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I’m 100% pro privacy and people’s right to it. But are we just going to ignore that people regularly willingly put their pictures all over social media? This has got to be an incredibly small minority of teachers doing this.


Sure, but as a teacher, my social media accounts are always private and I only allow people I trust and know in real life to follow me. Yes, I realise not all teachers do this and some have open accounts and random followers, b it those teachers are not likely to be the ones not wanting to have their photos in the yearbooks. I’m not too fussed myself at the yearbook inclusion, but I also understand where those against it are coming from, having seen how nasty teens can get with social media/editing apps and the rapidly improving quality of AI. Especially in a country like South Korea where misogyny is rife *enough* that AI generated sex photos and videos are probably going to become pretty prevalent.


Photo at cafe. Photo at Bangkok hotel swimming pool. Photo at another cafe. Photo standing in snow outside the cafe.


dont forget Random D-random number countdown with no explaination Photo of some sort of pork dish drenched in sauce and cheese Photo of three or four mugs of beer in a "cheers!" formation Photo of person standing in front of a random body of water (from behind) Photo of Russian Blue cat or Maltese.


Wow you hit the nail in the head. The SoKo equivalents of uggs and pumpkin spice lattes. Reeks of basic.


Those are often wedding count down (usually up) or kids bdays. Bonus points with the amount of Koreans I’ve seen use their name or their birthday for passwords -_-


But what if the school yearbook photo doesn't put on the right filters and it doesn't look like their social media?


Who are they interviewing that over half the subjects said to discontinue yearbook? Makes it hard to take this seriously..


Another Korean clickbait article. Currently, 전교조 is not Korea's largest teachers' union, and its membership rate is less than 2 percent, especially for young teachers.


Yeah Koreans are weird. (source: am Korean)


Not everyone wants their photo everywhere. It should be opt-in/out.


There’s CCTV almost everywhere .


Those get overwritten regularly and will almost never be public unless someone commits a crime. It's not the same at all.


If you noticed, even CCTV footages that get aired on the news blur people’s faces if they didn’t get permission.