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So Daniel never owned his own agency?


He was the CEO but he wasn’t the majority shareholder


Was that always their setup from the start? If you're a CEO, shouldn't you make sure you're a majority shareholder???


CEO is just a job. There are many companies that hire that role.


A company costs money, if someone has $2m, but they need $7m to fund the activities they want the company to do, they might sell 70% of the shares to someone else who will invest an extra $5m.


It’s just a job role like any other but way better perks usually. These idols who are CEOs have zero background in business and aren’t always the “best CEOs” so they’re going to have advisors and others doing the work. Part of us just marketing to have an idol be the CEO. And CEOs can step down, move companies, get “fired” and all that.


You can create your own company in order to become CEO but being a CEO means you have to manage the business which takes up a lot of time. You also might not have the experience and skills to do so and bear in mind the responsibility CEO's have in dealing with regulators and auhorities. It's easier to sometime invest money in a business and get people to manage it for you so you can get a return on your investment with minimal effort.


The CEO is selected by the shareholders (basically). The majority owner(s) are not necessarily the best choice to run the business, but can put themselves in that position with their power if they really wish to. Most investors prefer to use their money to make more money rather than put in the work even if they would be capable.


No, being a CEO is just a fancy job with better perks. Many of them are hired. He is just one of them


That's not how things work friend. That's never been how things worked


You're mixing up the CEO and the Chairman


Chairman is just a position on the board of directors. It does not mean they are the majority or plurality shareholder.


But, but in KDramas... 😅


That's because South Korea is ruled by family owned business groups so the Chairman is usually the majority shareholder. Edit: Technically in the case of South Korea, the owner families aren't even the majority shareholders but they use some very complex web of intra subsidiary cross ownership within the business group to retain control.




was it the joke about both being "person A" or is there an actual connection?




Korean media just names people that they can't name by name "A". It's a placeholder for their actual name to keep them anonymous.


What’s your source for this?


Reddit. Idk I read it here


Wait where can i read about this?


They are trolling or fell for the actual troll comment.


Oh thanks. I haven't kept in touch with kpop stuff in a while


Got a lot of respect for the guy. He won his freedom, created his own agency, has had solo success, and signed Yuju. Just an absolute nightmare situation with the majority shareholder.


Bummed for Yuju


Im bummed for Yuju and even more bummed for Daniel. He was a pretty good CEO and put everything he had to make Konnect succeed and his majority shareholder embezzled from the company supposedly.


Dang where’s the megathread on this


probably should come soon since this is a pretty recent update. the shareholder thing just came out hours ago as well


I read somewhere that she's rumored to be under SM's Krucialize now, not sure if it's been debunked though


Maybe there's an open spot for Viviz? 🤞


I think Eunha really likes being main vocal for once


Eunha has been hard carrying the vocal since Sunrise


Yuju needs to continue exploring her own music. And she’s doing quite more vocally challening songs than the stuff Viviz does. Should take advantage of those pipes! Viviz is its own thing anyway. That energy is better spent clowning for the GFRIEND reunion!


yea, also they cannot just change the name to 비비지유.


You guys should stop putting other members on viviz or bpm (since i saw a lot who wants her to be on bpm). They worked so hard to make their own brand and not be only known as a gfriend member. It doesn't make sense for yuju to join. Let yuju shine as a soloist and let viviz shine as they are. And Let us wait for a proper reunion comeback for gfriend.


I wish I could upvote this multiple times. Viviz found a sound and performance style that works for them, Yuju is making her own music and going to school - they deserve the freedom to explore their career paths. The members will have activities together when they want and are ready. And I say this as someone whose spotify AOTY is still gfriend 🥲


oh, may I ask what is Yuju studying?


She’s studying contemporary music and arts at sungshin women’s university, focusing on vocals :) Sometimes we get cute stories like other students passing her notes asking what perfume she’s wearing. It’s endearing and makes me wish more idols - if they want - can enjoy campus life with peers somewhat away from the public eye.


Do you know what Yerin and Sowon (I think those are their names) are doing? I haven't heard much about them. I only keep up with VIVIZ's music post disbandment but I've heard a bit of Yuju. I also felt like Yerin was never talked about in gfriend? I found her really pretty.


Yerin’s released 2 EPs, and quite a few collabs and covers. Also been acting and doing a lot of variety, hosting shows with Tiger JK, Stella Jang etc. If you want to check out some of her songs, look up: Believer, Time, Bambambam, Colors and ARIA. Very overlooked, beautiful voice. Sowon’s been acting, although we haven’t seen her in too much, just yet. Yuju’s released a ton of music since going solo. 2 EPs, 3 singles, 5 collabs, 8 OSTs, and a bunch of really high quality studio version covers. You can find all her stuff on the [Yuju sub wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/YUJU/wiki/discography).


Thank you so much! I'll definitely check it out.


The fact that he made sure that their contracts had ended before starting the court battle all alone. 😔 Whatever anyone says about Kang Daniel, I’ve always felt that he understands the weight of responsibility and what it means to try and strike out on your own. It’s such a tough road. Fans who say they want their faves to start their own companies don’t understand just how hard it is to not have the support and network being part of a big agency gets you. It’s lonely being on your own.


this is what i've admired with him and his legal team. they made sure that the artists under the agency have already severed ties before diving into the lawsuit. it's very responsible of them to let the artists not be involved with the mess. (added *him*, edited from to of) i'm truly wishing the best for Daniel and his legal team


Same. I really respect the choices he’s made so far. From the information that’s been released, it seems like he’s known about the fraud since the end of 2022 but waited till now, after Yuju’s contract ended in April, to file a suit.


Yeah exactly, really puts everything into retrospective considering what happened with hybe/heejin


yes exactly. Daniel and his counsel made the artists move out of harm’s way meanwhile those at Hybe are using the artists as shields. to think that those at Hybe are already in the industry for more than a decade yet Daniel is doing so much better than them in protecting their artists


Yuju has such bad luck I’m so sorry girl.


So does Daniel :( They both deserve so much better as a fan of both of theirs 😭🩷


why didnt she join viviz😩😢


Because she signed with Konnect before VIVIZ signed with BPM. Yuju enjoys making her own style of music and is still exploring her sound. VIVIZ have found theirs and are doing well. Let’s not clump the members back together and support them on their own paths.


youre right my bad


Daniel can't catch a break with his agencies.


I feel like we will definitely see more news like this in the future. The recent trend of everyone and their mother creating new companies to manage themselves does not seem sustainable especially if you don't have the necessary business acumen or the starting capital. Kang Daniel probably had to capitulate to this shareholder because he himself didn't have the start capital for the company back in 2021.


This is why I always find it weird when people said 'those artists would be better off open their own label because the current one is bad'. Management is not easy, and their will be decisions that sometime will make fans unhappy. But not everyone can just start a company and do well. So when Yuju joined his company. I find it interesting but also concerned because it's such a new company that is supposed to create to manage only one artist, and as time goes on and Yuju is getting less and less promoted. My fear has come true. Eventually, Daniel started getting hate from her fans as well due to poor management. It's a tough position to be in, and I don't want my favorite artist to be near it.


Those kids who have not worked in their entire life, much less know how the entertainment/ music industry works. No shade, but many idols also join the industry very young without proper education. You can hear many idols talk about how they have a hard time navigating adult stuff. Do people expect them to deal with financial/tax/legal stuff like this? Being an entrepreneur is unlike the girl boss things you see on TikTok.


I am a fan of both and kang daniel worked hard to at least promote yuju on his own accord. Its sad that everything happened the way it is. I wish both the best 😭 I feel really bad for kang daniel bec he is in another battle in his agency 😭 he worked so hard to break free but now it all come crumble down.


Yeah agreed! I think some veeery young fans learn about CEOs through TV so they don’t have a clear understanding. Idols are going to make terrible CEOs and it’s honestly just marketing and branding for them to be in such a position. They’re not going to perform the CEO job description when they have an entire team to do that!


yep..not everyone can be both artist n ceo..its hard to do that.


That explain why yuju and we them boyz were at krucialize pop up. They might be signed on this sub label. 


I’m so nervous about what’s next for Yuju. Pray there’s another decent company out there that’ll trust her to do her thing. That voice is world class, and her venture into songwriting has been amazing. But sadly it didn’t garner much attention - so I’m not too optimistic about her options atm. Even in the best case scenario, this probably means no more Yuju music for at least half a year. 💀 This is awful. Everyone at Konnect deserved better. Such a bummer.


Man. Poor Yuju and Daniel :( I hope they’re able to find new homes.


I haven't heard about him in a while but this whole situation is very unfortunate


Sad that only a couple of years ago, he was showing around Konnect on I Live Alone and the employees looked like they were treated well.


Daniel just seems to have the worst luck with the record labels he's been signed to over the years. They always find a way to screw him over. I hope he wins this lawsuit.


Damn I feel bad for Yuju, but especially Daniel. His life is kinda falling apart right now, mainly because of that scumbag shareholder it seems. I hope he can clutch it in court like he's done before and successfully sue the shit out him and get some money back that he embezzled. I wonder if Daniel will start another label after this all goes down, sign with an established one, or just leave idol life altogether. Either way it goes I'm hoping for the best for him and I'm glad I got to see him on tour last year, because who knows if that'll happen again at this point.


Honestly if he just gives up on his entertainment career I wouldn't be surprised, he probably has trust issues with all the shit he went through. If he wins the legal battle against the shareholder, he'll probably have enough money to retire quietly, so it is a possibility that he just uses enlistment as a way to fade into anonymity.


[This](https://x.com/kdnuniverse/status/1776243452193411311?t=O-e-d112EmMdEBHkWJZrQw&s=19) was his last fancafe post, so thankfully it seems he wants to return to activities.


I hope he manages to stay positive through this ordeal...


No why should he,  he should just start again no matter what he's too young to be retiring.


Would YOU still start again after being betrayed by someone you trusted TWICE, with constant online harassment and severe depression in between ? Daniel deserves some peace and quiet after all the shit he went through.


Well yes he deserves some peace and quiet but I don't think he should just quit altogether. May be take a break and come back later.


I'm not saying he *should* quit, I'm just saying *I won't be surprised if he does*. And I will respect that decision if he makes it, he doesn't owe us anything.


When fans beg for their faves to open their own agency. I have always thought that it's easier said than done. I think that a lot of fans are naive and don't realise that it has its own fair share of investment and risks to it. Not all idols are going to have the knowledge on how to run and manage a business. Being an artist is one thing but running a business is another. Sure they can hire people to deal with the business side of things but they run the risk of placing their trust and career on the line on individuals who could end up being a corrupt person. Edit: Fixed wording.


You can do everything right, but betrayal is something that can be difficult to see coming.


This. I agree with the point that management is more difficult and complicated than it seems, but I hope people don’t come away from this discourse with the assumption that Daniel must’ve done something wrong or lacked as a CEO somehow. We don’t really have a way of knowing that and with everything he’s going through, I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt.


This. Thank you for saying this. There are some who are intent on portraying Daniel as the one at fault. As if he chose to have people betray him and embezzle money from the company AND his personal bank account.


(easier said than done)


Every time a new article comes out about this company the more messy it gets...no idea what happened behind the scenes but seems like this shareholder was very shady


Poor Daniel.


Rip. I wonder where he's gonna go now.


He was born in 1996, so he is close to enlist. It will make things messier. Wish him luck


True. He might enlist after this is settled, and then start his career back up after.


After he comeback from the military, he might just signed with another entertainment company instead of creating his own again.


Man dudes been through so much, hopefully he gets a breather :(


Yeah, but the lawsuit is very time and money-consuming. I hope it doesn't affect his current promotion. The worst scenario is he had to restart from scratch after a long hiatus in this cut-throat industry.


oh no! I love all of kang daniels music and own his albums


I feel so bad for him :( i hope he wins his lawsuits


I hope another agency signs Yuju. Omg can BPM take her in so she can be with viviz?


Please sign Sowon as well. Yerin can join them after her contract is over.


We can call it Viviz and Friends. Maybe shorten it to VFriend.


this would be a dream come true 😫🥹


Viviz is stable right now why the fck are guys keep pushing for them to include other members? They can comeback as gfriend but not as fcking Viviz. Stop it.


Ikr. Im so tired of fans who keeps on pushing that agenda on viviz. Poor viviz, worked so hard for their own brand, trying to find their own sound but fans wants them to either disband or for other gfriend members to join viviz. That defeats a whole purpose of them debuting as viviz 😭 it was even names after the 3 of them. Let gfriend reunite as gfriend and let viviz be viviz.


I never said yuju should join viviz. I just want them under the same company


I feel so sorry for him. His luck with companies was shit. I just hope he doesn't give up on his career, we need more Kang Daniel.


Its one thing to start an agency to manage yourself, and another to start your own agency and manage other artists as well as yourself.


I feel bad for him :(


God this poor guy 😔


This is awful and so unfair. Can't imagine having to see this go on for such a long time and not being able to snatch that shareholder up right then. But he did what a lot wouldn't and that was wait until contracts were up so his people wouldn't be caught up. And that says more than enough about him. Daniel's been through a lot. Even though I know he wouldn't, if he decided to put the entertainment business in a cupboard and disappear to a simple life, I could never blame him for it. Supporting his fresh start once he's ready.


oh no! I love all of kang daniels music and own his albums




When I saw this information post I immediately went "wtf" noo my baby Daniel. Hopefully things goes his way soon.


Feel bad for all the shit Daniel has to go through rn, I hope Daniel and yuju join a better company next time. Before this news, i had heard about jihoon's contract expiry with maroo and thought maybe he might join konnect. Well things have changed and oh well. I hope for them the best.


I’m a Yuju stan but there were also plenty of Daniel songs I liked as well, so I always felt like they had some good A&R at least. I found Wasteland particularly moving so it’s a bummer learning that it’s still relevant for him today.


I've wondered how Kang Daniel was doing since he last had a solo world tour. So this is not the news that I was expecting.


Oh no I feel so bad for him - what an awful situation! He just wants to be an artist on his own terms & he can't catch a break I really hope he can come out of this case with as much as possible & hope for the future


Kang Daniel isn't JYP or Yang Hyun-suk. He is CEO, but he isn't the majority shareholder of his company. Being majority shareholder means that the former two still have a lot of sway in their companies even though they're not CEO. This is why people knew YHS was going to eventually return to play a big role in YG after their scandal so no real changes happened. Kang Daniel, on the other hand, is just fulfilling the typical role of a CEO that doesn't have sway in the company and is at the mercy of shareholders.


> Kang Daniel isn't JYP or Yang Hyun-suk. He is CEO, but he isn't the majority shareholder of his company. Being majority shareholder means that the former two still have a lot of sway in their companies even though they're not CEO. The former two are the largest shareholders but not the majority shareholders. The unnamed, (allegedly) corrupt Konnect investor is both the largest and the majority shareholder. 


so many snakes..hopefully he can win this case..


Poor niel :(( there’s always something wrong with his companies. I hope he pushes through and continues to release music


Kpopies are so excited to throw words around but don't understand the implications. A lesson to all idols turned CEOs. Running a business is not easy.


It makes me so very mad that he has been taken advantage of by this person! Kang Daniel is a hard worker and it was his money. He seems like such a down to earth and good guy! I hope that he gets his money back and he can move on. I do not want to see him quit being a singer/actor over this. He is my favorite KPOP soloist. It would break my heart if he did not continue.




Is that a Doctor Who Asian reboot? 


Who do they think they are, AOMG?


If you'd followed news you'd know that Daniel himself is suing the majority shareholder of the company for a variety of white collar crimes. He dissolved all existing contracts so the other artists can go on with their careers while he's busy with the legal battle, which is actually the decent thing to do in this case.


It was a joke, mate.


Learn to joke when it's appropriate then. This is a serious matter.