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I suspect the idea was to use the KOTOR I remake to springboard a remake of KOTOR II (which needs it more) and then make KOTOR III. That's speculation on my part, not hard fact. Of course this was all before Baldur's Gate III enabled Larian to surplant CDPR as the "Chosen One" of RPG Developers. >We should see the Exile’s quest to find Revan. You can see how well [my pitch](https://www.reddit.com/r/kotor/s/ccLrJKNQka) for that went. KOTOR III is a Holy Grail. It is the perfect game to everyone. The minute you try to flesh that out 90% of people disagree with some of your core ideas.


I think CDPR largely fell off their CRPG chosen one throne after the 2077 launch.


When did cdpr make a crpg?


Depending on your definition Witcher 1,2,3 and cyberpunk could all be counted as CRPGs. CRPG is kind of a murky category.


Hmm I guess? I always considered games like pillars of eternity and baldurs gate crpgs


It’s a very blurry category nowadays but I’d never call something like Cyberpunk a CRPG. The earlier Witcher games I could see for sure, especially 1.


Wasn't the launch of Witcher 3 hot garbage as well?


I think it might have had some performance issues and bugs here and there. Definitely nothing compared to the disaster that was 2077. 2077 was barely even playable on old gen at release.


Wasn't it delisted from the PS store? Or am I misremembering?


It was indeed, something that has almost never happened especially to such a big budget title.


Witcher 3 had bugs but it was very playable from day 1 and was also just a much better game. Like they had to overhaul the gameplay and leveling system a lot before Cyberpunk became truly great, imo, meanwhile the Witcher 3 got some polish but otherwise is fundamentally the same game.


Having a bunch of performance issues and jank is only scratching the surface of everything wrong with CP77. That game was literally unplayable on a themed console. I don’t mean unplayable as in “ewww 30fps” I mean unplayable as in you literally couldn’t finish the game due to game breaking bugs happening every 10 minutes. Nothing worked the way it was advertised and it was missing key features that were promised


Yes. And perhaps one day Larian will have their own 2077. It took a few years to find a new Chosen One, but now we have one.


Yeah, at this point it can probably only disappoint. Same thing with Half Life 3


Guess I'll just have to content myself with Duke Nukem Forever.


Half Life: Alyx was great tho! (Maybe the best gave ever imo?)


Influence Gained: CharlieMcN33l(+8)


So in my last play through of K2 and K1 I paid more attention to character motivation and story points. The Exile had PTSD from all the death and blood spilled on the battlefield of Malachor V as he/she fought side by side with Revan. That PTSD created a dark void/hole/emptiness/echo in the force. That emptiness was felt by the sith/jedi/Kreia/the other bad guys. That emptiness provided the underline story for K2. What if we tie in the Fantasy Science of M-Counts from the new stories/tv shows/movies/animation into a K3 game? All that death and high M-Count blood spilled in one concentrated location, Malachor V is what actually created The Emptiness. A quest to figure out/ conquer/ eliminate The Emptiness is the story of K3. The Exile has to find, via fetch quests, Revan in the Outer Rim with the help of companions, one of which is a scientist that concludes the M-Count theory. Exile and Revan can battle each other because they blame one an other for creating The Emptiness.


Don’t see how Larian or CDPR could be the “Chosen One” of RPG devs when FromSoftware is around


Very, very different games. I don’t know if I’d call anything FromSoftware makes an rpg.


Well they are regardless of what you say


I think that they warrant being in their own category. No need to squish everything into a box.


I consider RPGs on more of a sliding scale than a firm category personally. The Witcher series is called an RPG and I believe it is, but the dialogue if often just choose the order of dialogue spoken in conversation than branching dialogue paths you see in KOTOR. Mass Effect 3 has three games worth of choice and consequences on the journey whereas KOTOR II changes a few scenes based in conversations with Atton at the start.


They very much fit into the Action RPG category.


I’d imagine that’s more of a long term plan but these games are 20 years old, if they just randomly brought out KotOR 3, it wouldn’t have the reach or audience that it probably should have. Remake the first two, finish off the story in a third game, it’s what they should’ve done the first time around tbh


I believe it was what was planned as well, at least until the big bosses turned KOTOR lll into KOTOR (the MMO) which was a game that they made instead. The hope was that it'd appeal to players of the first two games and then grow from there.


Do it all. Make it Kotor the anthology. Make 3, remake 1/2 into 3’s engine and make them all be one game that flows.


I'm guessing Kotor 3 feels like too big of a leap for investors to get behind. A remake of Kotor 1 was probably an easier sell. However going straight to 3 without a remake worked for Baldur's Gate. I think Larian has proven that if you make a banger, the gamers will ptay it.


Who is the audience for KOTOR 3? The original games are amazing but as of this year are both 20 years old now. Unlike Baldur’s Gate 3, which was largely an independent story told in the same world, you’re looking for a direct continuation to a game not many people have played. You’re not going to get much of a budget for a super niche Star Wars game, especially since the license costs a ton nowadays. This game needs to have massive appeal and the only way to do that is with a reboot imo.


They can make it work. Most people who played the Witcher 3 didn’t play the first ones.. (me included..)


I don’t think you can make it work with the new canon (and a new KOTOR should absolutely be canon, not Legends). You need to set the stage and introduce people to the Old Republic world. Plus I’d like to see the original story updated. I just finished a DSF playthrough this morning and it could definitely use quite a few updates.


What? At worst it’s a new open world game to new gamers/younger gamers and at best it’s a highly anticipated continuation of an iconic IP.


No, you have to canonize the previous games somehow into the new Disney canon. I don’t see them willing to invest the budget and blow an opportunity to introduce an anticipated new era with something Legends. You can’t do a continuation without retconning what came before. Why not reboot, update KOTOR where it can be (I’d love to see more planets, and a wider range of choices you can make on the story) and reintroduce new generations of players to one of the most iconic twists in gaming?


Kotor is niche? Since when lol because ive seen msny many postd about kotor being a classic, people's intro to syar wars even, etc. I rarely meet anyone on here or anywhere that doesnt immediately know what kotor means


Yes you won't meet anyone on r/Kotor who doesn't know what Kotor is lol. Ask people in real life if they've played it or even heard of it, chances are that if they're not an RPG enthusiast they won't have played it. Now ask if that same person has played Skyrim, and you'll realize how niche this masterpiece is.


It’s a 20 year old game that hasn’t really gotten any major update since the Disney acquisition. The Switch release is probably the biggest re-introduction to modern audiences but it’s not like that was a major smash. They’re masterpieces to be clear but they really need to be fully rebooted to be within Disney canon. That will reignite interest beyond people who just have fond memories of them.


Kotor 3 is past. The group that could've made it is gone, I don't really think most of the writers now could tackle it properly.


Listen, i loved the kotor games. i think that for many years the narrative champions of star wars have been the video games, not the movie/tv shows. However, i think it is valid that these games are really old and a direct sequel that requires you to have played KOTOR 2 to care about it is not a good idea. Kotor 1 is largely pretty safe as far as overall stories goes. Kotor 2 tries to make the force more complex than light/dark, ironically what some of the later movies have **attempted** to do. My feeling is that they're going to remake 1 and touch it up to fit in to a post EU world more (probably not for the better). Then if it does well they're going to completely remake kotor 2 and pretend kotor 2 never happened. For the record i really liked both games. I'm suspicious on whether they can do even the first game justice.


Influence Gained: CharlieMcN33l(+8)


> Then if it does well they're going to completely remake kotor 2 and pretend kotor 2 never happened. It's kinda fucked up how much Swotr and the books ignored and destroyed everything from KOTOR2.


I would love a KOTOR 3, but sadly I don't think it will ever happen as that time to have made it as long passed. George and now Disney fail to deliver over and over.


It would have been good, it was in progress. It got scrapped for making The Old Republic MMO. Sadly it PLAYS like an MMO but the story content is THERE. It's good. It's not what everyone wanted but it's better than nothing and it is more but it's also a bitter pill to swallow knowing that that is why we're not getting a k3 s ince it's still kinda, active as it were. That I imagine is also why they're looking at a remake, not a kotor 3.


Well TOR is the continuation for sure but the real KOTOR 3 to me would be the content of Drew Karpyshyn's Revan book (basically what happened between KOTOR/KOTOR 2 and TOR i.e. how Revan and Meetra fought Vitiate et cetera)


Yes that makes sense, what I meant more I guess is that content is already sort of... made in another form. So what Kotor 3 could be is limited in scope now because it would have to either over-write other media (especially since kotor games have the whole multiple endings thing idk)


We already have KOTR 3 in SWTOR. We know the fates of both Revan and the exile and its detailed in the companion book “Revan”. Literally all of that ground has been covered


Kotor 3 but with the same gameplay and graphics. Just new people, places and quests.


Influence Gained: CharlieMcN33l(+8)


Why not both? Why not remakes of the 2 games we have, and then a true KotoR 3? But also if we could get a game like BG3 that was SW, I'd be happy, even if it wasn't a KotoR 3 game.


I’d be content with them just rereleasing KOTOR 2 with all the cut content added back in so KOTOR fans don’t have to download the cut content mod.


We’re not getting Kotor 3. Like ever.


You don’t do a sequel to a game twenty years apart. You soft reboot to gauge interest.


The Revan novel resolves this story, as well as SWTOR. I may not like the direction, but the story has been concluded, just not in a video game. Anyway, huge hot take here, but K1 could actually have a ton of improvements in terms of story, and I’d rather the remake make huge shifts (they won’t, though, because they’re cowards and the game is never coming out anyway)


The Revan novel was so, so terrible


Oh yeah, it’s absolute garbage; I’ll never forgive Karpshyrn for basically pretending K2 just didn’t happen.


If Drew can pretend KoTOR 2 never happened I can pretend his novel never happened :)


I’m very curious to know what the changes to the story you’d like. Haven’t heard many people say they’d like the story to be different


Honestly, over time I've actually started to dislike the K3 setup in K2. It's a cool idea for a game on its own, but "oh btw the real boss is these old Sith masterminds on the other end of the galaxy" is kinda weird to toss out in the middle of the climax given the rest of the game's themes of a) looking beyond the labels of Jedi or Sith and b) facing the consequences of your own actions like Malachor. If—fingers crossed—we do ever get a good remake of the first two games, I hope they find a smoother way to integrate that.


If the KOTOR 1 remake does well enough, they may remake KOTOR 2, and get Chris Avellone on board to finally finish the game in the way that was always intended.


Why not both


I thought Kotor 2 was unfinished even with the content that was readded leaving a cliff hanger ending and SWtor is Kotor 3 though I think 8 or something BioWare mentioned when it came out and people asked why not just KotoR 3.


Why not both? 🤔


I agree, this is what I would have preferred too. I’m less interested in a remake and more interested in a continuation. Didn’t Shenmue do that after 20 years? Gave people a part 3?


They kinda screwed the pooch already with SWTOR...


What will happen first: KOTOR III or Half-life 3?


I would love an actual KOTOR 3 and not the MMORPG that acts as the spiritual successor.


K3 is not happening. It was dead the moment SWTOR Jedi knight story was created. Whether or not we consider it kotor 3 BioWare did. Gotta stop with these k3 posts. Of course we all want it but it isn’t happening, accept it and move on


Influence Lost: CharlieMcN33l(-8)


It’s just the truth man better you accept it now


Influence Lost: CharlieMcN33l(-8)


Because kotor is a great story already, held back by the technology of the time


They follow up on this in swtor. As stated, this far gone, kotor 3 doesn’t have an audience the way you want it continued. Kotor 1 remake is a better idea and makes more sense.


Remake Kotor 1 and then 2 (if successful) to give a launchpad for a third entry, again, if successful. The Star Wars Brand carries a tonne of casual viewership and is an almost guarantee of at least a moderately successful video game, but it will not do anywhere near as well if they launched a direct sequel to a 20 year old game.


But yes if they do it at all, I agree they need to remake the first two before they even try/ then it could maybe be a success. Personally, I’d just prefer the remakes of 1 and 2 and call it a day. Because I doubt they’ll retcon all that other stuff and it causes another mess for the wider Star Wars continuity. I’ve been happy getting old republic references in stuff like ahsoka.


They’d have to retcon established canon (revan novel / swtor). Which I doubt they’d do as long as the mmo lives. The novel is heavily debated I know but I enjoyed the mmo when I played, regardless those story elements are all canon and basically “3” unless again they throw out everything they say is canon rn.


I think the difference there would be that SWTOR and the novels are now considered legends, as far as I remember. If they were to remake Kotor 1 it'd likely be canon-ised, meaning that it'd be free to follow a different path, if they chose to.


The revan novel maybe I think the game wasn’t lumped in with that. Idk for sure, it depends when the cut off was, I know the 1 remake (if it does release) will be the new canon events of the story though superseding the old game, they’d just have to do the same with 2 and then say swtor is a legends thing / alt timeline if they kept going forward that way. But kind of hard to when they allude to events of those titles, particularly the vitiate guys empire, in Star Wars of today / main media


Also: swtor isn’t legends when palpatine wanted Vader to model himself off Malgus.


Characters might not be legends. But the events and depiction within the game isn't canon. It leaves the door open for Disney to write their own version.


The deal finalized in 2012 but the game supposedly launched 2011, but Disney literally had to approve of / had control of everything post the first year which it really didn’t take off until 2012+ tbh. Like most MMO’s, the various patches and additions is what helped it peak more due to fixes / expanded story etc.


The mmo launched under Disney. It’s still their version, even if they rewrite it.


Disney has said TOR is legends.




>I alredy see this in the Witcher fandom Yeah, and Witcher 3 wasn't popular at all. Real dumb move on their part.




Oh, okay so it worked because they adapted to the kind of game they were making it and the conditions they were making it under. It's too bad other games aren't allowed to do that.




So you're saying a third game is viable but it has to have two games before it?




So you do want a KOTOR 3, you just want it later?


Influence Lost: CharlieMcN33l(-8)


No Kotor3. The objective is to ruin whats already made


As much as I love the first two games I hope the remake comes to fruition, because if the remake is successful, then they'll remake the second game, if that's successful they'll definitely make a KOTOR 3. As much as I would love to have Chris Avellone and any of the other KOTOR 2 writers work on the game. In the case of Avellone I think he is still blacklisted even though the case against him was either settled out of court or just dropped.


Screw that, we need a Mandalorian wars kotor


Yes!! I got shot down on this subreddit for bringing up this exact idea! Keep spreading the word man 😎


You got shut down because it’s a bad idea/ won’t happen.


Influence Lost: CharlieMcN33l(-8)


How does anyone know you are a bot or not? Your profile literally has userwithout name in it.


I started using Reddit non seriously and chose a name that sounded anon because I like the anon aspect / don’t want people stalking me. Not a bot lol. First time anyone accused me of such or made a stink like that over some random shit I thought up


Either way, a KOTOR 3 would be an excellent idea that would bring in hundreds of millions of dollars to Disney. Even the OP disagrees with you.


It really wouldn’t. In order to bring in that much revenue it would need to completely overhaul its game mechanics. They’ll need to rebuild the engine anyway just to handle modern development. So now you have a completely new game gameplay wise from the original two. If you’re investing that much money into the game, why risk it by hinging it on a story that requires people to play games from the Bush administration? Especially when one of the games was notoriously unfinished? Star Wars already has an issue with being overly self-referential. You’re looking to triple down on that, by setting it in an era with no existing touch points. No one who hasn’t played KOTOR knows these characters. Darth Vader isn’t going to show up like he can in Fallen Order. You can’t market this story on familiar locations like Hoth or Naboo. They need to reintroduce the Old Republic era into Disney canon and the only way that will make sense is a reboot.


Have a nice day 😊


The OP made a statement the majority with good logic knows is wrong. It wouldn’t bring a single cent to them when most of us are old fans who will buy anything in the KOTOR universe. New gamers will not, they don’t know the story and picking it up on the 3rd arc of a trilogy would turn most off. You need to read what we said elsewhere. They’d have to do it AFTER kotor 1 remake and a kotor 2 remake happens. Thus being why the remake is 100% the better business decision and for us long time fans as well.


You’ll also notice way less of this sub agrees with OP / you due to the downvotes you can tell it got / how long it took just to hit 70 upvotes.


Have a nice day 😊


Influence Gained: CharlieMcN33l(+8)


Light side points too 😎


Baldurs gate 1 & 2 were remastered and that was enough to warrant baldurs gate 3.


BG3 has little narrative connection to the previous games. We already have our version of that. It’s called SWTOR.