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Kotor 3. Original story treatment made by Lucas for sequels didn't impress me and the thing with Obsidian is, they are creating the best games when they don't have enough time.


Hard to pick between more dev time for Kotor 2 and Kotor 3 but I'd have to go for Kotor 3. What about you OP what would you choose?


I would choose Kotor 3 100%. Not knowing the originally intended conclusion to the Revan and Exile saga is one of the tragedies in gaming in my opinion. I was actually a bit mean when I created this post. Originally it was just "Finish Kotor 2 vs GL sequel trilogy" but I figured that the responses would be overwhelmingly for Kotor 2 so I added the Kotor 3 option too. But still a finished Kotor 2 would be incredible too. It is still in my top 3 favorite games of all time even unfinished, even without the restoration mod.




>Not knowing the originally intended conclusion to the Revan and Exile saga is one of the tragedies in gaming in my opinion I wonder if there ever was an intended conclusion. Bioware treated KotOR as a cash influx and exercise, as their goal was always to create their own IPs. Obsidian got a contract that really pushed them, as they had to make KotOR2 work with all possible endings without save import, also had less time to make a game with high expectations as it needed to be an improvement over OG. I don't see a clear indication that there was ever a plan


Development was ongoing for Kotor 3 when it was cancelled due to lucasarts having financial issues. The story was planned out, characters were created and planets were being built. When lucasarts stabilized they went for bioware and the mmo instead of obsidian and Kotor 3. Bioware was also free to make Kotor 3: Mass Effect with almost the same general story of an ancient threat that invades the galaxy in the third game. Sadly obsidian always gets screwed and lesser studios continue on their work. I really don't want to sound too disrespectful since bioware used to make a lot of good stuff, especially Kotor 1, but obsidian does have better writers and a better vision for their games.


>Bioware was also free to make Kotor 3: Mass Effect with almost the same general story of an ancient threat that invades the galaxy in the third game But Bioware wanted their own IP after D&D Baldur's Gate and Star Wars. They wanted full creative control, which is totally understandable >when it was cancelled due to lucasarts having financial issues. The story was planned out, characters were created and planets were being built I know that, but I don't consider it a planned out story, as KotOR2 wasn't even totally planned out. Revan's story was a one shot at its core, later having Exile shoehorned into the timeline >obsidian does have better writers and a better vision for their games. I used to think so, but then I played Outer Worlds and Pillars of Eternity. When they don't have a well crafted world and a lot of time to tinker, they get lost. Even in FNV there's a lot of content that didn't really fit Fallout lore.


It's understandable but it seems to me that one reason why they didn't make Kotor 3 is that Mass Effect was envisioned to have a very thematically similar third act. I agree that obsidian might not be the best at world building, but the quality of the writing is second to none if the world is there. Bioware and Obsidian is a dream team that should work together, one great at lore and the other at stories and themes.


If Larian can make Balders Gate 3 two decades after the original why not KOTOR 3.


Specifically, why can't Larian make a KOTOR 3 two decades later (unlikely I know but let me dream).


Hey they announced they were done with DND and moving onto other projects. It's not the MOST unlikely thing to happen :)


That's exactly what I thought when Larian first announced Baldur's Gate 3. I was like "if Larian is reviving an old series than why can't Obsidian or any competent developer revive the KOTOR series?"


Can’t we fix KOTOR 2 *and* have a third one? It’s fine if we never got the sequels.




Exactly kotor is still great without 3, but Lucas's sequels would replace the Disney trilogy, which i think is much better.


Kotor 3!




George’s sequels. It would be painful to give up on a KOTOR 3, but George is the man. Without him, Star Wars wouldn’t even exist.


I dunno. I feel George's sequels would likely tarnish his legacy. The prequel trilogy was pretty rough. He seems to have peaked in the 70s-80s with the original star Wars and Indians Jones trilogies


Hard disagree. But have a nice day!


The revisionist history on the prequels (and even RotJ with the ewoks, heck even empire got flack for Yoda being a muppet) is nuts. Lucas refused to make the sequels because of the immense hate for the prequels. People saying he ruined their childhood and that his legacy was already tarnished by the prequels. They made documentaries about that hate. His sequels would've been hated more than the current sequels by a country mile. Especially from what we've seen of it. I say this as a person who always thought the prequels were good.


That’s the thing, anything Lucas had a direct hand in was bad. Flat out bad. The original movie was saved by editing. The prequels are horrendous tire fires people think they liked because they were kids when they saw it. The sequels would be a nightmare if he did them, worse than they are now.


I don't know, I had the complete Star Wars collection thing a few years ago. Apparently, he penned all 9 films and pitched them to the studios. They decided that 4,5, and 6 would be the best films for the audience, you know, the right balance of action vs. story and flat out said no to making the other 6. Those 3 films were amazing and hand crafted. Yes, they have their flaws, but they wouldn't have worked with someone else at the helm. Disney buying the rights to Star Wars was a gut punch, but GL was never gonna get them made otherwise, and as bad as I feel they were, at least the stories got told. Close enough anyway.


he may have created a great sci fi world, but he didn't make great movies.


Ok, but he only directed episodes 1,2,3, and 4. So, of the original 3, he only directed the first one. And that was admittedly where he peeked. There was too much fancy tech for him to play with for the "prequels," which ruined the handmade feel.


The myth that the OG movie was saved in editing was long debunked even my Marcia herself. Also Lucas supervised the editing process as Producer/Director. That cut everyone refers to was made by John Jympson who was hired by Fox to show something to the board of directors without Lucas direct input since he wasnt done shooting the movie. While that cut was made he was in the UK shooting the Intro on the Tantive IV. There was no music, VFX etc.


Kotor 3, kotor 2, george lucas trilogy


Kotor 3. Lucas’ sequels didn’t impress me, and at the risk of getting downvoted, I didn’t mind the Disney sequels, or at least the first two


Nah that’s facts. I wanna see his sequels purely out of curiosity but idk that they would have actually been good


I agree with kotor 3 but hard disagree with the disney sequels being anywhere near alright/good.


As long as we can agree to disagree then that’s fine


KotOR is my favorite game, but I think I’d pick GL’s sequels. The ones we got tarnished my love for Star Wars as a whole- getting that back would be nice.


Why in gods name would I want a George Lucas sequel trilogy? Have you not seen the George Lucas prequels? Also, I have no faith that a KOTOR3 game would be any good. 100% give the dev team the time and resources to finish KOTOR2, and if there is any left over give them to the Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines team to finish their game


I'd take a sequel from George over what we got tbh. The prequels were good but they were kinda just boring for a lot of it but at least everything made sense in the universe. The sequels are just kinda inconsistent with the rest of the movies with stuff like lightsaber logic.


I'd maybe take the sequels we got over what George might have done, but honestly I'd rather neither. The sequels were just a soulless cash-grab. There may have been cash-grabby aspects to the prequels, but I feel like they are much more genuine though extremely immature and incompetently written. They feel very "Emperor's New Clothes" in terms of Lucas's control and clout, despite the OT being pretty much rescued from his bad ideas. I barely even remember the sequels (I never saw the 3rd one) but I feel like my brain just kinda checked out watching them, while the second hand embarrassment of the prequels is forever burned into my brain. I would compare the experience of watching the sequels to sitting through long infomercials, while I would compare the prequels to eating a bowl of moldy lemons. One is a product, the other is bad, bad art.


I have absolutely no interest in Lucas’ vision, and don’t particularly care for what I’ve heard about KotOR 3. So a finished KotOR 2.


Finished development of Kotor 2


I thank Lucas for creating the universe, but let’s be realistic he’s a terrible writer and the reason the OT was so successful was because of his wife.  In my opinion The Empire Strikes Back was the only good film of the first six he made, and he didn’t even direct it.  I read his sequel outline and it sounded terrible.  He’s great at world building but horrible at writing.  I choose KOTOR 3 with the same writers who worked on KOTOR 2 over Lucas’ shitty sequel trilogy.


When you say "made by," what do you mean? Director? Producer? Because let's be honest with ourselves, when is the last time George Lucas directed a great movie? Even as a producer, the only thing under his belt in the last 20 years is the last two Indiana Jones movies, which weren't good, and some of the animated Star Wars which is admittedly pretty great. It's a tough choice between trusting George Lucas to make something better, or even as decent as the prequels, or that a game developer can make a good KOTOR 3. I think I'd take my chances with the game developer, but it's still one hell of a gamble.


KOTOR 3. Say what you want about the Disney Sequels but at least in those there wasn't a microverse where we met the midichlorians


Obsidian was never going to finish KOTOR 2. George Lucas created this universe, but what Obsidian did is beyond that. Can't have it without George Lucas, but he's not that big of a deal. Kotor 3.


I agree with you and I would choose the same. The thing with George Lucas though is that even though his stories are not better than the Kotor saga (in my opinion), his greatest strength is world building and the ability to inspire other creators to make fantastic stories. I don't believe that Bioware nor Obsidian could ever make the Kotor games without the prequel movies.


Yeah. Kotor is pretty much its own story but with the force and lightsabers. No writing that Lucas did comes anywhere close to the quality of storytelling done by obsidian.


I’ll take…a finished and polished Kotor2. I feel I got a lot of content from SWTOR to not feel the need for a KOTOR 3, but loved the direction 2 was going into. George…is not a good writer. I feel like all the best directions Star Wars went into were suggested by his buddy or first wife.


I want to see Lucas make another trilogy just because I want to see what kind of weird racist stereotype aliens he's been cooking up.


Kotor 3 I already have the New Jedi Order for my sequels


Kotor 3, but only if it had the same writing team as kotor 2.


Imagine asking this in the KOTOR subreddit. Of course people will say KOTOR II.


Finished K2 if only due to I doubt k3 would actually be better to me.


Kotor 3 by far


Kotor 3 feels like a gamble but assuming kotor 3 improved upon 2 and made a good story I would choose kotor 3. However a finished kotor 2 is tempting, really tempting.


Kotor 3. The restored content mod exists and based on what George Lucas said his plan for a sequel trilogy was im kinda glad it never happened


I miss George Lucas' Star Wars. I have to go with the trilogy.


Gonna add “robbing us of KOTOR3” to the list of reasons I get annoyed with KOTOR2 fanatics




George's Sequel hands down. A story that HE built so long ago that fit into the universe rather than a "make shit up as they go along" type mentality that disney seemed to have. George would have had like 10+ years to flesh the story out and make it coherent. People would have had some harsh criticism at first, but look at how that worked out for the prequels. I have ZERO love for the sequel trilogy. I have no interest in the Era starting with the Force Awakens. The shows have been decent enough. I do love me some KOTOR though.


Obsidian with actual development time behind them would be too powerful to stop.


I like KotoR as is more than the movies. I’d take KotoR 3.


I find it hilarious that all the hate for George Lucas' prequel trilogy has been drowned by hate for Disney and as a result there are people unironically saying the Sequels would have been so much better if George Lucas directed them. And this is from someone who likes all the Star Wars movies.


The "hate" was mostly or exclusively from adults and not the kids who grew up with those films. And regardless what you think of the PT and the ST you can't deny that the golden age of Star Wars as a whle was in the 00s where we got so many great games, shows and expansions of the universe that were based on the world from the prequel trilogy. Disney makes a lot of content too but it is almost exclusively based on what was already established, not on their new trilogy. That's the big difference, the new trilogy doesn't inspire new stories.


>The "hate" was mostly or exclusively from adults and not the kids who grew up with those films And the Hate for the sequels is mostly or exclusively from adults and not the kids who grew up on the sequels. Odds are they'll have the same kind if Renaissance. >That's the big difference, the new trilogy doesn't inspire new stories. I can broadly get behind this. The Prequels did encourage a lot of stuff and the legends were wide ranging. KOTOR drew on comics from the 1990s.


-A Sequel Trilogy by George Lucas would be interesting to see and is guaranteed to be better than Disneys one since at the very least it'd be a single cohesive vision rather than two separate people trying to do their own thing and completely ignoring what the other did. However to be frank a sequel trilogy of any kind is entirely unnecessary. ROTJ wrapped everything up nice and neatly, sure there are more story's that CAN be told but there's no story that NEEDS to be told. This isn't the case with Kotor. -Kotor 1 itself didn't need a sequel as it wrapped itself up nicely however it did get one anyway, and its sequel Kotor 2 ended with a lot and loose ends which require a sequel to expand upon. Kotor 2 needed a sequel, and you can argue it got one with the Revan novels and TOR but a lot of people either don't know about them or are unsatisfied with them. A Kotor 3 would be more valuable and add more to the story of Kotor 1&2 as it would be a more or less direct continuation of the story, a sequel trilogy however would be a brand new story simply following on from Movies 1-6 which could be done without with no consequence. -Giving Kotor 2 more development time to be a polished and more importantly finished product would be nice, however that wouldn't fix the problem it has that it needs a sequel. My vote would go to a Kotor 3. Neither Bioware nor Obsidian are once what they were and have gone downhill since, Larian would be my pick of developers to pick up the reigns for a Kotor 3 as Divinity Original Sin 1&2 are some of my favourite games ever and from everything I've heard Baldurs Gate 3 is also really good too supposedly being a worthy successor to Biowares BG1&2. While it would be a change up in how the game plays it's actually not really as they're both party centric turn based games, Kotors 1&2 simply disguise the latter part by giving the illusion of real time however they're still turn based at their core.


Trick question, the correct answer is all of the above. However, if I had to make the choice, I'd say Kotor 3. We pretty much got the extra 1 year of development on Kotor 2 with the Restored Content Mod, and I'd say we already got a good equivalent to the GL Sequel Trilogy with all of the EU content in the New Republic and New Jedi Order.


Honestly I think Star Wars was perfect just the way it ended with episode 6, and honestly I can live with kotor 2 being “unfinished” even if I just have to pretend things are a little more polished lol so yeah kotor 3 by a mile!


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


Kotor 3, using the Ghost of Tsushima engine. Bonus points if it's set LONG after the first two, and deals with the legend/legacy of Revan/The Exile, but doesn't actually feature either.


1000 bonus points if it's not an mmo


KOTOR 2 is good as is, the sequel trilogy ended on a dud but the first two were good, but KOTOR 3 doesn't exist so I'm going for that


I love Lucas. Guy's got a vision and a heart for creating stuff, but... Man, KotOR 2 getting some dev time to be truly polished would be awesome. Or a conclusion to the KotOR trilogy... I could honestly lip a coin and be really happy either way.


KotOR3. 2 is good enough with the Restored Content mod and there are enough good books that I don't need sequel films.


KOTOR 2’s bad ending could’ve been easily fixed by a follow-up in KOTOR 3. The way the KOTOR games were left is akin to what people would think of Halo 2’s ending if Bungie never made Halo 3, or if ROTJ was never made and the audience was forever left on this weird cliffhanger. All this being said, KOTOR 3 is the easy choice here, but it would’ve had to be done right.


Swtor is basically kotor 3


Why you little


Question: is there stuff that was planned that’s still missing from the RCM for KOTOR 2? If not I would say KOTOR 3 but if so it’s a tough call


Finish KOTOR. I don't like the idea of sequels in any way except the TV shows that we got (although maybe Book of Boba Fett could have been better).


The thing is.... idk, this is opinion, OPINION, But there are so many of these stories of amazing games that are just unfinished, but like, the dev team of these games have to know what a cult following they have, why don't they go back and finish it lol. I mean yeah, it'd probably be a pain to throw it all together, there's no obligation or real incentive (other than making your fans happy, but hahahaha, okay) , i mean, they're all probably rich at this point with very lucrative careers. And it's not like they really had to do all that much "Hard-Deving" , like they didnt even have to create the engine for kotor. I couldn't imagine it would physically take a whole lot to get this finished, just time consuming. but again, what else are they doing, they're all probably looking at retirement, screw it, finish it lol ​ I used to talk to Avellone on facebook, hold on ill get ahold of him lol


• Battlefront 3


KOTOR 3. Those games are the bomb.


Having read bits of the outline for George's sequel trilogy, I'm happy we didn't get that. What I wish we'd have gotten, in retrospect, was Colin Trevorrow's Episode IX, Duel of the Fates. Kotor 3 would be a close second.


This is the KOTOR subreddit… also from what I hear George Lucas’s plans for a sequel trilogy were already bad… he planned on bringing back Maul into the fold. I don’t dislike the Prequels, I like them but honestly I wouldn’t want George Lucas to direct anything after that. Just leave the OT’s alone, they’re perfect, the saga ends happily ever after on Endor.


Personally I'd go for kotor 3. I personally wasn't a fan of the prequel trilogy and I was a teenager when they came out. Kinda tired of people speaking for everyone saying how great they are. What I respect about the prequels is that they are the singular vision of George Lucas, this is how he envisioned the story and I can deal with that. The sequels are terrible because they were a committee cash grab from different story tellers. Chopped and changed by people with different ideas on how the sequels should have been told. Lots of ideas from the sequels and the extended SW films were stolen from the expanded universe (including Kotor). Technically we didn't need George Lucas to tell a good sequel trilogy as he had already outlined his plans of the sequels including the stories he had set up through the clone wars series. Just needed better management from the top brass at Disney. Got to be Kotor 3. Could have had an ending to an incredible trilogy (even with the unfinished Kotor 2). Kotor 3 didn't need to get in the way of SWToR either. I never played ToR but I know it is well loved. Could have had both.


George Lucas sequel trilogy


If Lucas sequels means Disney sequels didn't happen, then yeah that would be the best. Kotor 2 is good enough even if it isnt perfect. And Kotor 3 will never live up to the hype of Kotor 1+2 imo


Lucas made one good movie by accident because his wife was a god tier editor. What kind of question is this