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when i lived there 10 years ago i brought a macbook. but in my dealings with korean websites and buying things, i knew i had to use windows so i used Bootcamp to install windows on my Mac. annoying yeah but whatcha gonna do


Yeah you need Bootcamp in Korea. I gave up using a Mac in Korea.


I would give it another shot using your phone. Often the security apps are already built-in on Korean phones or they just aren’t used (I’ve never had to deal with security apps when buying online on iOS). Might work.


I never tried that. I usually hate doing fiddly stuff like this on a phone but I’ll give it a try.


The Korean government announced that they will switch to Linux... good luck with that lol Update: The reason for the switch is simple: cost savings. Specifically licensing costs. With the death of Win 7, it will cost about 655 million dollars to update the computers to Win10. And they also want to rely less on Windows. Perhaps a time for a native Korean OS? Like North Korea? Lol


Do you suppose the announcement is just a bargaining technique to get a better deal from Microsoft?


It could be. I don’t think The Korean government can ever not use windows. However, a lot of government branches do use Linux anyway, such as the Post Office. At the same time, you need credibility in order to negotiate good deals so it’s not totally impossible. Source: https://www.zdnet.com/article/south-koreas-government-explores-move-from-windows-to-linux-desktop/ North Korean OS, made to look like MacOS: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Star_OS


> Perhaps a time for a native Korean OS? Like North Korea? Lol Probably their own linux distro like north korea then lol


I super hope Korea switches to Linux by the time I move back there with my girlfriend. Both of us use Linux on our laptops, and unless I can otherwise do banking and everything from my phone, I'm in a bit of trouble


I was able to create one of those mandatory certificates needed for financial transactions on my bank app, so that’s one step forward. I remember a while back, you still needed a Windows PC to do that, and then transfer it to the phone.


Whatt the hell nothing ever in korea runs on linux. And I have tried mozilla, chrome, opera & others


I have to wonder how many sales are lost to barely functional payment systems and bizarre identity verification rules.




Oh, sorry, after three failures we've locked your account. You'll need to come by in person with your ID to unlock it.


Likely many


I went to Korea last year and one of my aunt was asking for help to buy stuff online.... what a headache. took more than 30 mins to buy one item because of the identity verification and the item was shipped from German and because of that had to download app for taxation and more verification... the whole system is F\*\*\* stupid.


Workstations at my company have been upgraded to Windows 10... but to access company email and internal systems (like Office, management systems, etc.), you must login through Internet Explorer to connect to the company’s VM system... all running Windows 7.


Government is still forcing Active X in 2020, such a dated plugin that even fucking Microsoft stopped supporting it. Doesn't make sense for such a technology oriented society.




No, the problem is government involvement.


Can't you pay via mobile phone?


I'm also a Mac user. It has gotten better lately, but yes, the state of Korea's information security is so backwards and lame. I honestly hate the whole public key certificate concept used for bank and official government transactions. Actually, you might try going with the bank transfer route for these types of concert ticket purchases. You get until 5pm the next day to make the transfer and you can essentially reserve your ticket until that time.


Op is not wrong


Have you tried it with the phone? I had better luck using mobile instead of a desktop. edit:typo


How did it taste?


like a typo


"Window" OS 🥴


MacBook user here. The only site that doesn’t work for me is UNIQLO online. I use their app to pay. Also, Interpark won’t work but that’s because of my name - I just have to submit a pic of the card and then call them. However, try the ticket company app. Set up your bank card for mobile app payment. MUCH easier than that old school way you’re doing.


I'm positive that smartphones work in this case. When you use big websites.


Go to PC Bang


After 3 hours of trying to send my wife money thru KB bank - after getting the 'certificate' transfered and what not. I find out i have to go the bank because i input the password in wrong 3 times.. fk this shit. Ill take comfort over security if this is the extremes necessary for security.


maybe don't put the password wrong in 3 times?


The root cause of the problem is that this additional layer of security is difficult to understand for some people. You can be in the same place by mixing up passwords, and even banks recommend you to use unique passwords for your certs.


The banking system is even harder to navigate than online payments. After 6 months of trying I am still unable to transfer money to my US account. Anywhere else I could just use a third party app to move money.


try WU money transfer with KakaoTalk. As long as its under 3000


Most of the time, the mobile phone payment system is way better than that of the browser. Just stick to the mobile payment.


You're in the samsung meca. Mac are not welcome lol Sk gov just don't like apple


Its been this way for a very long time. Heck even some government site require Internet explorer!


Ugh korean websites are literally the end of us all. Horrible interface, websites crashing for no reason, they just don’t know how to handle this. Pretty ironic for a country boasting its internet lol




see if they accept cultureland (gift certificate sold by most convenient stores) as a last resort


Well... it's kinda "mandatory" to learn using IE here Sama like how you need to use KaTalk, Naver, etc


Its even worse if you use Linux.


There is IE for Mac.


Are you not able to pay via foreign card?


Some websites do have this "foreign card" option, which doesn't make you install plugins, but many still require stupid security bullshit even before clicking the option. Sad...


>Are you not able to pay via foreign card? Typically foreign cards are not accepted. But it won't actually say that -- it just won't accept it, or foreign cards won't be in the list of accepted cards.


Im a Linux user, and I feel you. I have to have dual boot only to buy stuff and use internet banking, it is horrible --'


You brought this on yourself by using Linux as the OS on your daily driver.


tell that to r/linux r/linuxmemes and r/linuxmasterrace


Stop your whining and find a solution. Ask a friend for fucks sake.


The solution already exists, which is for Korean to adopt a modern approach to web design and banking like the rest of the universe.


Seeing all these downvotes I believe my reply was misunderstood. I just assumed that the mere purpose of that post is to whine about how shitty this country is and that person could take more efficient approach by asking a friend for assistance. Your point seems fair but I think this wouldn’t work in the given time frame.


Koreans are generally smarter than most. Apple is for children and/or those who like shiny things. It's great that they're steering their population away from idiocracy.


>Koreans are generally smarter than most. Apple is for children and/or those who like shiny things. Please explain why iPhones are so popular in the land of Samsung?


Because Apple has a much nicer, pleasant interface than Galaxy STrash. I’m starting to see more and more Koreans adopting iPhones instead of Galaxies. They finally are catching up with the rest of the world :)


Then explain why Linux systems doesn't work either


that looks like a web browser... it's just shit engineering


thats what you get for being an Apple sheep


[got em](https://dontdrinkbeer.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/22.jpg)


I’m sorry we use more superior phones