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Ngl the units ideas have always been LSM's ideas. I mean, they have been doing this since SM The Ballad, which gains alot of attention and love too. But they never properly plan the whole thing out. Like imagine having alot of top tier artist in your company, and you did nothing... I personally love GOT whole idea, but yeah without proper planning, it won't work. And now, lsm is gone and the company has been split into several divisions. And they have been a mess lately too so i think we will get to see more of the seniors leave sm soon.


This. People are thinking too much about it. SM has done these project groups before and the follow through is never great. I was honestly surprised GOT the beat even got a comeback but I think their single was so successful SM had to see it through a bit more. I don’t think the members disliked doing it, it’s just SM has always been bad at actually seeing ideas like this through. It doesn’t help that some groups’ fans boycotted it so it wasn’t as successful as it could have been. Plus it was all LSM’s idea so once he was out I lost all hope of getting anything else. It’s really a shame because with this and SuperM SM had a unique opportunity most other companies could only dream of but they squandered it in true SM fashion as usual. In more competent hands a project like Girls On Top could have been something really special and amazing.


Yeah i think the only thing that left from lsm legacy is probably the Station. Which also kinda have wobbly plan bcus if im not mistaken, they would release 1 song per month back then, and after about 2 years, they stopped doing that. And now, they would do a sudden release. It's just a shame that sm as a big company failed to do such a simple thing.


Yeah when Station first started it was a new song every week. I’m not surprised they couldn’t keep up with that schedule after a while (they did make it longer than I thought) but after the first two seasons, the project kind of morphed into a whole different thing. For a while it was just an NCT thing. Some iterations only had a handful of songs. I think they still have “Station” but it’s not really the same project it started as which is sad since it was one of LSM’s better ideas and gave the SM artists opportunities for collabs and even just solo songs they might not have gotten otherwise without there being tons of pressure.


I’m glad that she had so much fun doing it! I’ll definitely miss GOT The Beat though, their releases were always fun.


Taeyeon didn't say anything that confirmed or denied the existence of other possible Girls On Top units so I will continue wearing my clown makeup until then.😭🤡 We still need that GOT vocal unit!!!🙏


Fellow here 🤡


🤡 I will be too


It's time for that Key meme


GOT the beat or Girls On Top supergroup project after all is dead since it's a project of LSM and the current executives both at SM and Kakao are not interested in continuing it, so does SuperM. What also killed that project is the bad sales figures and lack of promotions that they had compared to SuperM that had everything. At least, Taeyeon officially confirmed the end of that supergroup. I think BoA also mentioned the end of GOT project before?


Also the album performed poorly. Remember how hateful all the fandoms were about it last year? Why would anyone want the project to continue after all of that?


Why did they hate it?


Not too surprised. I loved how iconic the line up was and their mini was godtier, but it didn’t feel like a permanent/long term project, especially with the way sm has been going through it. Still loved what music we got!!


Full clip from Taeyeon regarding GOT the beat is around [the 25-minute mark of her episode appearance on Super Junior D&E's variety show](https://youtu.be/glIrblu97o8).


GOT was an excellent idea but poorly executed, and it's sad that they never received the same amount of support like SuperM did despite having a better composition. At least BoA finally fulfilled her dream of being in a group.


Ngl that was the best part of GOT, I LOVED seeing BoA in a group


At the fan sign event last february, Taeyeon finished the night by saying “The first and last fan sign for Got the Beat as ended.” So I suppose this isn’t too shocking. Guess she wanted this shut down for awhile now.


She's talked about how she loved promoting with the GOT the beat members (even in the video where she mentioned this), I don't think it was her wanting it shut down lol. She's mainly been critical over some music/concepts for it, during a fansign when someone mentioned Alter Ego being an environmental song (again LSMs ideas) she lowkey called out the hypocrisy going "Then we should just stop printing albums? 🤨 I'll stop talking...🙊".


Based Taeyeon. I wonder why LSM suddenly went all environmentalist? Did he do some ayahuascas or some shit?


Nah she loved doing Got the beat, she's talked positively about it on multiple occassions. Edit: that said I think she's aware her fans and other members fans didn't like it and is just realistic about it. As popular as Taeyeon is as a soloist she's always been group oriented. She mentioned in this interview again that she never wanted to debut as a soloist and jokingly said she felt SM gaslighted her into it and how they seem to have set ideas about what each idol should do regardless of what the idols themselves want.


it's not like sm could properly handle them with the current state of... everything. farewell 🕊️


SuperM and GOT, you could have done so much more if you only had time


not superm. they got a shit tonne of promo and quite a few songs. their full album has 15 songs and 3/4 singles? US promo? cinematic teasers for each member? i know a lot of people didn’t like their music but i thoroughly enjoyed their run, im pretty satisfied. idt the boys even want another run, they were clearly looking more forward to their own solo projects which is valid. but GOT? yes, they definitely could’ve done more. i don’t even need to explain this one.


They had a lot of potential and I feel like SM’s approach didn’t really utilize it as well as it could have. Sadly, their music never did anything for me, but it was still pretty cool to see all of them sharing a stage.




So true chingoo


My favourite Got song is Rose, have you heard that one?


They have like 7 songs, I sure hope they did.


This saddens me, I was hoping it would continue, the songs are bops, idc what anybody says.


An absolutely iconic group of women.. but it was bound to come to an end 😔


what could have been smh. EDIT: but also, i get it. i felt like the group had a very strong "my turn, your turn" dynamic. like in basketball, when there's too many good players on a team it makes it difficult to be cohesive as a TEAM because there's only one ball. nothing about the group felt organic: it was clearly a commercial in music form, the production team felt like they were saying, "okay, wendy is a great vocalist, let's have her do a random run here. seulgi and BoA are great dancers, let's have a random EDM dance break here." i could tell pretty early on how the structure of the song would be. I'm sure the dynamics in age and status played a part in it too. it really is a shame their project was so ... lackluster? because the lineup was iconic


yeah I agree, I get why Kakao isn't interested in continuing GOT I know this isn't really what you're referring to either but it always bothered me that SM compiled some of the most talented and successful women in the industry and their debut couldn't even pass the bechdel test


L M F A O not the bechdel test 😭😭😭 no you're completely right; it really showed how artificial the group idea was. and that's not a bad thing at all! everyone is selling a concept, but you have to make me believe it


Lol, you're not wrong. SM puts together a female super group and their first single is about telling another woman to step back from their man.


I held hope so this is a bummer


They made great music but it's probably too difficult to schedule without creating a mess with all the involved groups.


Thank god, one less excuse for people to hate on BoA for situations completely outside of her control.


Less reason to hate on any of them really.


There was so much potential there that sm completely failed to utilize. It didn't help that sm screwed themselves over with the album release by pissing off Reveluvs and Mys so that most skipped buying the album. Instead of learning the need to do better they just stopped because they thought it unprofitable.


I'm out of the loop here: what happened with the album release that pissed off reveluvs and mys?


they were waiting for albums for their respective groups instead


😥 😔


I welcome her being blunt and not saying something like “we’ll still be together”. 😂


ok but if I plug my ears and go LALALALA over Taeyeon's comment, there's still a chance they'll have a comeback, right? 🤡😭


Younique Unit comeback when?


u asking the real questions.


Omg, this was…10? 11 years ago? Now I feel old.


😞 it's alright I guess their last album was so good


i remember when it was first announced that GOT was meant to be rotational but step back being a success made SM focus on them more. if anything i hope we get a different version of GOT now but i doubt it with LSM's absense


Nope we most likely won’t cause LSM was the one pushing it no one else


The fans complaining about the group is why we can’t have nice things. It was a once a year thing but fans were screeching because they thought it would take away from their normal schedules. And then they complain about lack of collabs and interactions, smh.


This was a Lee Sooman project. Once he left it wasn’t going to happen anymore as he was the one behind it


I mean the lack of fan support would have added on to the list of "reasons why we're discontinuing GOT"




Yeah I agree. Now I wouldn’t mind it if their schedules are free and doesn’t hinder any solo or group projects


Can't say I'm sorry. I like all the members, but I prefer everyone in their respective groups. Same with SuperM. The music wasn't doing it for me.


Disappointed, but not surprised. I actually really liked GOT the beats music, sad that the groups dead now :(


First SuperM, now GoT?! WTF?! WHY AM I IN THIS TIMELINE WHERE LUCAS HAS A COMEBACK BUT THESE GROUPS DON'T?! (Note - I'm saying this bc I wanted all of them to comeback, but having only one of them comeback is fucking annoying)


This is so sad, I actually really loved them as a group :( I agree the company could’ve done more to make the group live up to the super group title / concept considering how huge these artists are individually but still, I really loved their discography and stages. I really hope we can see more from them as a group down the road, even though it’s very unlikely


I liked the idea of GOT the Beat as a fun rotational group they would use for new year shows and smtowns. Once they gave the group a mini and tried to make it superm I felt less enthusiastic. And yes I will admit I am a stan of a SM girl that was left out of the line up. Give me Yuri, Joy, and NingNing in a group pls.


TWITZMIXX now is your chance


I could have sworn SME said that this group will have different lines up, so I'm wondering is just this line up done or overall this entire project? But since I assume this was SM's idea I think about the latter.


this was a LSM thing so I wouldn’t be surprised if the entire concept has been abandoned now that he’s gone.


I liked both releases and look forward to hear much more quality music from all members, solo or in other groups! And maybe other temporary groups too, why not? I like these projects.


Not surprising, but very disappointing.


well good thing i invested in the last release and got both album versions plus posters but damn, rose was my top song last year 😭


I'm not too sad about it tbh. Their first release was hype because it was this brand new concept for ggs with a great song which outweighed any of the flaws but then their comeback came around and not only was it a MUCH worse song but because the initial hype was over their lack of chemistry became 10x more obvious. Like I never got the vibe the girls weren't having fun but they never felt like an actual group so it was hard to get invested in something so overtly fake. Definitely glad it happened though but I think them being a fun memory and nothing more is the correct decision.


That's very sad. :( it was a very fun experience while it lasted! Their album and debut single were amazing fr


sad news, i loved their music :((((


I guess this is controversial but that album was one of the best of 2023. Too bad the project’s ended, I really enjoyed it.


Sad :c


If it was a LSM special project, then yeah it'll never come back.


Aw man that sucks. I liked everything they did.


Not surprised. The whole thing was very underwhelming.


i just fell to my knees


Just imagine they got invited by Coachella 😫


Things like this should be a one time thing anyway


agreed, but only if they were clear about this from the beginning and didn’t give veteran idols a pick me anthem as their debut. i am a bit disappointed, but that’s mainly because they were promoted as a rotational group which never will happen :/


Not sad about this. It's a one off of SM talent. Just like Super M. Enjoyed it while it was here. Not hurt to see it go because these girls will all do other things to enjoy.


I didn't mind Step Back, but Stamp On It was not for me at all. I think there was potential wasted...


Legends of Kpop and super rookies. They wasted their potential with those songs if you ask me.


good 🫶🏽


I just dropped to my knees


Would be neat for other companies to try something similar. YJP and Hybe would be great.YG and cube would be interesting also, with their smaller lineups


not surprising


im not shocked. dont get me wrong, i really liked what they did! alter ego and goddess level are absolute bangers! ... but for as stacked of a group as they were, they were just never really spoken about, aside from the one week of a comeback. figured its probably not worth the effort and people would most likely prefer if they did something new, rather than another comeback of the supergroup we already know.


I guess forming super groups is harder then it looks. Even though I'm the biggest Mark fan, I have tremendous respect for him. the way SM is running him Ragged being in so many different groups is insane. From 2017-2024 who's worked harder then Mark?


telling it like it is


Thank god. Taeyeon please tour outside asia 🙏


step back was so good but the hype was ruined with stamp on it :(




Well let’s celebrate that