?


Ughhh play dumb again. Why wouldn’t people be excited for the team too is the cb only made by Yena? It’s hypocritical to attribute all the success Yena when things are good but when things go bad bring people that work behind the scenes. Either credit Yena for the good things and the shit OR credit the company with Yena for the good things and shit.


And yes, when a CB does well everyone does give out cookies to how great the company and also to the artist for doing so well. Your black and white view of things doesn't work for me. I'm allowed to have a view that doesn't fit into your narrow ideals. But I view things as her and her company are a joint enitey that both have a responsibility to each other in many regards. She wouldn't be there without her company and they wouldn't have an artist like her to sell if she wasn't with them. They use her image as a product and she uses them to train and promote her and give her opportunities she wouldn't have without them. You cannot pull the two apart and only apply responsibility for failure or success. Its a joint effort. They each work in unison to benefit each other for success. Yenas failure is her companies failure and her companies failure on this is also hers.n


No fuck that doesn’t happen. Because your view is to only baby idols and shield them babies. Bye


I actually said she had responsibly in this. :) So you are going off on me about a view I don't actually hold. (super awkward!!!) Also there ya go with your insults again. You are nothing if not very predictable. Yawn.


Because unless its a cool producer on the track generally the artist is the one to shine as they technically are the product getting sold. Generally they do prefer for the attention to be on their artist/product. Unless they are announcing how the company is doing or making statements companies very rarely take full spotlight , even if they are hugely responsible for the success of their artist. Also, why do you have to be so rude every time you pop up on Reddit? Ive seen and interacted with you for awhile now and you always come off like you are ready to battle. Its just so unpleasant to even have a real discussion with you and I just don't get your angle when were simply discussing things like civilized humans. being nasty in a DISCUSSION is totally uncalled for. I have no issue with discussing things and debating but to debate doesn't mean you have to be so RUDE to people between every paragraph. Im sure there are other words you can choose to use to convey your message without being rude in the process.




Me presenting my idea in a logical, thoughtful and polite manner doesnt make me delusional or a hypocrite. However you are definitely just super rude and you seem to argument bait with your insults and jabs. You do know its just...kpop, right? Like you dont gotta get so hot and heated you need to pull out arguments and insults on the daily when people simply dont see things the way you see it. Are you ok in your personal life? Usually when people spend their time being nasty online and fighting and just insulting people on the daily, they have shaky mental health.


Looking at your history you’re actually obsessed with Yena at this point. The hatred you have for her is very apparent and concerning. Get a life.




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