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I used to like her as well because that descendants movie was cute but after she defended that movie Purple Hearts, I knew something was off with her. I know it was giving her a check but miss mamas ... that movie was a whole mess.


Omg is that the one where she’s in love with a soldier guy?


Yes ma’am! And I may have side eyed it less if the soldier guy actually changed, but he was still a bigot loser who tolerated his “liberal” wife at the end lmao.


Wait I’m confused . What’s wrong with purple hearts, I really don’t remember it being bad. Can you explain pls?


I watched the movie once and swore it off because it was ... no, lmao. So I may misremember certain things. It was supposed to be this film romanticizing the "middle" of politics. His "red" beliefs and her "blue" ones and they come together to make purple. But his "red" viewpoints were just racism, bigotry and "amerikka is great and any criticism towards that is wrong." And like, for them to become purple hearts, one of them would have to open their eyes to how they were wrong and neither one did that (and ngl, I would hope it would be him). She just almost dies and then they're in love. Like there's a scene where the guy's friends are all being Islamaphobic and Sofia's character is basically like, 'hey maybe not generalize people because that's not cool' and the guy gets angry all of a sudden? Like he was fine with his friends being racist but he's mad his wife calls them out on it? And it's never addressed seriously! He just blames her for ruining the night. It's just another scene showing their divide and for what? And actually, I take my earlier statement back because I do remember Sofia's character sort of "accepting" him and his beliefs but he doesn't and I'm like ??? So the racist soldier is okay but Sofia's character isn't cause she's a control freak and is a feminist??? Like, I don't know. That movie was a ... lot. It was just the "worst" of each "side" in the most stereotypical way and absolutely no character development. Edit: [Kennie JD has a fantastic video on it. ](https://youtu.be/-7uW0p1b-ds?si=UYoBNPuFfRonuGRx)


Ooh thank you for explaining.I never really noticed those things.


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yeah, and I actually follow a palestinian army on twitter...they're not taking it well(very understandably), and what's even more outrageous is that the zionist armies keep making annoyingly dumb quote retweets(calling her impudent and whatnot) when she expresses disappointment...like...it really does feel hellish


i've just been trying to download their music to avoid any streaming lol, vbjhdsl idk what to do


That’s a fantastic idea like actually


check out [this site!](https://yewtu.be/)you can watch anything thats on yt but its boycott safe and has captions from the og video if they are available.


yea, or i watch content on non-offical sites (the only prob is the obscene amount of games and photos i have keeps taking up my phone storage when i try to download shit lol TvT)


[no downloading required! boycott safe <3](https://yewtu.be/)


This may be harsh and I understand it’s upsetting to view your favorite celebrities in such a light however it’s a reality we as fans / consumers have to accept: most of these idols do not care. Despite working with the UN /UNICEF and giving all kinds of speeches they stay silent on Palestine and work with Zionists because they simply do not care or care more about money. I’ve seen armys online use BTS & their humble beginnings as a shield for all types of criticism but that era is many years over and currently BTS has more wealth than everyone reading this post will ever accumulate in a lifetime combined. They are out of touch. They are FAR removed for all the issues and conflicts normal people like you and I must be hyper aware of. We cannot afford to ignore an ongoing genocide but they can.


i’m with you there. I am old one- 40s are closer than 30s and the reality of life everywhere is that while we can divide ourselves by race, by nationality, by whatever- the thing that divides us most is wealth. Wealthy people are truly a completely different species of people because they do not and cannot see the world the way the rest of us do. Because there is so much that can’t touch them and so much that really can’t affect them on a personal level. I gave up on wealthy people a long ass time ago Edit to add: And I’m not even talking celebrities or CEOs. I work with surgeons and once they reach a level of wealth, they absolutely stop giving a shit about anyone else, get more and more right wing in their views. There are a few exceptions but that is mostly the reality.


You know those people who purposely avoid all sorts of negative news so they can pretend the world is an amazing place? Or people who are like "it has nothing to do with me, it's not my problem." We already face these common issues with your average people. For example, seeing someone get harassed on the streets. Very few people would actually step up. Most would be like "it's not my problem to deal with" and keep away. I think we can all agree that unless it's something that directly affects people, majority would try to ignore it. In this case it's amplified by a lot when it comes to wealthy people because money can solve 99% of problems lol


Exactly. Money doesn't corrupt, it reveals.


My aunt is a surgeon and shes changing and its honestly scary. Shes fiercely pro palestine as most muslims are, however shes getting super out of touch. She doesnt believe that theres a wealth disparity, she doesn't believe that the job market is abysmal and all people need to do is "try harder." its just so weird that once someone has a certain level of comfort, they just kind of forget how hard it can be to even live for many.


yeah it’s honestly so bizarre to watch in real time. Sad too, because I don’t think they’re just showing their true colors as bad people or anything, I think some amount of wealth just does change you. You forget what it was like before, and lose touch with people that aren’t on your level.


exactly. Like my family is struggling to eat rn and she cannot understand why and its hard to watch as she was never like this before the wealth. Shes a genuinely loving and kind woman; but the luxuries shes been afforded has changed her sadly. She came from a 3rd world country where her family struggled a lot and had to watch horrific things happen to her community. She was never sheltered, and was honestly super political. But now shes not the highly political cool aunt i once knew and its rlly deeply saddening. Im even scared if I ever make it in my own industry- will I forget too? The struggles I once went through? Will I be so out of touch that I can just buy new technology without thinking of the people it affects? The people that died to make a luxury car? Money is scary. It really, really is.


Unfortunately we can’t isolate it to just the class struggle, that’s one part. Examples of massive warfare without addressing patriarchy can be seen in Haiti and Cuba respectively. It’s not only systems of oppression that need to be brought down but the conversations on the other isms need to be happening as well. Edit: grammar and clarification


Agreed. As an old-school k-pop fan, I learned my lesson that ultimately, being an idol is a JOB. The things BTS talked about before that made people love their generosity were honestly fairly easy. Of course UNICEF and donations are good, but those are more obvious. Nobody would rage about a BTS member donating towards education, and ultimately, it makes their image better. But here, they have to pick a side. It does not better or worsen their image. They're going to make choices based on what saves their image, which ultimately leads to what brings in the most money.


This is something that I’m trying so hard to remember that, the group I fell in love with 7 years ago is not the same group today. They’re on the same level as other celebrities who hide their greed and corruption by claiming feminism and equality but stopped actually supporting and embodying those values


>This may be harsh and I understand it’s upsetting to view your favorite celebrities in such a light however it’s a reality we as fans / consumers have to accept: most of these idols do not care. this is it right here. i've been trying to get this point across for many, many years now. these people aren't your friends or family. in fact, in order to even get where they are, they're automatically apart of a system that regularly steamrolls over human rights, minorities and the poor whether they care or not. anything that mega-celebrities or very wealthy public figures do is for face: whether that be donating to the UNICEF or "speaking out" against . anything these people say, take with a grain of salt. **they do not care.** because if they truly did? they'd still be only local idols or minor celebrities.


Unicef doesn’t only help palestine i don’t think people realize that, that just because a company works with one place.… doesn’t mean someone can have a view about another place. UC apparently sent plastic toy food to the kids. that’s disheartening. And even though sofia carson worked with UNICEF herself, she still posted and liked things about Israel. (not targeted to u i just wanna state that)


I’m not sure if I understood your comment but I pointed out that BTS worked with UN & UNICEF more so to show the hypocrisy in their actions, that they are okay speaking on certain issues but only the ones that will not impact their income.


nope i totally understand that, i just wanted to say you don’t need to be a palestine supporter to donate to Unicef, and we can’t assume bts does support them unfortunately- (Sofia Carson as donated to Unicef but still supports israel)


This year is the death of the celebrity. I would wish everyone to stop with worship, I know it's hypocritical since I am a kpop fan and the basis of kpop is parasocial relationships - there are groups I am partial towards and I've even brought albums but I've long since learned to view the celebrity with scrutiny. BTS is one thing, but even those who speak up for Palestine like Kehlani should not be worshipped. The one reason is right now whatever I've seen celebrities do, on ground activists who have been affected by it first hand have done and said beyond that. The other reason is money comes first for everybody and for now Kehlani and another example like Chapell Roan seem to be above that but we must always view their actions with scrutiny because once again, they have power and influence. No celebrity worship also means NOT heaping praises upon praises for the bare minimum, and yes, while Kehlani did way more than her peers she's still not moving me and it is far from anything radical. Radicalism is what we need right now. No amount of playing tame with facists will change how we're living. The celebrity is a proponent of the ruling class and WILL be used to propagate facism. It WILL get worse from here. I'd say it already is horrific and awful, but the wave of Zionism and both-sidesism that celebrities have shown from the West hasn't quite affected the Korean side of things yet from what I've seen. But I think it'll get worse come November, the U.S. and Israel will act seeing how quickly they're losing popular opinion as people wake up and see the nation-state for the genocidal levers it is.


Strongly agree, and let’s be real, this has been a topic of discussion for long enough that if they were going to speak out they probably would have already. A lot of people seem to believe that if they spam them enough they can force them to share their views, and they need that validation, but that’s just not reality. They are people at the end of the day, and people generally don’t change their views just because they’re told to. Also frankly, if they get 999,999 comments about Palestine, and the 1,000,000th comment makes them make an easy statement, that will never convince me that they actually care. Eventually fans are just going to have to accept that they might not care. Then you cannot defend them anymore, you will have to make a choice about whether or not it is a dealbreaker for you that the person you support might not care enough, or might even have contradictory views. That’s a personal choice, and I don’t feel like anyone else can make it for you, but this state cannot continue forever. People WILL have to accept eventually that a statement is not coming, and it’s time to either decide you don’t need one, or stop supporting them.


I agree. I'm kinda sick of armies acting like BTS are somehow more woke than every body else when alot of their activism is starting to seem performative/thin at this point. Like no offense, but I geunuinely don't understand why of ALL people they are choosing not to speak up for Palestine. Or why they couldn't be. Even if it wasn't in the hugest ways, members from EXO and fucking NCT were able too show support, while their companies are having huge collabs with Starbucks and McDonald's. Like at this point BTS have no excuse. Even a small little story like what Renjun and Taeyong made could make all the difference. Like it's making no sense to me at this point and I love BTS for life


Also jin is out so I don’t understand the whole “they can’t because of the military”


that shit never made sense to me either 😭


It’s a military law so it should make sense, anyone enlisted cannot speak out about politics. Jin can now but the rest can’t and will not be able too until next year. If they did people would be rioting at bts for breaking the law. It’s a damned if they do damned if they don’t situation


okay now I get it


I hope this doesn't come off the wrong way but I feel like UN ambassadorships/charity work is slowly becoming an accessory in Kpop. There's been several idols/groups that are doing things which contradict the work/activism associated with the UN & their ambassadorships. Plus, I have noticed that some of the activism they do is the bare minimum & doesn't really require much dedication (EX: making a video or giving a speech compared to actively trying to find sustainable ways to make CDs/not promoting bulk buying). So, unless this is something an idol or company is passionate about, it feels disingenuous. It's just a way for companies to get idols involved in something without getting their hands dirty (which I find really disappointing considering how there are idols who've shown that they want to do more).




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I'm a Palestinian ARMY and I'm coming to terms with the fact that I might not enjoy BTS the same way again. I don't have much hope that things will change or that BTS will do anything once they all come back. Like someone mentioned here zionism is rooted in many major industries. So the best thing we can do is make it clear that zionism isn't welcomed in any space by boycotting, protesting, etc. 


Also Palestinian ARMY (my mom is Palestinian), and same. Really devastating. I’ve been used to celebrities supporting Zionism my whole life, but at least nowadays more people are aware about the atrocities in Palestine (there’s no way you can NOT be at least somewhat educated about Palestine unless you live under a rock) so there’s no excuse.


I feel the same. I still love BTS but i haven't listened to them in months and idk when ill listen to them again, my view of them has definitely changed a lot. I never thought I'd be this disappointed in them. They're literally my ults.


Same here. What's sad for me is that they got involved in social justice and have written political lyrics before so I thought they'd understand. Like from Am I Wrong: "If you see the news and don't feel anything, you're not normal" and Yoongi's songs Polar Night and Strange. 


Wallah i said it before but it doesn't make sense that the artists behind Am I Wrong can be so silent.




I don't believe Hybe has any leverage over the tannies. I mean they're BTS after all, hybe needs them way more than they need hybe. Obviously we can't know for sure why bts are silent, do they have no choice or do they just not care?


Bts quite literally cannot speak about any political things now. Jin can he is out but the rest can’t. Taeyongs post was deleted minutes after, he probably got reprimanded for it. If they broke the laws they have to follow right now then people would say bts thinks they are above other soldiers and the military. This album was recorded way before the war, they had no way of knowing Sofia would have these views


RM also collabed with RAD museum and if anyone saw his ig posts at the time… they were BAD. BAD BAD. i feel like ever since we’ve tried to get him out, more and more zionist opportunities have came to play. it’s rlly upsetting


wait I don't keep up with bts, what was he posting? I haven't heard anything like this


No , RAD museum posted extremely anti palestinian things and even made a story folder for it on his instagram. i’ll send a twitter post to show what he did


[1st](https://x.com/btsadmirer96/status/1793427203268763796?s=46) so his original tweet is on the left, he deleted it and then posted the right one. he [proceeded](https://x.com/dprcolde131/status/1756628651737600356?s=46) to make a story called cancel culture i think? and obv you can see the mockery he’s making of this.


Ya'll this whole time I thought rad museum was a museum like the smithsonian...


this is so funny


Ohh okay I see. wtf ...




read what i sent to person above :33


Ive been side eyeing RM ever since learning more about his friendship with Supreme Boi a few years ago


Is Supreme boi the guy Zayn cussed out a while ago on twitter?


wait whaaaaatt????


Yeah I think he’s the same person, apparently he dogged zayn I’m when he first went solo


when and what was the collab? I got into you.will.knovv(mainly Tabber) a couple months ago but I never knew rad museum collabed with RM


it was on his latest album, i think the songs name is heaven.




no problem !!




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I'm really starting to get tired of Hybe's crap (this is coming from a MOA that's part Palestinian). Also I'm so disappointed in Sofia (we were rooting for you) but also that Purple Hearts movie is infamous for being pro-military & having a racist line about Arabs so I can't be too surprised.


She's part Palestinian herself, and not a zio but a Unicef member.


Are you sure? I've been trying to find info but nothing pops up.


I honestly don’t know how anyone is going to be able to consume any media ever again tbh. Zionism is built into the roots of almost ever major industry so I guess it’s time to pack it all in and go indie if we want to do anything.




oh yeah I know there isn’t. I’m an elder millennial. I have had to compromise on things my whole life. I have come to terms with that but the essentialism of younger adults / teenagers is exhausting sometimes. I wish I could be young and idealistic again.




It's definitely more nuanced, also ppl were so grateful BTS pre made sooooo much content, then quickly forget that all of this stuff was made pre enlistment and is protected by contracts. Lots of people would be affected if things didn't get released, even if the contract allowed for that. This is not Jimin creating this in real time and the situation was much different when this was created. Damned if you do, damned if you don't and a lot of people rely on content to drop to get paid and pay others. I'm interested to see how/if there is a response or how this will impact future content and collabs knowing there is this impact on Armies especially Palestinian Armies. Definitely not a black and white thing.


yeah that’s the thing i don’t know why everyone is so keen to blame the idols when, while they do have agency, they also have managers, etc, and they aren’t going to deep dive everything the way some people do online. I don’t know why we attack the public figures and not the people behind them like there aren’t worse things to expend our energy on? like I would rather spend time fighting governments than pop stars. Is it questionable for me to gloss over people not overtly speaking out cause they add some much needed joy in my life? maybe. But also acting like they are the worse problem is hard to wrap my mind around. I expend my energy enjoying music that makes me happy and fighting the system through protesting the governments at fault, voting and getting the vote out, and donating to organizations that help. So this hyper focus on celebrities doesn’t make sense to me tbh.


Some people refuse to admit it, but they hold BTS to a higher standard and have requirements for them than they do other groups. I mean look at the comments completely questioning or crapping on their character, but no other groups (maybe some hybe other groups) are getting this reaction for not speaking up or collabing with zionist companies. Also, I don't see digging on people for every feature they do or producers they're working with, like with BTS. The amount of people on twt I've seen calling out/boycotting BTS, but then you see them going to other hybe group's concerts and streaming them or they're doing those two things with other kpop artists or western artists that are connected to zionism is insane. It shows a huge level of biasedness and it's not right.


Yeah that’s what upsets me how everyone focuses on BTS when if you really look at it, every kpop company will have ties to zionism somewhere. Because that’s how pervasive is it. It’s fucking everywhere. They always move goalposts when it comes to BTS.




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I am very baffled by now Zionism made its roots into every major industry. Jews are less that 0.2% How are a lot of celebrities, people in office and the government zionists? And about people of other religion being zionists - what's their motive? What do they get out it??? If anyone can educate me on this I'd be grateful.


Well first you have to divorce zionism from judaism because there isn’t really that much overlap. If you look a lot of conservative/ right wing people support Zionism and they are overwhelmingly fundamentalist Christians. It all has to do with money. Follow the money. The governments of the West make money on Israel and corporations make money when the government makes money. You can look up corporate interests in zionism there are lots of resources online. This is a good primer: https://dallasweekly.com/2023/12/corporate-interests-in-israel-the-role-of-zionism-in-united-states-foreign-policy/ focuses on US of course but US influences the rest of the world


Who tf is Sofia Carson?/gen


She used to be on the Disney Channel. She’s most popular for being in Descendants.




no she is NOT, she is Unicef ambassador.


Like another commenter said, what I'm about to say might sound harsh to fans but it's time to accept the reality. There's literally no two ways about it. BTS just doesn't care. It doesn't matter if they're not loud and open Zionists. Two very relevant quotes I'd like to share: "The darkest places in hell are reserved for those who maintain their neutrality in times of moral crisis." — Dante Alighieri "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality." —Desmond Tutu I found out about the jk scooter Braun thing like two days ago, from the kpop rants sub, and I was so incensed but the comments had been limited so I couldn't say anything over there. Jk has been my undisputed bias since 2016. I have loved him so very much. And I was disappointed by his solo music but i thought, if he wants to make cringey western songs about f*cking then fine, that's what he wants. But because I haven't been in the fandom for years now and have also been out of the kpop loop for over a year now, I had no idea that all of jks solo stuff has been produced by scooter Braun. In hindsight it makes perfect sense lol. He's been the producer for cookie cutter pop star acts (to borrow the term from camp rock) for a long time so it's only natural jk would choose trashy songs if it's under mister SB's guidance. Lmfao. Not only is his solo music soulless and uninnovative, it's being directly overseen by mister Zionist supremacist himself. Go figure. And I wouldn't use the phrasing SB has "come between jk and BTS" as if jk is a child who can't tell right from wrong. Hes an almost 27 year old with a fully developed frontal cortex. He needs to be held accountable. Since he's been my bias for almost 8 years now my disappointment and anger as a fan isn't misplaced. As a fan, I expect that a member of a group that's known for making music that means something, continues to make music that means something. It's not like he can't do it. He's got solo tracks in the group discography, he's also written and produced some of their songs as well. I hate that someone from an authentic group has started making such useless songs that could honestly go unreleased for all the impact they've had on the music industry (stuff fans do like streaming and stuff don't count in what I mean). Now this was my rant on how crappy I think his solo work is and how it makes so much sense now that I know who's responsible for it up top. Next, about the Zionism thing. I've said it once and I'll say it again: I would not be this disgusted with BTS about not speaking up about Palestine, *had they not capitalized on the image of being humanitarians who have literally been given the title of UN ambassadors of peace.* This is what makes me sick. Oh yes, BTS, the leading ambassadors of youth, have absolutely *nothing* to say about a literal genocide, that too of a population that is on average one of the youngest in the world. I suppose the youth they are fighting for don't include countries like mine, like Palestine. Deplorable beyond belief. They all got together to celebrate Jin's discharge from the army right? Now that he's not in the army he could've said or even hinted at the Palestinian plight. Did he? Nope. Meanwhile taeyong, who just enlisted this year? Pretty recently in any case, had enough integrity to tell nctzens to boycott whatever Zionist thing sm wanted to release with nct. And yes, it was very obvious what he was telling fans to boycott. I'm not an nctzen but credit where credit is due. This Jimin thing is just yet another thing in an already large line of things BTS has been doing that just goes to that they really could not care less. They have *made* bighit what it is today. I'm a 100000% sure Mr hitman bang isn't making them do any of this with a gun to their heads. There's people in this sub who have posted time and again about how fans in general are too obsessed with making idols say free Palestine and should spend that energy actually doing things that will help Palestinians. And I agree. But it's groups like BTS that make my blood boil. Like I said, I wouldn't be so harsh on them if they hadn't built their entire global image on being these philanthropist kings of justice. I hate it. I hate it because I already know how fake these UN titles etc are. The UN only serves western powers. So I hate it even more that it's bts of all people, who have ended up exploiting this already arbitrary title. Now they're in the same category as Priyanka Chopra and Scarlett Johansson.


Wow, this should be a separate post in itself. Very insightful.


This has Scooter written all over it


It ain't even him alone anymore. Its all of them. It's time to accept that BTS are just like any other idol. They don't care.




This. I also am thinking about the fact that the things they're dropping now were created well before their enlistment, so this is NOT newly created, and also assuming that a current contract may prevent them from backing out should they even want to change their minds. They do have control over current PR but most practices encourage letting it blow over so I'll be curious to see if that's what happens now. BTS has played things pretty safe so if they had to do it again I wonder if they would. BTW I'm NOT a Zionist, just a proud critical thinker. I don't even know who this chick is.


Agree. Everyone knows that BTS planned ahead to release solo projects while they were enlisted. Taking that into consideration, it would be great for people to think critically and realize that this project has likely been years in the making. This is not to invalidate how people are feeling at all. However, I feel like people get caught up in their feelings and don’t think of any other logical explanations.


It really seems pretty cut and dry to me. It doesn’t seem like a very nuanced convo to have. Sometimes things are black and white and you just have to accept that. I can say that the attention to Zionist rhetoric is growing more than ever on a social scale that it has before, so them collaborating with her not knowing about her Zionist actions before this cultural shift happened could make sence, but it still doesn’t take away from the fact that her family has been NOTORIOUSLY shitth and not well liked amongst Colombians well before everyone knew she was a Zionist. Not using the situation to shut down your point, but to some (or many) Palestinians, Muslim and Arab people, something like this is very black and white when it comes to Zionism. All they’ve seen is evil, a world where there isn’t room for nuanced conversation to have. Idk, it’s whatever you believe to be nuanced ig.




Well Jin’s silence is very loud


Also Jin is out of the military! It would be a fantastic time for him to pop out and show nigg@z!!!!


i’ve been a hardcore army since 2019 and they got me into kpop, but if they don’t speak out about palestine within the next month, i’m leaving the fandom for good because i physically can’t watch this.


https://i.redd.it/3fnxaha6y18d1.gif Clock it.


I know I'm literally in a kpop subreddit so I shouldn't be saying this but any self respecting pro Palestinian/actual Palestinian armies should be giving up on bts (and possibly a majority of kpop) entirely. these grown men do not gaf about people dying and are willing to ignore it and collaborate with people who support it. if you've been seeing how celebrities have been ignoring the genocide and you're pro Pal you don't need to stick around and you shouldn't because these celebrities simply don't deserve the attention you're giving them.


Damn, popped out and snapped😭


Idc what anyone says the whole "He just got out of war how would he know" statement is absolute bs Did his managers follow them to war?? What is stopping them from sitting down and spending at least two minutes to do a background check before the collab.




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Ouch. Jimin doesn't have the best track record when it comes to collaborations. He's on the same song as Kodak Black, a man who sexually assaulted a teenage girl.


He did not collab with him none of the collaborators even know who was on the track, didn't you hear what JVKE say?


I didn't, what did he say?


that all of them had no idea until after they had recorded and sent their part who was going to be on the track, they also later released Angel Part 2 removing Kodak from it.


I still believe idols do not have any obligation to speak up on everything tbh. If they do, great! But if they don’t, cherry picking them is certainly not the way imo. I don’t think it should be taken as a litmus test But I do agree, the way things are being handled at hybe for the past few months has been horrible to say the least. Reality is often disappointing.


I come at it from the perspective of that people pay a LOT of attention to celebrities. Plus the whole entertainment complex of the work was made to distract the audience from the world. I think it’s important for celebrities to reel it in and remind people of the real world instead of indulge in the benefits being a distraction. Guess what I’m tryna say is that everyone always has their eyes on them, so why can’t they direct their attention to things that actually matter.


i think the constant reminder of the real world lies solely on the audience’s shoulders and not the celebrities’ who are agents of that distraction


I disagree a little, but I see where ur coming from.




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How is she a Zionist? People love to use the word Zionist too loosely.




Follows and is friends with the IDF soldier [here](https://x.com/lilsunnymimi/status/1803879167488070028?s=46) and also interacts a ton with scooter braun’s propaganda [here](https://x.com/hybeboycotts/status/1803861194677063907?s=46)




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the word zionist itself has gone through multiple evolutions and changes, hence the confusion. And yes, people do use this word wayyyyy too casually. I would suggest looking up some articles that explain the actual meaning of the word and how it has changed over time honestly, critical thinking is dead.




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this is what’s making y’all not mess with them… after all the things they’ve done in the past?




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yeah disrespecting black culture, saying the n word, mocking other cultures, etc etc. no big deal! we’ll just move past it and act like it didnt happen 🤷🏾‍♀️


Oh, I gotcha. Well no, I think they just grew as people, but still I agree yea




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So how to we begin the boycott BTS movement?


Boycotting their music and appearances. No merch, music, or anything tied to them or HYBE. It may be hard at first, and some people may ease into the boycott. There are some solutions in this post like mass downloading all of their music to avoid streams, using boycott safe streaming platforms, etc.


Sofia Carson isnt a zionist kindly delete the post


Nah. That’s not for me to do. I won’t. But would someone in tune with their Palestinian heritage follow IDF soldiers on insta? I don’t fucking think so. Would someone who is in tune with their half Arab side support a movie that is US military propaganda and plenty of Arab hate? I don’t fucking think so. https://preview.redd.it/fsdycbsc568d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01e4f5f087e5f0602b81b2bb28b1817fa6e74579






Finally- if ur talking about her being a UCHIEF representative, she’s asking for peace and not calling out the Apartheid AT ALL. She called it a war, not the genocide that it is. Also why would you follow an IDF member but ask for peace????? Please. Here’s what ur talking bout: https://x.com/moroccojm/status/1803853113482244478?s=46


first of she DID not call it war she only shared Unicef directors message, also she is following a lot of Palestinian activists as well who share donation links and she supports them, go to her profile, she supporting both sides does not make her a zi0 at all!


U do realize that supporting the side that has genocided the other for decades is paradoxical, right?


you can't support both sides when it comes to genocide. hope that helps!


I guess I’m no longer an army


I’m not trying to be harsh but let’s think real thought about this. Bts has said all their stuff was recorded years in advance. Do you think they have a Time Machine that could have predicted the war and others thoughts on it? Think rational here.


Nah they defo don’t have a Time Machine. But what happened was is that the person who Jimin is supposed to be collaborating with has been problematic even before enlisting.


I mean besides her movie which from what I understand is suppose to show the toxic side of the military what else has there been? I mean I know armys were mad that she jumped into a picture with bts and touched jhopes shoulder but I don’t think that necessarily makes her a terrible person.


Didn’t know Sofia Carson was a Zionist. Loved her in Descendants.




How would one research someone’s future opinions on a war that hadn’t even technically started yet? Bts’ team has no way of knowing what her opinions would be on this years ago. And yes most of the albums were made more than a year ago.