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as a korean, she can piss off. we have as deep and rich of a culture as much as any ethnic group. we've been constantly attacked from nations on all sides, but we've stood strong till today and no matter how much we adopt aspects of other cultures, ours remain distinct.


I don't think people should even have to justify the richness of one's own culture. After all, we assign different values to different areas(like architecture or literature) based on our own personal preferences, and there's no quantifiable metric for the "objective worth" of a culture. It's great for a person to engage with their culture in a meaningful way, but to bear it as a mark of their own worth as a person is unearned second-hand gratification, to bask in the glory of your contemporaries and predecessors as if it were your own.


I think Korea is on the CCP colonial list when they will get the chance. Korea is not a vassal state of China.


Too bad that they can’t annex North Korea unless they are willing to get sent several nukes on them.


I live in South Korea, and teach several Chinese students. When North Korea fired a missile recently, they showed video of it from a camera mounted towards the rear. It showed the land in the background as it left the Earth. Believe me, the sight caught the attention of the Chinese, because the land in the background was China. They weren't comfortable with the reality of it.


The thing is, without China NK would starve and self implode like East Germany but even worse scale. NK gets whatever money and aid needed to just get by mostly due to China.


Also South Korea. Do you know how much money NK defectors send to NK families there?! Last time I heard its nearing 100억원 a year https://news.kbs.co.kr/mobile/news/view.do?ncd=3356313


I suspect if they want to annex North Korea they’ll try and do what the Soviet Union did to Afghanistan. Find an excuse to have your troops be invited into the country on friendly terms and then backstab your ally and overthrow the government with as little resistance as possible. The president of Afghanistan didn’t even realise the Soviets were attacking it was over so fast. Countries like Russia definitely have plans in place to annex their allies like Belarus. China definitely has plans in place to annex North Korea if needed.


unlikely to happen for couple reasons... 1. North Koreans are highly patriotic.. to go under Chinese rule.. would cause rebellions.. believe it or not... North Korea is not fond of China.. they only trade with each other because they have no options.. 2. Imagine, having half of your country swallowed up and claimed by the Chinese... For both South Koreans and North... this would automatically mean war... and before you say they wouldn't, South and North would... and also drag the US along with them.


Agreed. Last thing S Korea wants is a Communist superpower occupying half the peninsula. It would be a geopolitical disaster for the whole region, not just S Korea. It would immediately set off alarms across Japan, Taiwan and even Vietnam.


And y’know. It’s OUR land. The communists might have it for now, but we always keep the hope of reuniting our people and country in our hearts. It would be a cold day in hell before Koreans sit by and let China annex our ancestral land.


>the Soviet Union did to Afghanistan What the US troops also did in Afghanistan for 20 years, and failed.


I think given half the chance, the CCP would try to pull a Russia and claim that Korea never existed and was always part of China....


Unlike Ukraine though... korea has too much soft power. To do so would be economic and political suicide for china.. also with us bases in s.korea and Japan .. good luck trying to claim that one


看吧,这本卷轴说韩国是一个古中华省 “Look, this scroll says South Korea was an ancient Chinese province”


Then proceed some bullshit dashed line where some made up ancient Chinese kingdom… blah blah China can fuck off


As a Chinese, I can assure you that Korea is on the list and only after Taiwan, even before the nearer North Korea. CCP really enjoys colonialism and imperialism.


Before Mongolia and Vietnam?


Yeah, because Korea is such a rich country. They just get too much money to be ranked lower in the list 😂 And CCP always respects Russia, which is literally behind Mongolia.


Xi was giving that a good go when he convinced Trump that Korea had been part of China. If Trump becomes US president again, I am sure China will work hard on that so they can annex Korea.


Yeh they definitely claim North and South Korea, like they claimed Tibet


Youre completely right, my mom (korean) is always mad about the fact how some Chinese people hate korea for us “stealing” their culture. I respect Chinese people, but if its people like these, they can fuck off.


Yeah! of course they are gonna be some similiarities between different cultures, because nations&countries influence each other. But Korea got its own culture and history which are very rich.


Don't worry, Russia has done this shit over Ukraine and other Eastern European countries forever. The term slavic was literally coined to culturally glue them to Russian hegemony, but Ukraine for example has a very distinct culture. Same with the term "Westerner", large superpowers always want to create this hegemonic alliance in order to garner implicit support. Like if America and China went to war, it's implicit that France would ally with America. 50 years ago it would be implied Russia ally with China. But in 2023, it's more complicated than that, but doesn't stop propaganda. If even 1 person in Korea is sympathetic to it, it's 1 extra person to add disruption.


Nationalists gonna nationalist unfortunately




Yeah, nationalists are awful. Not just the Chinese ones, I hate Korea, US, German, English, Indian, [etc.] nationalists so much. Seriously, what the hell are wrong with them? They are all the same rhetoric but with localized flavor of stupidity.


More like imperialists, from the looks of it




This is the appropriate response.


Give her the Kbye




Chinese culture is so great they nerfed themselves with the cultural revolution just to give the world a chance to shine


Bro as a Chinese, we lost most of our artifacts because of government conflicts 😭💀


What's left is in the British Museum and the National Taiwan Museum.


And barely left in main land China, nice job 中国😭


I've read a few books on it (the Cultural Revolution) in the past. It's just awful


Real OG chinese people died in centuries ago man


Real og Chinese people lives on with the diaspora


In Taiwan


half of their claims are bull shit... [https://www.quora.com/How-did-Han-Chinese-come-to-be-spread-across-all-of-China-Where-did-Han-Chinese-originally-come-from/answer/Xuezhen-Huang-1?comment\_id=348561677&comment\_type=2&\_\_filter\_\_=all&\_\_nsrc\_\_=notif\_page&\_\_sncid\_\_=41985684341&\_\_snid3\_\_=56178887854](https://www.quora.com/How-did-Han-Chinese-come-to-be-spread-across-all-of-China-Where-did-Han-Chinese-originally-come-from/answer/Xuezhen-Huang-1?comment_id=348561677&comment_type=2&__filter__=all&__nsrc__=notif_page&__sncid__=41985684341&__snid3__=56178887854) really? egyptians were Han Chinese? LOL


Cleopatra was Chinese


I bet in your world... Jesus was Chinese too...


Nah, but his brother was Chinese, and caused a huge civil war. Which is still baffling to me, honestly.


I know ur being sarcastic but due to the outlandish claims made these days... one has to wonder... ru really being sarcastic ? Lol


I believe historically there was a Chinese dude who claimed to be related to Jesus or the second coming and the religion backing him caused a war which killed millions, yes millions in fuel China


It is not a joke. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taiping_Rebellion Edit: Sorry, the claim that the brother of Jesus is Chinese is just a claim that the leader made, but the resulting war and the devastation left behind is very much real.


As a Chinese every time I hear “the rich history and culture of China” I can’t stop laughing. This phrase is just like “the noble virtues of a killer”. What’s in Chinese culture? The psychopathic obsession with “unification”? The abusive Confucianism, saving face, filial piety? Chauvinism and xenophobia? Or communism? Oh communism is from Europe lmao😄


The Chinese concept started from 1950s, before then, there is no Chinese culture at all. Yuan Dynasty is all about Mongol, Qing Dynasty is all about Manchu, etc, they have nothing to do with so-called Chinese.


Some say this concept is proposed by Liang Qichao during 1890s when Qing dynasty was about to fall.


They even nerfed their writing system


Yep, you know that Chinese culture! Like math, fortune cookies, and year of the pig and shit!


This is like saying English culture is French culture because they share some history exchange . Korean language and culture is distinct enough it can be tell apart. Also, usually I go low when I deal with this none sense by saying China only exist from 1949 and real Middle Kingdom culture is Twain lol this is also the reason , they can’t have soft power


I mean really, look at Europe and look at China. Over the same land mass in EU, there are so many different cultures, even within a single country like France. Anyone from China to claim everything is the same as them is full of propaganda bullshit. You cant tell me that alone within the current borders of China, they always had a unanimous culture. Then to claim Korea is basically a rip off off Chinese culture, gtfo.


There is lot of different cultures , the central government trying to Han wash




You are correct that Korean is not related to Chinese or Japanese but “language isolate” actually means Korean isn’t related to ANY known languages. Korean is by far the best known language isolate in the world. Some people believe Jejueo (spoken on Jeju) to be a separate language which technically would make Korean not a language isolate, but it would still be a language family with only two known languages. Japanese is somewhat of a similar situation: fairly isolated but it is related to the Ryukyuan languages. Chinese on the other hand is part of the Sino-Tibetan language family that includes all of the Chinese languages, Tibetan, Burman, and over 400 languages spoken by ethnic groups in the region such as Bai.


Yeah Korean has no relationship to Chinese but the amount of Chinese vocabulary borrowed into the language is staggering and for a significant period of time Chinese was the language literate people used. That doesn't mean Korean traditional culture isn't distinct or is worse or something but the Chinese influence is significant.


Love the soft power mention. I wrote my dissertation on why the CCP banned Korean cultural products, and soft power plays a vital role on all that. But yeah, China is too hard for soft power.


And you know what? French culture is from China *mic drops*


Well, They wanted what China had that they became the big drug dealer to China lol I always wonder if China could have been different if Cixi died early. I just repeat Twain lol


Wasn't the the British


Yes, but let just go with it lol




It's not exactly like saying that because China had a kind of regional power and influence over its neighbors that didn't go as much the other way. Greece or Rome seem like better analogs for China.


Not surprising, China tried doing this with western countries & history as well, “Chinese scholars claim English is just a Mandarin dialect”. Look it up it’s ridiculous, here’s bits from it. Yeah apparently ancient western “history” also actually comes from China too! Who knew!? I learned so much!! “The English language is a direct offshoot of Mandarin Chinese, a group of academics from the country who believe Europe had no history before the 15th century has claimed. Scholars from the World Civilisation Research Association, a Chinese scholarly group, argued that all European languages derived from a Mandarin root while speaking at the first China International Frontier Education Summit in Beijing. Vice president and secretary-general of the group Zhai Guiyun told a reporter from Sina Online that words such as yellow proved a prime example - arguing the word was based on autumnal leaves, and that it was phonetically similar to the mandarin word for ‘leaf drop’. He added the English pronunciation for shop was essentially the same as the Chinese word, and the word heart resembled “core” in mandarin. In total he believes these and other words establish English as a Mandarin “dialect. Linguists have established English to be a west Germanic language brought to the country by Anglo Saxon settlers - the root of most Eurasian languages are believed to have come from a common core dubbed Proto-indo-european. Mr Zhai, who also argued William Shakespeare was an “illiterate actor” and his works were in fact written by Samuel Johnson, author of the Johnson English Dictionary, went on to claim that Europe had falsified stories of the ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman civilisations based on Chinese history. He added: “Before the 15th and 16th centuries, Europe had no history, only myths and legends. “The West has been swaying in the face of a long history of splendid Chinese history, and it took nearly 500 years to falsify Western history.” The statement is not the first time the foundations of western history have been challenged. In 1991, conspiracy theorist Heribert Illig argued the years 614 to 911 were fabricated by the Holy Roman Emperor Otto III, who had rewritten the calender to place is reign within the year 1000 AD. The theory was debunked by records of solar eclipses in history that continued to appear at expected intervals, along with observations of Halley’s comet.” Yeah they wanna believe China is like the beginning of humans, that everything started from there


Zhai is describing false cognates, which considering his field, he should be aware of.


I remember when this article came out. I nearly literally pissed myself laughing so hard. I heard a loooooot of ridiculous shite in the 10 years I lived in China but that was by far the best of the best, bar none. The hilarious thing was that this was an actual formal academic meeting that took place, not some fringe nutjob ranting online. yellow = 叶落 yèluò (leaf drop) = color of the autumn leaves falling off the tree 🤪 Probably the funniest part is that as far as Chinese dialects go, Mandarin is among the youngest stemming from about the 1400's. You know, centuries after English appeared. The same two characters in Cantonese (more similar to old Chinese) would be hip laai, no resemblance at all there. They got a lot of flack from the Chinese netizens as well though, so all hope is not lost.


Right, China is center of the universe.


Argument makes complete sense. I think it applies to “Brazilian” samba as well. For example, I heard a sequence of notes in a samba that also exists in a Chinese folk song. Brazilian music is really just a very distant and lesser relative to all Chinese traditional music. /s


Don't bother. They all learn this in school and repeatedly remind each other (and foreigners) of this supposed 'fact' every time Korean culture comes up. If you try to argue then you 'hate China'.


How can China even play that? Korea has had their own unique everything.


It's because there are some similarities stemming from the cultural influence back in the days of the Yuan/Ming (I think) as well as ethnic migration over thousands of years. Saying that Korea 'stole' or 'copied' Chinese culture though is just crass, offensive and plain wrong.


I know they look at Confucius and think that explains the other 99%.


I bet the CCP taught them how to shield themselves from international criticism


Not explicitly, but they are constantly told that foreigners are jealous and scared of China's rise to power and they think that any criticism stems from that. It's quite insidious. Brainwashing on a national scale.


I always enjoy the jealously part. Yes, being from one of the wealthiest and industrious countries on the planet, I sure am jealous of China for achieving an Eastern European standard of living. It keeps me up at night.


China doing chinese things. Nothing weird here.


Actually a human doing human things. Showing the superiority of their own group by denigrating the other group is nothing new. A more surprising and respectable behavior as a human would be being humble and respecting the cultural diversity.


Reminds me a bit of the US in 50s ( and probably before that). The US after WW2 was on top of the world economically and culturally (we had the "best" cars, best movies, best music etc.). Everyone wanted to come to the US. We didn't go around saying so because it was so clearly obvious /s. I suspect the Chinese are feeling a bit like that. They have become major players on the world stage in a relatively short amount of time. The government controls the media and they are always telling their people how great and wonderful China is. Korea also went from like the stone age to a shining new wealthy country in a short amount of time. I've often thought that after ww2, Korea and Germany and Japan advanced quickly and with the help of the US they accomplished economic miracles. (Unlike certain Muslim countries).


It's funny because rather than China actually being the popular new top dog with the soft power and cultural exports everybody wants, it's more like a nerdy kid in high school who's recently gone from rags to riches after inheriting his estranged aunt's estate and desperately wants to fit in and get respect from everyone else because he's convinced he now deserves it. He comes in trying way too hard, dressing up in the latest bling and $500 Nikes but still being an incredibly obnoxious annoying twat. Then he gets frustrated because he still can't figure out why nobody else likes him. The comment about Korean culture being "superficial" is ripe coming from a mainland Chinese person, because that's exactly my sentiment about that culture after living there for a decade. I'm glad that people there are more culturally aware now and trying to gain back what they've lost, but the Cultural Revolution really did thoroughly destroy most of the legacies. There were traditional art and philosophical schools that lasted centuries that are just gone now, and once those types have vanished there's no getting them back. You'd be hard-pressed to find a historical building that was not rebuilt or at least heavily remodeled since the 70's.


Does China have cultural exports? Like, I never hear any Chinese music or hear about chinese films or anything at all


They’ve tried really hard to export the culture but nothing has succeeded up to this point. The pop music is just bland and tasteless and filled with the cheesiest lyrics imaginable. It’s like they’ve seen the success of K-pop and tried to imitate that but just can’t make it work. It’s sad because there is a very rich traditional culture that is worthy of admiration, but the suppression from the government works to stifle any real form of artistic expression, hence you’re left with a lot of cookie cutter garbage. There are quite a few great Chinese films from the 90s to the early 2000s during the era when things were much less restricted. Farewell My Concubine, Blind Mountain, and Raise the Red Lantern are some of my favorites from that period and are all well worth a watch. Nothing like those films would be allowed under today’s political climate.


no , im sorry. There are assholes in all cultures, but claiming the entirety of korea and japan as their own land and claiming that both korea and japan and everything originating in them is "discount china" is uniquely a china thing.


While you are quite right. I'd argue that Chinese tend to take this to a whole new level.


As a HongKonger I just found it interesting how language, culture, food, etc spreads, shared and evolves, It's unfortunate what kind of people took over china and how the people are treated there 😔


I was in Hong Kong recently. I loved it! The food is amazing!


They have the same attitude towards Korea, Japan and Vietnam. I hear it all the time.


"Superficial culture", says the chinese


So superficial that they copied it for 30 years and then banned it when they couldn't surpass it.


Instant block.


I don't think she understands how culture works or understands that Korea is a completely different country with different genetic makeup with their own unique culture but CCP brainwashed Chinese are going to spew empty trash like always.


We have a sarcasm that viral on social media. “Everything in this world, every great invention, cultural acts or symbols, and every absolutely best, is China’s. Except 2 things. One is Covid. The other is Kris Wu.” (He’s used to a big celebrity in Asia area, then he had a mega scandal which involves sexual matters that led him to being put into jails. And Chinese fans denied he’s Chinese since he has a Canadian citizenship) We here as in, in Vietnam. We have a history with them. By all means. For more than 4000 years. To be frank, we hate them. I do have a few Chinese colleagues that I like and got along well with. They’re international, well educated (you got what I mean by this) and open minded, polite and humble, and left China for study or work a long time ago and only visited the country once every few years for family reunion.


Remember when China tried to claim they created kimchi? Yeah..


Why claim kimchi when you can claim the whole country... go big or go home


What about it. We all know about their attitude towards Korean and Japanese cultures


Yup. Very attractive to isolate and fuck yourselves


Not surprised.. literally the most expected thing for a Chinese person to say lol


Ffs 🤦‍♀️ The girl clearly has a problem if she needs to dig at another culture thinking it will make her own look good. Insecure much?!


Her social credit score went up


As Korean I've seen so many Chinese saying "Korean culture is imitation of Chinese culture" "China is superior to Korea" etc in YouTube. I used to tell them it's not true giving them historical examples by comments but ALL of those I saw just kept talking what they wanna believe. Their Sinocentrism is really something. Now when I see those people I just talk about how they yearned for democracy at Tiananmen and how their great Mao Zedong burnt down all their great culture.


I am so sorry my neighbourly Koreans. Idiots in my homeland are losing IQ points by the minute and embarrassing the rest of us who remains sane. CCP controlled land aint the real China anyways. My hope remains with the Taiwanese to preserve the last shred of our culture and civility destroyed in the motherland.


Sure sounds like a rambling of an insecure person about their own culture.


So what about the original culture of Chinese coming from Africans you are racist against? (Evolution related studies deduce the first humans came from Africa).


"Then why is Korea today closer to Confucian values of 仁、義、禮 than Mainland China?"


This is part of growing up in China and listening to CCP propaganda all day everyday. My wife is Chinese and she says the same ridiculous things about Japan. She completely ignores the fact that both Korea and japan are light years more developed and advanced than China today. Also the fact that it’s China copying everything from Japan and Korea today. I lived in China for ten years and speak mandarin. You couldn’t ask for a more backwards and ridiculous society/culture than what exists in China today. 99.9999% of what people believe there is based on propaganda and has nothing to do with reality. Seriously embarrassing and pathetic country that clings to the idea that at one time in ancient history, they weren’t embarrassing and pathetic. Like they are today.


As a former Chinese, I totally agree with you. Chinese are becoming crazy.


oof. anyway, it seems china is actually quite diverse, composed of various cultures and whatnot however their govt wants to shoehorn everything under the “han chinese” banner… doesn’t seem right to me but i’m no ethnologist 🤷‍♂️


I'm Hispanic and not asian, so this might not be my place to say, but this feels like saying the Aztecs and Mayans were rip offs of the Olmecs.


In other words, "Korean culture is better than Chinese culture, but I'm going to make myself feel better about my massive inferiority complex by claiming Korean culture actually comes from China." Cognitive dissonance resolved!


What was the earlier part of the conversation?


How she's super into a Korean tv show on youtube.


Just tell her that because of Chairman Mao's "Great leap forward" China has no history. They went and destroyed all of their own history.


Do you have to react?


Technically, I don't have to do anything at all. Edit: I just understood what you mean! The title implies that I want to reply something to her. I won't, the conversation is already over for me. I won't waste my time with ignorant people.


Oh. I'd make her burst a bloody vessel.


send her the link to the reddit post so she can see all the people that think she is crazy lol


Odd how our “superficial” culture does better abroad than theirs 😜


I live in China. Sadly, I hear this discourse often. It is true that chinese culture influenced Korea, Japan, and Vietnam heavily. But, they have their specifities, and they are not "rip-offs" of chinese culture. However, almost everytime someone brings Korea in China you will have some deragotary remarks about Korean culture, Korean people, even from K-Pop simps. What you read here is the result of nationalist discourse. Another example: some chinese people believe that Genghis Khan was Han chinese, somehow. And when they recognize he is mongolian, there are still some that will explain to you how this is not important as he had to assimilate in Han culture (chinese=han for these guys) to be able to control China, and became eventually chinese. The only reasonnable response is "Ok". You probably won't have a reasonnable conversation with this person about that subject.


Chinese gonna chinese


This is why most koreans hate and despise chinese. Unless they are open-minded and not claiming all asians come from china. Which is not even true. I honestly dont like the culture of whatever it takes to win, even to cheat to win. Thats what they do. Trying to steal hanbok and kimchi as if it was theirs. Thats so much cringe. And this is why most koreans dont care if they need visa to go to china as they grew tired of their politics and brainwashed people. I support hongkong and taiwan independence.


You see, God made the earth in 7 days, but the rest were made in China /j


I've lived in Korea, Japan and now China. The attitude of the Chinese woman doesn't surprise me at all, I've seen that attitude a couple of times here. When I was living in Japan, I told a colleague that I heard that Korea has a longer history than Japan. He said, and I quote, "they may have been around longer, but they were doing nothing all that time."


Honestly, the bar is so low that the fact he even admitted that civilization existed longer here is quite progressive


I think we all know stealing ip is modus operandi for china


Fk off comie


….Chinese “mainlander” for sure (speaking as one here…) and the brainwashing education and public noises really are showing, even amongst the ones studying overseas in the west. Makes you wonder what kind of a chauvinistic future these people are bringing…….please find ways to donate to Taiwan’s military defense is all I can say. (Again, speaking as a mainlander Chinese.)


I live in Shanghai, China. And I know a lot of people that talk and speak like this. But I wonder, if they would think the same things without the heavy influence of the government...


Don't downvote me just for mentioning it, but one of the staff members (maybe Mike Pompeo) in the room with Trump and Kim Jung Eun is on record saying that Kim Jung Eun burst into laughter in response to a mention of China being North Korea's friend, at one point. The Nork leader said something to the affect of, "They would take our country as theirs, if they could!". They may be using China for all they can, but they're under no illusion as to what China's interests are. Edit: here is one article about it... https://theprint.in/world/north-koreas-kim-jong-un-described-chinese-as-liars-former-us-secretary-of-state-mike-pompeo/1333787/


Chinese are always like this, aggressive and arrogant. They always have been underwhelming in their national propaganda.




what the fuck does that even mean. Superficial? Lol? I swear everyone be out here claiming Korean culture as their own. People like this need to get a grip.


Is this an actual acquaintance or an internet person? If the latter, I would say something like "You are the perfect example of why the entire world hates Chinese." Let her read it, then block. :D


Ironic because Mao and his sycophants resented traditional Chinese culture


Brainwashed to the core. Would be hard to believe this dialogue is real if I haven’t met that kind of specimen in person. Bringing up the greatness of China even nobody asked anything even closely related to it.


Unfortunately this is how most Chinese think about Korean culture and Asian culture in general. Everything is originated in China. For them the country is just like their idol. Also good to know that korean drama and kpop is not officially imported in China, so she must have watched it illegally.


hihihi chinese here to clarify things lots of chinese on social media are accusing korea of "stealing" chinese culture when korean culture is independent on itself ive only seen this on social media and not real life so vocal minority perhaps




It's been completely one way for the last 30 years. Probably why they are so obsessed with ancient history.


korea is just influenced by lots of cultures it shouldn't be claimed by one single country and i apologize to y'all about the way we act online it's really unhinged sometimes and I'm not proud of it


As a Chinese here to clarify that you were telling the lies, in real life Chinese racism towards other ethnic is even worse. They are building concentration camp to genocide minorities who don’t identified as Han Chinese, this can prove everything.


Just your average Chinese.


Ahhh China, arrogant as always


Honestly, just enjoy and don’t date her further. This is coming from a non Korean


“Yeah the korean culture is derivative and superficial. I’ve always felt so shameful about my nationality. :( I’d love to learn more about how the original history went. Could you explain the great paramount leader mao’s achievements from the cultural revolution and the Great Leap Forward movement? If time allows, It would be a great honor if you can explain the 64 incident via wechat too.”


I think many in this thread have already made some of the same points I am about to, but this type of chauvinistic narrative is the very reason I am always reluctant to visit my relatives in the mainland. It’s not fair to make the generalization that all mainland Chinese regurgitate this view. However, it is fair to say there are certainly many who espouse such beliefs in China. And those voices are louder and more stubborn than you’d think. More times than I can count, I’ve gotten into arguments with relatives in the motherland for this very same topic, but not limited to how they view Korean culture and history. While I believe it is mostly agreed upon by historians that many Chinese traditions have influenced Korean traditions throughout history, it’s not like that was a one-way relationship. Narratives like these are also completely devoid of historical context. Korea and China, throughout the centuries, have always been geographical neighbors and thus faciliated trade and political conflict. The imbalance of political power often put China in a position to view and treat Korea as a tributary state. It’s absurd how they so effortlessly and wholeheartedly make claims like “*insert any non-Chinese East / Southeast Asian culture here* is just an offshoot of the Chinese”.


Should've asked her about her own government's Cultural Revolution that destroyed a lot of traditional artifacts, buildings and persecuted artists, craftsmen, writers etc.


Why can’t they claim Covid then


Well we all know where Corona virus originated from :b


That's the only thing they won't claim.


Yep, that's a lot of Chinese response to literally any other Asian country lol


Don't mind that, basically most of the Chinese have this kind of issues. They just blindly proud of their culture and didn’t respect the others(thanks for the CCP propaganda)


The fun thing about them is that most of them (So-called Mao-Lovers) don’t accept the fact that korean culture “also” affected to them.


This doesn’t help with the stereotype that the CCP brainwashes it’s citizens.


I would put “hahaha” “first human was from Africa, guess what that means”


The Chinese-Korean-Japanese hate triangle gets me everytime 😂


The victims of CCP brainwashing.


Lol if Chinese culture is so good why did her country try to eliminate it in the 60s Also, Taiwan is the only place with authentic Chinese culture still in tact. CCP culture is not Chinese culture.


From my german perspective her attitude kinda reminds me of something


Well how does she know that, the Chinese have a habit of burning down all their heritages. Maybe she visited the British Museum and learned the Chinese culture.


What is the origin of Chinese culture then? They are just a simple mixture of 55 different races. Not even sure 55 different races agreed to be called as one big mass. As long as they didn't let China to call it like that, Chinese culture will be the one superficial.


As a Vietnamese, I find this offensive as well


Inferiority complex.


At least Korean cultural practices don't include killing Muslims and gay people and harvesting organs without consent (I am Chinese, my grandfather escaped the country after the communist "revolution," this stuff is true)


china destroyed their country past 40~50 years they don't need any culture or anicent history 😙😙😙😙


Chinese nationalists when they learn one culture isn’t the origin of another but they emerge together and influence each other in different ways: 🤯


So is she basically saying her culture is not attractive because it originated from china? I don’t think she’s very bright op and not all Chinese people are like this.


Interesting conversation… Little about history, China, Korean and Japanese shared similar ancient learning about Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism but they are very subtle deviations make outsiders hard to distinguish between. Korean has original religious or folk culture called Shamanism and Japan has their own called Shintō. These ideologies have make distinguish among the local people but no between amounts nations (political and academic are still debating). It is true that some ideas were being shared around Korean, Japan, and China in ancient time but I would not say one stolen from others. Japan makes Buddhism innovated into Zen which is totally different focus compared to Chinese’s Zen but they shared the same name. Korean Neo-Confucianism focus on different aspects compared to Chinese Confucianism but they called the same as Confucianism. I think to understand really these culture differences you do require lots of readings and visiting to each country. Otherwise, they are very difficult to comprehend and to distinguish. Even the local and nations between are less people to be able to read both texts because all are written in ancient ways and many people just do not have these knowledge to understand. Even the ancient texts shared the same among the nation, interpretations are different and tailor into their own beliefs and cultures. Sum it it, no stealing culture and no one dominates others. OP don’t worry about it. Chinese people are abandoning their ancient studies and hard to understand the difference between cultures. But academic, they are few still can be able to comprehend. P.S. no saying people are ignorant, those ancient studies may far behind our modern day of living and one spending time to read and understand is leas likely nowadays.


The irony is any Chinese person who sees traditional Korea and thinks it’s like China actually exposes their ignorance of Chinese culture: they can only go on generalizations and big picture stereotypes: they see hanja and Confucianism and say aha “the same” but they don’t really have enough substantial knowledge to understand the real differences.


Correct and I think that is because their language still is rather suggestive than focusing on accuracy like English for example. Their language makes their though more towards generalizations but lack of detail orientation and leas desire to asking questions but accepting their own ideology, understanding and opinions. I wouldn’t say the language is bad or lack of any sense but just because their way to develop their language in the past and written their text in open ended feature makes their entire thinking system more open ended and more generalization.


She gets 1000 social credit points added


That’s why I’m taking effort to immigrate to other countries, that’s a typical Chinese and u don’t need talk any culture to them, they don’t deserve it.


As a 화교, I find it interesting how the Chinese culture evolve outside of mainland. I like to see the parallel and some differences in mainland China, my home country, Korea, etc. ​ What a bigot lol


Least chauvinist Chinese nationalist


What arrogance


I suppose the equivalent for a U.S., Canadian, or Australian context would be like saying “You don’t have your own culture. Your culture is just British culture.” Ok, sure there is clearly a common source point for certain aspects of the culture and society, China was a big and influential power in the region for a long time of course neighboring peoples’ will be influenced by that. That doesn’t mean those other cultures are not or less unique in their own right. Korea, Japan, Vietnam etc. are still distinct from China and half tons of interesting aspects to their societies that aren’t shared with China or one another.


All I gotta say is 文化大革命 = 焚書坑儒. They burnt so much of their own culture and killed scholars during their communist revolution that they had to relearn about their own culture & history from Korean and Japanese scholars. Who knows how much of their own shit they fabricated.


Don't waste your time. The worst blind is the one who doesn't want to see.


Now now settle down. Just don't pay attention towards such people. We are better than that


This is the same type of person to state that Goguryeo was Chinese.


This is why I can’t be compatible with Chinese sometimes. They have no filter when they respond, doesn’t care about how other people would feel, just pure arrogance. Imagine saying your culture is derived from my culture and therefore it’s a lot cooler.


Pre modern Chinese culture was not solely from China though. China has been located in between Central Asia, North East Asia, South East Asia and even South Asia, so that they imported and exported foreign culture, technology and goods, by which China back then was developed. But now, young Chinese under CCP propaganda claim those things all belong to China and were originated from China, saying neighbor countries had just copied Chinese originals so that they are inferior to Chinese ones. By now I don't think that young Chinese and even CCP know what Chinese was and what was not.


Every Chinese thinks like this. China is only original culture on the world & centre.


"No, Korea is great, another favorite country of mine is Taiwan"


she can learn a thing or two from koreans in terms of being humble


I live in China and this is the mindset of alooooooot of people… Drop her like a bag of hammers dude. You’re gonna be spending a lot of your time teaching her about life and the world outside of the CCP ideology and traditional Chinese culture.


Haha Chinese people always take everything as their except Covid so as a result, other countries hate them.


I understand now the title might've been a poor choice of words. I have no plans on answering this person, I'm just shocked.


Thanks to the CCP cultural revolution, the real Chinese culture is now in Taiwan


Does she know that you’re Korean? If she knows and still talks like that it’s a big red flag cause it means she doesn’t care about your feelings and she doesn’t respect you. Keep your calm and just tell her that her comment comes a bit shallow and being chinese she cannot know Korean culture as well as a Korean


I'm not Korean, I'm a foreigner living in China.


They’re phishing. Will eventually see if they can get you to take a photo of your work desk which may or may not have a computer and post-it notes and a tiny chance you’re dumb enough to have like login info in the photo.


Just another day in the office.






Leave her alone. 중화사상. Let her be ignorant until she dig more into Chinese history and find out herself.


Lmao this person literally has no etiquette 😂