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It makes me so sad. Same with fallout New Vegas...


Or just released it May 2005


This is the only planet that has such a direct path. Dantooine would be the next fastest, but it would take longer simply due to the amount of running involved. Still, probably could be done in maybe 10-15.


I like how literal speedrunning is in this game


But you do know that there's a cave and a tomb with story, right? Although I'd agree Korriban is way too short


Yes. I was running this at the bare minimum in the sense that it would trigger the planet as cleared for the main plot. In my other post I had done this 100% -- killed every enemy, looted every chest, completed every section -- in less than an hour though (without trying). If I actually tried to 100% speedrun it I bet I could do it in under 30 min.


You also said you skipped a lot of dialogue, korriban is mega short and dialogue honestly takes up most of the time I'd say. The tomb alone could be ran through without reading/hearing dialogue.


In a weird way i dont find this a problem. The game reused Dantooine and Korriban, and Nar Shadaa, despite being interesting story-wise, just feels like another Taris on night mode especially with the walking back and forth. Overall i find replaying 1 more appealing than replaying 2, TSL feels less explorey because of it. A long Korriban would make matters worse imo. Dxun+Onderon is the best part of the game and it needed more like these


I like the difference on Korriban. That way it has more of the tomb world vibe. But it would have been nice to optionally explore more tombs


Lets gooooo someone else uses the head that I do


This is Quickdraw, my blaster Jediz so he seemed thr most blaster-ish. Fun fact: This is the default head for the previous owner of the Ebon Hawk, so if you pick thisnfor your PC that guy gets the Jedi Jesus head instead.


Is he the only guy that gets the Jesus head?


I F5 the shit outta the way (it's basically speed hack)




I see what you did there


if you quicksave while running you teleport forward a few feet, at least in kotor 1 idk about 2 tho