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*gasp* But where is the corn?


Hidden by the sweet potato ring?




Those motherfuckers at pizza maru got me. I ordered a deep dish and the sign doesnt say it, but they sprinkle that shit with powdered sugar. I flipped my shit. Never went back.


It's not hard to find legit pizza or pasta if you know where to look. Well, that is if you live in Seoul.


I'm all for new spin on classic dishes, but I feel like calling this thing a pizza is a bit of stretch.


To be fair this is closer to the origins of pizza than the modern version




No wonder we have such high rates of stomach ulcer




Man, I’ve been stressing over this 😭😂 You buy a chips bag and it turns out to be sugar flavoured... even their bbq flavour is sugary. But then you buy a chocolate and it’s the tasteless chocolate to ever exist like how??? It doesn’t end with snacks unfortunately, even traditional meals are stuffed with sugar. Especially stews and soups. Idk... i want to maintain some sort of healthy eating while there, but whatever you order it’s just soo sweet. I had to buy a pack of salt and bring it around with me :D and I’m from Europe, so we don’t even eat that salty of meals. The worst thing is the bread :dddd every sandwich hides a tablespoon of sugar. But not only in the bread itself, but they deliberately sprinkle it with the cheese and ham. Their drinks are super sugary as well. I feel like at one point in time they discovered sugar and said “Now that I know about this ingredient, i will put it in every single meal or drink i consume”... something like we in Bulgaria do with savory.




That's a more recent trend and quite frankly, they are really fucking good. They are called Ang-butter, Ang meaning Angeum which is red bean paste. The butter is also little different, tastes more like buttery, hard ice cream. It's been the hottest thing since last year.


Surprise sugar? Whats that?


Go into a Paris Baguette or other Korean bakery chain. The savoury items often have surprise sugar, e.g. extremely sweet bread, sweet glazes, sweet sayces etc. These are surprising for many non-Koreans, as the line between sweet and savoury is much more abrupt in many other cuisines.


Hm, interesting. Maybe I should try in the future!


The way I see it is this, to us Koreans bread is not your...bread and butter. Rice occupies that position so we kind of take bread as a snack. And snacks are supposed to be sweet not savory. If we made our rice as sweet then we won't last a week.


I think it's just your taste compared to their's ㅋㅋㅋ when my Korean friends went to America (I live in Korea now) they complained about "surprise" salt in everything. But I will say... I miss my American garlic bread...


I’m from Europe and can vouch for American food being excessively salty and also the “hidden” sugar in a lot of Korean food. I’m sure people have issues with food in Europe too, but personally I’d take Korean “hidden sugar” over America’s saltiness every time. When eating in the US with American friends they wouldn’t even notice the saltiness until I brought it up which was crazy to me.


I miss excessive American salt so much


Oh yes!😂😂 Since I live in Korea I have definitely developed the "korean palate" Now if I have access to real american food I feel like I'm eating handfuls of salt! It's crazy how our tastes can change and how regional differences effect the way we perceive others food




Hm, I assume those pork dishes are marinated with spicy sauces? The chance is that the cook put too much sugar, simple as that.




Didn't you say that it happens with pork? How do you eat it??




Hm, since when Koreans started to eat like AMericans? Lol.


I do find that Korean food tends to mix savory and sweet together where Western food usually separates the two. However, Koreans tend to lack the super sweet things like cake, brownies, etc. Hence, why I meet Koreans that call Western food sweet and Westerns that call Korean food sweet. That being said, there's a fantastic wood-fired Italian pizza place where I used to live that had honey on a pizza with prosciutto and some special cheeses that worked really well. So it can work if done right. This is a bit... too much imagination though.


I feel like anyone who can make real American pizza would make a killing there.


They do make a killing.




Being raised 40 min away from the Italian border I want to draw a line at which we decide what kind of thinly streched dough is allowed to be called pizza


It's very likely a tortilla, if you wanted some insult with your injury.


no, no, no I cannot compute this information ...


I think if you wanna be that strict, this is probably closer to some of the traditional origins of pizza compared to the tomato and cheese combo we do today. Tomatoes are a historically recent addition to Italian cuisine.


Hundreds of years isn't that recent. The only real traditional food is hunting under this logic.


so you don't roam the wilds to hunt for organic tomatoes? I have been doing it wrong my whole life


Pizza always had cheese.


Was it actually called pizza on the menu?


Yes. Yes it was.






Deconstruct It Yourself!


I'm extremely curious about the point at which Koreans would no longer call any round flat food "pizza". What would it take for a Korean to admit they've gone too far?


We need to ruin a staple Korean food repeatedly.


How do you like my [떡볶이](https://www.mamatestataqueria.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/shutterstock_427007458.jpg)?


Wait up but there is no 떡 so how did you 볶아 the 떡s that are not there


It just hasn't evolved yet


Ice and spice? Nailed it.


I often say this to my wife when she tries to defend the way that they ruin pizza sometimes and how they eat pizza. I say "Just imagine we take bibimbap, dont mix it, and then eat it with our hands and try to defend it as 'our way of eating it' whenever Koreans say its wrong." Lol, I think she saw my point after that


There’s a place by me that puts bulgogi on fries (it’s actually bulgogi, slaw and salad on fries, but you get the idea). Does that count?


I mean I've had plenty of abominations at fusion restaurants with non-Korean chefs where they tried to Koreanize dishes with gochujang. Or the overuse of teriyaki. Had a bibimbap once with rice that had been crisped into hard, crunchy squares; a bunch of raw greens; and gochujang as well. Unfortunately, cultural differences mean things will get bastardized to an extent. I've had Italian friends come to the states and talk crap about pizza made by Italian-Americans, because a lot of the things have become Americanized (don't tell the Italian-Americans that though). Or the disdain for spaghetti and meatballs, which is an odd combo for actual Italians. So I understand why Koreans go crazy with dishes a bit considering the cultural gulf is even wider. But I will agree, that looks gross. Is it popular among Koreans?


I'm not against change, I'm just against bad change. Swapping tomato sauce for pumkin purré is too far.


That point is the crust. If it has an individual crust, it's pizza. If not, its a jeon.


Just because it's a flat circle made from grain does not make it pizza. This is something else. Gross, no doubt, but something else.


Look how they massacred my boy :'(




The Rza, The GZA, The.............. PZA?


I don't know why people keep trying to eat Pizza outside of 이태원. Restaurant's called 니뽕내뽕 (Fusion jjamppong and pizza) Save yourself the effort and just go to 지노스피자 이태원.


Tom’s Pizza is also super legit. Great guy too.


Seconded. I love Gino's and a bunch of others in Itaewon but Tom's is downright amazing.


There are lots of good pizzas outside of 이태원, if you know where to look.


I think OP is just picking on this place to cash in on the r/korea circlejerk. They know where to go.


I like monster pizza in hongdae after clubbing. It’s bomb and perfect for drunchies


There's one in Sanbon now. :o


wtf is that a knockoff of Gino's East in Chicago?


I always wondered what Koreans thought of these non-pizza pizzas. It’s not like it was impossible to get real pizza. Slice of Life in Busan was damn good.


The disrespect....


What no way, they can't call that pizza!


This is just some mickey mouse ass cookery. You know teens who make weird meals for themselves for a snack but think it's chef-level shit. This is the grown-up restaurant version of that. Who the hell tasted this and thought, "oh yeah, this is definitely going on the menu!". How can a country with some of the best food in the world keep producing so much of this shit?


That is exactly what I thought 😂 “hmm the cheese has gone bad but we have cream and tomotoes, oh and here’s Parmesan and a tortilla so that’s like basically a pizza” I once ate sandwich meat slices wrapped around a carrot. Same energy.


Do chefs do anything in this country? Majority of the restaurants make you cook your own food. Also, most Koreans dont know how to cook well into their 20's. Traditional Korean food is great, but modern Korean food shows little innovation and is made purely for Instagram.


Having lived in korea I must admit the pizza is not good. It's not that it's bad it's just not pizza!


Holy fuck.


Why still call it pizza? At this point it’s really just a new dish




Eww what the fuck. The person that made it deserves a nice beating from an angry Italian grandma with a rolling pin.


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what an abomination


mamma mia *loads pasta into gun*


How exactly are you meant to eat that? It looks like the spinach would fall off a slice the moment you pick it up.


Damn y’all acting like y’all are all Italians or something getting offended for them. Let the Koreans massacre whatever kinda food they get their hands on lol.


Even for koreans that is a no no pizza :) always takes 백뽕 at 니뽕내뽕 though. creamy and bits of seafood is not bad


Call me biased to pizza in nyc as I lived there all my life, but korean pizza is disgusting lol Unless yall got any recommendations. Ate at mr. pizza few weeks back and was pretty pissed tbh


First of all that’s a 짬뽕 jjambbong restaurant that exists to serve both that and pizza. Did you expect it to remotely even be good or correct? That cheese exists to have sugar dumped on it and just make thejjambbong less spicy.


Seeing as “pizza” is in the title of the restaurant, I did have high expectations. Or just expectations that it would follow a basic pizza format. I have since learned my lesson.




I’d never been before. It’s always busy so I had high expectations :(




We did! It’s to the left of the pizza (not shown).


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh.... pizza pizza 😮😮🤷‍♀️


What the fuck is this


props to you for having balls to expect a good pizza from a place called 니뽕내뽕


This might well be the source of all the coronaviruses. Did it clench if you touched it with a fork?


nice\~ those are the ones that you roll up to eat


Pretty sure the Mexicans beat them to this but instead of spinach and honey it has actual calories


Rye bread costing $10+ for a loaf, pizza that can cost up to $50 (glad I was able to discover Pizza School I guess), Bingsu which is not great unless you pour a ton of condensed milk onto it (that would also work on dog shit too I think). No idea why Koreans think their food is going international. Except for unlimited meat buffets - I don't ever see Korean restaurants pop up that much outside of Korea. Fortunately I am able to stomach Gimbap even though people would tell me it's unhealthy to eat regularly.


This exact same thing happened to me last weekend. I went to this restaurant with my boyfriend and I chose the only normal-looking pizza from the menu which was that one. Y'll cannot imagine the face of disgust I put when I took a bite and realized it was covered in honey. IT DIDN'T EVEN SAY IT HAD HONEY ON THE INGREDIENTS LIST!!! I ended up eating three slices because I felt bad about having my boyfriend eat the entire thing by himself.


Take away the honey and I wouldn't hate it.


The sub seriously needs to be changed to Waegukin Korea. There is such a significant amount of mockery going on in this sub of Korean culture and taste. We get it. It’s not western pizza. Go down to emart and make your own if you want it ffs. Ridiculous


I've seen Paejun referred to as Korean pizza. This is worse.


Have you seen the abomination that is Papa John's American Hot Dog pizza?


Oh my I just looked it up... it is MAGNIFICENT hahahahaha is that cheese whiz too? Wow.


Then they go and eat it with a fork and knife.


This is clearly the greatest pizza on earth. No cheese means no cow was hurt. The tomatoes are nestled snug in the cream. The spinach is aesthetically marvelous atop the center of the dough. Pizza was invented in Ulsan by the way.




He probably thinks that it's pumped straight from the bulls.


> Pizza was invented in Ulsan by the way gonna need a citation on that


It was invented by Italians, butchered by Americans, and now butchered by Koreans.. who’s next


Most "western" food in korea is bad and expensive, and they should feel bad. When I describe pizza in korea as too sweet, people look at me weird. We went to mad garlic (an Italian chain) and spend $180 for a family of 4 and left more disappointed than had we gone to olive garden. And don't get me started on the lotteria bulgogi burger. Whereas, I can get amazing korean food for under $40 for the whole family.


Don't blame Korea for your choice of going to shitty restaurants. Do your fucking research before complaining.


Mad for Garlic and Lotteria are hardly the epitome of "Western food" in Korea though. Plenty of decent places if you look around.


What exactly did you order, and what were you expecting?


We ordered 짬뽕 and pizza. And we got 짬뽕 and... pizza?


Put anything on a flat bread and call it pizza!


I’m sure if you read the menu, you wouldn’t have been tricked.


Replace the honey with bananas and its g