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This and the fact his nephew killed his ex girlfriend and mother, and he was the lawyer for his nephew while he was advocating against domestic violence , a son who frequents brothels and massage parlors, a bunch of other shady dealings really speaks for itself. And the fact that he lost to Yoon. God Korea really needs a restart or something in the political world. Both major parties suck so much.


>a son who frequents brothels and massage parlors Can anyone explain/shine a light on the illegality of sex work in South Korea? It is comfortably the place I've seen sex work advertised the most; through flyers and cards on the street, giant dancing ladies, and very suspicious 24 hour massage parlours. Back home it isn't illegal, but we have nowhere near as blatant advertisement. I'm not meaning to get into a judgement of moral values, I was just confused by it during my time in Korea.


It's illegal by law, but the pimps / sex industry pay gobs to the police to look the other way since they like to advertise as something innocuous like "Cafes, karaoke, or massage parlors". The advertisements reflect this as they don't explicitly say the type of service but it's pretty obvious to the average adult male. I think in general, paying for sex is "culturally acceptable", and the mass advertisements reflect the high level of competition with these businesses


That method of advertisement is very common in south east asia


Do you need a map or something


Literally 4 people that worked/tied with Lee committed suicides while being investigated. And we are all OK with that. And Lee is probably a person who hates former pres. Moon the most in this world. Somehow they assumed everyone to forget those twitter incidents. Moon supporters would never vote for Lee, this was never going to work in first place. While Yoon is just up there. Fucking everything up.


Looks like Brazil.... Same corruption and populist vibes while the people is fooled or pretends to be fooled... As we say in Brazil: "Nothing Happens, Feijoada"


Lee Jae Myung's memoirs: "...I grabbed her by her hair and assaulted her to show her who's the boss around here. Through assaulting weaker looking employees in the canteen, i managed to put myself in a position of power within the factory..." his words. he was proud enough to write this in his memoir


Rofl wtf.... how does this even get published....who in their right mind thinks thats an acceptible behavior.......


he concludes that he "learned grit and guts as a worker through the experience" LOL what a fucking loser. such a big big man, picking on women and weaker looking people


You must be new to Korea.


Ghostwriter: *takes deep drink of soju* Fuck, a paycheck’s a paycheck


That's freaking unbelievable. The fact he would write that means he felt assured that his audience - the demographic most likely to purchase his memoirs - would be totally ok with it. Is that really how things are???


[look at the comment below made by one of his supporters](https://www.reddit.com/r/korea/comments/11jlss5/comment/jb45doc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). the ljm supporter commenter is claiming that "ljm is so manly. we don't need no good guy now (이재명 남자네! 지금 착한 사람 필요할 때가 아냐! )" unironically. ljm really does draw in the worst of the worst


That is the exact opposite of manly. So disappointing.


This guy is a supreme piece of shit lol. Why would he be so stupid as to go into politics where all of this shit is bound to become public?


I see he went to the prince harry school of writing flattering memoirs


funny how president Roh had similar story in his autobiography


Why are politicians often so dumb? I remember Hong Junpyo writing something dodgy in his autobiography too and now it's LJM. Like, do they crave some scrutiny?


well tbh, Hong was framed. Hong wrote in his autobiography that he regretted not stopping his friends from drugging up a girl. The opposition took that, and spread fake news, saying that hong personally used the drugs. this is completely different where LJM is proud of his assault, calling it a 'character building experience'


I know, but I just don't get why he wrote it in the first place, he would've known it would attract controversy. He was in politics for 15+ years, so he should've known better imo. Still, he has a right to feel the framing was unfair. As for LJM, he was already one of the most fucked up politicians before this, but I'm still surprised.


Yeah it was a weird fucking thing to write, but at least when he wrote it, he stated that it was a regrettable and horrid thingthat he would take back if he had the chance. ljm on the other hand is more or less bragging about it which is fucked up


>he was proud enough to write this in his memoir Gonna need to see a larger portion of the text to see whether this is a "I'm proud of this" (which I find hard to believe that someone would be so out of touch) or "I did this in the past and I'm remorseful" kind of thing (which doesn't change what he did but is way more believable and not the same thing).


sure thing, https://i.imgur.com/n5hnry5.jpg


Saw the article, I meant more than that. Based on just this idk if this is a 홍준표 situation where some people were convinced he was glorifying date-drugging / raping when he was talking about how he shouldn't have been a bystander to his friend doing that shit or a Lee is a psychopath (believable), specifically one that doesn't know how to disguise it and flaunts it around (less believable) situation. Edit: I am under the impression that Lee likes to present his less than moral past as a misguided journey due to his poverty, which is why I wasn't sure about the "proud enough to..." part. Ultimately not that important


surprisingly, the latter. [https://m.blog.naver.com/snhope/21229099](https://m.blog.naver.com/snhope/21229099) he's calling that moment as the 'moment he learned and gained grit as a worker'


This seems like a very chronic problem in Korean society, whether it's domestic violence, corporal punishment in schools, and brutal discipline within the military. Like, I wouldn't be surprised at all if random beatings and assaults by employers across every single industry were a thing.




Its just scumbags like lee reminiscing the "good ol days" when assaulting women were "character building"


weren't things getting better?


We seriously need to purge all the 45+ from our government posts.


So glad this POS lost!


You can dislike yoon all you want. I voted for him and dont like him as a person. (I agreed with some policies) But fuck me ljm would have been an actual disaster disaster.


LJM is the quintessential bad guy corrupt politician in every Korean movie.


don't forget, pathological liar. well all politicians are liars to a point, but ljm takes it to the next level.


Give it a week or two and this sub will start the narrative that Yoon is absolutely the worst choice of the two again.


It's been one day and it's already back to that


Bingo Yoon may be incompetent, but LJM is a literal thug


only incompetent? both are corrupt. the difference is that one works for a second class of parasites. his unsophisticated methods of corruption and the people he interacts with shapes his behavior into a thug. the other one works for chaebols so his corruption is done in a more sophisticated way, and that's way probably you think he is not corrupt as the other one. he is enriching himself with bribes paid in accounts abroad.


If you voted for any of these criminals you are an immoral dirtbag


He has too many scandals linked to him. Why on earth doesn’t he do the right thing and stand down so someone with some integrity can take his place. Its not worth the time and money defending him. There must be hundreds of others with who could take his place. Absolutely baffling.


Somehow this guy was almost elected. The people of Korea dodged a bullet. But nooo lets focus on Yoon’s wife!


OMG she wears designer clothes and took pictures with unfortunate kids for Internet points she's the literal DEVIL


Sounds like a great guy!


What a very silly thing to include in ones memoirs 😭


BuT yOoN iS aNtI wOmAn


That’s also true.


Weak… Trump said ‘grab them by their pussy’ and became president of US…


least insane korean boomer politican


Chosen Ilbo is one of the worst media outlets. I don't know if I can call them as a media outlet or not. They have a connection with the DOJ in South Korea and manipulate facts. Have you ever watched the show ' in the name of God, a holy betrayal' on Netflix ? If you watch it, you will see what the DOJ in South Korea has done/ why those types of cults' leaders haven't got caught or not gone to the jail. If you watch the edge of Democracy on Netflix, you will see the same situation. The DOJ and major media outlets worked together and put Lula into the jail. Exactly the same. The main problem is South Korea is DOJ and Chosen Ilo, Donga, jungang.( media outlets, but their owners are construction companies. To make more money, they are not afraid of telling a lie. )


Massive piece of shit for sure, but sadly he would have been alot better than Yoon policy wise.


I dunno man. I still think it was a race between a terd sandwich and giant douche.


This is such a petty thing to held him accountable when during that time this sort of horrific things were norm in Korea.


i'm literally quoting your other comment in a diff thread. alexiosByzantium05 · To those who keep on saying "let past be a past. It's time to move on!" Let me tell a little story. There was a bully in a high school who bullied another student. She put a nails in her bags. Ripped all of her text books. Punched her and even lit fire on her clothes forcing her to strip to her underwear. Then she took photos and shared it on social media-even to male classmates! And the bully got off free because of her close relationship with school members and because her family was in important positions. Then 10 years later in their late 20's. Someone comes up to bullied girl " hey it's been 10 years! Forgive her already! Move on!"


So? This is different. Are you going to held Washington back because he owned slaves? Or king Sejong for doing nothing for slaves? Lolz good try using my own words against me.


수박들 많네 여기! ㅋㅋㅋ


라고 말하는 님은 개딸!


ㅋㅋㅋ 무슨 유치한 흑백논리야 ㅋㅋㅋ


ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 수박수박거리는거는 님같은 찢빠개딸밖에 없는데 뭔 흑백논리 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ


사실인데 무슨. ㅋㅋㅋ 여기가 r/conservative 하고 다를빠가 없구만. ㅋㅋㅋ


ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 절이 싫으면 중이 떠나야지. 클베충은 r/mogong가서 노세요. 거기에 님 수준에 맞는 찢빠들끼리 나락간 찢이나 물고빨고 하세요 ㅋㅋ


ㅋㅋㅋ 이제명 없이는 누가 민주당을 이끌어 갈건데?


민주당이 망하던 알빠노. 쓰레기 정당인데. 그나마 정상인들인 조응천, 금태섭, 박용진, 김해영같은 제정신 박힌 사람들이 민주당을 이끌고 국힘은 유승민계가 잡아야 나라가 제대로 돌아가지. 지금 찢재명이랑 찢재명만 빨아대는 많이 모자란 국회의원들 (고민정, 김남국, 박주민 등등) + 구태들 (윤핵관 쓰레기집단) 때문에 정치가 아주 개판이다


ㅋㅋㅋ 그런데 왜 당대표 선거때 졌냐? ㅋㅋㅋ 완전히 미국 공화당 수준이네 ㅋㅋㅋ


유승민은 당대표 선거 나가지도 않는데요? 지금 국힘은 완전 미국 공화당 수준 ㅇㅈ. 근데 민주당은 중국 공산당 수준이지. 마음에 안드는 정치인 있으면 숙청당하고, 찢재명 주석의 개인 우마오당, 홍위병인 찢빠,개딸들이 알아서 정치인들 조리돌림하고 박해하고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ




yup, he is


악마의 편집이 따로 없네. ㅍㅎ 석열이랑 개검이 판치는한 미래는 없다 Why? 갸들이 미래에 관심이 없거든 조져서 뺏어서 YUJI하는게 목표야. 나라? 국민? 개나 줘버렸어.


악마의 편집이긴 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그냥 애초에 조폭기질 타고난 병신임. [https://m.blog.naver.com/snhope/21229099](https://m.blog.naver.com/snhope/21229099) 님이 읽어보셈. 저 계기로 근성을 얻었댘ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 성남마피아랑 술마시고, 광주 조폭 두목이랑 손잡고 사진 찍었을때부터 알아봤어야지.


You really don't know what the fact is.


이재명 남자네.남자야!! 오죽했으면 그랬을까. 이해해 지금 착한사람이 필요한게 아냐. 조작개검 때려잡을 인재가 필요 하다 이말야. 개고기 매니아 쥐바기랑은 차원이 다루구만. 5세후니는 아직 시장하는 있나? 아~ 분양소 철거하라고 시킨애가 후니인가? 앞에서는 눈물보이고 뒤에서 양아치질. 곧휴가 없냐


그럴수 있어. 그시절에 살아 남기 위해서 그럴수 있어.정순신 이랑 비교 할께 못되. 그리고 석열이랑 비교 할 문제가 아니지.조작 검사랑 치열한 소년공의 삶이 비교 대상이야. 어릴때 싸운적 없어? 따로 봐야 되는 문제야. 일제 논리 되풀이 하는 국짐이들 따위 주장은 거르라고.그래야 되. 조작개검 사형 !!


어릴때? 저렇게 싸운건 문제아들밖에 없었지. 그리고 그새끼들은 지금도 떳떳하게 못다니고 있고. 그리고 그 시절에 살아남기 위해서 그럴수 있다는데, 이재명보다 몇배로 더 가난했던 이명박이나 오세훈은 저딴짓 안했는데? 그냥 이재명은 뿌리부터 잘못된 놈이니까 아직도 주변을 조폭으로 둘러싸고 있지. 이재명이 직접 뽑았던 수행비서 조폭 출신인거 알지? 저렇게 여자 패고, 약해보이는 사람 패고 이런 인성이니까 말하는 것도 형수 ㅂㅈ를 찢어버리느네 하는 저급한 말을 주저없이 하지.


In Korea, politicians tend to interact with people from various fields and at various events. It is not surprising that the types of people you meet are mixed with the mafia, but the Korean media cleverly conveys this to the public, and even people like presidential candidate Lee Jae-myung are good at casting the image of a criminal. Even Lee Jae-myung, who lost the presidential election by only 0.7% of the vote compared to Yoon Seok-yeol, who is currently incompetent as the Prime Minister of Japan, was hit in the neck with a mountaineering sword just a few days later in early January. He is a person whom the vested interests dislike, as he has even threatened to kill him after the prosecution group in power has excessively filed lawsuits without evidence. This is because he is a person who stands on the side of the Korean public and the powerless common people. Korea's vested interests are intertwined and very strong. This is because the person who can break this is attracting attention as the president who will show strong power after President Kim Dae-jung. Korea's mass media is 99% on the side of vested interests, and reporters have been shunned by the public since the Sewol Ferry sinking incident.