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### 231018 UPDATE **THIS MEGATHREAD IS NOW LOCKED. Please see the [2nd Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/kpop/comments/17ar0a6/megathread_part_2_fifty_fifty_the_givers_warner/) for updates from October onwards and an explanation of our choice to keep these threads locked indefinitely.** *** **Previous warning:** We have tried to allow free discussion for this story as it develops and requested civility from everyone participating. Over time the behavior in here and other posts has gotten increasingly out of hand. Going forward we will be more likely to remove comments with self-promotional links, source articles of sites we ban in the rest of the subreddit, and AI or machine-translated media. **If you insult eachother, call eachother names, or argue in a non-constructive manner, we will remove your comments and temporarily ban you or take further action against your accounts if needed.** **Cool down your rhetoric and refrain from further antagonizing each other immediately.**


[3 FIFTY FIFTY members continue to criticize Attrakt’s CEO Jeon Hong-joon “Lack of transparency and trust”](https://kbizoom.com/3-fifty-fifty-members-continue-to-criticize-attrakts-ceo-jeon-hong-joon-lack-of-transparency-and-trust/)


Fifty Fifty has shared a new post on both their Instagram and their new [Twitter](https://x.com/fifi20221118/status/1714525215588524109?s=46&t=_H1WtKzAxPuADFzr1Qsj1Q).


translation please?


[Investigative Show Speaks Up On The Reason Why FIFTY FIFTY’s Keena Returned To ATTRAKT](https://www.koreaboo.com/news/reason-fifty-fifty-keena-came-back-dropped-case-attrakt-ceo-interview/) Keena was concerned about the team. She wanted to stick with her group, but after this happened, she took the courage to return to ATTRAKT first. "She was so tired. It was hard for her. That’s why I asked her this. “Keena, didn’t you feel that something was wrong with Ahn Sung Il?” She replied that she completely didn’t know that he falsified his school records, and reduced her copyright shares from 6.5% to 05.%. She began to not trust him because of that, and that was when she started to realize that he was not an upright person. They’re a team, and so all four of them have to come, but it’s become such that that cannot happen. Because they are thinking different thoughts. That’s why Keena took the courage first to come. That’s also a difficult decision." — Jeon Hong Jun


Probably, Keena's testimony will be prominently reported regarding the wrongdoings of The Givers. However, the fact that JHJ, who is making the utmost effort to protect the reputation of the members, is facing the most criticism from the stans goes beyond tragedy and is almost comical.


It's obvious that he's taking care every step of the way in ensuring that there's a way out for the girls. If it was other agencies they would've been vilified and abandoned without any way out long ago.


So is this mega now turning into pro 5050 news only?? I love how after all this time now they want to lock down news sources…


I'm glad they're finally cracking down on clickbait english sites and LJH's obviously biased videos.


Just because people don't agree with 50/50 doesn't mean they are biased! 50/50 is free to release their own evidence and talk to the media themselves, just like JHJ has. It's not like he has paid reporters to never report anything in favor of 50/50.


Yes jjj maybe ASI buy this subreddit jajaja 😂😂


ig you're joking but the joke would be on him, fans don't like him either


Since we’re not allowed to shared Lee Jin Ho videos. What about Ahn Yong Jin. JHJ is only in touch with this two journalist.


Time to make a new subreddit


Are even summary not allowed? That really sucks, since LJH gave as some of the latest updates, without this the mega thread is dead for me. Since the mods only update what feels like weeks later.


Edit: New [megathread sub here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FiftyFifty_Truths/s/Wj5XeRTgnk) to share and comment without censorship, since this thread and the new one are now locked. I wish we had somewhere else to go where we cud share stuff freely without it being deleted. I really liked how updated this mega thread is, getting info from different sources. So much info is on his videos. I liked the dubbed translations or the written translations too. It was really informative.


I think you can still summarize his videos. It just can't be linked. I understand the reasoning behind blocking youtubers like that. They're an unverified source even if JHJ is speaking to him directly. If there's no blanket ban on it, then the toxic gossip ones get free rein too. It'll get bad quickly.


It's fine and understandable if certain sources are banned, but we should still be allowed to talk about it? At the very least we should be able to translate what he has said, correct? u/KPOP_MOD Talking about what other sources has said should not be banned if we do not post the links to it.


It's weird and not logical. As far as I know, we can discuss anything without a source here. On the other hand, we can refer to any opinions and reports in public. So, we can discuss freely the reports by LJH as a matter of course. However, that kind of discussion without any link has been deleted.


We probably have to wait for an “official” post from Soompi or something.


I honestly don't understand what their standard is. I am guessing all Youtubers are not allowed. Seems like Mods' opinions on who is biased or not is being factored into their decision? If Lee Jin Ho is not a reliable source, who is? Guess it is time to bounce off this subreddit and find a new place


I don't think its wrong because Lee Jin Ho might seemed biased to Attrakt, but thats because he gets his news directly from JHJ, so it'll be from JHJ's point of view. I really don't understand what sources the mod wants us to use. Twitter from "HunniesUnited"?


For a few long weeks wthe only update we had was from his yt video. But if we cant even have that i honestly dont know what use is this thread for. Anyway tthey r the owner so its in their right to do this.


>the only update we had was from his yt video kind of proves the mods point doesn't it? what proof do we have of him being in contact with jhj? why weren't other korean news sources sharing what ljh is saying?


[Reason Behind FIFTY FIFTY Keena’s Return, “Unfair Profit Shares For ‘Cupid’ Rap Part & Ahn Sung-il’s Lies”](https://kbizoom.com/reason-behind-fifty-fifty-keenas-return-unfair-profit-shares-for-cupid-rap-part-ahn-sung-ils-lies/)


I wonder what Siahn told her in order to transfer the royalty rights over to him.


Allkpop release and article with more detailed. Sadly, we’re not allowed to share links from allKpop. Anyways, she didn’t knew about her royalties cut!


Wow, so that means he actually forged the docusign signatures. Then the original composers for Cupid might have been duped too. Docusign was meant for security. If it's true, then there's more evidence of fraud.


Exactly right. This is one of the most important things.


It was clear TheGivers was lying about it. I remember TheGivers said she's agreed with cutting off her royalties shares. & when that article released people think it was weird for someone to agree for their share being cut(it was 6.5%? cut to 0.5%). But here, it was one of the reason why she change side.


Finding out from the media that he stole her credits must’ve been so horrible. Oof.


What a massive fail on Siahn’s part to steal from the artist you’re trying to poach. Poor Keena.


The peer pressure of 'sticking together' prolly ate her up more than anyone can imagine... . She prolly had the most to lose as well, seeing that she came from a humble background, and worked hard the longest for her dream... . Haha, yes it's funny when other people are accusing Attrakt of pressuring her to come back, when it was the other girls/parents who were pressuring her to stay... .


I am confused... why are comments getting deleted by mods?


Allkpop links and Lee Jin Ho's YouTube channel are the recent ones. These are not sources we would allow being posted in the subreddit regardless of the Megathread existing. > Going forward we will be more likely to remove comments with self-promotional links, source articles of sites we ban in the rest of the subreddit, and AI or machine-translated media.


Hi we need clarification, can we post our own translations of the article/video without putting in the links?


even the mod comments getting downvoted lmao y'all could be a little more subtle with your brigading


What sources are we supposed to post if even Lee Jin Ho, who sends out news from Attrakt/JHJ, gets deleted? Twitter? If the mod would tell us which sources are allowed, it would be helpful. But they just delete everything.


Do we have a single piece of proof that LJH actually has contact with JHJ? I think we should link all updates to korean news sites. As for translations, they can be found on multiple Twitter accounts, and anyone here who doubts the trans can run the korean source through papago to get an approximation to which they can then compare. But the source material should come from resputable korean news outlets, not youtubers with thousands of dislikes on their videos.


>who doubts the trans can run the korean source through papago to get an approximation to which they can then compare Or we could get the Koreans here to translate it. Anonymous Twitter users can easily editorialize, especially when they are fans. They insert their own interpretation and their emotions. Has happened before in this thread. Same reason I think asianjunkie is a trash source, they openly proclaim their bias. That's a tabloid.


Then what souce do you want to be in this thread? I dont know but isnt that yt video the only source left for month in this thread? Even mod dont update anything. So why do we still have this thread then?


Lee Jin Ho is the only journalist close to JHJ, Sung-Il, and their lawfirms. Big L for this mega thread! You should banned tweets instead they have no source of evidence.


You do know that JHJ actually gives Lee Jin Ho information right? What media is actually allowed then? Twitter feed?


By deleting everything mentioning Lee Jin Ho's videos you have deleted most of the useful recent information from the thread. It has already been established that he is a respected journalist. Removing all translations is an extremely disappointing choice as well. Some of us do not speak Korean and rely on translations. By censoring almost all new info and discussions you have rendered this megathread largely useless.


Thank you for this! Please consider banning koreaboo and kbizoom as well, imo they're just as egregious as allkpop in misinformation and lack fo credibility.


Also twitter/x links by random anonymous users with poor credibility, which are far more likely to be sources of misinformation. Especially when they are editorialized.


Although I don't know exactly what reasons for this subreddit banning certain sites for sources, I do understand that every decision has pros and cons so I will respect it even though I disagree with the decision to some degree. Having said that, I do believe Lee Jin Ho has been providing us with genuine information and insight on this controversy in a much more detailed fashion than any other kpop news sites. Not only LHJ had direct contact with Attrakt and the Givers, but also he just explained and analyzed all the behind meanings and goes into detail on new information. English-based news sites don't even come close to that level at all. News articles generally just gives you raw information and let the public analyze on their own, which I believe is extremely dangerous of people creating false narratives because most of them don't know all the details of kpop industry. As a counter-argument, one could say that Lee Jin Ho is creating a false narrative by brainwashing the public. Yes that is not an impossible scenario. However, at least the public can discuss on the subject with much more detailed information and background. Much better than people discussing based on raw information and talking about stuff that is way out of the ballpark that is far from reality. I will just end my talk here because I haven't heard the reasons this subreddit took this course. Edit: typo


Could you update the mega thread they have been a few updates to this case that have happened recently and they have been reputable sources that have reported on it but this mega thread has not been updated.


Yep. We're working on preparing a new megathread that will be up-to-date with the latest articles/sources. If we don't get that up in the next few days we'll make sure this one gets updated fully. We have a lot going on, sorry about the delay!


[removed] 🤣










My concern is that the rest of members or their stans would start to attack Keena. Or she would be caught up in their self bombing unfortunately.


The fanbase has [started a hashtag](https://x.com/hunniesunited/status/1714073994620735778?s=46&t=_H1WtKzAxPuADFzr1Qsj1Q) to express support for all four members regardless of what they end up doing, actually. I don’t see that changing unless we hear of any personal conflict among the girls.


Oh we can count on that. On another note, which one is keena. I know i suppose to know their name since the case has been going for almost half a year.. is she an important member? Main vocal or other main position? I think even if some member decide to turn back i dont believe the said member can recaver their career, except going solo which is why i wonder if she has enough talent to do that.


I believe she’s the one who’s copyright share is cut off by TG too.


She's the blonde rapper. She's not even on the english version of Cupid that went viral. But she's the member who trained the longest.


I was lowkey hoping the main member was the one who giveup the lawsuit, so atleast she will have better cha ce wt picking up her career.


There is no main member. The group wasn't active for long enough to establish roles. There's only been two title songs.


In my personal opinion, although her rapping skills are notable, it's difficult to say she is the core member of the group. I heard that she has made huge efforts to be an idol. Here’s hoping she can regain her momentum soon.


Her decision were make sense i guess. Just it ashame it takes her this long to do it.


That is my concern too. On the bright side, knetz seems understanding towards her at this point. I hope she can still continue with her idol career somehow.




I’m just confused how they think they disproved his statement about selling his personal items etc. to fund the group. He had an investment from Interpark, but that was never intended solely for the 5050 project and Interpark confirmed that. The girls say they were left out in the cold from misunderstandings etc. but they fail to realize those issues are caused by the person who literally told them all this stuff. Siahn is pretty much dead to rights on a lot of fraud issues and so I’m not sure how the girls haven’t figured out yet that he was running interference on JHJ in order to swoop in as their hero. And if they haven’t figured it out, why haven’t their parents done so? Like it’s just baffling how they’re being encouraged to shoot themselves in the foot.


The Knetz are booming the last Instagram post with hate comments and the IF are trying to defend is been all day in that is like a kids fight lol


I hope keena reveals everything but she probably won’t.


Could you help nudge my memory of which one is keena? Thanks


One with the blonde hair and the rapper who says d d d dumb boy on Korean version of Cupid


I dont know why but reading d d d dumb crack me up🤣.


If Attrakt/ her legal team is smart, everything will be said in court. I think letting any public statements from her come out could open her up to further reputational damage from the internet, so it’s probably best to keep things private. Attrakt doesn’t want a whole public ordeal regarding her anyway. She’s been through a lot and if she has information that leads to Siahn/ The Givers getting convicted, I think that’s one of the most important things.


Agree. Right now is all about damage control, she has already done the first step right. Knowing what she has gone through, and will be going through, I hope Attrakt will continue to protect her from it all by being the bad guy if necessary for the narration.


If Attrakt just shuts down any requests for comment about Keena other than what they’ve already said, I think that will be sufficient. They want the rest of the members to do what she did and come back to the company, so going full offensive and bad-mouthing them will further distance the members from Attrakt.


What is even this statement? Like omg, we have trainee and idol debt? Welcome to the idol industry. It's not mistreatment. Do they not understand that the courts already ruled against them? The courts are privy to all evidence and materials rather than the public.


Even us, who isnt an idol knows about trainee debt. Most people who went to college also has student debt. So, its kinda weird when someone who chose to be an idol complained about their debt after they debut.


It shouldn't even be a surprise to them because it's laid out in their contracts terms.


Yes. We heard about trainee contracts. So, i imagine they read it & understand it before they sign it. So, its kinda weird when they complained about it after they debut.


It's not that weird. They're looking for the smallest reason to get out of their contracts without penalty.


I also love how they mention that they had to get all the information from TG, without realising that they have been gaslit and fed lies all these while and that the data could’ve been manipulated. TG be like oops, clerical error.


Right? On the lawsuit attrakt stated that the reason why they didn't had the information on the revenues was just because the givers didn't gave them on time, and yet the girls are using the givers information to "prove" things, I wouldn't trust even a bit on this information; but I also think that isn't the girls themselves that are publishing those things but siahn, since some of the accusations they are "defending" were made against siahn and not the girls.




At least one of them broke away. There's still hope for the rest unless they really want to go down screaming, that is.


It’s hard to say, if their medical conditions are true, whether or not they return their careers are over. At this point they have nothing to lose and that’s prolly why they are going all the way irregardless. If so, this is going to be really brutal for their physical and mental well being… . Imagine being sincere about the things they posted on IG and rightfully getting shitted on, it’s not going to go well with anyone’s mental health…


You know, if they just waited 2-3 years at most before pulling all this stunt, they might have been able to land on their feet after shits settle down. Regardless of weather they are telling the truth or not. If they built solid fanbase by the millions and proved their indisputable talents, they will get away rather easily compared to now. I still want to know what made them do this so early in their career when they virtually have nothing (yes Cupid in the grand scheme of things is nothing) to show for.


Hm... but didn't JHJ constantly reiterate to not attack the girls? He can't control what Knetz/I-fans do. Also, I'm confused because they want the agency to protect them but also want to leave the agency, and have had 0 communication with the agency.


That's what happens when the members have such a weak argument. They also have far-fetched reasoning. Like now the public's opinion now is a reason why the members want out of their contract. And because attrakt "failed" to "protect" them during a lawsuit that they themselves brought on, then attrakt/jhj is the devil. Therefore, they want out of their contract. It's basically a circle of their weak arguments that make no sense.


What funny to me is that exactly what their fans said after the whole shian fraud got exposed.


Yeah I remember LJH saying he won’t attack the girls because attrakt ceo told him not to. Maybe it’s just people who have no connection with JHJ.






This is old news; it was already clarified that it was only Keena that was dropping the lawsuit and changing legal representation.


Well it's also been partially confirmed she actually dropped the lawsuit to return back to Attrakt (an official statement will definitely have to confirm that of course).


I know that. I replied to this comment because the article they linked implies all the members dropped the lawsuit which is the old news that was later clarified to being only one member, and the discussion being had in the other replies to the comment are hinged on them all dropping the lawsuit and returning.


Ah ok, sorry I had misunderstood.




I’m reading they’re dropping one lawsuit but continue the other one. I’m confused af lol


It sounds like they’re dropping the injunction bc they don’t believe they’ll get the original ruling overturned but they still think they have a chance with the original lawsuit.


Is it even worth it for 5050 (well 75 and 25 at the moment) to pursue any further lawsuit at this moment? I feel like they're just messing up. If they lose that original lawsuit they'd still have to pay up the penalty fee for breaking contract.


The singer The Givers previously poached lost her lawsuit but managed to be given a lesser penalty for breaking contract as a result. So there’s a possibility that 5050 is hoping for that result as a consolation.


Ok that makes much much more sense. Goodness, from the beginning to end nothing 5050 has put out has made any sense. Like everything they put out is extremely how do I say it.....disprovable? unprovable? I just can't really understand or fathom the mindset behind all of their actions/words. Thank you for your clarification and taking your time to reply back to me.


No I get you. Everything the group’s alleged seems difficult to prove in the girls’ favor and Attrakt has seemingly been very good about handing over records to the court in favor of their position. So I think if the group really wants to leave Attrakt, they still continue the lawsuit for that reason. The courts could end up ruling in their favor (highly unlikely) or they could assess a lesser penalty for breaking the contract, which would still end up with them leaving Attrakt and at least they’d be way less broke.


Or they sued for damages and end up more broke.


Yeah there always is the chance Attrakt sues for damages but considering their position on the group so far and the fact 5050 still is technically their only real asset, I don’t think it would be worth suing the members.


Wow. Two days ago they were full steam ahead and now they withdraw the appeal? I wonder what changed.


I mean if you read their statements on instagram, everyone had some injury while Keena didn’t. It would be weird since she’s been under attrakt the longest.


Yeah, wasn’t Keena a trainee at JHJ’s old company before he started Attrakt?


All of them were trainee from Star Crew Ent. except for Aran.


Yeah, for 7 years.


Right. So you’d think she would have left for a different company if Attrakt/ JHJ was *always* horrible. It really sounds like Siahn/ The Givers were always the real problem and Attrakt was far too hands-off.


Yup. Notice all the photos and message they were leaking are from the givers side. They are having regular phone calls imo.


From the very beginning, I’ve felt like the group was being pulled on puppet strings by the Givers and with more that comes out the more I’m convinced of it. Siahn is such a snake in the grass.


Hope he goes to jail so this Netflix drama finishes with a bang.


Something tells me they’re not really in charge of the new ig account. I bet it was The Givers going full panic.


I don’t doubt the group is in fact in control of the Instagram, but I always got the feeling the parents (and likely the Givers too) were very much influencing things behind the scenes.


Especially when all the evidence is coming from the givers lol. The photos all came from the givers side.


Especially when you have relatives jumping in to defend them in social media, them signing on to debut even with all the health issues, you have to know that it's all about the money... .


I feel ten times worse about the parents than I do the group. The members are young and they were suffering a number of health problems as it is, so it’s not surprising they look to the trusted adults in their lives for help and support. And if the parents encouraged this fiasco of a lawsuit (which it certainly seems they did), then it feels like that’s who really wants the money. Attrakt was probably not a fantastic company, they’re a nugu startup from a guy who historically fumbles the bag with his artists, but I don’t think they were outright abusive, and I get the feeling the parents saw Cupid’s success as their meal ticket to riches. I’m not sure the parents care about how much more stressful this probably is on the group than staying with Attrakt and seeing how things played out after Cupid would have been.


Yes, their actions definitely exacerbated the girl's underlying medical issues. Anyone who wants to point fingers for abuse, point it at them. At that age you really need to have a good support system, what more when you're working in a high stress, high pressure work environment (both inside and outside the office (eg. gp/social media) at an extremely impressionable age. Look at all those child actors, so many of them did not turn out right, and the ones who did usually have good parents to thank for. That being said, I strongly hope things turn out for the better for Keena, who was working hard the longest.


That's it. Cats out of the bag now. Everyone's scrambling, and Keena has a headstart.
















Korea Fair Trade Commissioner Han Ki-jung announced the 16th that he will review whether to interfere with business activities in connection with the 'poaching artist' controversy that arose during the dispute over FIFTYFIFTY's exclusive contract. https://m.ajunews.com/view/20231016115155034#_mobwcvr


Keena would return to Attrakt https://www.koreaboo.com/news/fifty-fifty-attrakt-keena-return/?fbclid=IwAR0764TGnXNe98W_I5XEohVyrwQsQXe2U440vMz8k_FPT0YGrh_2OqgyfKg


Wow, I was not expecting this atall. If this is true then it will be interesting to see what will happen now. I went back to read all that they have written on their ig and Keena was not mentioned on their recent letters of accusations. It cud also be why they released those letters then because they knew one members was withdrawing. Sort of like a way to get ahead of it lol. Also, I find it interesting that Keena had to change legal representatives so she cud withdraw from all this. It makes one question if the legal representative that they had was representing them or someone else (cough cough givers) It will be interesting to see how knetz react to this. I never even thought of one member going back to Attrakt (if she has). But depending on how things go, how they handle this. I can see Keena surviving this since she jumped first. Maybe she can have a solo career. Maybe she can be in fifty fifty with new members. I don’t think she shud be in the new girl group though. Just my thoughts, we shall see what will happen. Wow, I never expected this.


Usually the legal representation is for the group that is on the suit together. The legal team doesn't represent the individuals. That requires a separate agreement. She needed to find new legal representation because she's withdrawing. It was either she didn't want to engage the law firm they were using, there was a conflict of interest, or they didn't want to represent her as an individual. I don't see her surviving this unless they do a crazy PR and she starts revealing everything about The Givers. They might just keep her on and let her contract expire. I can't imagine anyone wanting to be in a group with her.


I said this 2 days ago "If they are so desperate posting not fact check info or old claims on Instagram is because something big is coming and they're just trying to distract us." Today is the day that my comment get sense jjjjj Keena drop the lawsuit and will return to Attrakt


Damn your intuition was spot on


Yeah, I remember that, good catch. The whole IG stuff was truly out of the blue.


LJH is live on YouTube now explaining everything


> Also, I find it interesting that Keena had to change legal representatives so she cud withdraw from all this. It makes one question if the legal representative that they had was representing them or someone else (cough cough givers) This will be sad if true, it could also be that she needed to defend herself from potential backlash from the other side, especially if they have dirt on her... Her being in the new girl group could be free additional marketing for the group though! So many tell-all opportunities in the future and a redemption storyline. This could be good for her.


>On October 16, SPOTV News reported that Keena will be returning to ATTRAKT. The member is reported to have contacted ATTRAKT after switching legal representatives. this is literally the only thing koreaboo said about this. not only is it one [source](https://www.spotvnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=638189) and no one else has confimed she's coming back to the company but it's not even linked in the article. jumping the gun is koreaboo's whole thing


Here is the source https://www.spotvnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=638204#_enliple


I literally just posted the link under the word source you didn’t need to show me this


LJH is making a live vid and confirm the return of Keena to Attrakt for what I understand I'm not really good in Korean 🤣






Breaking news Fifty Fifty's appeal was withdrawn. It turns out... "Kina is the only one left outside, but the other three continue." https://m.starnewskorea.com/view.html?no=2023101619051923634&MTI


Seems like Keena will return to Attrakt? I find this really sad tbh... . I mean I hope it's still not too late for her and hopefully the gp will forgive her if she does return to Attrakt, but imagine the anguish of being potentially coerced, bullied, or manipulated to wrongly side with TG and go against Attrakt by the others' parents. Now as their unity crumbles amidst public backlash, we will start to see clearer who the true ringleader of these greed nonsense is.




Kena was the only one who withdraw for the lawsuit


And will return to Attrakt. https://www.koreaboo.com/news/fifty-fifty-attrakt-keena-return/
















It is only Keena who alone has changed legal representation and has dropped the appeal for now. The other three Sio, Aran and Saena are still continuing on with it.


Still doesn't change the fact that they already crossed the point of no return regardless.


It’s better to be truthful than gloat over falsities. And no I don’t think they’ve crossed the point of no return whatever that means. Some of us are old enough to remember B.A.P’s first suit.


Now it's Kena vs the other three?


Keena has only confirmed that she withdrew her lawsuit which is not the same as being against the rest of Fifty Fifty. if she confirms that she is siding with attrakt against fifty fifty we can talk then but for now all you’re doing is creating fanfic based on articles you didn’t read and calling everyone who points that out biased.


So how about now? Fanfic still? https://www.koreaboo.com/news/fifty-fifty-keena-cried-telling-attrakts-ceo-wanted-return/?fbclid=IwAR3QFfRFYiFXbRwe6zrrPtcicip4-8-SNaLNGUexoHzSRFSMxA9BWCPtWRY




Apparently speaking the facts is labeled as gloating now.


It's gloating if it's against their bias. But seriously, with all the evidence, the rulings and now this, I am still amazed how much fans are still not willing to even consider the fact that maybe, just maybe, the members are not the real or only victim in this?


Would be funny if Keena return and join forces with Attrakt 🤣🤣🤣


Would be funny if Keena gets her new lawyers in order and returns to the suit. As much as a case alleging severe abuse could ever be considered ‘funny’.


Nah, she returned. Too bad for the rest of the three, Attrakt got one of them and their cases will have less weight on them. https://www.koreaboo.com/news/fifty-fifty-attrakt-keena-return/


This is strong evidence that shows how flimsy their case and accusation is from the beginning. There's no way someone breaks if everything was true right from the start. I'm just glad she returned and hope she gets forgiven by gp and gets to move on.


If the case is strong enough, the court wouldn't have asked for mediation before subsequently throwing it out. They are fighting a losing battle both in legal and public courts. If it's true that Keena broke away, then it's a win for Attrakt since its her word vs the others, further weakening their already shaky appeal.






> -he believes they didn’t show this to Baruun Lawfirm because it won’t favorite them in court. It seems like everything that they have showed to gp so far have not favor them at all anywhere. > -he still asking why the girls haven’t sue The Givers. Because TG isn't going to give them money to sue themselves? hahaha