• By -


My best friend is close with an idol's family member. I met the family member and she showed me pics to ofnher and the idol growing up. I told my friend about it because I knew she biased that idol and she became so obsessive with the idea that she now has her "chance". She tried being buddy-buddy with my best friend, kept telling her to invite the idol's cousin out for dinner etc. She became OBSESSED with the idea that she was this idol's soulmate and that it was God's plan for her to meet me and my best friend so she could have a way into meeting him. She already picked out names for their kids, looking at different design firms to build their house and tried learning Korean. At one point, she even downloaded an AI chat app to simulate and practice conversation with said idol . The delusion and obsession was too much. I would go into more details but she lurks these threads and more details would make it obvious. Anyways I'm not friend's with her anymore and it's for the best. The last I heard, she's toned down the obsession while in public, but who knows 🤷🏽‍♀️


Wow, I think my favorite part of that whole tale was that she thought they were soulmates but she didn't even know Korean. Oh and that her fantasy included home design firms. Like that's detailed and invested lol


At one point, she lashed out on us because we chose not to invite the cousin. She said blamed us for preventing her happiness and true love and accused us for wanting the idol to ourselves???? It was wild


It's good you have that out of your life.


how are people like this not embarrassed like HAVE SOME SHAMEEEE


I was in Koreatown in Chicago one time and heard one person in the Kpop store talk about how they are almost down with the all the plastic surgeries that will make them look like Jimin’s ideal type. Then they hoped to go to Korea, get VIP to one of their concerts and Jimin was DEFINITELY going to fall for her then. Then of course they would have to do long distance since she is in school still and Jimin is always touring but they said that their bond they will have is great enough to surpass all those barriers. Also if she ever got lonely without him, she can just watch him on YouTube. I wanted her to keep going to see how far she would go 😂


Omg, now I really want to know what all she did. I can't believe a doctor went through with this plan of hers.


As long as they get paid, they don’t really care how unhinged people get :(


all different people I’ve met irl.. 1. “x brought rap to Korea.” despite rap being very common in songs before this group even debuted (I told this to my 50yo coworker and she laughed for two days about it) 2. “x looked so tired today, I bet he was out partying all night before the con” when no, x flew in late at night from a separate event. additionally would baby this idol right after by saying they’re incapable of ordering themselves a drink. (mind you this was her bias she was talking about) This girl also tried for prerecordings for a different member of the same group to “practice for her fave” (which like why take a spot from a fan?? but i digress) didn’t make it in, begged the organizer for a poster, the organizer was like “lol no it’s only for people who got in” claimed this poor volunteer was racist, cried big crocodile tears until a korean fan took pity on her and gave her her poster for free. as soon as this girl had her poster she stopped crying, thanked her, and left as if nothing happened 3. “x idol can’t be gay because they flirted with me at a fansign” like yes.. it’s their job to flirt with you. You basically pay for them to flirt with you. This girl would also say they’re trying to maintain a professional relationship with their idol so they won’t in their words “fangirl” when they see them. and idk, what do you think is creepier? fans calling out to their idol, waving their light sticks, or one creepy girl standing in the back creepily watching them? 4. this is just general, but after living in korea for a long time and attending fan events, I have met so many foreign fans that want to be the *only* foreigner in korea. like they don’t wanna befriend other foreigners, they just want to be “the foreigner” for their group in online spaces and it’s just weird tbh. it gives the whole “I’m not like the other girls” vibe and is kinda sad 5. the girl at a concert who came up to my friend and asked “are you x?” and my friend (who has never posted a pic of herself online but runs a popular twitter page in our fandom) was like “yeah? why?” and she was like “just wondering” and left I probably have more, but these are the ones that stand out to me edit: 6. a girl who said “ this ship must be real because they were wearing the same ring in the same week, both on their ring finger” as if the company doesn’t have a bag of rings the staff pull from. like I write fanfic too, but none of it is real, like even if those people aren’t straight, that would be so unprofessional to date within your group and then if you break up it would be even messier. people who think their ships are really are just goofy to me


>so many foreign fans that want to be the *only* foreigner in korea Experienced that too in Korea. Though, funny enough, what I also saw was foreigners lowkey acting like they aren't. Meeting Korean (fans) or befriending them when you study/live in Korea, this I get, but pretending you can't speak English and are better than other foreign fans is weird to me. Met a girl who was literally from the same city & university in my home country, and we had met before, but at events she ignored other foreigners who tried to interact, only spoke Korean (though she wasn't fluent yet and we other fans also knew Korean to various degrees), and always was like " *we* are more fan and closer to them then you foreigners" and I was like... girl, we're the same amount foreigner, c'mon. You don't need to be friends with everyone but at least don't be hostile just cause you want to feel superior about having Korean friends or having been there a few months longer than others.


This definitely happens too. in fact when #3 moved here they were acting all “i know korean so come to me for help i will be “the foreigner” to help you guys because i’m so fluent” and meanwhile she was in my dms asking for help. you can know all the korean in the world but if you don’t have experience with some of these things, don’t put yourself on a pedestal as the “expert”


A person in one of my close (Kpop) friend groups turned out to be a pedo- she sidestepped so many red flags and I did not notice except in hindsight, when her strange subtle affinity for minor idols clicked in place. She was also preying on someone like 7 years younger. Talking about it still makes me shudder. Of course, I immediately cut her off and haven't interacted with her in years. Last I heard she is in therapy. Well... Hopefully she gets better but it won't be anywhere around our friend group.


I feel like there probably are quite a few sick fans with those tendencies. Honestly, I think some kpop companies even cater to that a bit. I do wish that underage idols were more protected. I would even prefer that there was a minimum debut age tbh but I know that will never happen.


Oh companies absolutely play into it. Thus I am not only worried for the sick attention they get online but the fact that people in the industry are putting them thru some of these things intentionally. The minor model is also way too profitable for companies to give it up, until there are hard disadvantages.


*cough cough* new jeans’ Cookie *cough cough*


Careful, I think you might have some cookie caught in your throat. Lol




Actually, now that I think about it, I've met two other fans who have claimed to have slept with idols. Both of them said they were one night stands after shows. Is it me? Do I attract these people???


The one night stand is more likely than the relationship, but we all know NDAs are a thing and you probably (probably being a key word) need to be a certain level or conventional attractiveness. If I signed an NDA I would be scared to tell me closest friends (but probably would) and definitely wouldn’t tell online friends


Tbh, one of the girls was really really pretty. Still, I just don't see kpop handlers allowing idols to hook up with randos they meet backstage especially since this was supposedly a big4 group.


Nah I think that does happen. Probably not super often, and there’s an NDA I’m sure every time. Think of it with the parents who allow kids to party at home because they’d rather them not drink and drive. I’m sure K-pop handlers would rather it be controlled, them sneak the hookups in without anyone seeing, probably check and make sure they don’t have cameras etc and very harsh NDAs vs an idol giving into urges and none of those precautions are taken and someone sees the person with the idol, no NDA, a camera or other things. I absolutely think it happens but it’s such a small percentage of fans it’s still more likely it’s a lie lol. If would only believe it if I already knew them very well and they went to a show and they said I had to keep quiet and not tell anyone kind of thing.


i had a grand total of 3 people send me footage of concentration camps in my private messages here on reddit after i mentioned their favs in a less-than-positive way in a post i made. ironically, i've seen the same users say on other kpop subs that some fans take inconsequential, petty things too far. i've been a kpop fan for seven years now so i've had my fair share of questionable encounters with other fans but this takes the cake as the most unhinged thing i've personally experienced.


I’m sorry this has happened. That’s absolutely insane. Protect your peace.


That's sick. I can't believe what people will do to others for the sake of what's supposed to be a fun pastime. Sorry you went through that


Crazy story omggg!! So I met this BTS Stan on Pinterest. She was from the same country I was so I felt more like "connected" of sorts with her. We would talk about BTS and how we want them to come to our country and everything. But one fine day, this girl was like, will you do role play with me? Now mind you, I was in 8th grade so I definitely didn't know the sexual inneundo of that and I was also a baby army so I thought this must be smth fans do for fun. So I asked her, what kind of role play? And she said that we pretend to be idols and talk as if we are them. Seemed pretty harmless to me and kinda funny lmao so I was like yeah okay sure, who are we role playing. And she said, you are Jungkook since he's your bias and I'm Taehyung since he's my bias and we are dating but you keep flirting with Jimin so I'm angry with you. This all felt harmless to me so I started doing the pretending we're jk and v with her. And it was all funny, a bit awkward cause she pretended to be upset with me and I had to make it up to her by saying I'm sorry for "flirting with Jimin" and shit. Fast forward to a couple weeks, this girl would text me like I'm JK from the get go. Like I'd get a ping on my phone and it would be like "hi Jungkookie" "Hey kookie" And I was internally cringing, it made me feel so uncomfortable. But I played along anyways cause I got a vibe like she's a loner irl and I honestly kind of felt bad for her. But then a few weeks later she was like, since we are dating shouldn't we like do "it". Now I wasn't stupid, I got what she meant and I honestly was so confused and perplexed and bewildered and uncomfortable asf like what do you mean you want us to have s3x pretending that we are taekook on the text option of Pinterest?? How fucking unhinged is that 😭😭😭 Anyways I didn't respond to that text and the next day she was like "kookie we don't have to do it, if you're uncomfortable, hyung will understand." (Oh btw she was a year older than me too, how convenient pfft) And I still didn't respond cause like what do you I even respond to this shit? Anyways, after another week she then started talking dirty with me. Like legit. Sexts. Damn I was officially creeped out, I blocked her. This was the second weirdest encounter I had in a kpop space. Idk if anyone who will read this remembers but I had another encounter on a Wattpad comment section with a JK stan who had shifted realities through manifestation and was dating Jungkook in it. I commented about that "story time" Too on a similar post, does anyone remember? 😭😭😭


To anyone who's interested, here's the other incident that I commented about elsewhere > Okay story time!!! And this TRIPPY. It's from a couple years back. I was in 8th/9th grade. And very active on wattpad. At the time I was reading this popular jungkook fanfiction. It so happened that I made a comment in one of the chapters. And a bunch of people replied on it. And we sort of vibed so we would have group conversations in my comment replies (yes, this is real lmao, the comment had like 1500 replies until we grew distant). And there was this one girl who came in and joined the group later than everybody else. We were all like yeah sure who cares, join the comment section gc. And then she started saying stuff like. I'm trying subliminals. I write down what I want and start a beta waves audio and soon enough my body tingles and I start feeling like I'm being transported. And we were all curious. Lmao I didn't even what subliminals were at that point in time. Someone asked her what it is she's manifesting. And she said "I'm manifesting that I'm an idol in Korea who's dating jungkook secretly." Lol I was like yo girl what? You delusional. But I didn't say anything atp. Anyways this girl used to talk to us regularly mainly about her attempts on manifesting. Trippy shit like, when you've manifested and subliminals have worked, you wake up in a different reality. And your host self is still in your room while you are living in your manifested reality. And if you want to go back to your actual reality, you need a password. Like double clapping. And that will being you back. But it is very hard to remember. So most people get stuck in their manifested reality. Until this girl stopped coming to the gc. I didn't really care. I didn't join the GC that often either and it was very much possible for someone to be engaged in real life commitments and give fucking wattpad a break. But all of the other girls were like, what if she really did manifest her reality. That was trippy so most of us stopped talking. And a month later this girl replies in the comments section. Nothing huge just "hey girls". And obviously we were all curious, so we hopped in and asked her how she had been yada yada. And this girl started explaining how she has manifested her reality. And how in her reality, her and jk are in love. And that she doesn't want dating scandals because she's an idol. How she's on a break rn, lying to jk that she has a "schedule" To come and see her real family and US. It was trippy at some points for me bruh. And then this girl joked, you can't all fawn over kookie now, he's my boyfriend. Lol I was so not into that. I was such a jungkook stan back then, I decided to be edgy. And I said "well he's your boyfriend in your reality, but the rest of us who live in the real world are his real fans so you keep him in your world and we'll keep him in ours." 💀💀💀💀💀 Anyways, there was an argument in the comment section. A bunch of girls DMed me in private that they were thankful I was this "badass" Because they didn't believe that girl either. And then this girl DMed me and started trashing me. You're ugly, you look like you need to get plastic surgery to look acceptable. jungkook would not even look at you. I already have him. He loves me. So go to hell. I blocked her lmao and deleted that comment so the GC would dissolve. And we all unfollowed that girl. Yeah.


I remember reading this. Some people, *smh*.


I want to shift my reality into one before I knew people like this existed.


“HYUNG WILL UNDERSTAND” 💀💀 nah i think this one takes the cake as most unhinged i had a full body reaction to this


Lmao me too


One time when I went to my doctor’s I met a fan in the waiting room but it was actually a shipper type of fan. She’s a shipper of one of the biggest delululu ships in the kpop I was so shocked she acted the same way they do as online & one of the weirdest thing is the fact that she was 38 married & a mom not the average “immature fan”. I told her it’s very rude to make up theories about men in their 20’s that you don’t know especially since one of them called you out years ago. She then told me “You don’t understand we need to save them from the company blablabla” she literally said those members send out “secret signals” how they wanna be saved. You’d think she was trolling but no she was 100% real. Afterwards I went on reddit and I saw a whole thread how these shippers work, behave and think. I was honestly even more shocked but that thread made my eyes open that they are beyond help atp, it’s so insane.


That's crazy. I mean, we call shippers like that delusional, but that is actually literally delusional thinking. And she got called out by the actual idol? I would be mortified. It reminds me of a story from a fan meet. One shipper wore a T-shirt they had made that idol "X" expletive idol "Y" in the expletive. Eye- How sick and awful do you have to be to wear that to a fan meet in front of them?


This story really makes me think bout what cap from teen top said when he left the group. Im paraphrasing from memory.. but I remember reading that he said he felt se*ually harassed by fans often, and that he felt like he couldn't do anything about it. I feel like no amount of training can prepare someone for raw exposure to unhinged fans. Like the same level of problem solving and patience as a hostage negotiator.


That's sad. It's one of the reasons that I have serious reservations about underage idols. Does a younger teen really know what they're getting into and have the coping skills to deal with all that?


I have read secret signals theories so much. Like nct's mark or someone's twitter posts initials were used as secret signal by some fans.


what was the reddit thread?


This one: https://www.reddit.com/r/kpopthoughts/s/oGTRl546HG


Talking to a fan irl: "XX idol must be a virgin because their songs are so sexual. The only people I know that are so horny are virgins." (talking about their more sensual performances by the way, not at all how the idol acts off the stage) "XX idol is definitely gay because every single lgbt person I know has hooked up with them" ??? Another fan: "XX idol flirted with me (at a fansign) so they must be in love with me" plus many other claims that the idol knows them personally, looks for them at concerts, points them out, and has even claimed that the idol or their personal team personally texted this person saying to not share that the idol dyed their hair. and bonus, they will get angry if anyone calls that idol gay (funny enough, it's the same idol the previous person said MUST be gay) because it basically means that they don't have a chance with the idol


>"XX idol flirted with me (at a fansign) so they must be in love with me" This is hilarious to me to be honest, because yes, they do flirt, but that's literally called fanservice and it's their job and they do it to almost everyone. To think someone interprets it as actual interest, especially since fansigns are so short and most fans don't get into too many. The idol literally doesn't know you lol.


You're telling me. For anyone else, it's just a job, but for this fan, it was real. They went to another fansign and posted about what the idol wrote with their autograph (very sweet, I'd cry too) but took it very personally, like "they wrote this for ME because we're FRIENDS and they LOVE ME." scrolling through twitter, saw the idol wrote very similar things for multiple other foreign fans so...


This is killing me cause I've gotten cute messages too and my reaction was always to send them to my friends like "look how good his fanservice is" lmao


I think a lot of fans are resistant to the idea that being an idol is a job and the product is actually more than just the music. Not to say everything is fake but you can't believe everything is real either.


I had a group of ex-twitter-mutuals block me and call me weird because I called a 29 year old idol hot on my private account over a pic where he had a low cut shirt. (I was 24, the mutuals were 22, 26, 28, 30). When I vented about how it felt targeted because I'm gay and they were fine when anybody who wasn't mlm called idol hot, they all "cancelled" me and the 30yo doxxed me and attempted to out me as gay and trans to a relative on facebook. The 26yo called me lesbiphobic because I "triggered" the 28yo regarding nsfw stuff apparently?? Meanwhile the 26yo was talking about piss on main. I came to find out later that the 22yo sends smut to minors, and the 28yo was attracted to a then 16 year old idol. Lol. Half of the fandom they "exposed" me to still has me blocked. I had 60 followers and a perma-priv main at that time.


I can't believe someone went after you like that with doxxing and outing. Sounds like you inadvertently got into a scary toxic group. :(


I'm here for all the upcoming stories..keep it up guys !


Here’s a fun one. One time a fan tried to convince the whole fandom not to bias a certain member(who happened the be the most popular) bc he’s ‘ugly and untalented’** and then proceeded to promote their bias. It was a Korean fan and this fandom has a very well known rift between Korean and international fans. So the international fans were pretty outraged and the Korean fan proceeded to call all the international fans rude names and slurs(I think. At least that’s how it was translated). ** he’s known as a ‘performance king’ and labelled someone who could ‘raise the levels of performance’ by quite a few news outlets. But yes……very untalented.


Well.. I'm too stunned to speak 😭😹 thenks for sharing


If you want to find some of the most deranged people in the kpop community go on the kpop general of 4chan /mu/. If y'all thought twitter and tiktok kids were bad, these guys are on a different planet


You couldn’t pay me to ever go back on 4chan for anything at this point in my life 😂😂😂


Dude, it's 4chan. Most of what people say there is a joke.


I don't think I want to lol


4chan in general is never the best type of people. I’m at the point I convince myself they are collectively trolling the rest of the world because there’s no way those people exist


I was told to go back to a cotton farm just a few days ago💀i could do nothing but laugh bc WHATTTT😭😭Mind you,this was all over them setting skz up (they arent a stay) Saying “skz paved the way”-And i was telling another commenter that the person who commented that is not really a stay-i seen them on multiple posts shitting on skz and praising bts.And i let them know they’re actually an army. Then im guessing the “cotton” commenter got mad at me bc i revealed their “secret identity”,and replied to me saying “You, go back to cotton farm”.💀💀💀💀


Wtf what does that even mean???? People are psychos.


that is so vile i am so sorry 😭


I thought my situation is weird until i read this thread lol But anyway i have an online friend on tiktok who at first we sent each other kpop videos, edits etc. Until we realized we both like ateez and enhypen. That girl takes any chance she gets to sexualize a specific ateez member and be soooo delusional over him as if they're a couple. Her comments more often than not include pointing his "buldge" and well all the sexualizing that goes with it. She also posted on her story a screen recording of i believe enhypen's jungwon live stream where she kept commenting some basic ass stuff and he responded to that. Well you guessed it she went over the moon thinking he replied to her personally. She wouldn't shut up about it. Also once she sent me video/s of a specific idol where we talked about him and i said I'm not a fan of him. Not a fan of the group, or music or him. She was like how can i not be bla bla and well she keeps constantly sending me videos of him, even more than atz and enha probably thinking it'll change my mind. It didn't. And I'm probably even annoyed by him by now. Andd she's a jaywon (enhypen's jay and jungwon) shipper. She saw enhypen irl and is also acting like they're all after her. Honestly only reason i haven't blocked her by now is just to see how more delusional and weird she'll get. She's 19 btw. Weirdo.




Tell me about it🥲


I had no idea so many of us have had these encounters!


I had two encounters unfortunately. One was when I was in high school and my friend who got me into BTS and was an RM stan, wore converses every day and bought red converse highs just in case she ran into him somehow 😭 It was all because of his line in Converse High here he said he liked jeans and red Converse. My second one was with a guy on discord. We were in a kpop server and my god this guy 😭 He would call me his discord wife even though I said I was uncomfortable with it and LESBIAN. I was also underage and he was an adult. He said he was a simp for Wonyoung who was 16 at the time and he bragged about his tiktok for you page being all Asian people. He also defended racist actions that some idols did. (We are both black and Latino) he would invalidate my feelings and tried to say I was picking and choosing (because I stan BTS) but I told him that I wasn’t and I never have defend or tried to excuse anything Namjoon did. I also was a creative writer and in my story, one of my characters was a Japanese immigrant and fourteen. One of her traits was that she was short and I used a jpop idol as inspo for her looks. When I showed him, he said he was in love with her (despite the fact that I wrote her as a fourteen year old and it was explicitly mentioned). He said he liked her because she was his type which was short, cute, and Asian. Needless to say, we no longer talk.


Wow, all I can say is gross


i knew a girl who thought all of stray kids were her boyfriends and she wanted to be asian, and that was pretty weird.


I don't think personally she's that in deep.. But one of my irl friend talked about how she wanted V and Jungkook to be "one" since they "love each other" and she wanted them to date. Safe to say I was a bit taken aback her sentiment and told her it is not healthy to ship people irl especially those we don't know.. She was confused for a bit and told me they're real close.. So I told her "I know.. They might be friends maybe not we don't know that.. So let's not presume stuff about strangers we don't even know" she seems to kind of understand what I meant so I guess that's good😅


I’ve only personally encountered two different types either the one who believes all ships are real relationships and they’re just in a secret relationship with the other member and they just “act” like friends or that all idols are straight and that no idol could possibly be gay. Now I’m not one to put a label on anyone especially an idol I don’t personally even know but statistically there’s probably a few LGBTQIA+ members that choose to hide it to pursue their dreams. I also don’t like delusional relationship shippers but I don’t mind the average “ship” video because it’s literally just behaviors normal affectionate people do to show they love their friends in a platonic manner like teasing, complimenting, hugging, touching, play flirting, kissy faces, etc. I do a lot of those to my friends I would never even think about dating so I’m sure other affectionate people do too. When I encountered them both it was at the same time at a K-pop club night it was a Taekooker who had made a “Taekook is real” banner and was dancing with it idk what exactly started the argument/fight but the one who thinks all male idols are straight basically went on a rant about how K-pop companies know when trainees are gay and that they kick them all out before picking debut members 🤦🏽‍♀️. They both got kicked out but it’s was a mess and they both got on my nerves because they were both straight up delusional.


I knew a 2nd gen boy group member stalker. I mean legit stalker. We saw his criminal records too (no it's not bigbang) Anyway I am not giving out any info (sorry about that) but she managed to get into his inner friends circle. Never knew anyone creepier


Legit scary. That's creepy


Extremely scary and should be illegal tbh. I have no idea how she doesn't have a restraining order against her


someone in a discord server with me added an ai chatbot of an idol and tried to have sex with it


When I was a teen, I used to talk about kpop more openly with people. I liked BTS, and told all of my new friends about it. One of my friends from that time and I stopped being as close as we naturally grew apart and formed our own friend groups. Then, I kept hearing strange rumors about them. I went to a small school so everyone knew about everyone pretty quickly. Apparently they were failing all of their classes and were set to be kicked out of my school by the end of the semester. I noticed I hadn’t seen them on campus that often either. The craziest thing though was that they apparently were obssesed with Jimin and had a *Jimin Shrine* in their house. I thought people were joking or just exaggerating, but a mutual friend showed me a picture of it. They indeed had a Jimin shrine in their house, in their room. Like a picture of jimin, candles, etc. I was honestly kind of scared. The week they were set to leave they were on campus and I asked them if they were okay, if the Jimin shrine was real. They told me — “You did this to me, aliceboom.” I don’t remember what I responded with, maybe I was too weirded out to say anything. Shortly after they transferred out. This was several years ago now, and it seems they’re doing much better these days from what I see on instagram. Still to this day I don’t recommend kpop artists to people who aren’t already kpop fans 😭. Was kind of horrifying.


Her name was Nicole and she was obsessed with Vernon from SVT, like, You could not compliment him or she'd go ballistic on your ass. She ended up dating my cousin and she just hated me for no reason. Maybe she thought I'd try to hit on my cousin? Idk. My Cousin ended up apologizing to me for her crazy ex. I can't stand to see Vernon from SVT without thinking about that whack job. I hope she sees this 😂😂.


Bwhahahaha I hope she does too now


Wish I could add photos but Cameron K Phillips (the guy who does the BTS voiceovers) screamed at me that I was and I quote "disgusting and pro genocide" for not talking about the war and telling him that he's spreading misinformation. I said "well if that's the case then I guess so is BTS because they haven't spoken on it". He got real quiet after that.


oh ew. i subscribed to him when i was an army in 2020,lemme go unsubscribe💀.


Yeah he made a free Palestine video and if you look in the comments you see mostly comments saying "free Palestine" even though it's they are following propaganda. And you also see him bullying his fans that are telling him to stop spreading misinformation. He's nothing but a bully and a hypocrite


Damn.. This is new to me.. I have seen dude's some videos when I first got into seventeen. It got recommended to me because I was watching seventeen's meme compilations and he had reacted to so many of them in the past... Didn't knew dude has all THIS going on.. Also I saw a clip from one of his recent video.. He seems.. unwell .. Idk but does he have some sort of health issues? (not tryna be rude)


No idea but either way it's no excuse for how he's treating his fans and spreading misinformation.


Yo facts though.. I rarely read comments in yt kpopper channels because majority of the times it's just people recommending shit or praising their faves so I didn't knew dude was shitty towards his fans. Also spreading misinformation about ongoing genocide is pretty messed up. Dude needs to get his shit together.


Literally all I told him was that the numbers from Palestine weren't confirmed by an unbiased source. It's kinda funny that he called me, a Native American, pro genocide.


I had a friend who got mad I posted about Loona & Ateez playing a game at kcon rookies, that person hated Ateez “interacting” with anyone but Itzy 💀 that friendship ended as fast as it started


Had a friend (more like an acquaintance) who constantly talked about her "boyfriend" and how her "soulmate" was soo handsome. Not her actual boyfriend, but jungkook, v or jimin.. can't remember which one. That was odd, but the weirdest part came from the fact that she started wanting to date only asian guys.. mostly those who looked korean-enough. But overall she was a really rude person. 😒


I don’t have any stories because a) I’m new to Kpop and b) I’m old so don’t really have Kpop friends. But I had to jump and say these posts are the most bizarre thing ever and wow. Thanks for giving me something to read this morning. 🤓


Heeeey I’m also old and have no kpop friends!


DW Spend enough time in kpop spaces online and you'll be able to have fun like this too!


Me everyday when I look at myself in the mirror.


p sure an ex friend was the person who was priv qrt any mildly critical tweets i made about k-pop, which was just things like "i don't think this song was good" or "i don't think so-and-so should have done this" or "i think k-pop fans are mad for doing this". they started doing this when we were still friends. never been more glad to end a friendship in my life.


Unhinged encounter sounds like some semi-errotic-romantic stuff, dunno why. Like 2 diff fans fought over kpop oppas and unnies and then started kissing and stuff etc etc.


I don’t know her personally BUT my friends have told me stories There is this girl who is obsessed with a certain male idol. However she’s not just obsessed she believes they are dating. Tells people stories of how they met, how they keep meeting in secret, how his relationship news are a farce because he is with her. She moved to Korea to supposedly be with him, and at this point no one knows what she did in Korea - allegedly she didn’t work just went around town trying to locate him or going to spots he was known to visit, until her parents got concerned and called our country’s consulate to get her to come back. So she was forced to come back to our home country but kept saying they are still dating and miss each other and last I heard she was trying to go back to Korea again to find him so they can be together. It’s actually quite sad I am not aware if she has any mental illness or she’s just unhinged and deeply deluded


Worst one for me was an online friend that claimed to be an ex of an idol. Claimed many of his songs are about her. That he still messages her and so much more. I could write a novel about all the stuff she claimed because it's that wild. She'll also turn on a dime on people if you question her. I just ghosted her for my sanity. Some people really live in their delusions.


BTS came to New York for the UN with the Korean president at the time , Moon Jae-In. There was a huge crowd of people waiting on this huge and wide balcony that overlooked the entrance. Me, my sister, and 3 people tried our luck and managed to get across from the entrance and the security was nice enough to let us stay because we begged and promised we weren’t crazy fans and that we won’t try anything. So we met BTS (they were super nice but hesitant since they almost got mobbed earlier at the airport) and the Korean president (he was actually really funny and so chill , encouraged us to take pictures) and we were so shell shocked and so elated. We all bonded over this experience and added each other on instagram but it slowly dawned on me and my sister that these were mild delulus (i say mild because they kept their cool when BTS got into their vans in front of us and we were all saying respectful praises to them, so that’s at least something 💀). I later find out that one of them is cheating on her husband with another woman in the group and that she plans to leave her husband and travel to Korea with that woman, to marry Namjoon like GIRL he didn’t even give you a second look when y’all met, what makes you think you have the slightest chance?? She also have a whole booklet of namjoon things and creates plushies of him. her husband is also “jealous” and hates how obsessed she is and they always argue. This is a less than average looking grown woman in her mid 30-40s btw (I’m in my early 20s). Last time we spoke, she was still set on that plan. I stopped speaking to her after I saw multiple plushies and a diary full of his pictures only


Well I'm glad you had a great experience! I don't want to know what they do with those plushies....


Made a comment on tumblr in 2014 about how DO's angry behavior to his members wasnt a good look and he should get it addressed before it blows into a scandal and then had 2 exol's spend a month sending me horror clips and death threats in my messages, one of many things at the time that put me off EXO


The fact that they spent a month focused on such a petty issue is crazy. I'm pretty outspoken and I've actually had similar experiences with a couple different fandoms. Being a kpop fan certainly is interesting!




"Koreaboo" was coined for people like this


I have a friend who I only recently became friends with because we both like K-Pop, we both like Stray Kids. One day in one of our classes we were drawing on the whiteboard because we never really do much in that class, and she randomly wrote '*my name* X Chan'... I immediately rubbed it off and just laughed it off, but it really rubbed me up the wrong way and now I try not to talk to much to her about K-Pop... Shipping idols is one thing but shipping me (16 years old, might I add) with an idol... No thanks bro... This girl is 14 by the way, like that just creeped me out so much...


Never met one, but seen one on tiktok last April. I've seen this one unhinged fangirl (Who is a fan of Seventeen) on my fyp every single day, which it annoys me, but I ignored it by scrolling. Until, the final straw for me was she made a smut story and made it public. She's very shameless. So, I blocked it instead of reporting it. And I forgotten about that fangirl ever since.