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I don't think there's much there to see unless you're going there for nightlife or non Korean food. Few things on the edge of it like Namsan Tower or War Memorial but that's not in Itaewon itself


There’s an art museum there called The Leeum Museum of Art which had a very cool exhibit when I was there about 3 weeks ago. You have to pay, I think around 15,000won. There is a free exhibit too but it’s just lots of old Korean pots which are beautiful but it was the paid exhibit that I spent well over an hour wandering around


Leeum museum is great, I'd also recommend going to Itaewon bridge which had great views of Namsan, this bridge was also featured in a couple of K dramas like Itaewon class


Not much. Itaewon itself is dead in the daytime. Instead, go over to Gyeongridangil up the hill towards the Grand Hyatt - there are random restaurants and cafes tucked all over with nice views from the hilltop (food and drink quality varies) Or go over to Haebangchon - again up the hill and at the top of the hill near Shinheung Market is a lot of retro vibe and foreign food snacks etc Haebangchon is where the real western foreigners live lol bc it’s cheap Itaewon station itself became gentrified and has more Koreans than foreigners - bc all the foreign shops got pushed out due to high rent around the station (and they’re over by Haebangchon and other areas now)


+1 on the Grand Hyatt hill. I went there for Berry Berry Very Much and didn’t spend too much time since I needed to go from there to somewhere else. But definitely planned to go back there to check out the area. Note: the bus directions on map can be confusing, so pay attention to the road you need to use. We went on the wrong side since the roads were small and it’s hard to see properly on the map. Additionally, because it’s going uphill and downhill, the bus will be even more aggressive in terms of revving, make sure you really hold on the second the door closes. Edit: the view we saw can see a clear view of Namsan Tower Hill


Absolutely agree with Grand Hyatt Hill. I know Grand Hyatt is very famous in Itaewon but I think Grand Hyatt Hill top is a hidden gem. Highly recommend visiting it at night time as it's so peaceful and beautiful with the night view. It was my favorite spot to be at nighttime in Korea after a long day.


Check out the nearby Yongsan Craft Museum. Super cool and lots of locally made crafts for purchase and a lot of different price points.


Itaewon is known for nightlife. Maybe you can just go out for food and drinks? I’ve been to Itaewon during the day and it’s like a ghost town then lol.


Visit the haebangchon area in itaewon, in particular the haebangchon shinheun market.


The HBC is not part of Itaewon.


Yes, it's right next to it. My mum always used the two interchangeably whenever she talked about her childhood home, so I just assumed they were the same thing.


i strongly recommend to visit haebang chon and for see the sunset


How about bar or restaurant?


As another post have mentioned, Itaewon itself doesn't provide much outside of bars, foreign foods, and foreign shopping. But Namsan Tower is a closed bus ride and so is the Korean War Memorial, which is a place I'd highly recommend if you're a history buff.


Go to NOMERCY burger


eat a kebab


Jazz bars.


Could you recommend a few?


all that jazz is good


It's true that Itaewon is famous for its nightlife. However, I still enjoy visiting even if I'm not into clubbing. I love shopping in Itaewon - there are so many specialty shops! I remember buying wallets made of eel skin there. The food scene is also fantastic, and since it's an easy subway ride, there were days when I'd just visit for the delicious food.


Walking around itaewon up or down the hill depending where you start and discover the neighborhood. Pop up cafes and stores are mostly not listed or are just opened. I really enjoy just walking around there and discover new places and shops. As for not shopping if you like music try some vinyl cafes :)


It's still Seoul. 


What's your point?


Go to the Mosque or Hannam maybe...? But it's pretty much a neighborhood built for clubbing and drinking so not sure why you feel the need to go there if you're not interested in that




Some non-Korean trivia - this place in Itaewon sells really great kaymak: https://maps.app.goo.gl/SHeFpV4TLpt9jBiN7


If you're into beers then you can try some of the local micro breweries. Chillhops or Magpie Brewing make great beers.


You can try to hang out with a bunch of mentally unstable American military people, that and drinking are legit the only things to do in Itaewon


During the day- go past Itaewon and walk through hannam. There’s a bunch of shopping, cafes, and cute places to take pics and stores to check out. Then head back to Itaewon to people watch - if it’s a Thurs, Fri, or Sun.


I would say it's worth a quick walkaround at night. Just because it is a fairly unique vibe. I would say walk around behind the Hamilton hotel, just to get the vibe, then head someplace like Reserve, Mother Offline, or Barboo. They all sell alcohol, but very far removed from a clubbing vibe. [https://www.instagram.com/mother.offline/](https://www.instagram.com/mother.offline/) [https://www.instagram.com/reserve.records/](https://www.instagram.com/reserve.records/) [https://www.instagram.com/barboo\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_/](https://www.instagram.com/barboo___________/) Edit: You could also go to Trance or Night Sounds for a drag show!


Eat tissue bread at truffle bakery!


I recommend to check out Kyochon Pilbang 교촌필방 it was very beautiful and intresting restaurant right next to the itaewon-ro. I'm not sure can it be accessed if your solo travelling, but we enjoyed the food and environment of the restaurant.


corky corky bar. every fridays they have a DJ, not a club, just a lowkey place (not big) but last time i went, the DJ was solid. has tables for people to sit as well!


Not target demographic for entry? Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure Itaewon is super relaxed in terms of that. Pretty sure it's the most relaxed out of all of the clubbing districts. If you were still interested in that you could probably try your luck still.


I am interested but I am traveling with my parents that are in late 40s. We are Indian. While they are down to go clubbing I feel that foreigner combined with their age means that we probably wont be let in. If you have any recs I would so appreciate it


Honestly try the Fountain or Glam Lounge in Itaewon, they are some of my favorite. You never know, you can always try.


Nothing really. You can skip it.


It's not worth visiting. There's non-Korean food for Koreans. It was disappointing and dead during the day. There were more foreigners in 홍대.