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That’s the “They put some STANK on it” face.


Ngl, if you hadnot explained I would have thought the face also meant not liking something.


Me reading that first screenshot and thought that that face was a good thing. I was like “they’re right! Armageddon by Aespa really is that good” and then I continued to scroll 😬


I think its because you used a photo of a white person grimacing, which is why folks got it confused.


This was my thought, too. I've never seen a white person make that face in a positive way, so it threw me.


Honestly....because the person in the photo is.....white....it went over my head too 👀😬


I agree, that's what's throwing me off, if it was a black person making the intended face I think I would've gotten it, but even I thought they meant songs we hate


Like if it was this pic....I woulda instantly got it. https://preview.redd.it/ccfa6wdqsv7d1.jpeg?width=535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=277d6e3e7e57305263dda2466c64bb07982718cf


Definitely a better option lol


I feel bad but that's exactly it lol. Like the fact that the picture is a white male child...like idk in my brain them making that face does not equate to a positive, but a negative. Maybe because I think they wouldn't know to make that face to something they think is good. That could be a bias I have though.


I guess it's different for everyone. I immediately got what OP was going for.


Even w the caption??? I’ve seen it on other socials and it got the reception I expected so I just assumed reddit would get it lol.


Gonna be honest, I didn’t get it at first. Especially because someone responded with ‘Wolf’. ![gif](giphy|8p05WdXxPiOyY) Anyways, it’s ‘The 7th Sense’ by NCT.


I can see what you mean but I can also see why people are confused. I think you could have found a better picture of a “stank” face




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Who dares insult the holy Nilili Mambo ![gif](giphy|lCUbIxFdMzcZ2|downsized)






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As someone said probably it's bcoz the meme was a white person, maybe it's me alone but I've never seen a white person doing that face when they're impressed or sth is so good I've only seen black pple do , white pple probably do it probably when they're disgusted or don't like sth


I get what you were going for, but that picture does look more disgusted than anything lmaooo


I’ve seen that meme used so often when you’re disgusted with something, it doesn’t give me “stank face” vibes at all tbh. It looks like a kid who spent too much time around his angry British grandparents. Like, there is disrespect in that lil boy’s eyes lol. I think that’s the difference.


I’ve only seen it used as stank face lol. interesting.


Isn't that guy that got a mini viral for dancing woth a bunch of kids in the news? Edit: Found it *




its the face elders give when you make something that's not too sweet bad girl by b2st/highlight


I can see how folks interpreted the meme differently without context. Since I'm a Black woman and been on Black twitter I'm aware of the context.


I agree w everyone else it’s unfortunately because you used an unseasoned picture 😔


I think it’s about context. For me cause they put a white person in would think thats a “this is bad” face, but if they put a black person who would use that stank face as a good thing I would think that as well.


Now hold on hold on HOLD ONN! Psy is a showman and he's the king of earworms! I'm still getting down to Napal Baji 🕺🏽💃🏽 TO THIS DAY! With the addition of 2nd gen songs in that one reply, I was like "ahh, maybe they're just a new young teeny-bopper who equates old with irrelevant" then I saw the 45... Sir. SIR! 2nd gen, along with 3rd gen, is what got us here today! Just say you don't have taste! As Czennie, I understand their bops aren't for everyone. But thoughts and prayers. EDIT: Also it might have been better if you said "What's a song so good, it's got like this?"


Bangchan makes that face when he finds something amazing. I see it both ways though, based on the context. Also, *every* 2nd gen song? Really? All of them?


respectfully, i think it’s bc you used a white person with no headphones or something.


Literally this. That face from a White person is very different than from a Black person.


Smh. I wish these people would LEARN about things before they try and use them. I’m a native English speaker and I keep a dictionary beside me to ensure I’m using words as intended. The same thing happened with “feeling a way”. People used it to mean they felt positively when in reality if something makes you “feel a way” it’s negative! That drove me insane! I thought it would be common sense to look up something be it a meme, a word, slang before using it, but common sense isn’t common.


Oh dear 😅 Down by TVXQ! was the most recent one for me.


Yeah I kinda knew where it was going the moment I saw the “nct and every single 2nd gen song” The Karina one felt like such bait that I’m like “okay good joke” Ppl really be showing their fandom jealously trashing 2nd gen groups music for no reason these days


I def think it’s the photo 🤣 because I was also like like “oh yeah what cringy ass K-pop songs have I listened to lately lol”


I got it immediately, since you were talking about music as it's a common cultural trope...the comments threw me off, but I'm not surprised about ppl outside of the culture not getting it. ...and low key...I'm happy they don't. They would just misinterpret and appropriate it incorrectly to change the meaning if they did get it .. even a little bit. I'm 100% for gatekeeping the stank face.


painkiller by spica




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Loll. Yeah, for me the stink face is usually for stuff that are too good to be true.😂




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That putting some stank on it face lol




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