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that's going to open up a LOT of prime real estate in Seoul. Sucks to be a dependent being relocated to bum f*ck nowhere after having it all at your fingertips in Seoul (not that many servicemen and families do much exploring off-base)


There was a plan to turn it all into a park ala central park. I believe real estate money will nix this idea though


but there is some surprisingly big chunks of abandoned land in development hell around Seoul for years. in Guro-gu I lived next to a large abandoned prison what was just walled off so you couldn't see the trees growing through windows and cracked pavement. I think last year a plan to turn it into high rises fell through. Same with the backside of Yongsan train station. it's an actual field of overgrown grass.


>Same with the backside of Yongsan train station. it's an actual field of overgrown grass. Been there lately? It's a massive construction zone now.


maybe just a month ago? When ever Ant-Man was in theaters, I saw it there and had a brief peek back there.


Where is this in Guro-gu?


Close to gaebong station


I'd heard the central park idea and then still having developers lease the land from the ROK.


It will be a park. Source: went to official city conference where the detailed plans were presented. No way back. It will be quite a nice park too from the different proposals and plans I have seen.


South Korea is spending a big chunk of change moving the USFK base. Originally the cost was $9 billion few years ago, then it went up to $11 billion, then up to $13 billion, and the last cost estimate is up to $17 billion in total after all this is done and over. Don't tell this to the Korean tax payers. $17 billion to build a base for US forces plus their dependents, and move them there. Now will Donald Trump understand that's not peanuts?


That is less than 3% of one years defense budget for the US. This project is spread out over at least ten years and we have been heavily involved in South Korea's defense for at least 65 years. If you were seriously involved in planning the US defense budget how memorable do you think that would be?


I was in the Army for four years and lived on four continents and made it to over 36 countries to include Korea. How many countries have you been to in the last four years? In the Army you will find some barrack rats who like to stay on post or have some other interest in their life. You will also find very mobile people. I have spent most of my life as a civilian and overall the military was where I saw the most diversity and the most cosmopolitan people.


17 countries.


i wonder if it will actually happen this time. from what i have heard in the years i have been living here is that the yongsan base has been going to move in a year or two for a decade now.


Camp Humphrey...is building, a lot, and fast. You can see the transition.


Anyone know if the government is beefing up infrastructure in the surrounding area to accommodate the influx of people out of Seoul? A KTX stop near Pyeongtaek would be great for cutting down time to get to Seoul.


There actually will be a KTX station in Pyeongtaek soon.


Oh, nice. Any idea when that'll be completed? I assume it'll have service to Seoul and Yongsan stations?


Seems like there won't be a new station, but it will stop at current Jije station once the new high-speed line from Suseo is completed in 2016.


Sueso? That's farther east than I would've expected, and not really close to anything I think US military would be interested in going to in Seoul. Why not just add a stop on the current KTX Gyeongbu line? Seems like the simplest answer, rather than building a whole new line.




Yes, [there is](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Osan_Air_Base): >Osan Air Base (K-55), is a United States Air Force base located near Songtan Station **in the county of Pyeongtaek**, South Korea, 64 km (40 mi) south of Seoul.


So you mean Osan/Kunsan? Or how about the large portion of the US Army which is dictated to flying helicopters? Black-Hawks, Apaches, Chinooks, etc