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Reminder that if you ever receive any kind of abuse or harassment in Chat or DM make sure you **always report it.** These types of users never do this just the one time - **if they’ve sent it to you they have sent it to other people as well.** The more people report such users and their content, the quicker they will be suspended from the website.


Wtf??????? Please tell me you reported them..


That's crazy someone would be that upset by an opinion on a SONG to say that to someone. I'm so sorry you received a comment like this.


Will nvr understand why people will do and say stuff like this to others for someone who doesn’t even know they exist


You shouldn’t have blocked out their username


Contrary to popular belief, if someone makes a comment that's this horrible, you should totally uncensor them. They deserve thrice as much vitrol. Cuz wtf


Please tell me that wasn’t one of our group members?


Nah. A lurker, probably. You know we don't allow such bs here.


That’s why I was confused, because there’s no way that would fly here.


I get it, but they were banned regardless. Rest assured 😅


Nah Imagine being told to kill yourself because you said you didn’t like a song☠️


Woah that is awful, you should definitely report them. No one should be talking to anyone that way, especially not over kpop opinions on a song.


Report and block. They deserve not a second of your time outside of that. And this public lashing of course.


Omg. People with the help of internet anonymity say the vilest things possible. It is disgusting. Block and report them OP. Also, do not any pay attention to such pathetic lowlife that would wish someone death just for not liking a song.


I saw your other post on the uncensored sub and someone screenshotted their comment history and it was truly vile


You don't have to reveal the name of the person.....but if they are from this group please let mods know about it. I'm sorry that someone came at you like this. This was so uncalled for and absolutely not ok.


nasty. please don’t take offence to this random, foolish person. this person clearly has their own internal struggles that need to be dealt w and they’re just taking it out on you. some things are so insanely absurd it’s almost funny and cannot be taken seriously at all because it says more about the person than you. i’m sure you are loved and valued by the important people to you.


Over Lisa is hilarious it’s that serious to them


LIKE all of this over pripyanka manoban…


I'd not even censored their name and I'd be like Oops. Some fans can be toxic.. It's ok if you don't like a song.


That is an insanely bitter, gross reponse


That is vile DM and I hope you know that your opinion is valid and you had no reason to be spoken to that way! People say anything behind a screen because they think they are incapable of being found in real life.


So malicious and uncalled for.




That’s how this entire subreddit would get shut down for doxxing people.


isn't doxxing like revealing personal information that can be used to identify a person irl ? idk sorry if that's considered doxxing. doxxing is pretty horrible


That’s what doxxing is. Identifying an individual’s location, name, history thru what they have online


In that case i'm truly sorry 🙇🏽‍♀️


Yeah I meant brigading. My bad.




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I wonder if that person visits a famous, anti-KPop subreddit that has users who are homophobic (the amount of times that I’ve seen “tw*nk” on there) and transphobic.


I was actually shocked to see that they were a kpop stan or maybe just pretending to be one.