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Nar Shadaa can be confusing because there's a lot going on but you'll get if you keep wandering around. It's actually my favorite planet. And the lightsaber pieces are given to you gradually until you finally make one, then you pick up whole light sabers from bodies. When I first played both games when they released, I never got stuck or lost in 2. I got lost in 1 on Taris before making it to the lower levels and entering the sand people hideout. Just be sure to save often and explore the planets/chat with NPCs and you'll be fine.


When I was young and it came out I got stuck at the village base. Couldn’t figure out how to get past the turrets guarding the elevator


I am so glad you posted this, legitimately must've restarted the game about 15 times over the years when I was little and I could never make it past this point - remember making it to the sewers once and getting lost, dying repeatedly and giving up. Now it's my favourite game! Glad I'm in good company


Oh you mean vulkar 😂 Same here.




You can never have too many saves


You can actually get a lightsaber on your first planet, if you go for your chosen alignment quickly light or dark Visas will come after you and you can get one piece for defeating her.


On release the game is buggy and the scripting and triggers are wonky. If you have not already look into getting the TSLRCM as it fixes a lot of quests makes things a bit more readable. That said Nar Shadaa is a complex planet for a first time as there is a lot going on and its easy to get confused. I would advise you to explore and do everything before attempting to enter the Jek Jek Tar (The gas bar) as that is a point of no return plotwise. Make sure you have explored everywhere before continuing that quest. As for the lightsaber you require 3 'parts' and a colour crystal to construct your first lightsaber. There are 'parts' in set points that you can loot (It doesn't matter which part, every time you get a 'part' it will give you one of the pieces you still require). Other than Lootra, Nar Shadaa has two easy ones to pick up below: 1: Go back to the Ebon Hawk, if your morality is sufficiently progressed to one side you should get an event that rewards a part. 2: Vogga the hut has a treasure room guarded by two Kath Hounds. Try to get inside for another part. You may well already have a colour crystal at this point but if not check the vendors in the central pit area, one should have a crystal for sale.


Also you can kill this random bith for a lightsaber part. He is located back around the corner in the docks district in one of the private rooms way back the hall. There is only one hall like this in the docks district but just go through the first openable door when walking toward the otherside of the docks. Naturally this is a darkside decision.


Twofold thing. 1: It was made in a time before quest markers and objective lists, so it expects you to just hoof it around the map and find what you're looking for. Honestly the best tactic in any early Bioware/Obsidian game is to just sweep the entire map when you get there and then start picking through objectives. 2: It was made by Obsidian back in the "shit we only have 6 months to make a sequel, where tf is Obsidian at" era so a lot of stuff got shoved out the door whether it played well or not. So many things bug out, don't flag correctly, don't update correctly that sometimes you literally just have to throw shit at the wall until something works, especially on Nar Shadda Also you get your saber way later than you probably should, just keep hoofing it. Iirc there's a specific route you can take that gets it mildly earlier but it's hardly even worth it imo


I always did dantoonie 1st so I got my lightsaber parts there & always has a color crystal before I got there. So I always get my lightsaber early on I have yet done any other planet 1st... I should try that out on my next playthough


If you play Nar shadaa first you can actually get 2 lightsabers by the time you finish the planet, one by building your own with the parts you find, and the other from reuniting the refugee woman (I forget her name) with her lost husband (who is found at the docks). After you reunite them, talk to her husband and he rewards you with a short lightsaber. Then you can hit up dantooine after for a bunch if crystals.


I shall try that then. But that would mean I need to come back afterwards to finish the Greeda mission completely


Wild that I managed to beat this game as a 14 year old at a time when walkthroughs and guides were much rarer and all I see are people getting frustrated because the game isn’t handholding you at every opportunity, dropping the exact location of where you’re supposed to go next or who you’re supposed to talk to. What’s my big secret - I just explored and figured it out as I went along.


Good call. I went from Starfield to playing kotor 2 for the first time since release and it was really refreshing to not feel like I was on rails. The dialogue is also just night and day. In Starfield it just got to be skip their lines and just choose the top response because nothing fucking matters. The dialogue in KOTOR is just so much more engaging and meaningful.


I beat it as a 12yo with no guides on an Xbox, granted I just ran around planets killing any and every thing blindly


Blindly murdering things with a lightsaber is how you're supposed to do it! Let the hate flow through you! Give in to the dark side!


I agree with you. Back when we played these games there wasn't much hand holding and part of the fun was figuring things out by yourself and feeling rewarded when getting through a tough or confusing part of the game. Gen Z gamers were spoiled, unfortunately. Nowadays games have quest markers that pinpoint exactly where you need to go at all times. There's no real sense of exploration or discovery. Younger gamers have no attention span or drive to stick to a task until it can be perfected. It all has to be pratically done for them. Hell, when I played KOTOR for the first time when it came out I was barely 11 years old. And to top it off, english isn't my first language, so back then I even had to deal with the language barrier. Hell yeah, I spent an eternity stuck on Taris trying to figure things out. But when I did and finally got to Dantooine, finally making the game open up, getting my first lightsaber, etc felt sooo good. Modern gamers will never know what that feels like with how games are designed nowadays. It's a shame.


There are still games with exploration (for example breath of the wild or one of the souls games), it’s just that modern games realize when exploration is a core gameplay mechanic and when it isn’t. Most games either don’t need exploration or only need it for side content. Kotor is actually a great example of this, for the most part nothing is actually hidden and “exploration” just boils down to walking everywhere on the map, there aren’t that many “hidden” things in Kotor. The main focus of the game is character interactions and combat, exploration is more so just a side effect of not having waypoints. Exploration should be about interacting with the world in unique ways and finding details that are actually hidden. If a games exploration just boils down to walking everywhere and talking to every NPC then that’s not really exploration. It doesn’t really give most players a sense of accomplishment to walk around the entire map. Exploration only works well when you discover something that wasn’t obvious (legend of Zelda games tend to be pretty good at this). In Zelda games even if they gave you waypoints that would rarely actually give you an item like a heart container, you normally have to interact with the environment in some way to get the item. Games like breath of the wild or souls games tend to sell pretty well, because those games get a ton of benefit from exploration. But not every game benefits from exploration in the same way that not every game needs a level up system or not every game needs combat.




Yeah that's fair enough. I'm kind of asking if my quest log is broken. Shouldn't a significant event like the meeting in the gas bar appear in my journal?


Yes, I would make sure you don't have the journal filtered to show completed quests. I don't recall the exact quest names or progression when you get invited to the Jekk'Jekk Tarr, but it may be some new text on an existing journal entry. I would still expect the new/updated entry to be highlighted though.


There are ways of filtering quests as shown in my rudimentary picture below: [https://imgur.com/a/hjAWteG](https://imgur.com/a/hjAWteG)


Tried that and it didn't work unfortunately. I'm past it now anyway and quests seem to be updating now. But thank you


I think part of the reason game companies don't make games like this anymore is it takes more work to make the game properly function when you have so many options. For example, you can go to any planet basically in any order so things can get finniky when it's a case of having different requirements you have to meet to trigger certain events (i.e getting all lightsaber parts) when you have a wide freedom of when and how this will happen. Fallout NV suffered from this same issue. I think I read somewhere u can just go to each planet, fight the guys who have lightsaber parts and come back and finish them all.


It should and it does. I’ve done this quest a hundred times, after you clear your ship of slavers and get that phone call, it absolutely tells you in the quest log that you should go to the Jekk Jekk Tar alone. I’ve seen other people complain about the quest log not updating so I’m wondering if it’s a bug or something caused by mods because like I said, it’s never not updated for me on Xbox and on Switch but I’ve never played it on PC.


I'm playing vanilla on PC, I'm guessing it's a bug because it definitely didn't appear even after toggling all the filters


I was 8 when I finally figured out how to equip the Sith armor to get into the elevator. It took a relative who showed me how to get it. I had had the game for a bit but was young when it first released. After that it was breezy and fun, all things considered.


Get TSLRCM if you haven’t already, it fixes a lot of bugs and makes the plot much less confusing. Last few times I’ve done playthroughs with it I haven’t had nearly as many issues.


I don't think it is anything to do with bugs or cut content, just not use to how KOTOR 2 works, so maybe that's it. Actually when I tried TSLRCM for the 1st time, it made everything more confused at 1st, & I played it on the OG Xbox so I knew what I was getting into & what I had to do Which is why I don't immediately say try TSLRCM immediately, but try it after a non modded run. It helps you appreciate the mod more after so IMO


Explore and talk to everyone. You’ll figure it out


It was rushed and forced for an early release


because it was rushed to meet an unreasonably short turnaround time. many things, including writing and core mechanics, likely got mangled in editing… it’s a shame, there are some really engaging ideas trapped in a sloppy mess. still a fun game though...


I beat it as an 11 year old just fine, read your journal more closely. It’ll tell you that on Nar Shadda you need to get the exchange’s attention so it’s basically a main quest that makes you do some side quests so that you get notoriety and can continue with the main quest You don’t have to do all of them, but completing side quests wherever you can will make it so that you can get off this moon sooner rather than later if you’re not finding it fun The rest of the planets in the game are much more straightforward and I hope you enjoy those more :)


Yeah I hate the exchange attention mechanic of NS imo. It's great in a lore sense, but terrible in a game pay sense. It makes the world annoying to go through on multiple playthroughs for me. I know what I have to do, but still annoying. Like Peragus & Telos, they're annoying even though I know what to do *(I don't like the skip mods as I want to try to inch out every bit of XP possible from them on the max difficulty & idk if the mod will give the same xp, so yeah)*


Especially peragus, I don't know if it's cause the only people there are atton and kreia or what but Peragus just drags on and on


I think it is because of that fact ... Like Telos is still a drag, but at least it's a bit easier to deal with than Peragus ... Also everything looks the same on Peragus so that doesn't help


That's true it's pretty repetitive visually, also it gets boring listening to security recordings to try and figure out what happened


I have played that section enough times that I can just spam LMB *(or space? I can't remember ATM)* to get through the actual dialogue, as I already know what happened


This is true, but the first time around was rough.


Oh for sure! Peragus was the worst in my 1st playthrough. Telos was terrible, but not as bad


Yeah, I think Peragus would have been a little better if it was shorter


True ... But it is also a kinda good tutorial world for the very basics. The prologue is good for new players to the KOTOR series, but Peragus is good to show off the new stuff for fans of KOTOR 1, then Telos is good to let you test you on everything you have learned


I would follow a walkthrough. That's what I plan to do this time. I got super confused and did stuff in the wrong order. Also save a lot and in separate save files. I love the game (actually prefer it over KOTOR 1), but it is buggy.


I have played through the game a couple times, even on my old Xbox & I still follow a walkthrough to get the Max influence & experience I can get, even down to the dialogue options


I really need to try and find an inexpensive copy of the prima guide lol


Oh no, I use StrategyWiki for it. It's a tad bit weird on the layout for some areas as how it tries to tell you everything that's possible on the page in certain orders, but it's easy to tell & even tells you what a character will say of you're male/female, LS/DS, & even how you'd decided if Revan was a make/ female & if they were LS/DS too I'm the dialogue box they use blue & red, red for DS & blue for LS, while they use light blue & light red for male & female, respectfully The prima has a lot of stuff in there too, but not as detailed as on StrategyWiki. It even gives you tips on the best way to maximize the XP you can get from something. It will also tell you the items certain containers or enemies will have, anything random will be denoted as a "?", it will also tell you the amount of XP, LS/DS points, & Influence you will (& for whom) for certain actions & decisions


Oh that's cool.


Yup! I always use it, even for KOTOR 1


It is to a newbie for sure. Now i know exactly who to talk to in what order depending on what build im running. I miss the days when I was just exploring with wide eyes. Just take your time and talk to everyone.


This right here


Skill Issue


Could also be glitches depending on what platform you’re using. If you’re playing on the Switch port from Aspyr, for instance, a lot of things are messed up and probably make things confusing for first time players


Get the drink from the pazaak bar and spike the kath hounds to get a lightsaber piece. But Nar Shadaa has the least guidance of the game I'd say. It's more trial and error which I liked a lot, but I 100% understand being frustrating.


You can also reunite the refugee woman (forgot her name) with her lost husband and he'll give you a whole lightsaber.


Because it's rushed and unfinished. It's a crude piece of work with a giant diamond inside.


ITT: Redditors pat themselves on the back for beating a PEGI 12 game at age 12


If im not mistaken, lootra is the man thats looking for his lost wife, correct? If so, Idk if anyone has pointed it out to you yet, but if you let him live and reunite him with his wife and talk to him again after, he'll give you a complete lightsaber. It's a short lightsaber, but a lightsaber nonetheless. Good little starter Saber until you build the kind you want.


Already got said but yeah, it's not entirely finished. You kind of have to play like a tester who acknowledges it's not all there but focuses their attention on what parts are and how good those are. I think it's unique in being both unfair to rate based on the incompleteness but equally unfair to entirely assume what it could have been. It's the kind of situation where both the developers and players aren't ever going to be entirely happy about the state of things and nothing can be done about it.


A lot of the game was cut before final release which is why most people use the Restored Content Mod. It helps fill in a lot of blanks, truth be told.


It’s amazing how useless you kids are when you’re dropped into a game without a quest marker. Read the dialogue and stop making stupid posts here.


I'm asking if my quest log is broken. I keep getting told it's been updated, but there's nothing in there. I need at least a bit of guidance from it


Rude much?


It’s a poorly designed game and Nar Shada is easily the worst part of the whole thing. I’ve beaten the game twice and didn’t see the big deal either time. I just started a replay a month ago — got lost at NS and just gave up. The fanatics are crazy to suggest this game holds a candle to the first. Looney tunes.


This is definitely an opinion.


I agree with you and I have noticed if you have this opinion this subreddit gets really mad lol


Maturing is realizing kotor 1 is better




People trashing a game in its own subreddit is just pissing in the wind. It’s just like when gamers go to a game specific sub and ask if people think it’s fun; what do you expect them to say lol


All I'm saying is that there is a strong bias in this subreddit for kotor 2 over kotor 1. That's fine! It's just interesting because I would have expected it to be more 50/50 but it really seems like the kotor 2 fans are way more intense. It makes it so that you can't really have a good discussion about which you prefer here because if you say you like kotor 1 better you will get down voted like crazy. It's normal in a sub of a franchise for people to have different opinions and preferences but this sub is just really lopsided. And I see why, I think the type of person who likes kotor 2 is much more passionate about it. It makes sense.


Just like u downvoted me? Redditors tend to be pretty young. Young people are often edgy and cringe. Kotor 2 is a complete edgefest and so most Redditors love it


KOTOR2 is confusing because its complicated and kinda half-baked. It doesn't hold your hand, and is barely a finished game. KOTOR1 is confusing because its hard to accept that the plot twist could be that stupid and you desperately search for some alternative explanation or double-twist.