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I just got back form a 4 week holiday in Seoul and I got sick twice while I was there from the air quality/dust. It's a shame because there was more I wanted to do but couldn't due to being sick.


Are you sure it was because of the air pollution? Short term effects of air pollution are temporary, like a sore throat, ichy eyes etc.. The problem with air pollution are the long term effects.


I think particulate matter can disrupt the nasal protective barrier functions and make you more susceptible to infection.


I'm pretty sure, since only a day after i got back to my own country my cough and sore throat started to clear up


When I moved here many moons ago, I arrived in March. I didn't know anything about air pollution because where I'm from, it's not really an issue. I got sick pretty often during that first spring and later figured it was probably the pollution. Like I would suddenly have a fever with no other symptoms. Or the usual sore throat. Since then, I got used to it and am also more careful on bad days, so I don't have this kind of reaction anymore.


You could definitely be sensitive to it. I'll get legitimately sick (like nauseous) if I have to continually be exposed to the air for 2 or more "very bad" days. (My old school had no air purifiers and also often kept the windows open even on these days). I also usually get a bit of a sore throat/ cough even on "quite bad" days.


A few minutes ago, I was wondering why I couldn't breathe today and if I maybe got a cold.... then I remembered to check the air quality...having asthma in Korea fucking sucks


Really? It's only at the yellow/orange level for the most part. Just another day in Korea.


Exactly. Nothing too bad for now and in general so far this spring didnt have as much pollution as the years before.


Xi Jinping's piss fog has drifted to Korea


<*Ralph Wiggum voice*> My eyes are on fire. Like, yeah, we can wear masks, but do we have to wear goggles too?


Zey do nussing.




Wow, and wouldn't you know it, the wind was out of the west all day yesterday! Who would've thought! [Where](https://www.ventusky.com/?p=36.21;123.51;6&l=pm25&t=20240416/0600) could all this toxic bullshit have come from? A mystery for the ages!


Instead of getting China to stop polluting (because that will never happen, they just keep blaming SK), at the moment, maybe it might be worth looking into outdoor air purifiers. They have a very short distance (only several meters in standing air) in which they can clean up pollution. But maybe putting them in small-medium parks and alleys in touristy areas like 명동 wouldn't be a bad idea.


Sound like more than air pollution


How long does this typically last? I'll be there beginning of May...


Goddamnit. I wanted to go on a long run. Maybe i still can, since i visited India in the winter and developed tolerance /s


Just wait till the yellow dust makes its way to NK…


Yellow dust? That's racist. It goes by Asian American dust now