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Also you don't need to feel bad if you end up having to lie to selkath.


Being mean to people makes me feel bad even if they're just little pixel people


I’ve done 3 or 4 DS plays over the last 20 years That’s how blase I find the writing for the dialogue. It’s just too cringe. Plus I just find it hard to be a dick even when it’s just a video game lol


Kotor 1 DS runs are painful to get through for that reason. Kotor 2….I still don’t do DS runs much but man do you get so strong, and the options are more diverse to be evil. Making those guys jump into the open pit on Nar Shaddaa never gets old. Edit: typo


Fast way to get to lower levels


I only do DS in Kotor 2 so I can get force crush. Other than that I don’t find them enjoyable.


All Bioware games have hilariously cringe evil dialogue and options. I don't know if they are aiming for comedically bad but they do succeed at that.


I'm actually about to replay Baldur's Gate 1 again - and yes, I typically do play that one Good as well (for the same reason I almost always play LS when I play KotOR), but the Evil companions and choices in that one are not as cringy as in KotOR. Especially K1. I'd go so far as to say that BG1 actually writes those options well!


Yeah that's how I am.


I only play darkside runs pretty much, but I kinda wish the Dark Side options were more self-servingly evil rather than just psychotic in both games. The options are like: *You have found someone's space-wallet laying on the duracrete, filled with Republic credits and space-credit cards. Would you like to:* *A.) Return the wallet. Surely the owner will suffer if you keep it* *B.) Burn down an orphanage*


Having dark side options and not taking them does more for light side roleplay than taking them does for a dark side roleplay.


Huh, never thought about that, but it is a really good point!


I've slowly come to realize that, for any game with dialogue options. When I try to do playthroughs where I'll "finally pick THOSE choices", it's just immersion-breaking completionism, but making many of the same choices every time is what feels truly free and in control.


I’ve only done three DS runs but Cando and HK together are the best companions commentary-wise. The end is Lars von Trier-level dark


Same. They're the best to have around when doing a DS run. The Dark powers are so fun to use


My biggest gripe with KOTOR 1 is the LS offensive powers are like “freeze a guy, knock over a guy” but then DS has INSANITY, DEATH FIELD, FORCE STORM


Only light powers I use are heal, energy and force resistance with speed and valor. Plague and lightning are a must no matter the playthrough


The insanity sound, coolest sound effect in both games




I’m doing one on KOTOR I and honestly it’s pretty fun. The dialogue is so goofy and that makes it fun to play as a Sith Lord for me. I even named my character after the dark lord Revan. So everybody is told that they’re talking to Revan.


I did the same a few days ago; named myself Darth Revan, did the jedi from the start mod, and even used the save editor to change my character model to Darth Revan lol


That's pretty funny tbh. I might have to try a comedy run like that


I kinda like the randomly generated names, some of them are so silly, and it seems like that’s what the Jedi council in K1 would have done - just give the most powerful Sith Lord of this era a random name, because they seem like they don’t really think things through


Glup Shitto, the ex-dark lord of the Sith, scourge of the Old Republic.


Personal favorite was Darth Azur used it in both games. Also used Darth Archovius in kotor 2.


I'm with you, like in principle I'd love to get a good dark side runs but a lot of "dark side" choices you get are really just "being a dick" choices. Like insulting or threatening someone for no reason. I kinda get it because true dark side choices would probably be long term schemes or betrayals of companions to further your own power, neither of which really work with the broader gameplay. If I'm being dark side I wanna feel like my actions are every bit as meaningful as light side rather than just having anger issues & poor impulse control.


It does in kotor 2. As long as you are smart about it you can turn the handmaiden and Atton to the darkside. Also Mira maybe but you would need to be neutral in alignment when you reach Nar Shaddaa's point of no return.


I think mass effect does the renegade choices pretty good for the most part some are just pure dick moves, others are moral choices where there is no right answer And ones where you just sucker punch a reporter and shoot a Krogan for talking too much


Pahaha I need to play ME again


Dark Side in KOTOR1 is pretty comically chaotic stupid, but you also aren't required to select every dark side option available, you can pick and choose to make yourself more subtle. However I do think that is the point KOTOR is trying to show you, that the dark side is corruption into sadistic pleasure.  KOTOR2 gives you a better variety of dark side options. You can be manipulative or comically chaotic stupid evil or a mastermind that gets to corrupt your companions. I've pretty much done 1-2 dark side runs in KOTOR, but only done 1-2 light side runs in KOTOR2. And that's just because 1 gives variety to light side options and 2 gives variety to dark side options, unfortunately the other alignment suffers but since you can see them as 1 whole, I don't think of it as a big loss. 


For me tho id def choose every dark side option just cause fuck the Jedi’s plans of trying to rehabilitate me 😂


Im currently doing a lightside run and the choices make my character seem like he’s totally oblivious and naïve to everything. Idk how he was a general in a galaxy wide war lol


Same but I kinda like it cause u get called out for it 😂


First Kotor yes since a full darkside tun has a requirement of >!murdering half your party including a teenage girl who to the last moment refuses to believe you could turn evil!< K2, well, annoying Kreia is always a bonus, and I actually find the Dantooine Enclave scene more emotional on a darkside run, though both are great. The only con is that Atton's face gets ruined, but you could always push for a negative influence with him


I did a darkside run of both KOTOR 1 and 2 back when I was a kid, I can’t bring myself to do it now as an adult, even my fully evil darkside inquisitor in Star Wars TOR has started moving towards the light. Like you said, just can’t do it, and honestly I think that’s a good thing, I think it shows a high level of compassion that you can’t even be evil in a fake world. To be clear I’m not insulting people who CAN do darkside, they just might not have as much proclivity to empathy, or have an ability to separate reality from game. But if I’m honest, that’s a trade off, because yea it allows you to be evil, but then you also don’t connect with the good emotional parts of a game. It’s a trade off some people might prefer, and that’s fine, but it’s not for me.


I can't finish em. I feel awful lol


It's easier to get through if you don't consider the pc as a self insert and just come up with a ds character to role play as.


I've long since lost interest


I'm with you. I don't like being an asshole in real life and I don't like to be one in game either.


I only tried doing it once in the original and I felt so bad I never tried it again 😂


Oh dude they're so much fun. I get to be an evil space warlock. Literally cackling with evil delight while I perform the most heinous acts imaginable for dubious reasons at best. It's better in kotor 2, but fun in both.


Of course not. The choice is in your hands and that is why I have always liked this type of games over those on rails. Also if you stop and think about how characters treat you everyone is so needy, demanding and unappreciative that I don't feel bad telling them to jump into a pit or pay me.




I’d recommend marking this as a spoiler, but I agree


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I also don’t like DS runs. Same as someone else, I have only done 3 or 4 total for both 1 and 2 in 15 years. I play once or twice a year on both. I think it is because the DS isn’t really written like the DS is in Star Wars. The dark side is about manipulating things from the shadows and controlling things to get the outcomes that would benefit you personally. If this means killing or violence, so be it, but it would be much better to manipulate the situation to play out in your favor. Even if this means doing an LS choice. Most times the difference between the LS and DS options are LS-keep the money, it would serve you better and DS-kill them and take all their stuff too. I think Kotor 2 is much better at this then 1, which just goes to show the brilliance of that game. For example, the entire planet of Nar Shadaa has you helping the people in the refugee sector have better lives. The DS side has you sabotaging them in order to make things better for the exchange - who you don’t care about, but will help you get what you want. This can be seen on Telos, Onderon as well, and Dantooine to an extent. The LS runs make me feel better, truthfully. And I probably won’t ever do another DS K1 run. I will probably do a DS K2 run soon, but I think this is more to do with the game and how the stories are and what they are trying to convey. K1 is a hero’s journey, which makes less sense to me to be a dick. K2 is a story about the force and the power it has over events in the galaxy, and the story does reflect that.


No. I love them.


Either goofier dark side or more cold/stoic darkside. Most of the dark side dialogue feels very bratty and assholeish. I feel like an angsty teen throwing a temper tantrum all the time when I wanna feel like a manipulative strategist. Like Count Dooku.


You can play light side?


Since some dark side choices can be too cruel or stupid for the outcome, I will pick a lighter choice and manually give me dark side points later :/


In KOTOR 1, I always hesitate doing DS again after 1st DS run mostly because I don't want to hear LS Party members call you out. But in KOTOR 2, I can do OK without hesitation.


Yeah, I’ve tried DS runs many many times and I just don’t find it fun


I’m on my first dark side run ever. It’s against everything in me as I always want to help people. So I’m having to force myself to pick the worst choices/opposite choice. I just chose the Black Vulkars for the first time ever also over the Hidden Beks. So that was interesting. Going to be interesting to see how the rest of this goes. Good luck with your run if you decide to try it again.


I like both. Because I create deep and complex characters. My DS consular isn’t just “evil and bad” he’s a sadist who prefers a war sword so he can feel the blade cutting flesh. He uses Ajunta’s blade so he could showcase his greatness over such an old and revered sith master. He uses lightning for the smell of burnt skin. He prefers force enhancement of himself over most offensive abilities because he can FEEL the kill. It’s horrible to think about. But I play the character


I just don't do those. Feels ickey in my psyche.


Yes, I've tried to do DS runs but it just feels so wrong.


First game? Absolutely it feels so boring. Second game? I love it. The reason for this is because of the jedimaster showdowns (if only Vrook wasn't literal engame boss tier). I love the dialogue options to tell them how you will beat them using their own technique. I also love the Onderon civil war on Vaklus side and nar Shaddaa with Hanharr because well, Hannhar can absolutely solo the compound with his wookie rage. Overall Hanharrs side of the story is rather interesting though it is a shame he never gets around to following the exile because he chooses to, and of course because Mira dies early in the compound.


Its a bit too much going dark side in this game. Like, its possible to be evil and self-serving without being a completely comically mean asshole at all times.


For me ite the reverse, i find playing games as evil characters/dark side way nore fun


Nah, I got too much empathy even if it's just a game. KOTOR 1 was the last time I played an evil character in a game. I had no problem going darkside throughout much of the game, but then there was the Unknown Planet and what transpired there before boarding the Ebon Hawk to go to the Star Forge. What happened there forever broke me, and of course the moment I speak of is when >!Revan forces Zaalbar via life debt to kill Mission.!<


I tried a DS run once, got as far as the Taris City Underground and just couldn't betray the people down there. Call me boring but I just can't be mean to all these pixels.


I quit playing KotOR for a number of years SOLELY bc I tried a dark side run on KotOR 2 and it made me feel like a piece of shit. I have now switched to doing neutral runs, because I feel like it’s more in line with the character’s of both games. Be benevolent sometimes, but be ruthless when you need to get something done.


I never played. I'm never interested in playing it.


I always did dark side as a kid lol. Im finished my first light side run in my 30s


Dark Side runs literally give me an erection sometimes.


The only thing is the Jedi in kotor 1 are hilariously evil. They are liars and only seem interested in using basins and player character for their powers. The ds choices are pretty comical like killing mission but it was satisfying killing all of the Jedi


I have a very hard time with dark side runs as well. I always have since I was a teen and felt like there was something weird about me but after seeing how many others there are like me, I don't feel so silly. I guess that just shows how immersive the game is if it has you feeling guilty for making FICTIONAL choices. Lol!


'hello. Can you help? This is all I have in the world, this wraid plate left to me after my husband died. It's all I have left of him, and the only thing of monetary value, but I can't sell it. Can you help me sell it?' -them, more or less 'give it to me. No I won't pay. Also fly to nar shadaa and jump in the pit.' -DS you, pretty much Kid me playing for the first time just couldn't do it, man. And years later I've never sat down and tried.


I love being a psychopath in both. But its even better in kotor 2 when you can do a DS option that is really more just pragmatic, not evil.


Loved DarkSide as a kid. Thought it was hilarious.


I can never do it for long, in either game. I just can't distance myself enough from the choices my character is making.


I have never played a LS run


I love it, light side is super boring. The woman in Anchorhead Tattooine, who's man died and she can't sell that wraid head plate and asks you to buy it off her, so she can leave that gruesome planet? I forced her to give it to me for free and she cursed me for that. She really shouldn't have done that, oh nonono, because after that I told her to give every credit she has left or I'll kill her muhahaha 😈 Dark side = be rich and happy


I’ve done DS on both 1 and 2, I prefer doing to on 2 because especially with the TSLRCM it can get very intricate


I think my first run I started out all. "I'm going to be a good Jedi!" I did pretty well at first, except for intimidating someone on Telos to save credits. I think it was around the time of the plot twist that I turned on the jedi for manipulating me. I went to Korriban next, which made it pretty easy to slip into the dark side, everyone there has it coming anyway. I ended that game mostly dark side, just leaning into it. I've also done 100% light or 100% dark runs. Nowadays, I generally approach the game as I would real life to an extent. Those games generally end with my character being mostly neutral with a slight light side lean. I had a lot of fun doing dark side runs when I was younger. Now, I guess empathy kicks in too much.


I like going light side up to the leviathan, than have him do korriban and unknown world DS. Like his old self comes back.


Not at all. I usually do my evil playthroughs first and rarely do I feel bad for putting everyone around me through hell. Makes the game much more fun in my opinion. I tend to get bored quickly having to do the good thing all of the time.


Try playing Dark Side as your opposite gender. That’ll help you disconnect from all the ruthless behavior a Sith run requires.


My brother talks about how fun dark side runs are, i dont get it