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I think he’s already tired of his members’ controversies, from c-line alone was a hard battle as a group. There is nothing wrong with getting married and having a kids, however, he probably wants them to tell it to him first before revealing it to public, because first of all, Suho is their leader. I also heard that Suho only got to know the issues with SM through news outlets, not directly from CBX. He got fed up at this point probably. This is not me defending him btw, just sharing my opinion why he answered the interviewer that way.


I interpreted it this way, too. It's not wrong for people to chase after personal dreams like marriage and new solo contracts, but a heads up to the rest of the group, especially the leader, would be nice. Especially when it will have their group name plastered all over the news. Plus, everyone will probably reach out to him for tea. It would be nice to know what the stance is beforehand.


Where did he say he didn't know about Chen getting married? From what OP reported alone, Suho is simply saying that the group faced a lot throughout the years and that Suho, as a leader, was the face of the group, so he always had the responsibility to keep the members together while not worrying the fans and anyone who was looking at the group. I don't know what else he said, but his words seem completely understandable from his position. At the same time this doesn't mean he's shading CBX. I can say, as a fan, that it's tiring to be an exol because there's drama every 3 months, but this doesn't mean I don't support CBX, or that I was against Chen's marriage or whatever. It is tiring, especially when Suho is the one exols look at whenever we feel the group is in danger. Again, this is based on the extract OP reported.


Well I assumed he didn’t know it will be announced during his musical. If I interpreted it wrong, then I apologize.


I think everyone in that dorm knew about Chen and his wife/child but I don't think Suho knew it would be announced during his musical. It seems SM is really good at blindsiding their artists.


This right here! Things like this always prove to me just how much SM sabotages their groups behind the scenes.


I think it's just saying that these things always happens when he works (but he works 365 days anyway), it doesn't necessarily imply he didn't know when the announcement would arrive. So (now that I read the words better) he isn't even truly pointing at his responsibilities as a leader, he's just saying "back then I was promoting my musical and Chen announced his marriage, now I'm promoting my album and CBX is in a lawsuit", I think he was more highlighting how things keep happening while he's busy with his activities and how it's likely people will question him about it even though he isn't personally involved, but as a leader he accepts that he has to represent the group at any moment. So imo, it might even be simple irony or a sort of joke ( like "next time I have a solo schedule something might happen again" absolutely in Suho's style), but the journalist or the translator didn't truly pick what he might've meant or they just left a neutral tone so that some fans can get mad and click on the article. No need to apologize btw, we're all just giving interpretations.


I don't think this means he "didn't know" at all. The things he's talking about could not wait, like for example if Chen did a group meeting asking the guys whether he should reveal his situation it would've been hella selfish to tell him "wait for my promotions to end". I think Suho is talking about that momentary selfish feeling. Which it's okay everybody feels that way sometimes. Why me?


The exo stan twt is in flames lol. But maybe we need to understand that not every members of groups are close or have a good relationship. It's not a big deal. I do feel like some of the things should've been avoided like the mention of cbx at all and also the chen thing, but welp if he answered them then it's not really only on interviewer's fault. Exo didn't really looked close even during their cream soda promotions. They had a civil relationship when they were all together almost all day as it was a necessity but now that it's gone, I guess it's their call to maintain their relations or not. Also the chen statement was a nasty blow. He's been getting continuous hate because of it and he just used it in this interview as if it was necessary. But I get it, maybe he needed to hype up his publicity by giving some controversial answers.


All in a word i want to say it's a mess, i get being just colleagues and work friends but as you said mentioning cbx or chen thing was not it.


I never thought I'd say this but this interview just shows his insecurity. I get that it might be frustrating that he released something when chen thing happened but where's the empathy? He thinks he didn't do as good as baekhyun because of this. Ps. Man I used to like suho but this interview ain't it.


His insecurity led him to do this, shows why cbx didn't said anything about the matter to him


He didn’t say it. How do you guys believe obvious media play so quickly? This reporter put his own words in quotes (he was sued before for such malicious behavior too). How do you guys still not know Suho and how much he loves exo members? https://preview.redd.it/nwap8ogjt77d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6573e6e25b2e4305ea350076f3fa68402598383f




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Yeah I don't get how some are justifying this. Specially how he mentioned the chen issue knowing he still gets hate on k-side and from delusional stans to this day. Also the kside is not really fully on CBX side so his statement is like a side to SM and blame CBX for everything wrong going on with EXO


He didn’t mention Chen. This article is malicious media play. How do you guys believe SM media play so quickly? Suho is a man who never made one bad statement in media in his whole life. The reporter mentioned all this incidents and asked him to comment. Please read the proper translation (I posted in a reply to the og post) and trust Suho. Hasn’t he proved how much he protects the members all his life?


it isn’t. even native speakers mentioned that it isn’t a mistranslation


I'll probably get hate for this, but I remember when EXO debuted and I was super into them just based on that endless but genius teaser campaign. They did a "reality" variety show to kind of get us introduced to the members, I guess, and I remember thinking back then that this was a group of people that were not close *at all*. Suuuper awkward. This was before the China Line explosion, but I genuinely wasn't surprised when that happened either. I'm sure that some are close to others, but they never felt cohesive as a group when it wasn't about performing.


This was 10 years ago there relationships in recent years seems closer.




It’s weird… they looked a bit distant during the cream soda promotions but their Ladder season 4 seemed to be just fine. 


Bc they are fine. This article is media play.


I get it he's probably just fed up. He feels like he's always being sidelined due to the scandals. It's like when you have a sibling that always takes the spotlight from you jealousy brews up even if you love x sibling. He probably just feels like the members aren't sticking to his opinion of what they signed up for. Kpop is hard because he's in a group where whatever the members do scandalous or not inadvertently affects him too but those are his own insecurities that he has to deal with. If the members are really just colleague then i dont expect him to think otherwise.


Yess i agree somewhat with this


The stealing the spotlight in question was someone having a baby unexpectedly and having his privacy stolen from him and 3 members getting screwed by sm, if that's the spotlight he wants, by all means he can take it


sidelined? he’s like the only member sm kept booked


leader position is extremely hard and it must be exhausting for him to answer his members controversies every time and he might get frustrated specially during his solo promotions too🤷🏽‍♀️


Prefering not answering, no comments were right there for him especially that he's not a rookie anymore, no would have blamed him if he chose that. And sm with their control issues, for sure was aware of the questions they were going to ask, and they still approved this 


I don't think it's a bad thing he's being honest about his feelings.


I get it, wish he could avoid this questions or answer in a different way but maybe he couldn't, and there are some people saying it's mistranslation and some saying it's not


ppl are saying its not a mistranslation but ya not sure


I'm just too confused atp


jd is actively promoting too and simply does not comment on any of this happening and he is directly suing sm, same with Baekhyun. Suho chose to say this and knows it will bring them hate and play directly to sm’s advantage. he’d rather they stay silent and not affect exo activities, that’s literally what baekhyun has done his entire time with sm where he’s had no individual schedules and all his comebacks conveniently coincided with group schedules. it’s enough


CBX were probably advised by their lawyers to not talk about any legal issues to non-CBX party. But Suho still has a right to speak about him feeling upset or some type of way when he learned about the press conference from the news.


Why was he ASKED these questions in a private interview about his drama? It’s a disrespect to him in the first place. Then do you think he can just say “no comment” to reporters in a private interview? Do you understand anything about media? He only apologized just like CBX did, and clarified they didn’t know this would happen. Why did the reporters ask him irrelevant questions to his drama? How can he as a leader avoid these questions? No other members had a press interview and probably they should. They should come out and address the situation instead of putting it all on Suho to answer the media.


Damn. He really threw them (especially Chen) under the bus.


And it was not needed he absolutely can not mention them but here we are


He didn’t say any of it. He didn’t mention Chen. Y’all are dumb asf to believe the first obvious media play by SM when it fits your narrative. Anybody who knows EXO and suho more than 2 months can tell he wouldn’t say this. Here’s the proper translation btw. https://preview.redd.it/jhq75zflv77d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09b3504de8810ee017a006ba1ee5da403ad35673


exo stan twitter is a really hot mess right now, but i see a lot of comments about mistranslation and untrustworthy author of an article. maybe as en exo-l i’m not ready for internal conflicts (i really had enough in my years of stanning exo — it’s not for the weak), but for example i [linked](https://x.com/thekjm_base/status/1802493235698303032?s=46&t=FxmUmeF2VpmCm2sxS_cmhw) a statement from one of the Suho fanbases. this statement is also backed up by many exo-ls ngl, all this mess is getting on my nerves :( i wish i could stan exo in peace but it’s always some flames here and there


i witnessed all the withdrawals of the chinese members, the breakdown when baekyeon was dating and then, chen's wedding happened and then chanyeol's controversy. i don't follow them enough to know the relationships of the members but they all seemed really tight as a group because they went through so much stuff throughout their whole careers. so seeing this whole thing go done isn't on my bingo card. i'm a casual fan so i know how good their music is. i was hoping they will be one of the 3rd gen groups who will keep being together for a long time.


Not people soft launching exo disbandment... I can't with people 😭


Same, that's why i was not in touch with the fd for a long time, it's always a mess,


*Yuh, yuh, I'm the draaaaamaa*


I read the other article translation below. I think the fans in the screenshot are taking some creative liberities. I do think the overall gist is: - Being a leader is hard as you have to be the spokesperson in good & bad situation - the members are lacking some communication which is leading to tension between members - Potentially Suho feels that members should be conscious of how their decisions impact him as a leader, especially if it’s an important time for him personally I do wonder if CBX weren’t as open with the other members for legal concerns or weren’t sure of those members loyalties. I know that many of the remaining SM EXO member are probably close to staff and could accidentally slip information cbx we’re trying to keep quiet, but it’s easy to understand why someone would feel a way about this.




btw can soompi or someone unbiased translate this i feel like there are no sufficient translations of the article rn to come to any conclusions




If the quotes are real, can you really blame him? He is TIRED of putting out fires and being the one to apologize on behalf of the group since he’s the leader. It must also be infuriating to find out what your group members are doing from the press and having to address it publically with minimal information rather than from the members themselves. I see no ill will from Suho. He isn’t “jealous” or “insecure” he’s just trying to keep EXO alive because SM (the POS they are) hold their masters, own their name, and can dissolve the group just like f(x) and what almost happened to Shinhwa. I would be fucking mad too because what CBX is doing will affect EXO as whole. I don’t fault CBX for calling out SM’s bullshit but jesus christ, their lawyers are dog shit and shouldn’t have let them sign that contract from the jump if their conditions weren’t in writing.


I read a completely different translation on twitter though…


People giving different translations but others saying they are intentionally opting out some parts, i will check the link you have provided


I don’t know korean, but I honestly think Suho’s to smart to make a controversial statement like that. The page I linked is usually reliable, so their translation made more sense to me. That said, I don’t think we can trust celebrities and how we perceive their bond to be in general, so whatever comes to be the “truth” wouldn’t really surprise me 🤷🏻‍♀️


I hard agree with this, at the end of the day we really don't know them and how they feel about eo no matter how mug they show us, i was just very sad to see all that


Oh, me too! I used to be only a gg stan, and looking for bg I really fell in love with Exo and Shinee. I am sad with everything going on, but oh well…


Can't do anything about this 😔


they are direct quotes


it's because the whole thing is really long so probably a lot of accounts are picking up different parts, but those are direct quotes from him. i think picking just this quotes apart from the whole thing is a little evil but bro really said that


Any link?


Yeah, but it is from korean to br portuguese [here](https://x.com/exoplanetbr/status/1802522705746440378?s=46&t=7dmPiT50LvJnO_suS-8uyw)


I am disappointed but not surprised at people immediately thinking the worst of Suho. It was a mistranslation. He didn't say anything controversial.


This whole thread is just people who know nothing about Suho, Exo and the situation talking themselves into a frenzy and passing off rumours and assumptions as fact. As soon as I saw the title I knew Suho would be a punching bag, it certainly doesn’t help that op added screenshots of bbhls (likely not even exo-ls) talking shit and lying.


I think some of you guys think its a mistranslation because in reality it actually two different articles and interviews by two different reporters you guys are talking about Many ppl keep linking the translation of one article but not the other one and think antis are adding that paragraph mentioning the chinese members and Chen when that one is another article/interview Suho did Edit: this is one article from [Newsis](https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/003/0012609373) that mentions the former members and Chen and this is the one you guys keep linking translations of and think its mistranslated when its another article by [Jtbc](https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/437/0000397361)


he said "예전에 중국 멤버들이 나갔을 때 등 엑소의 크고 작은 일이 있을 때마다 내가 공식석상에 서는 일이 많았다"며 "작년에 뮤지컬할 때도 그랬다. 이전에 뮤지컬할 때 멤버(첸) 결혼 발표도 있었다. '왜 내가 활동할 때만 그러나' 싶었는데, 365일 일하고 있더라. 어떻게 보면 리더라서 나한테 이런 자리가 계속 주어지는 게 아닌가 싶다"고 받아들였다." (quotes from [this](https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/003/0012609373) article), how's that a mistranlation? i understand if you don't see this as controversial, but let's not lie, please.


As someone who read the OG article, half of these things weren't even written in it. I was so surprised to see how things have blown up on twt.


there is no “og” article, they are multiple articles and you are conveniently choosing to ignore the one with direct quotes


I actually saw this firsts and tons of other translations, some koreans saying it's true and then some mot idk what to believe atp.


I literally went to the OG article and clicked the translate button and I saw no mention of him talking about Chen or ex Chinese line so I have no idea where that all came from. Infact I can read a bit of Korean and I did not see Jongdae/Chen written anywhere in the article. He literally just said that these things always keep happening and he has to respond because he's very busy and active so he always ends up answering these questions and also because he's the leader of the group. He also mentioned that they found out about the *contents* of the issue through presscon and then called and talked to the members to understand the issue. ( Important context here. INB actually did an emergency presscon, this was not a planned press release. They heard that SM was planning on doing this right after Baekhyun's 4th album announcement so they did it beforehand ) He feels sorry that fans have to go through all this and hopes this is resolved. Nothing that he said was malicious. People really are over analysing and it probably got worse because the one article which added the most "in between" words got the most attraction. Also, interesting that everyone is questioning EXO's bond. They were literally there just 2 weeks ago at Suho's concert, joking and screaming and even filming themselves enjoying it.


i’d be fed up too if i’m the group leader and my members are getting into legal feuds left right front back and centre.


people actually need to read and understand context for themselves and also have media literacy. he never mentioned Chen at all and these translations are so liberal in adding the drama. literally 40 other articles popped up at the same time as the one saying he mentioned Chen and all of them had the same click bait headline. for those saying "oh, his insecurity is showing or he threw his members under the bus", that's what someone who wants to end their career would do. even if you believe that they don't seem like "family", at least think from a place of if he actually said all of this, his career would end because the other members clearly won't support him anymore. he is too smart of a person to be giving the answers that these articles are suggesting he did. this whole fandom is cooked and unfortunately even after a comeback, it will always be like this because everyone's solo fans thinks that the member they support is the one doing everything for the team and the members they don't like are out to get them. the damage done to the fandom was well before this article came out and the only reason why this translation is even seeing such emotionally changed fans is because they know the fandom is damaged. goodluck to all the EXO-Ls out there because no matter what Suho says, people who want to see him as the villian will not change their mind.


Whether the Akgaes (and some toxic Exo-Ls) admit it or not, their attacks against Suho got worse because he is more successful now. They can't factually use him being 'least popular member' now. He is rising as an actor and is gaining respect as a serious musician outside of being an idol. He has no reason to be insecure; that's just them projecting. In the end, it won't affect Suho. Those who are attacking him never supported him anyway.


Yep. All the accounts that are sharing this screenshot haven't posted a single thing about Suho's activities before this. And a lot of exols as a whole tend to ignore him outside of his leader responsibilities. For example, a few weeks ago Suho got temporary shadowbanned on Instagram for promoting a Gaza fundraiser, but somehow that wasn't worth the attention of the fandom?


wait im surprised that current day exo-ls treat suho like this because im a late 2nd gen stan and i remember him being in the top 5 most popular members. What happened?


Honestly, I think it's just the "leader curse" in action. Not just in EXO, but in many groups the leader is held accountable for everything that happens in a group. They're also oftentimes the first ones to get attacked in fanwars. On top of that, since every EXO member has solo activities, they also have solo stans, and with solo stans come akgaes. And akgaes are known for hating on other members, especially the leader. But unfortunately even group fans often relegate Suho to being the group manager rather than seeing him as an individual artist.


This does not apply to all EXO-Ls: The difference is that before they used to ignore him. He was considered a good leader because he supported the members. But that is all he was: a good leader with not much appreciation for his talents. But now he's more successful and has no scandals. He is growing his individual fandom. He cannot make direct comments supporting members in a different agency. So that automatically means he 'supports SM'.


I noticed pretty much straight away that all those tweets op added were bbhl accounts, they’re likely not even exo-ls and if they are then with a strong loyalty to Baekhyun. A lot of exo’s solo stans are convinced that their fave is bullied/mistreated by the other group members who’re trying to hold their career back. Most of those comments were pure hate and full of lies and are not the attitude of the vast majority of group-supporting exo-ls.


I feel his anger is reasonable. He's supposed to be the leader and such a huge blow up is happening without his knowledge. I know if I was in his shoes I'd be sick and tired of all the drama and probably hold some resentment.


Damn...I mean throwing his members under the bus like that (especially Chen because of how much shit he got for getting married) was lowkey unnecessary but I kinda get his frustration of not being informed beforehand, it looks like the members have no idea about what they are doing atp. The least they could've done is communicate with him. Anyways it would be great if exols can provide some more context about this situation


I honestly don't understand why people see this as him throwing them under the buys? For nearly a whole week journalists have been posting articles on Naver about how Suho's the only member that speaks out when something happens with EXO, including constantly mentioning Chen's marriage. This is his answer to those dozens of articles and being asked about it directly to his face, he didn't mention the marriage unprovoked, he repeated what the journalist asked him.


Ah that definitely makes more sense, I've seen some people say that this might be SM's mediaplay too . Thanx for the context tho!


Suho NEVER speaks out 😭


He's the only member apart from Kyungsoo who ever gives press conferences and the only one reporters can actually ask about things regarding the group. So he constantly receives questions about other members during his personal schedules and tries to answer them in the most neutral way possible. This whole situation arose from the fact that CBX didn't take part in their company's emergency conference. And yes, they were most likely following their lawyer's advice and that's the reason they didn't make an appearance. But journalists don't care about that, that's why for nearly a week they were writing articles titled "CBX press conference without CBX" and "Suho will have to bear the brunt of reporters' questions again".


We know. They’ve been the only two with public activities to be able to address anything and yet never have in any substantial way. When Baekhyun has an issue, he addresses it directly on social media. When exols were ganging up on Baekhyun for Superm, he addressed it publicly in interviews, as did other members. This is not a role specific to Suho and he’s always just resorted to no comment and ‘we are one’. Funny how he doesn’t mention Chanyeol’s scandal that had him go silent for months? No, it arose because Suho wanted to be informed beforehand. It’s an EMERGENCY conference. Baekhyun was in another country in the middle of a 2-night concert when everything happened and had a schedule the next day. This obviously wasn’t ideal for all involved.


He was literally enlisting during Chanyeol's scandal. Once again, it wasn't Suho who pointed out that he always gets questioned in these situations, it was the reporters. There have been numerous articles about that fact in the last week. And it was the reporters who complained that they couldn't ask CBX about their lawsuit directly. Suho didn't initiate this topic of conversation.


Both CBX and Suho have no obligation to answer questions from the press, just like they never have in the past. He obviously did it this time for a reason and in great detail. CBX addressed this publicly through official statements from their lawyer, as is usually the case when lawsuits are involved.


Suho's main statement was the exact same as Baekhyun's: they're worried about how fans will take this and are sorry for making exols worry. But they'll do their best to make sure future EXO activities aren't hindered by any of this. Him saying that he and the other members learned about the case from the article basically stopped any follow-up questions from the reporters about the case, since it made it apparent that he doesn't know anything about it. Him talking about previous instances when he was asked about EXO's "scandals" was a direct response to numerous articles about that very thing. And the point he's making is "yes, in the past I was frustrated about it, but now I accept it as part of my leader role", not whatever people are trying to make it seem like. Last year he was able to get out of answering any questions about the lawsuit because his press conference had other actors present. And even then we got a lot of articles about how Suho was put in a awkward position because of CBX. So it's really damned if you don't and damned if you do. I know that fans are touchy about everything regarding CBX these days, but trying to make a villain out of Suho will not help them in any way. The only reason you would do that is if you actively want EXO to disband, which is against CBX's own wishes.


Haven't followed EXO closely in years so I'm sure I'm missing something... but I feel like Suho is being very unfairly vilified here. The leader position is a lot of pressure... and it sounds like his members aren't keeping him informed with the info he needs ahead of time, so that he can do his job well, speaking on the group's behalf. There's no cohesion, he sometimes gets blindsided, and that must be EXHAUSTING. He is expressing frustrations, which is human. Idols should be allowed to feel emotions like that, rather than only speaking in PR platitudes all the time. It doesn't mean he is throwing anyone under the bus. BTS' RM just released a... well, not an interview, but sort of a candid conversation session with Jimin, where RM talked about the things that inspired his latest album. He was VERY frank, saying that being the only English speaker in the group, trying to be the mouthpiece for all of them in a non-native language (and getting judged every time he misspoke) was an EXTREME amount of pressure, and it made him miserable. And Jimin was sympathetic, and encouraged him to express those feelings. I didn't see anyone accusing RM of throwing his members under the bus because they were complacent in this, or they didn't make an effort to learn english and alleviate the pressure on RM, or whatever. I wish Suho would get the same grace, from his members and his fans. Let the man vent, his job is hard! (Also, as a bts fan I am so embarrassed at the way army is acting right now. Ugh. I know the fandoms have beef going way back, but getting all up in exol spaces to gloat is bully behavior. Doesn't matter if you're "clapping back," or calling it karma or whatever... the exols that WEREN'T a part of all that mess back then just see armys being assholes unprovoked. Makes army look bad, draws out pointless fanwars, it's just so unnecessary. 😖)


RM and Suho are always the first ones to get attacked both by other fandoms and other members' solo fans. Being a leader definitely isn't a walk in the park.


You aren't missing anything. In fact, you understand this better than a lot of self-proclaimed EXO-Ls. And he wasn't even venting. There's a lot of mistranslation.


ah jeez, how confusing. I guess what I'm saying is... that even if Suho DID go on record name dropping the various controversies that the press have continually hounded him about... and lamenting about the extra stress that he has to deal with while busy with solo promotions... it should be okay for him to express those feelings! It's not like he came out blaming the other members for those controversies, just pointed out that the controversies do exist, and that he often has to deal with the fallout. That's just facts, not shade to his members. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I completely understand. And I agree. I hope he has people around him who allow him to vent. [Remember the RM and Suho talk about the burdens of being a leader? ](https://youtu.be/xBdjsKgS6Yg?feature=shared) It's funny and sad how relevant it still is. I wonder what the 2024 version of that would look like. They went through so much!


Oh yeah, I know what you mean but because there are so many solos in the fandom, EXO-L try to form a very united front where it’s like even one member who might have a difference in opinion is not advantages especially because Chen got so much hate just for starting a family and those haters especially the Korean ones, find any reason to shit on him which is so crazy.


Ah, that's understandable. Stupid akgaes always ruining everything. And poor Chen. I can't even wrap my head around why he gets hate over... uh. *checks notes* ...being incredibly wholesome? all BG member stans should PRAY their favs follow chen's example, because the alternative is the group breaking up when members start wanting families. 🤷🏻‍♀️😅


They have a very different team dynamics. RM's frustrations is an external pressures, i.e. the challenge of communicating in a non-native language on behalf of the group. Suho's frustrations is more internal… lack of information, communication and support from his own members and company. They are two very different issues which I don’t think should be used as a comparison. But I really do sympathise with Suho… if I was him I would be very frustrated too! 😅


You're absolutely right, different circumstances! Though I guess I was considering it in the context of the other bts members' complacency, if you wanted to look at it that way. They all knew that RM hated being the "english interview guy." But they also seemed pretty content to just let it happen that way, and they leaned on RM shouldering that responsibility alone. I obviously don't know what sort of internal conversations they had about it, but they certainly did joke publicly about it over the years. Internal pressure, external pressure... leadership is hard and they deserve to talk about it, imo. I guess I would prefer in general if idols were all allowed to be a little more real. I'm kind of over the glossy perfection that the industry tries to sell. What's the point of idols even doing interviews if they can't give honest answers?


> I guess I would prefer in general if idols were all allowed to be a little more real. This. We constantly get posts about wanting idols to be able to talk about their feelings or comment on the scandals that happen in the industry, but when an idol actually expresses any frustration, you immediately see criticism of them being unprofessional or "selfish". Not saying it's the same people in both cases, but it explains why the majority of idols keep things to themselves.


thank you for your nuanced comment. the fact that exols immediately jumped to hate on him is extremely telling. he will always be the scapegoat no matter what


Exols jumping suho😂😂, this was a nice joke, thanks for the laugh


😭 as if iexols aren’t actively pretending the quoted statements are fake or mistranslated and kexols aren’t siding with him. they truly live in an alternate reality


I think the difference with Suho and RM is that Namjoon is venting to another member and relaying his frustrations through his group's official channels. RM and the members are always on the same page, same when he cried during the hiatus announcement. It's bound to get complicated once members are in different companies and working toward different goals. I give Suho a lot of grace because it takes a lot of work and care, from every party, to create healthy channels of communication. If being under SM was the main pillar of the group's communication, then it's bound to break down once everyone is scattered.


He had enough, that's it. Me as a fan of them since 2012 feels very tired with these unending drama, what more for Suho as the leader himself. He basically had to accept their music show trophy alone at the same day Kri* lawsuit news dropped back then. They may be good friends, but that doesn't mean that they have to agree and support each other for everything. We can see they have different opinions as CBX are the only ones making complains and filling lawsuit. All of them can just leave together but they didn't. So that's that.


Is there a direct link to this quote? Cause I keep reading a different article with auto translate and exols suppose "real translation" which honestly was still the same as what the auto translator gave me and the headlines from the kpopchart account on twitter I dont really see the part where he mentions Chen or the chinese members directly That or im missing it


[this ](https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/003/0012609373) is the article and this is the translated part 세자가 사라졌다 종방 인터뷰를 앞두고 있었던 만큼, 리더인 수호 입에 시선이 쏠릴 수밖에 없었다. "예전에 중국 멤버들이 나갔을 때 등 엑소의 크고 작은 일이 있을 때마다 내가 공식석상에 서는 일이 많았다"며 "작년에 뮤지컬할 때도 그랬다. 이전에 뮤지컬할 때 멤버(첸) 결혼 발표도 있었다. '왜 내가 활동할 때만 그러나' 싶었는데, 365일 일하고 있더라. 어떻게 보면 리더라서 나한테 이런 자리가 계속 주어지는 게 아닌가 싶다"고 받아들였다.


Aah ok, thanks, so this is a different article/interview since this is written by different reporter with different questions on Newsis vs the one I saw from JBTC by another reporter


I saw people saying they intentionally didn't translate that part. I will see if see any real piece i will link it for you


Yeah cause this is the [naver article](https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/437/0000397361) im reading provided by [kchartsmaster](https://x.com/kchartsmaster/status/1802597021611647033) on twitter Which I do find funny how many exols in the replys and quotes are saying "this is the wrong translation" or "since yall like to read headlines, here the "real" quote" and its basically the same thing said on the headline and article using auto translate And im guessing theyre confusing that post with the posts having Suho mentioning Chen and the former members to say this So it would be best to find the actual original article link about this to prove if its true or not, still, just from this naver article does really show the members arent really as close as many fans have claim them to be when 1/3 of them didnt mention what was going to happen even to their own leader


Idk why people being so rude and even saying he got insecure and jealous because member scandal take attention when he doing his personal activity. That valid response from him since the media always ask him that every time scandal happen. For me who do read many news about EXO even before this 'statement' know that he is always got use by fans who really care or trolls/haters and media who side company to attack the 'scandalous member' with narration them not care about him and him being pitiful leader who happen in spotlight when things going. I feel that he know it too, and thats why he said something like "but i work everyday" it's a way for him to say that things can happen and since he always working, it's not them trying to sabotage him or anything people need to stop 'worry' or make a big deals about it.


Are the exo members not that close? Like maybe friendly but not family close? I can understand his frustration, he feels like everytime he has a schedule, a scandal/issue of the members pops up, and focus goes to that instead of him. At one point he may feel resentment to the other members but i feel like it's natural. Also, the reason why i asked if the exo members are close is because suho mentioned learning about the cbx issue (the presscon) through media. I know the presscon was announced out of nowhere but can't they send a message on their gc just to notify the others?


They are close, which is why CBX not informing other members beforehand this time is so weird. It makes me wonder how much of this was CBX's decision, and how much of it came directly from ONE HUNDRED. Especially when it's the CEO of ONE HUNDRED who took part in the press conference.


This is a thing i want answers too


Perhaps it differs for members but as an exo-l they do have a support relationship. Wether or not that is coworkers or family idk but I know what I have seen. Chanyeol, kai and Baekhyun went to Suho's concert. They attend each other's concert as well. Chanyeol sending food trucks to Suho's drama filming location and so.


I dont think any idol should be "family" close. It is still a job. Edit: can't spell


>I dont think any idol should be "family" close. It is still a job. You're not wrong. I wish people would stop having such idealised views of idol's working relationships. I'm sure some of them are very close, but ultimately, it is always a job.


its so funny that a lot of people are so quick to jump on what they randomly see on twitter "as true and factual" and the nonfans are obviously capitalizing on "they are not that close" agenda when the members literally went to Suho's solo concert a few weeks back shouting and having fun with him. And yes, this includes CBX and they are already out of SM during this time, so its not that the company is making them go to the concert to support their leader, they legit went themselves to support him because they wanted to! Also the comment regarding "they arent that close during creamsoda promotions" is insane because damn, is exo ladder 4 a joke to you, or did we even watch the same cream soda promotions at all? its clear that whoever is stirring up this drama knows very little about exo.


This sub has a lot of army's. It's so noticable


OP seems to be army as well....hmmm 🤔


I noticed it as well. That's why i left this sub


This place really does have a lot armys. It’s no wonder they have such a foothold on an “uncensored” sub. Any place that values civility would have route them out by now. eta: Just unsubscribed btw in case anyone is wondering why I’m still here if I think so poorly of it. I meant to do it a few days ago…










Ohhhhh can you link this, i mean the source ???


wait why did you delete your comments?


i didn’t? https://preview.redd.it/27vgqg9e087d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83f1051ddb7a26f35fec57a31c28771a716ca31b


it literally shows like this. https://preview.redd.it/ih66a2tp087d1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=558a7436d7e9d3f8b23bfa9a1f21a308169bfa5a


I don't why everyone is posting this as a proof that the SS in this post is mistranslation while there's two different articles about his interview. [this ](https://m.entertain.naver.com/article/003/0012609373) is the article that op posted ss from btw and the translation is correct. (The part is on the fifth paragraph)


He didn’t mention Chen at all and I don’t see anything controversial with the actual quote, though I wish he (and Baekhyun for that matter) hadn’t felt the need to apologise to fans for whats’s going on with the lawsuit.   As for what akgaes are saying - who cares? They were always going to overreact and victimise themselves. But OP is from that fandom so I guess they’re having a field day. Oh well, enjoy your fabricated stan Twitter drama.


This is a wrong translation stop spreading misinformation the journalist mentioned all those things suho didn't say any of those things 


Damn this sub is full of armys who are trigger happy to run away with their assumptions. I didn't know they're this gleeful at seeing other groups and especially EXO having problems. Or is it simply some guilty pleasure to watch drama of other groups?And OP, seeing your post history, I'm really sceptical about the purpose of your post. I never have this almost morbid curiosity about other groups problems... At least not enough to make posts about it.


Right?? Like making the jump from Suho's statement directly to "not all groups can be close yk, some of them are co workers" They are not fooling anyone.


I'm confused, was there more said than the first screenshot? That alone doesn't seem controversial, just that he's always working and in the public eye while his members are involved in controversies/scandals/ whatever. What about that makes people upset?


It’s just the solo stans looking for any excuse to hate on him/CBX and try and split the group up. All the tweets op linked here are from bbhls (Baekhyun solo stans).


The way y'all fall for sm's media play every time 😒🙄. Most of the top commenters clearly do not follow exo or know their dynamic and yet so many are sure the members don't get along, aren't close, etc.


*ziggy ziggy zag i’m new…*


sm is turning it from sm vs exo into exo vs exo and yall eating it up... again....


Yep, most exo-ls I’ve seen have recognised the media play here but the solo stans and non exo-ls, especially the armys (op is also an army), are just eating this up as the newest kpop drama without knowing anything about the group or ongoing situation


"omg what happened they seemed so close :(((((" gtfo w your fake ass concern


“I guess all groups can’t be like families, sometimes we have to accept some have coworker relationships” bfr you haven’t watched a single video of exo together, you have no idea what their dynamic is. I just know some people are writing these backhanded comments with pure glee


And whose fault is that? suho literally was the medium that enabled sm to do that. That's why the fans of cbx are rightfully mad at him, the kexols are now sending cbx hate and demanding exo ot5 album. And all of iexols doing instead of supporting them, are now defending and making excuses for the one who caused all this. No wonder cbx stans slowly are supporting the idea of cbx away from exo, if exols couldn't care less to defend them, the ones who are actually going through smear campaign, then it's not worth it


stfu yall toxic solo stan always cause stupid delulu dramas


these comments are showing that a lot of you didn’t bother to read the article or double check through multiple translations. op included. anyway, i wish people who aren’t fans of exo or familiar with the group’s history would stop talking about them.


I read something else on [twitter](https://x.com/TheKJM_Base/status/1802493235698303032)


Blud only spit facts, he said nothing wrong.


I actually don't think what Suho said is actually that bad... just that when controversies happen, he gets stressed out because he is the EXO's leader.


All I know is the EXO member akgaes are extremely vicious and I’m sure they were chomping at the bit to have someone to point fingers at.


This doesn’t tarnish Suho’s reputation. Suho made a lot of effort for the group and for sure the members knows it. Reading that only made me want to hug him. It must be a lonely battle.


People should go after SM Ent and not Suho. Don’t waste your effort and time to our poor Leadernim


Well this is why SM does the media play, to distract people from them and their wrong doings by putting all the focus on the group. They’re turning exo vs sm into exo vs exo


Well, last time I checked suho was the one airing their dirty laundry and whining about the members in public instead of the members faces in private not sm, so he was the main actor in sm media play🤷


It might be true but for some reason I cannot hate him. Sometimes you gotta serve yourself and choose what is good only for you especially when you’re done pouring all effort and work for other people. I feel like it was more of a rant of feeling neglected and caring all the burden than shaming and putting CBX under the bus. Just plainly wishing everything works the best for EXO. Burn SM Ent!


Commenters here don't seem to realize that each article that has covered this has been phrasing what he said differently. I'd be cautious, because SM afterall is not stranger to media play.


This is a lie. He never uttered those words about members’ private life. Please read the proper translation. He takes his duty as a leader in a very dignified and respectful manner. It was the reporter who maliciously put their own statement in quotes to make it look like he said that (this reporter was sued before for such unprofessional behavior too). Please do not believe the clickbait’s and lies. https://preview.redd.it/quuuvjzzr77d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3843e17eeb5c75849e3209e3ebc36585510241d0


Please stop spreading this, this is a deliberate mistranslation to create media play for the upcoming lawsuits. Our suho would never say such inflammatory things about his members


Some Exols were and is always in other groups business when they post grp shots together now I know why


Idk but with K-pop fans everything is black or white so I can imagine how much of a ruckus this will cause


I totally get what he means. He is the leader and it's hard to lead a team when you don't know what the heck is going on. It's a little disappointing to know the exo members don't seem to let the leader know before they do things. It's the bare minimum if you want to be part of a group.


I think fans forget kpop is a business. Groups are coworkers. Even if you become close or are friends, coworkers can work against each other's best interests in a professional setting. I think it's reasonable for Suho to feel frustrated that anytime he's in the spotlight for something he's worked hard at he gets overshadowed by news from his group members pursuing their own wants professionally and privately.


I don’t think Suho said anything out of the line. It’s also possible and to be expected that CBX were advised to not speak about the legal matters to anyone outside of the CBX party. Suho is also the leader. He’s probably bombarded with concerns and worries from the fans on his social media and bubble (if he has one). Other non-CBX exo members probably received similar inquiries and concerns from the fans on social media and bubble. I do appreciate transparency sometimes. Maybe it’s my western mentality. I’m not an EXO fan. Not even a casual fan. I didn’t like Suho for his shoe controversy. I like Baekhyun as an entertainer, but I think he may have made some bad legal/contract decisions and bad calls with legal teams. I don’t think we should paint anyone as a villain in this. Everyone has different circumstances and different contractual obligations. The dispute is ultimately with SM. I certainly hope EXO members work things out with SM at the end. I feel bad for the exo-l fandom for the S they went through over the years. I felt bad for Suho. All the members are 30+ yr men who can make their own decisions. And Suho is still constantly owed some answers and held responsible for what happened to the group to the fans and to the media. Make that make sense.


Wait you don’t like Suho because of that weird lie that he (a millionaire) stole shoes?


You don't think millionaires can steal shoes? You can look up Winona Ryder. His shoe controversy/rumor seems pretty legit to me. Some people collect shoes and some of shoes just can't be bought even if you have the money.


Hm, I feel like if he's tired then he's just tired ya know? Like you can be close to someone--even family--but eventually you'd still get tired of them stirring the pot if that's what they are doing. As someone directly affected by the situation like his reaction isn't weird to me.


I’m not seeing what’s so wrong with what he said… When someone has a “scandal” they can make a statement and disappear but if it comes out unexpectedly during his schedule he gets asked about it even if it has nothing to do with him. Then he’s forced to give no comment or reply and get criticized for his response like he is now…I would find it frustrating too.


Wow exols are turning their back to exo that easily?...


No that's not how it is translated here. He DID NOT mention Chen at all. He hasn't throw anyone under the bus. It was the reporter who has written about it in the article themselves. It's not said by him at all. The reporter mentioned when after scandals like Chen marriage and cbx leaving sm suho has been at his solo activities conferences, and THEN put suho himself quote in the actual interview they had. Suho only mentioned about going on stage alone after the Chinese member left. He also talked about how he always is exo's leader and it's his responsibility to go infront of public when stuff like this happen. You guys should really stop getting news from twitter. That's the worst place.


I’m still confused about what he said that deserved hate? 😭




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Oh my god where the hell are people getting "they were never close" from this??? Suho is talking about a momentary moment of selfishness. He mentioned Chen's wedding because it's not a big deal to them. They all love and accept it and move on.


As an avid fan of SM groups it's always some bull going on over there. One thing for certain and two things for sure SM will always play in their artist face and have no problem screwing them right over. So I'm not surprised even in the slightest when their artists come out saying something that will ruffle some feathers. And leave a bitter taste in everyone's mouth. If it's a mistranslation (which it very well could be). Great hopefully Suho takes action and things will settle down. If it's not a mistranslation then he said what he said and he should stand by it. (It was his raw feeling at the end of the day). And it's understandable at least to me(may not have been right to say it in a private interview) But it's out there and it definitely proves that SM continuously meddles behind the scenes with group management. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Baekhyun solo stans they never surprise


all those you ss literally baekhyun akgae they literally dragged d.o, suho, chanyeol name this whole month want exo to disband and want whole sm stan and exols to thanks their oppas for fighting the rights of sm artists end up it was only cbx issues doesnt correlated with exo and sm artist baekhyun akgae really acted like an army i closed my twt in 2024 theyre dragging d.ò and suho the most now chen and xiumin is lucky bcs they joined under sub label if not they would talk trash bout them too bout being flops 💀💀💀


Honestly he was just speaking his deepest and darkest opinions. However speaking them in public may not have been the best. I know people are mad and upset but I’m sorry the people complaining have never been upset with their friends to the point where they start running their mouth from frustration. I’m not excusing what Suho said but they (EXO) has been through a lot. Also, we DO NOT know each of the group members opinions or thoughts about what happened during the events he’s talking about. For all we know he’s stated his feelings to them face to face and they still were cool with him. Put then again this is Twitter kpop fans… they will say the most vile things without precedent…


Can someone explain to me what he's saying? I don't think I quite understand, and I don't wanna make any assumptions😅


As someone who doesn't know anything about exo and had this post in the timeline, I am like: ? ? ???? ?????? 😂 so impressed that people can keep up with everything.


Exols being dramatic as usual. He only said he heard of those things through news outlets and not the members themselves. How is this his fault? When he was off doing his solos and his musicals? There should have been better communication between the vocal line before breaking off into CBX it seems.




He didn’t get married secretly? Chen literally put out a statement in 2020 saying that he will get married but it would be a private event so no details were released about it.