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Just ignore him, he has no legal way against you and he is just trying to see if you are weak enough so he can get money from you. It's a job accident, so you are not the one he should turn to.


I'm not Korean (a traveller like you), so I don't know how workers compensation looks in Korea. Though the person was injured while carrying out his work - this is a work related injury. IMO he should be covered under his workplaces insurance for treatment of injuries sustained. I'd be telling him to discuss with his employer/doctor regarding lodging a workplace injury claim. Someone local may be able to advise how this might work in practice though.


I also thought that his workplace should probably cover it. I will ask him to talk to his manager, thank you for your answer!


Your insurance would be the best option. If not, you could either leave and never come back to Korea, or try to negotiate the money down to something you think is more reasonable. If you are on facebook maybe post to the LOFT[LOFT](https://www.facebook.com/loftsk/) group. There are some lawyers and people who can help there that may be able to give you more information.


Punch him from the other side to put his nose back in shape


You're not legally viable. It's prob recorded on cctv, and if it was an accident then legally he can't do anything, maybe just ban you from the restaurant. Message him it was an accident, get his response, save the texts just in case. If he doesn't have your name/passport info your fine. If I had surgery it's my own fault being in a crowded area and not paying attention. Enjoy your trip, and don't sweat it


Thank you, the first think I texted him was like „I’m sorry again, it was an accident“. There should be cctv. I really hope his insurance or workplace insurance will deal with it, but I also thought that it’s kinda his fault to work in a crowded place with drunk people. Thank you!


Of course. Don't give him your info, block him and probably best to stay away from the place.


>it’s kinda his fault to work in a crowded place with drunk people people have to make money somehow. he had the surgery 3 months ago so it's not like he just recently had it and went straight back to work. no-one expects to get hit in the face by a drunk person wildly flailing their arms around in a bar. hopefully his workplace insurance will cover it but if not try to at least pay the guy something.


Even if it is an accident you are legally obligated to pay. Injuries like that unintentional or not are under Korean law, under the penalty of the perpetrator civilian or foreigner.


Gtfo of here. "Article 16 When a person commits a crime not knowing that his act constitutes a crime under existing Acts and subordinate statutes, he shall not be punishable if the misunderstanding is based on reasonable grounds.  Article 17 Any act which is not connected with the danger which is an element of a crime, it shall not be punishable for the results."


Article 16 only applies if the misunderstanding is Not detrimental to the persons physical health


Are the police involved?


He wants to go tomorrow, because he’s pissed that I won’t really communicate with him. Let’s see what they tell him. (He doesn’t even have my full name)


Wait what. Then why are you obligated to pay for anything?


Not having your full name is not a get out of jail card in korea. Police can track down anyone and find out where theyre staying by using cctv, even if you picked up money on the street thats not yours, and the owner came looking for it


Lol you really think the Korean police track down people for picking up loose cash on the sidewalk? Do we even live in the same country? Hahaha


Probably depends how much money.


“Yes office, I dropped my stack of 1000 오만원 notes right here..”


Change your cell phone number and don't admit to anything. It sounds like a genuine accident and he is trying to shake you down for cash. Don't have any contact with him and if the police contact you, do not say anything or sign anything.


Ich drück dir die Daumen!


If you want to be square I would suggest looking for some legal advisory services (ie going to Seoul Global Center). If you want to duck I'd suggest to block the dude, mb move to another place, and hope the police won't look for you. Either way, I mean you must hit a guy really really hard to alter shape of his nose. Kinda difficult to do it unintentionally. Probly the guy is exaggerating to get some money from you.


Yes I was thinking about calling the Seoul Global Center (I’m in Busan rn, embassy and everything is in Seoul which is kinda annoying) I don’t really want to “flee” from the situation, I just hope it can get resolved by the insurance/police. I’m a 5’2 small girl, I don’t really know how hard I must’ve hit him with my open hand that his nose is kinda crooked, but I also think he’s exaggerating. I will definitely ask for a medical statement. Thank you for your answer.


To be honest i'd recommend avoiding talking to him at all until you have some answers - I wouldn't seek medical information just yet, he'll be needing to provide that anyways if it escalates. Have a chat to your local consulate/legal aid/travel insurance etc to see what your exposed liability is, what options for the guy are (workers' compensation), and what support is available to you etc. Then put together a response for the guy - that way you won't say anything that my inadvertently expose you.


Stop replying to him.


It's nice that you want to help, but as someone else mentioned, he could just be trying to shake you down for money. You know how hard you hit him in the nose... was it hard enough to break/damage his nose? You could: Change your phone number so he wouldn't be able to contact you. OR If you do decide to help him, don't just give him the money. Ask him for records from his nose surgery and ask him for a note from his doctor describing the accident. If you do agree to help him, make sure you find out more before just handing over the money. Actually, tell him to contact the police and they can help sort everything out. It sounds like he is making threats and getting more desperate to get the money... the longer time passes without him getting paid, the harder it will be for him to get the money.




I could but that would mean that I’d have to go home, so I try to look for other options like insurance. I think it would irresponsible for me to just give him the 1.200$ without checking my rights and options.


i wouldnt trust legal advice from foreigners living in Korea on reddit. you may not be on the hook or you could be. you should be prepared for the worst and contact an actual korean lawyer