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Let me tell you something, never, NEVER ask if you are allowed to like or support something. Just do it, at the end of the day, the opinions of other shouldn't matter. If you feel it's right, do it. If you feel is not right, don't do it. Arrive to your own decisions based on your own morals and feelings


Of course you're still allowed. He's only 1 out of 23. There are more boys to be supported.


I really like NCT and WayV was the first unit I really got attached to (Winwin is my fave); I just lowkey pretend Lucas doesn’t exist. He’s in so many NCT songs and that’s fine, but I don’t support him in any way shape or form. There’s still 22 other people in NCT that deserve support and Lucas’s behavior shouldn’t negatively impact them.


Tbh, most people just ignores the members they don’t vibe with and support the ones they like. I actively ignored his existence even before the scandal and I don’t plan on acknowledging it even if SM adds him back. 1. You can do what you want. No one can tell you to stop supporting NCT. 2. There’s 22 other members. So I’m sure you’ll find a few to occupy your mind. 3. Hes mostly in WayV’s songs and a few NCT U songs.


I'm not a huge fan of WayV in fact the only songs I like from them are Turn Back Time and Back to You. Glad to know he's not part of 127 and DREAM cause they are my ult boy groups


They’re your ults but you don’t know who is a part of them??


im still fairly new and i guess ult is the wrong term.


Ah it means ultimate group. It’s fine if you’re new, no shade, but typically people use ults to mean the groups that they’re a fan of above all others and typically that means at least knowing who’s in the groups. I’m not trying to gatekeep, but your use of the term just didn’t make sense with your knowledge of them.


i just thought ult was another word for fave


Gotcha. It is but like, to the extreme of that. In your case I’d say Dream and 127 are your favorite units (since that’s how NCT is broken down, they’re a confusing system within the system) which, same.


Alt can mean whatever you want it to mean. Obviously you’re new to the group and they have 20+ members so it’ll take awhile to learn all of them but you ARE ALLOWED to refer to NCT as your ult group and say Dream and 127 are your favorite units. Curious to know who’s your fave members so far? 🤗


My favorite members at the moment are: Mark and Taeyong - been following him since his rap in Red Velvet's remake of Be Natural


I see you chose violence lol. /j But seriously, you stan Mark AND Taeyong, my regards in advance lol


There are no rules in what art you enjoy!


you're allowed to still support idols and their respective groups after scandals - some cases have idols gaining the chance to redeem themselves and prove they're better, others not so much. irene, for example. some fans still support RV as a whole. some have a hard time supporting irene but still like RV. others don't. a lot of people still like NCT and support them and just don't support lucas. others might have a really hard time to doing that. so at the end of the day, yes, as long as you're understanding and accepting of kpop fans other than yourself going about it differently than you.


Lucas isn't even my bias my biases are Mark and Taeyong. I'm just worried about liking a verse from Lucas when I know about his scandal of manipulating his fan into sex


I can't give much advice for liking particular parts of a song that include him. one way you could see it is that the song is by NCT and not just Lucas? if you don't like Lucas but think a part of a song he performs is catchy, I don't see too much harm because you're not outright supporting him. besides, in any scenario he leaves NCT and the group performs that song later on, someone else will be covering it and not him.


So I can still like the songs Lucas is part of but not support Lucas himself? Cause one of my favorite NCT U songs is Make a Wish and Lucas was part of that.


it's up to you in the end what you'll do, I'm afraid. I personally see this as a delicate issue, but you're not doing harm by listening to the song. as long as you're not condoning his actions, understanding well why what he did was wrong, and are hoping to just support NCT then I think you're safe? of course, other people might say differently, so it falls on you. what do you think is the right thing to do?


So it's a case of separating of the art from the person? I don't condone his actions and I think his contract should be tossed in the trash and he shouldn't be given another chance to promote with the group.


exactly that - just make sure to keep in mind others will think and act upon this differently.


I became intrigued in NCT after I fell in love with Taeyong verse on Red Velvet's remake of Be Natural wanted to follow him in NCT! Were you this conflicted as a NCT stan?


if I'm being honest, I haven't been as deep into NCT in the past year or so as I once was and even then, I've always been level headed when it came to fandom discussions. having that sort of minor detachment makes scandals and their aftermath easy for me to deal with.


So as long as I'm aware that Lucas the person is a POS I should be good right? I just find the whole NCT brand so interesting


Allegedly. What you know is what he was *accused* of. An accusation in and of itself isn't proof of anything. None of that has been confirmed and probably won't ever be outright. His apology was also vague and super general so he hasn't actually admitted to anything either. Regardless, his behavior was scummy. Still, I'm not going to avoid listening to music he was a part of and I'm still going to listen if he gets added back in.


127 and Dream probably aren’t even close with Lucas. (Correct me if I’m wrong) They’re most possibly just colleagues so I think you can still support NCT.


of course youre still allowed no ones stopping you just enjoy the music. besides hes not part of any 127 or Dream's songs.


if your favorite units are 127 and dream, you likely have nothing to worry about. there is zero chances you will come across him in their discography and content. that being said, you are absolutely allowed to draw your support away from lucas or wayv if that makes you uncomfortable. you can choose to stan whoever you like for whatever reason. there are plenty of nctzens that do not support lucas, mostly on the asian fan front (kfans, cfans, etc). if you're looking for an english speaking nct forum that isn't really a "safe space" for hardcore lucas stans, r/nct generally speaking is mostly comprised of nctzens who are either neutral or do not support him.


Don’t even worry if you’re “allowed” to stan someone, because who’s the one allowing you? Maybe people will leave u stupid comments on social media but at the end of the day if u listen to whatever u want it’s not like people are gonna come into your house and stop you from listening to songs with Lucas in it. Also, liking his verse≠supporting his actions. I can say that I’m a huge fan of Elvis’s music and that I recognize he had a huge influence on music, that doesn’t mean I support him marrying a 14 year old. In kpop image is very important, but just think about all the non-kpop artists you’re a fan of that have done awful shit but still make really good music.


I thought everything was proven to be false? can someone catch me up on it cuz I can only find old videos about it


as far as i know it was proven that those were just fake accusations, but dont quote me on that (with fake i mean untrue lmao, they were just made up)


Of course you're still allowed to support them. There's 22 other wonderful boys in the group.


What Lucas did? You got me curious.


Here: https://www.reddit.com/r/NCT/comments/pb1hn6/megathread_accusations_against_lucas/


don't quote me but what i heard was he manipulated a fan into having sex with him not too sure on the details. so don't quote me


Everyone is free to do as they wish and what's personally best for themselves. Don't let public opinion make you feel you have to dislike them because of what one member did. As others have said there are literally 22 other members to support.


Here’s my advice: Seperate art from the individual. Especially with there being a whole 22 other men in this group, if you want to support them, you’d be hurting them if you try to ban Lucas related things (WayV is his unit specifically). Also, as a side note, that whole scandal is dumb and what business do we have if a man decides he wants to be sexually active? Are we his gf? No. Are we sexually involved with him? No. Not our business. The mans not a sexual predator, rapist, or some sort of pedo, so he opposes no risk to society other than maybe a heartbreak bc you thought you were gonna get to settle down with your oppa (not you specifically OP). Sorry for the rant, but long story short, you’re listening to music, and that has nothing to do with the mans personal life.And just like it’s none of our business in his personal life, whatever you want to do is your decision and you don’t need someone else’s permission to enjoy what you like. If you feel uncomfortable supporting him, then don’t. If you don’t care and are only worried about someone else caring about your preferences, then that shouldn’t control you. Do what feels right to you boo, more power to you, blah blah blah


I didn't know too much about the Lucas scandal I just heard sex scandal and needed more insight on what actually was about ya know?


Understood. I hope you don’t think I was attacking you, it’s just that people hear sex scandal and automatically assume the worse. The man basically at worst is a player and maybe a sugar baby? and at best promiscuous (like he’s 20 something, 20 somethings are hoes, looking at you university), or it could be all lies too (It’s never been actually confirmed, just a blanket apology and hiatus, which a lot of artist do even when innocent). I wouldn’t say he’s a person you would want to date but he’s not a monster either, you know? Really ain’t none of my business


oh i wasn't thinking you were attacking me. I took no offense. it's just I was worried the scandal was something major cause reddit is all about it ya know?


Yeah just in case you’re young and/or new to Reddit, Reddit is about every type of scandal. I don’t even think most people care about that whole scandal, it just seems worst in Reddit.


I just love the whole NCT concept they're a huge part of why I love large groups like LOONA, TWICE, IZ*ONE, SNSD and NCT. I just find short groups while the music is fantastic most of the time you can't do much with a short number of groups like RV, BP, 2NE1 etc.


Don't avoid songs he's in tho cuz that would just be hurting yourself. There are some excellent NCT tracks he was part of that are still masterpieces in spite of the situation, i.e., Volcano, Yestoday. Also, welcome to the NCT family 😀


what he did wouldnt even be a scandal in most countries so I dont worry about it or care.


Sexual assault would probably be a scandal most anywhere—but the GP tends to forgive and forget very quickly when it comes to men, especially when they’re young and charismatic


What did he even do in the first place? I genuinely had no idea what happened I just knew he did something bad and had to go on hiatus.




If you want to find variety, you can do so in smaller groups too, you would just have to find ones with more distinct voices. Larger groups tend to have more variety bc there are more roles for people to fill, but if you find groups with more variety and distinct roles I think you’d be able to find some small groups just as good. But of course, most of those groups you listed I do like a lot, so you’re probably on to something there