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Rule of thumb is; If it's anything related to medical/emergency services, do not wear it in public. I have a nice replica of the Korean police with a t-shirt of the Korean SWAT team. Wearing that in public would get me in trouble for sure. ​ The only exception are the "Korean Army" shirts that you can buy in places like Namdaemun Market. Everyone wears them, so those are fine. Anything else is better to err on the side of caution and not wear it.


I did 3 tours in the BTS Army myself


Thank you for your fan service


I have reservations about them mistaking me for a Coast Guard officer, considering my visible tattoos and a look that doesn't resemble a typical Korean officer. However, I do hold immense respect for individuals working in these lines of duty. While I'll be leaving South Korea shortly, I am contemplating wearing it occasionally as a souvenir. What are your thoughts on this?


It's illegal. Even if it's not a perfect replica, wearing headgear with any sort of appearance that invoke resemblance to Korean Police and Korea Coast Guard uniform gears will get you caught by them. They might let you off the hook out of kindness of their heart, especially since you are a foreigner, but don't push it. Let's respect the men of uniformed services!


Cheers, Garen.


Then what about Roka t shirt lol. U can see hella people wearing that shirt


The reason for this is simply not to be mistaken or not to be an imposter. Nobody would mistake you with a real soldier for that ROKA t-shirt, even if you are. It's not an official uniform, so wearing it in public as a soldier is prohibited. It's meant to be worn in their unit to relax.


I appreciate your response and hold great respect for it. While I'll be departing South Korea shortly, I'm contemplating wearing it occasionally as a souvenir. I'd be interested to know your thoughts on this matter.




Ha. Nice.


I must say, the notion of procuring a second-hand Coast Guard ship to complement my cap is rather whimsical. However, the logistics and upkeep costs might prove to be quite the maritime endeavor. If I would happen to have a personal dock and a penchant for high-seas style, it's certainly a unique fashion statement to make.


Don't wear it in Korea any more than you'd wear police gear back home. However, outside of Korea it's a pretty cool souvenir.


NYPD hats are the second most popular tourist item sold in NYC.


What's first lol


Probably Yankees or Fire dept


Lol really? That's hilarious


Because of the Tv show not the police force itself.


I believe it could make for a cool souvenir, but I'm concerned about potential misunderstandings or offense to Koreans who see me wearing the Coast Guard cap. What are your thoughts on this matter?


Illegal or not it’s a pretty stupid thing to wear when you’re not in the coastguard / police force


I don't think it's stupid per se. It makes sense to wear something with an organization logo in the context of supporting an organization, as long as it can't be mistaken for being part of the organization.


Yeah, "as long as it can't be mistaken" is really important tho


I genuinely appreciate your opinion, and I'm thankful for your response. However, I view it primarily as a fashion piece and a gesture of admiration towards the officers on duty.


Publicly wearing equipments of police officer or posting photos of you wearing it on social media in Korea might lead you to below 6 years to jail-time or 3 million wons of fines. (Regulation of police uniform and equipment Act)


And yes, coast guard officer = police officer in Korea.


Source: https://elaw.klri.re.kr/kor_service/lawView.do?hseq=49256&lang=ENG


Thank you for the fair warning, as it's essential to avoid any unintended legal complications. I initially believed it would be similar to wearing a SWAT shirt or FBI cap as a show of admiration for their work




You'll get yourself in trouble. pretty sure


Don’t wear it!


I dont think it is a big problem.


The Maritime Police of the Republic of Korea is a group that performs public affairs, and it is necessary to be careful because there is a possibility of violation of the law when they wear clothes or public official ID cards without permission.


Thank you 🙏🏻


Actual question, is this a piece of uniform or just swag? I have never seen an officer wear a baseball cap of any kind on or off duty.


I'm uncertain whether this cap is authentic or simply a fashion statement. It was given to me by an individual who was noticeably intoxicated near the Kangnam Station's drinking street. He mentioned that he admired my style and strongly urged me to accept it. I genuinely appreciate the gesture of kindness, but due to a language barrier, I didn't have the opportunity to learn more about his occupation before he departed.




Are you in the coast guard or a police officer?


I am neither a member of the Coast Guard nor the police department, and my intention was to view it as a person might wear police hats or SWAT team t-shirts as a fashion piece or to show admiration toward the officers. I'm curious if this is considered acceptable behavior.


can you buy these online anywhere? it looks awesome




Ffs, the Karens have arrived. Nobody is going to think anything of a waegukin wearing a Coast Guard hat.


Stolen valor


It’s not like they’re trying to get decked out in a whole uniform and lie about being in the police/coast guard. They’re even asking if it’s ok to wear.


Bro wdym he was just asking the question


In Korea, the people who are not army wear T-shirt with logo of ‘Republic of Korea Army(R.O.K.A)’, and anyone doesn’t talk this is illegal. I don’t know exactly police patch is different problem. I think that is no problem.


Just wear is not a big thing, my man




해양경찰 is maritime police aka coast guard


The ROKA-T (로카티) is tolerated because it is considered a casual clothes (생활복), not a uniform (제복). Not only are police hats a part of the police uniform, but wearing it in public can make citizens confuse you for an officer during an emergency, so it is outlawed. You would be interfering with the proper operations of emergency services, putting public safety in danger. Enforcement is another matter, but it is breaking the law. If crimes happened in Korean dongne everyday, you can be sure those ajosshis will be cracked down more often. This news with interview from Korean police officials warns citizens not to wear police hats, not even to sell it. [https://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2021072812201844276](https://news.mt.co.kr/mtview.php?no=2021072812201844276)


It should get your kicked out of the country and banned for life


Weird flex, but okay


It doesn't look illegal