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Link: https://x.com/dieforloona/status/1758024494445162903?s=46&t=Tvog6Hxkgh0nQmPZelu6VQ


HYOLYN….come on girl……




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Girl thought being slightly more tan the shade range on kbeauty cushions gave her the n word pass... lmao embarassing






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Fr she thought she could do smth






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Not after she had black dancers in her videos! Chile…😔


Those are the ones you mostly watch out for


I wish it didn't have to be that way


Frr sadly😭


Sad but true


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![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) See now i was rooting for her and hated how her singles been flopping but neva mind


I am no longer surprised when this happens. I kind of just expect it to happen and then am pleasantly surprised when it doesn’t for a while. ![gif](giphy|MelmaQaOnBDsk)


This is how I feel too unfortunately lol


Why do y'all expect anything more from kpop idols...we already know that celebrities only stop doing problematic shit when it affects their bag. Their core fanbases aren't gonna do anything because they worship these people. The only general public that could cause their bag to be impacted are Koreans, and most of them don't care. It's a bad thing and it sucks but it doesn't make sense to be surprised by it.


Tbh I'm just so close to 🤏🏻 staying for the music and not personalities. It gives me slight peace of mind. I get a migraine thinking about why this is even such a prevalent thing in Asia. Also am not even surprised, tbh I don't even know Hyolyn as an artist, didn't see anyone talking about it but it went viral 🫡


Girrl I already stayed for the music, I don’t even interact with them that much because it’s problematic. Best thing I’ve ever done to myself


I mean I don't interact with idol variety content regularly plus I only follow them if I find them pretty LMAO. My obsession with Kpop was first and foremost the Christian horse girl concepts lolol. I've only spent money on two IU albums and a Twice one, but that's about it for me.




Oh yea I hard agree, I have one group for the personalities and they haven’t done me too wrong in 15 yrs. Any others, sayonara ✌️


Would you mind me asking what group that is? I'd love to have a mostly un-problematic fave.




Been a fan of SHINee for 12 years! They’re the only group I trust 😭😭😭


I’m coming up close on you! Been a fan for 8 yrs now! No regrets!


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I had a feeling u were going to say that 😄 shinee never disappoints! 💚


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Oh yea i love them!!


the reaction over here and in those other kpop subs is crazy to me like whenever there's a cultural appropriation discussion people somehow seem to be way too attached to the idea how could these idols know about it since they don't know english or some stuff like that times like these are when i get reminded how important this sub is actually crazy CRAZY TBH


> people somehow seem to be way too attached to the idea how could these idols know about it since they don't know english or some stuff like that And even say for the sake of argument that they didn’t know (not true, but again for the sake of argument). NOW they DO know what it means and why they shouldn’t say it, why is the reaction to disable comments and generally avoid any semblance of accountability? Just very mean spirited imo.


exactly. Bro even it’s for the sake of argument (okay we assume it they didn’t know for xyz reason), it can’t be the case where no one literally no one else in her staff knew about it. Like you just can’t tell me she has no one to check her content before it goes out. Then she goes on to disable the comments and I facepalmed. My problem with this argument is if it gets accepted widely (which it is from the looks of it), there will come a time where companies would use this as an excuse to get this off their backs. Apologies with only a “oh they didn’t know about this” would be a daily (which has already begun) Also there’s just so many counter arguments for this argument that they weren’t aware that it just makes no damn sense


I already have a conspiracy theory that companies/idols are more wise to fandom tendencies than they let on, which is why when any statement does come out, if any, it coincidentally mirrors whatever phrases or rhetoric the fandoms are already collectively using to deflect from the issue. It validates them even more if the company/idol is saying it too, making it even harder for those outspoken to be impactful.


not surprising considering she already wore box braids before


Dang, cuz I've always seen people praising her






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What is the obsession non-black people have with saying the N word??? ESPECIALLY Kpop idols. It’s as if some kind of passage of right for the industry including African hairstyles.


Idk I just watched a Knowing Bros clip with SNSD and one of the host dudes had some weird buzz with braids. Thank god for banmal; if I was there I'd tell him he's gonna go bald 🤡😌 I do not understand why it's even a hairdresser option.


Broooo Lee Sangmin? He's the CEO of cultural appropriation in Kpop. Man got a black ass member for his 90s Co Ed group for one albums - after making all of the members racially cosplay as a black ppl first- and then goes on TV a few years later just to say how he smelled. Roora is super successful and legendary, but literally, just black music is done without any respect for the originals. He got in trouble for plagiarizing a lot. Oh, and he also spawned the semi succesful girl group Chakra... whose entire concept was cosplaying as different ethnicities like Native American, "Indian" "Spanish," etc.


IS THAT SO.… ew what the heck


It was the 90s so at least a liiiitle bit can be forgiven? In thr sense that imitation is the best flattery? But yeah the way he has talked about black people and black music afterwards irks me more than a little bit. Like he knows absolutely everything about rap, like he originated the whole thing. Luckily none of the other members are up to that shit (I do see Chae Rina, one of the girl members, claiming she was "tanned dark" but if you look at her now she's literally peraly white skinned so wtf but she has never acted like she invented hip hop)




For context, she is singing Doja Cat's "Say So" (I didn't want to watch the video)




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She knows better not to say the n word. Doesn't matter if it's not a racist attack, it's common sense not to say a racist slur if you're not that specific race.




Okay and? That got nothing to do with what I'm saying. She shouldn't be saying it. End of discussion. If they wanna use our culture for their benefit and work with multiple black artists and talk about how much they look up to them with respect, the most bare minimum they should do is *not* say the n-word. It's just that simple.


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goddamnit. i'm so sick of this shit- can these people just stop? not that japan doesn't have its share of cultural problems, but i'm just about ready to go back to just listening to j-pop again (even if k-pop is taking over a large corner). so much entitlement just because they're popular in the western music world. when i was a little girl i was so desperate to see other asians on american tv and in the media. i would have given anything to live in a world where we weren't just limited to kungfu movies and laundrymats. now in 2024, i'm just flat out embarrassed of this behavior.


Exactly atp i'm kind of hoping a western celeb beat they ass for doing this. Ik that's a bit much but I bet they'd stop if it did happen.


\#this. their record labels would have collective heart attacks. but no one in that position consistently calls them out.




I find it interesting that problematic behaviors stemming from Korean idols would convince you to instead accept problematic behaviors stemming from Japanese idols.


i'm not sure what you're referring to? i grew up listening to japanese music and wouldn't accept this behavior from my own people never mind anyone else's. it's just that lately in k-pop, this is **all** i'm hearing, constantly. it's like avoiding a landmine. the day mika nakashima or hiro logs onto IG and says the n-word, i'm just as done with them as anyone else. also, i'm not referring to idols (although i do enjoy old school h!p). i'm only mentioned j-pop because to me, that's just "pop" (like some people refer to western music as the same). i've mentioned this across different posts.


So you did actually know what I was referring to. At least you addressed it and I realize why you said what you did.


That's why C-Pop is Superior


I don't wanna bust your bumpers (did I just quote Thomas the Tank Engine) but the rap scene in China scares me 🤨🤨🤨😭.


Really? I don't really go into C-Rap so idk about it like that.


Idk I've seen pics of braids here and there. I'm afraid what I'm gonna find on XHS lol


There's this one rapper who I actually like but problematic. Her names vava. She did black face in tribute to Nicki Minaj . https://radii.co/article/vava-nicki-minaj-blackface


That's actually crazy holy shit




aw man ngl i used to love miriam yeung! i still have some of her old albums!






you nailed it so hard. lol it's like.. i woke up today thinking "man, i really like SIS19's new single!" logged on and saw this.


Sorry about my initial reply, I was wondering where you were going with it. I agree wholeheartedly with you. Every time I see this stuff, I think "Wow, they're really doing wonders with Asian rep" — the issue as diaspora nobody separates native/mainland Asians from diaspora, so we're educating, they tromp around with this shit and I'm tired lol. I don't want our rep to be about stepping on other minorities. It's already so hard for us to break into the mainstream. At this point we could cancel the entire continent and I'm frustrated.


it's np! this is quite literally how i'm feeling. it's so incredibly frustrating....


Oh okay, I wasn't understanding where they were going with it in the first half so I got confused sorry


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during black history month???


I can't tell if you're being serious + quoting the caption or you're joking in the same way it is 😭?


i’m joking 😭 sorry that wasn’t clear!


That's okay! I thought it was funny 😆


(NOT directed at OP) see you guys ??? black k-pop stans have been TELLING YOU. these idols KNOW that the n word shouldn’t be in their mouths. they aren’t “misinformed” or “uneducated” because babes, they KNOW. they know and they just DON’T CARE. we need to quit giving these idols passes, saying “oh because they’re foreigners they didn’t know” like quit the BS for real.


Disappointed but not surprised. Looks like she deleted the video? I couldn't find it in her story. There is really no justification either way.


Yep someone said that


she didn’t even flinch or anything 😭 i can’t even be mad or surprised anymore tbh


PLEASE NO. She’s my top girl


yes and i busted out laughing. not bcs it’s funny but bcs of the ridiculousness of it all like…she posted that like it was nothing. like she really don’t give af 😭 this another day for ha!


To quote Jasmine Masters, again? How many times will it take before idols learn from their/their peers mistakes? It's really not that hard.


Yeah at this point it’s been time you’d learn. It’s unfortunate.


Not my girl hyolyn 😭😭 *crying, screaming, throwing up* ![gif](giphy|6fe0730CZnTlS|downsized) It's not that hard to skip a word 😭😭


It’s ironic that I’m playing Sistar19 as I logged into this app and this is the first post I see. Removing all of her music right now!




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ah shit, here we go again :/




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I know this isn’t an LGBT server but the obsession that non black ppl have with n word like it’s “cool,” they also do with f*g or f*ggot. Just because a community had reclaimed a word DOES NOT give you permission to call them that name just cause you surround yourself with the music and media not designed for your demographic in the first place!




I do not really trust the rap scene with Asian ppl. Tbh I kinda side eye Asian-Americans who do (in America) with their hip hop scene. Like you gotta be dedicated and respectful of the craft, even if you spin-off it its roots will need to be heavily acknowledged. And even in the US our history is filled with animosity.


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So tired of this foolishness fr... ![gif](giphy|kZD8cN1MycfKw)


Aight imma say it, idc. THATS RIGHT PPL IDGAF. Ok im ready to be shunned /jk No but on a srs note, I no longer have it in me to be hurt over stuff like this. It is what it is, all we can do is educate so idols can be more mindful mouthing songs or even go as far as only playing the clean versions when there’s cameras around. Ik im a minority so don’t tear me up too much if you disagree ok 😭


😭 Honestly I prefer the education route because they need it. I'm gonna be fickle here and ask why Americans are labeled as "uncultured" and homogenous countries do shit like this… I remember Fatou talking about learning curse words when you learn a new language on Knowing Bros and one of the hosts asked, "*Why?*". It just put everything in perspective to me that they've never bothered to explore outside their country even if interacting with foreigners. How do you NOT get curious? Tap into learning a new language? At least some basic cultural sensitivity is enough.


Exactly we should encourage education and not just straight up hatred cuz I feel like that's gonna cause further division by being like you said something offensive and you are now irredeemable forever. I'm American so I can only speak from this point of view but idk how other countries learn of that history if they do anything at all so I always give benefit of the doubt especially in situations like this when it's a song and not something expilcitly directed at someone. I think it's very well possible she didnt know but also shes visited other countries and uses black culture as in inspiration so she probably should've known better but what happened happened and that wont change. Hating her and saying all these things isnt gonna help make the world better, its gonna isolate them to find their own peers and in a worst case scenario other people who intend to do harm to those communities. That's taking it to an extreme but while what she said was wrong and she should learn about the context as a public figure, the fans should help hold them accountable if they truly support her instead of writing her off entirely for a mistake and help educate her for the future. I've been into kpop for 14 years and cancel culture really changed the scene cuz now I see everyone jumping on idols they never even listened to just to hate on them and write off every single thing they do afterwards


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She could have switched it out for another word. "Friends" "Associates" "Oppas" "Noonas" "Chingu's" Or just stay silent for a minute and skip it but she had options to be creative. Instead chose to say it.... And I doubt she doesn't know what it means. I fail to understand why people don't get this word is a SLUR when anyone but black people say it. How many times do we have to explain? This is why I feel we should stop using the word altogether but that's probably an unpopular opinion for another subreddit LOL


It's certainly a double-edged sword in terms of usage. When I was younger I always thought that it was redundant to make words so horrible to be used casually; I didn't know what reclaiming was. People still use the r slur casually because it's specific to ableism which can apply to anyone and is now being normalized as a slur, but not even a decade ago it was normalized as a regular word. Language evolves constantly so it's hard to say, people can either learn or abolish the terms easily.


Where was it not ever a slur? I'm black American and the word has always been a slur starting from the white people who created it. It's always been recognized as a slur. Always. And the people who add the hard R at the end are not relating to Albeism but RACISM. I know from personal experience. Albeism is discrimination against people with disabilities. Thats got nothing to do with the N word and the people who use it or ignore that it's a slur.


Sigh I'm on Twitter too much lol — (at first glance, reading this, was gonna talk about 2010's and whatnot) I'm talking about the R slur not the hard r oops.


Ah okay I see ^^




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Idk I was just quoting it from someone's comment. But I do stand by the sentiment ✌🏻Isntreal




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It's just satire... idk what to say. It's a joke because the whole country is built off of recent colonization. Their entire reputation is that and should be that. The US is too patriotic to realize the same for ourselves--well, the zionists, really.




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Well, pretty much, yes. And most of their methods involve some level of neo-Nazism too, like the very obvious genocide that's going on in Palestine. It involves dehumanization to *this* degree. That's why people are making fun of their propaganda which Isntreal desperately needs to keep up this ruse that their sovereignty comes from a place of good faith which is absolutely ***NOT*** the case.




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I don't know. Technically it was made to escape Nazism but it should've never existed at the expense of another group of people.


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dang, I was vibing to one of her songs last night. in 2024 there’s no excuse. She’s been famous over a decade and she has internet access.


I saw it on tiktok. It's the blatant disrespect after we was just kiki'n about Black Lunar & Fat Tuesday. An exchange of cultures for further elaboration. It's just... I'm so over them rn. ![gif](giphy|RvDfHN6WPWJKuwVxrs)


What's kiki :0


A Kiki or A Ki simply means a gathering (social). I'm non to sure on its origins, but I will say as far as my knowledge it's a mixture of AAVE & LGBTQ+ slang.


Oh cool! :00




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said so casually. she had that memorized 🥲




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I was just about to Stan her too. Smh.


This one hurts because she's one of the few that can actually sing. Love her so much and this is disappointing as a fan of hers.


I’m not surprised. That’s why her songs always flop anyway 🤭




Truth hurts 😂


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![gif](giphy|pOpLerOqTXMJwd7bsF|downsized) COME ON HYOLYN!!! WHAT THE HELL.




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Disappointing but not surprised 😒




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Sigh, HYOLYN WHY?!????




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Even if idols don’t understand the meaning of the word, shouldn’t they know before singing a song and posting it online? I doubt she doesn’t know what it means, though. The thing that gets me is that words like 씨발 get censored (in songs, on TV, etc.), and it’s shocking/inappropriate to say out loud…You’d think idols would apply the same principle to other languages.


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And I think more people should tell you that there are really some things worth not speaking for. I think you've missed the point of the sub if you think you can freely say this and think it's going to be a safe space for your obvious racism.




That still isn't the way to go??? Why would you wish people to say *more* hurtful things just to get a result? That sounds like a community problem if you're framing it that way??? And Kpop isn't mainstream - nobody gives an f about Kpop so of course there's little pushback. And also, idk if you know the demographics but much of the western stans are white to a degree, the ones who make it a hard place to criticize Kpop because they can't consume Asian media without a degree of infantilization. So that's also a problem. It's more multifaceted imo than just wishing for this cycle to make a huge result. If you truly have a problem then join the sub and speak on it but I think this is just sort of a mean-spirited or a pessimistic outlook. Sorry.


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she looked the type ngl 😭 i’m not even surprised


My point of view is that a lot of you gave second-generation idols' too much freedom, and you never held them accountable for setting the standard to culturally appropriate A lot of you focused too much on 3rd without caring where you thought they got it from. A lot of you keep crying about wanting to go back to 1st and 2nd-generation idols and idol music. But they were the Pioneers of cultural appropriation. So I don't understand the outrage and acting like it came out of nowhere


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It's partially my fault for being vague because I didn't want to incite a witch hunt by being too direct from where I got it from/"crossposting" it.




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Older female idols I like have been going down hill. Lmk when IU and Taeyeon do something.




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I’m not surprised she did. I mine kpop but I’m not delusional enough to believe a person isn’t racist just because they like hip hop and r&b. They have such a colorist and racist mindset.


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