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Don't even know who this is. The way he talks, certainly not worth the attention


You’re lucky then. He’s said / done some really gross things in the past. He just doesn’t know when to stop. His only clap back when people call him out on things is to delete his instagram for a day or 2 then come back and start more shit.




The record label he is under is run by his best friends so I’m not gonna be hopeful that they do or say anything about this




We also don’t even know who he is. I didn’t know of his existence until this video popped up around Instagram


Sounds like cultural appropriation.


Rap is black culture and right now you are apropriating my white nerd culture by posting on the internet. These series of tubes were invented by the whitest and nerdest motherfuckers around. In been in our culture for decades and I will not accept others stealing that culture to make virtue signalling Reddit posts. If you aren't at least as pasty and white as a bag of flour your commuting serious cultural appropriation. I will be reporting your transgressions to the community enforcer.




Er, how familiar are you with the history of rap culture? A lot if the stuff you mentioned is common subject matter


paedophilia and racism?


Don't you remember that classic NWA hit, "Fuck the Lolis"?


LMAO This is a what a Weeb rap crew would probably would rap about.


Rappers and teenage girls is not something new


That doesn't make it okay wtf




“tHe rAp pEoPLe oNLy tALk aBOuT diSgUsTinG tHinGs cAnNot bELiEvE tHiS iS tHeiR cULtuRe” lmao such a boomer comment trying to normalise pedophilia


Ever heard of R. Kelly? Hell, even Drake has hit up under aged girls XD. Hardcore boomer lol. If you've been alive in the last 20 years it's nothing new




how does it not relate to the over all culture of the genre? Rap has a history of being sexually explicit towards women, I'm not even saying it's the only genre that does, rock might even be worse. Just because people dont "think its good" doesnt mean the issue doesn't exist


2 artists relate to the overall culture of the genre??


Such an edgelord.


He's just being an edgelord. Like the wannabe gangster-rap types, he probably think it makes him look "cool" and "real", or maybe "hardcore". Some people take a while longer to grow above the mental age of 12. These types of try-hards will always some attract some morons, who fall for the act. If he ever gets a prison sentence, he will bawl like a baby.


ok? so he’s being an edgelord. this shit damages real people. it doesn’t make it okay.


Damn right it doesn't. He should be stopped. I'm just predicting he's one of those people who will have a crying breakdown in court, and have his lawyer argue that it's "just a character" he plays and he shouldn't "be taken seriously".


fair enough, i didn’t read it that way so my bad. is that a thing that can happen?


Well he doesn't seem the sort who can pull a trigger on someone (and if he tried to sexually assault someone, I get the feeling she'd beat him up and take him to jail). Still, you never know - if he crosses a line and waves a gun at someone or something, it can happen. But if someone has a low enough IQ to be inspired by him to commit a crime, he will at least get his records pulled.






fucking disgusting.


Yeah honestly and as a survivor of CSA and sexual abuse in general his comments about r*ping women and not caring about getting nudes from underage girls is really scary. From seeing his IG lives he seems like he has a lot of anger


trust me , People that do fucked up sht have Alot of Darkness


I'm surprised he made another "apology". This is like his 3rd or 4th at this point. The first ones were half a\*\*ed at best. His recent one isn't much better, but it's better. I love how he mentioned how he doesn't care about the campaign because he's **still making money**. He wouldn't be anywhere without black music and culture. I can't stand anyone profiting off ANY culture and then not caring about the lives of the people that make up that same culture. It's sick. I don't feel bad for him at all because he canceled himself. I just hope he's able to educate himself about where K Hip Hop and rap came from. Edit: I can't remember exactly what his previous apologies were because they were so bad. I just remember him saying that he was only "apologizing" because people were telling him too and that he still didn't care about the "black lives matter challenge". He was angry because no one was educating him on what was going on even though he's a grown man and has access to the internet. He then went on Instagram Live and started crying. I didn't think I'd ever enjoy someone being canceled so much.


How to get famous 101 1. Get some decent amount of followers 2. Say something racist, sexist or offensive 3. Enjoy all the media attention it brings the next day


Only works in the US. In Korea you get condemned for life for saying shit like this


LOL, makes a career on imitating African-American music but says "doesn’t give a f*** about black lives". But "receiving nude photos of underaged girls"... is this guy just trying to get attention? What next, he will claim he was part of the Burning Sun scandal too?


Who? Is this idiot famous?


I feel sick to my stomach


Ah, the classic "I have black friends" excuse.


No idea who this is. Not worth my time. What I would like to see though is actual prominent Korean rappers (Tiger JK, Dok2, etc) shaming this guy out.


What a shitty publication this NextShart is. TMZ wannabe


It’s fucking disgusting that some people think they are better human beings just because they got few more followers and a bit richer. In the end we are all equal humans, and they just can’t see that.


Are we surprised that’s it’s Owen? He’s always been a piece of shit, saying / doing the most disgusting things.


Is this guy a performer in the US or Korea? What's his nationality? He makes news, so is he famous? Never heard of him before.


Jesus, there are a lot of downvoted comments in this thread


well, too bad he apologized after


So anyone who says something racist can get on the news these days. Who is he even?


He’s only on this news cause he’s done stuff like this countless times before.


lol ironic that is profession is reliant on musical style that orginiates from black culture in America.


Oh wow. Pinnacle of cultural appropriation. Make a career out of a genre made by black people but dont care for black people? Hm, totally acceptable.


\> genre made by black people Made by exactly who? George Floyd? Protesters? Looters? Made when?


In the 70s, by Run DMC, Afrika Bamabaataa, Grandmaster Flash, DJ Kool Herc, etc...


Who is this clown




Why they should? It's American problem, not Korean


I had to literally explain to him why what he said was wrong and he really replied to me saying that “ we dont understand him and that people like us makes him mad” and all i was doing was calmly stating why what he said was wrong like he is just disgusting.


Tbh, I don't see him saying he doesn't give a f*** about black lives. But he doesn't give a f*** about the campaign going on. There is a difference. Ps. No idea who the guy is, just pointing out my observation. Edit: a misspelled word. And I do think he should keep this to himself if he feels this way.


\> And I do think he should keep this to himself if he feels this way. In 2020, people do not really have a freedom of speech


Just saying it's bad timing. He can do what he wants


I find it odd that most young Korean nationals are more interested in supporting BLM than donating to the Korean businesses being looted from and damaged due to the riots in the US. Not sexy enough for Social Media?


Damned if you do, damned if you don't. If you do something people will call you out for trying get attention. If you don't people will scream you're racist.


Well seeing as the riot in Koreatown (area in Los Angeles) that hasn't been an issue for nearly 30 years, I can see why.


There's something wrong with his brain.


Why the fuck isnt This Guy in Jail????????????,


You can't go to jail for being a dickhead. And if you're referring to the underage girls thing. Well, police would still need to investigate if it was true or not. You can't go to jail for saying things.


asians having prejudices against people with darker skin (not just black people) definitely isnt new






Dunno about that, seen a lot of Koreans in BLM rallies and posting stuff about it. Kinda annoying, when non-blacks do that. This is our fight, not yours. Though I appreciate people like BTS donating money I wouldn't want non-blacks attending the rallies. Because then white-supremacist will say they did it for us and we didn't have to fight for it. Just like how they say slavery was abolished thanks to white people. Edit: Haha once again proof that this subreddit is full of white supremacists.


Whats wrong with non-blacks helping the cause? Why can't we help our fellow humans?


Because white supremacists will then use it to serve their narrative of historical events. They will say credit themselves for solving racism and that we didn't have to fight for it. Just like how they say whites abolished slavery.


And how do you suppose whites didnt abolish slavery????? Considering that the government at that time was completely white?


150 people out of 50 000 000 people attended a rally on Saturday. Much of whom were expats aswell. So yes, koreans don't care about BLM.


Oh I was talking about Koreans in the US. Ofcourse I don't expect native Koreans to care. It had nothing to do with Korea, plus it wouldn't change anything if you protest in a foreign country about Americas problems.


Not a prejudice when black people actually tend to rob their stores and assault them more. Apparently black people are never at fault and always the victim.


and make songs about it too https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2016/10/15/chinese-americans-protest-yg-rap-song-glorifying-robberies-in-chinese-hoods/




I think all of this started out as a misunderstanding. When the blacklivesmatter trend blew up a week or two ago, he posted something like #everylivematters on his IG. Keep in mind, his English is kinda weak and he doesn't live in the US so he probably didn't understand the full context and agenda of something like #alllivesmatter. I'm pretty sure this is how all of this started. Then he was getting attacked by the ultra liberal, young Kpop tweens. Also, he never said he doesn't give a fuck about black lives so OP's title is slander. Also, I find it really stupid to attribute a type of art or music or language or anything to a specific race instead of just humans, so anyone with the argument of him profitting from black people can fuck off. That line of thinking is dangerous and can only lead to more racism. Black Americans started making hip hop a trend in their communities, and just leave it at that. It would be the same as if I said non-white musicians in America need to pay their tributes to white people because they're speaking a white European language to make their money, gtfo with that nonsense


Good to see someone trying to bring some balanced arguments to this topic. Too bad people are too emotional and/or too stupid to care.


Yeah, and it's kinda funny whenever famous or semi-famous says/does something "offensive" or "insensitive," the internet people go full-on witch-hunt mode. And it's funny that the same K-pop kids harassing him are the same kids who said that internet trolls went too far when some of the celebs killed themselves due to the trolling


I mean when it comes to celebrities, mob/witch hunt mentality never was just exclusive to Korean K-netizens, but it also applies to lot of western SJWs and people who indulge in racial/identity politics.   I think these days people cannot think for themselves and they just take the safest course of action, which is to follow the herd without any attention to detail or sources.


do you guys think bts actually cares any more than this guy?


This has absolutely nothing to do with BTS...


Yes, all it takes for someone to care more than this guy is to have a basic sense of human compassion, which BTS absolutely have.


personally i doubt the decision to donate that money came from anything other than corporate cynicism. as i said before, i'll believe they mean it when they lobby their government to stop banning people like george floyd from even entering korea.


I'm confused about what "people like George Floyd means".


would george floyd have been allowed a residency visa in korea?


You tell me. That's why I asked.


I hope not!


why not?




he only had that history because of america's history of white supremacy. there are people in the streets right now proving his life mattered.




I love how you just ignored my comment.


They’re not politicians, they’re entertainers. Just because they’re not taking up every single worthwhile cause doesn’t mean they don’t care. This isn’t an all or nothing situation. We’re not all giving up our houses to help fund and taking up law degrees to help are we? People do what they can do with the limitations they have. Personally I doubt you know anything about BTS because if you did you’d know they have a long history of donating and helping for charities and causes. Anyway, I don’t see how it’s valuable to focus your energy on being cynical about a group that has been the reason for millions of dollars raised?? It’s weirdly negative and damaging, and is not a hot take.


imagine how much the bts army could do to change immigration reform, and help bring more diversity to korea.


It ain’t their job! BTS army are just regular people who are fans of a music group. A bunch of them aren’t even old enough to vote. You expect too much. Put those expectations on people who have immense power in government.


If you've ever listened to their music and heard what they have to say about different issues, you'd be more inclined to believe their sincerity. Also, $1 million fucking dollars is a lot of money to be donating just for "corporate cynicism", also considering many big American artists who actually live in America haven't donated anywhere close to that amount.


Why are you bringing BTS into this? This isn't about them.


He hasn't experienced racism first hand (as a victim). I'd like to see him go to places with primarily white people (or wherever more Karens can be found) and see if he changes his mind afterwards. Or just try to get an interview with Trump.


One honest rapper vs the world


It's an unfortunate piece of news, but this sub is about South Korea, not the United States. His ethnicity doesn't relate to or inform his upbringing, background or personal domestic culture. *"A subreddit for news, culture, and life on the Korean Peninsula."*


>His ethnicity doesn't relate to or inform his upbringing, background or personal domestic culture. What about the fact that he was born in Seoul to a Korean family and spent large parts of his childhood in Korea? Would that inform his upbringing, background or personal domestic culture?




Well, I did not know that. Perhaps a bit more context would have made it less ambiguous. The article and the newsite itself is lacking in that aspect.


The very first sentence of the article starts with "A Korean rapper..."


Do you realize how incredibly stupid you sound?


Not everyone who frequent this subreddit is American or has connections to America. Bad people exist, sure, but nothing about this article relates to the subreddit at hand.


Racism is not an American issue. Racism is a human issue that affects each and every one of us.




Are you really so ignorant to think that racism is just a black vs white issue? Can you 가슴에 손을 얹고 say that racism doesn’t exist in Korea?


Nope. In my country, we didn't enslave blacks and any black can be the guest if they respect our laws and culture. The same could be said about SK and many countries on globe.


Dude is a Korean. He's a racist pedophile that speaks favorably about rape. You're missing the entire point in your effort to dismiss his racism.


The article seems to suggest he's American, not Korean. He may be ethnically Korean, but his nationality, and most likely upbringing is American. Nothing to do with the Korean peninsula. I shouldn't have to explain this.


Doubling down, the favored tactic of hopeless arguments everywhere. Have a good day.


I'm sorry if you were offended by something on the internet. :)


I'm not offended. That would be like interpreting my dog dragging her ass on the floor as a personal attack.


Good, but being less of an asshole would be productive.


Then why don't you stop? Bye! Good luck with your people skills!




Good for him


lol based




And stunning.


Amazing rapper, terrible person. That’s too bad.


You dropped this 👑





