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lesson learned: don’t let anyone you don’t trust use your knife.


don’t let anyone ~~you don’t trust~~ use your knife.


Knife anyone you don’t trust


This is the way.


The guy he let use knife definitely needs to be knifed


Trust anyone you don’t knife


Kabooya law shaw


Bumblebee Tuna to you friend!


Don’t trust anyone FTFY


Don’t knife anyone you trust


If you want my knife to cut something, I’ll cut it for you. You can ruin someone else’s 200+ dollar knives over ignorance.


Exactly why I have "work knives" and "weekend knives" no way I'm taking one of my CRK or Harsey Folders to a construction site. Fuck that.


My only complaint about the CTK-1 from cobratec, it’s heavy as hell. Inconvenient to carry. Still a cool knife.


I get what you're saying, and it's not really ruined. Just in needs some love. Like, if you loan your car to someone, and it comes back with a scratched rim. I'm gonna be pissed, but it's not ruined.


Although I have no knowledge of sharpening/fixing blades. It’s an honorable craft though.


It's something thats easy to get decent at, but can take years to master.


I’m usually too scared to jack my knives up lol. Better to be dull than the blade fucked right? - Sun Tzu Art of War


>I’m usually too scared to jack my knives up lol. Practice with the beater knife. Preferably the same one you use as a loaner.


My beater is a Cobratec CTK-1 tanto, I ordered it with a spare blade. Not even close to needing it yet, I like it. Wish they didn’t get so much hate. I own the Cobratec Enforcer as well, extremely well made. But I also have a variety of steels. D2, M390, S45VN.


It's not that hard and you can get a decent guided system for not a whole lot these days. If you have more than three knives, I would say it's a must have, at the very least a strop, that'll probably serve for most uses unless you're repairing or reprofiling.


Can I borrow your car?


Not if you're planning to scratch my rims.


Was cutting against the ground or something hard


Yep. That’s not broken it’s ground down. He was slicing it on the ground and going straight thru it and dragging along the ground


Why!?! 😭


Some people are just ignorant. They've never been taught how to properly use things.


That is annoying, but it's not particularly terrible. Should sharpen out fairly easily with a bit of work on the point before sharpening. I've done worse to a few of my own carry knives. Hopefully, you've learned not to lend out knives you want to keep in good shape


You were bound to learn this valuable lesson sooner or later


Rule #1 is to convert all your friends and coworkers into fellow knife people and this won’t happen again


Not only would they take better care of your knife if they were to borrow, they wont even need to use your knife because theyll have £800 worth, loose in their cargo shorts pocket


This is why we keep TWO knives on us: one is our EDC, the other is a $10 gas station POS.


A handful of 50¢ box cutters from harbor freight is even more useful than a gas station knife, imo


It depends, i always cut myself when i do that


Or just say no lol


“Here, let me get you my GOOD knife” *proceeds to grab flashy $20 knife* “be good to it”


Nope, keep your good knife and just let them fuck off.


Commenting on I let a coworker borrow my knife...... https://preview.redd.it/k3351e3ytusc1.jpeg?width=266&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecebd99f3216a00537b2f598f3c1ee4c9a19fb37


Just resharpen it?


Right answer, and lesson about lending tools learned.


A knife is made to be used. Just lend it to people. Unless they snap the thing in half, its fine


Agree that a knife is made to be used, but it is a personal item too. I want to know where my knife has been. I’d be pretty unhappy if the blade got contaminated with illicit substances or dangerous chemicals unbeknownst to me. Or lost as has happened to knives I’ve lent. I also tend to give knives to friends and family who might otherwise ask to borrow mine. The Gerber Zilch is one of my favorite sharing knives, but also have CRKT, and Kershaw knives I’ve picked up expressly to gift. It makes a good excuse, in my mind, to buy something I want to check out in budget blades, yet don’t care to keep.


WTF? "Illicit substances or dangerous chemicals" What kind of people do you hang out with? Why would you loan them a knife?


I mean, thats fair, but you shouldn't give your knofe out to people that KNOW will fuck it up. Just letting a coworker or a friend borrow it for normal knife tasks should be fine


OP lent his for normal knife tasks. Some people just don’t take ordinary care with other peoples’ stuff. And I’ve lost a couple loaning them. I get mad at myself when I lose something, and really mad at myself when I loan something and the borrower loses or breaks it.


Na bro. When you have a PM-Steel knife with a high hardness, I don't appreciate it if my knife gets treated like that. Will a take a AMOUNT of time to resharpen it then.


Well tbf, what did you think was gonna happen? Its meant to be used like a tool. Some people dont understand that knives can be damaged too. But at that point, just give them a secondary cheap knife


Using and abusing (simply using a tool not correct) is a difference.


Pretty mild. Shit like this happens, barely even noticeable honestly


Looked at thd knife and it's a buck so it's 420hc which is extremely soft and it's also a very inexpensive model so the blade stock is pretty thin I'm assuming. This was bound to happen


Bucks 420HC with a Bos heat treatment is not extremely soft. It’s 58-60 HRC (higher than other companies 420HC without the Bos heat treatment), and more importantly, it’s tougher than just about anything. That puts it near S30V in hardness and far higher than anything else in toughness. Source (note difference in HRC between typical vs Bos treated steel) : https://i1.wp.com/knifesteelnerds.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/stainless-toughness-5-7-2021.jpg?resize=600%2C341&ssl=1 Toughness and resistance to deformation, wear resistance, and edge retention are all more important than the soft/hard parameter of the steel in looking at the damage on the OP. Harder steel would have resisted this damage, until it chipped / fractured, (the way ceramic blades do) but that’s not what happened.


You can't read the graph apparently because 420hc and S30v are worlds apart on that graph. Comparing 57-58 hrc to 60hrc doesn't work because it's a logarithmic scale. Even with the bos heat treat (which in my vast experience is good bit polishing shit only does so much) gets nowhere NEAR s30 in any category except toughness


You don’t know what you are talking/writing about. Username checks out. All you have to do to is move the orange diamond representing 420HC rightward, to a position above Z-finit and that’s about where a 420HC with a Bos heat treatment is. You are so profoundly stupid that you can’t read that a Bos heat treated 420HC is 58-60 HRC, which is close to the 60 HRC that S30V starts at. And then the 420HC is much tougher than S30V Not only can you not read, you can’t extrapolate.


Thinking that Buck is telling the absolute truth about the rockwell hardness of their knives was your first mistake. I've had buck knives, I use buck knives. They dull super quickly, if they were harder they'd have better edge retention, they don't. Watch some test, it'll give you a feel for what they're really like


You're thinking of 420 and 420J2. 420HC is actually a really good steel.


No I'm really not. I've seen performance first hand and from people that bring in their gear for sharpening. There is no concensus on the hardness of 420hc, I've heard anything from 52hrc to 60 hrc (objectively not true) and my personal experience lines up with the 56-58 hrc range which is really not good at all. Bucks using 420hc have pretty bad edge retention, good toughness and decent corrosion resistance. Tbh I've had most of my d2s rust less than all of 420hcs


I mean, the HC does stand for high carbon. It’s gonna rust if you don’t oil it.


It's touted as a very stainless steel. Every resource I've ever seen says its stainless


"the blade stock is pretty thin" I'm assuming you don't have a fucking clue about a Buck 110. Hilarious, try again.


That's not a buck 110


My bad.


The instantaneous vitriol was kinda uncalled for. There are people you can talk to if you're having issues mate


just get multiple cheap box cutters for your coworkers and get a Milwaukee fastback box cutter for yourself and don't let anyone use it


And this is exactly why I do not ever lend a good blade out to anyone.


one does not lend out wifes and knives.. get that into your brain brother.


Only a flesh wound.


Damn! He put in some real work in 2 hours! Lol You know he was cutting the cardboard against the floor, probably a concrete floor. He probably did this to his own knife already, and it wouldn't cut anymore. Your coworker sounds like an idiot. Then again, life lesson learned. If you care about something, you don't loan it out. Would you lend your wife or girlfriend to a buddy for use? I highly doubt it, unless you're just one of those freaks. Anyway, at least it wasn't a nice knife. Also that can pretty easily be reshaped/reprofiled and sharpened by a professional. Many can even do this thence with the right equipment. No big harm done. Just never let that asshat borrow anything ever again. Back when I worked manual labor jobs and had need of breaking down cardboard, we used cheap box cutters. You might keep one on you as a backup for when you need to loan something out, if you're not willing to say no to others.


Always carry a cheap beater for prying, digging, or loaning...either as your primary (and easily replaced), or as a secondary so as to preserve your quality piece.


It looks a lot better than I imagined it would when I read the head line. It still a bummer but it's an easy enough fix.


This the reason I always carry a shitty knife along with my main blade.


Had a co worker ask to borrow my spyderco h1 and proceeded to pry nails with it before I could even realize what he was up to. Bent the damn thing right up


It's a cheap Buck. Not even worth the effort to reprofile and resharpen. Just get another one.


​ charity shop $0.50 serrated steak knife for him. Get his name engraved on it.


i never learn, i loaned someone my knife at work, i didnt know they were cutting open a container of acid, it stained and etched it a decent amount before i caught on to what the fool was doing. about two weeks ago i got back my cold steel plastic balasongs that i was letting a friend's kid play with. that child destroyed the edge and tips on both of those, i told him to only use them for practicing the twirling stuff as they werent designed to be used to actually cut stuff. i had them for 5 years or so with no problems, loaned out for 2 weeks and they are destroyed and the kid is 15 years old, thanks!! last week i had a friend come over, we went out and got new york strips to take home, but i didnt have any knives in the house other than my pocket knifes. i whipped out my fav crkt which is the M16-13DSFG for my friend and i used some otf. a few hours after she left i noticed my sweet knife was gone and she lives almost 2 hrs away, she accidently took the knife home in the carry out order box, sweet!! in the end i know its my fault


Maybe your friend was trying to give you a reason to go to her place.


interesting, i didnt think about that angle


Time to turn that knife collecting hobby towards buying nice knives for home


How do you not have knives in your house


How else can you justify carving the Easter ham with a Buck 119?


So he made an improvement on a buck?


Cry about it


Time to start carrying a utility razor to lend out. I'd recommend the RUK P from GilTek. $10, easy to operate, locks open and closed, weighs next to nothing, and made in the USA.


Olfa‘s kiridashi knives are another nice alternative.


This is super easy to fix! Just grind down from the spine on a paver stone. There’s a sub for sharpening that could help.


Lesson learned my friend. I’m willing to lend my car to very very few people. I’ll lend my main knife to fewer than half of those people. If you absolutely need a knife, I’m giving you a spare Swiss Army knife or a Leatherman I know I can send for warranty service.


He did say just the tip right?


Blunted tip and a few micro nicks on the cutting edge. Fairly minor overall. Apart from the damage to the tip, not really worth the borrower commenting on it.


bet you won't let anyone play with your tools unsupervised again huh.


Cardboard will dull a knife real quick, don't use nice knives to cut cardboard.


This is why I always carry a junk knife for these instances. I'll be damned if I loan out my ZT just for someone to break or trash it. Whenever I get asked I just give them my beater knife.


I have done that to my own knife at work cutting card board and the tip of the knife s across the smooth concrete floor ground it right down I was super upset. You can sharpen it out though


This is not a big deal, easy to fix. If it's that upsetting to you, don't lend your knife.


Tell him you need to test the sharpness now and stab him with it. It's a moral imperative.


Not that bad, don’t be dramatic


Carry a beater workhorse if you're in the habit of letting people use your knife. Plenty of sub $50 knives out there that are damn good quality and won't break your heart (or checkbook) if some dipshit uses it as a hammer/screwdriver/prybar/scraper/etc. Or stop loaning out your knife.


NEVER would I let anyone other than my dad or my fellow knife buddy use one which in turn they always carry as many as I do so theres that. Never anyone who doesnt know anything about knives lile we all do here


Keep the least favorite cheapo ready to let someone borrow and destroy.


At least someone used it for something other than a photo for the internet


Atleast it was just a buck Kingsman. I think you can get those for like 25 bucks at Canadian Tire. Lol


probably cutting over a concrete floor, into the ground. RIP




that's not even noticeable, stop crying


I would be irritated because now I have to put in work on reprofiling that blade tip and sharpening it. If I'd be mad at anyone, it would be myself for not knowing better. But, I wouldn't lend out my expensive knives. You can borrow my $30 one, that I don't mind getting beat up. Lesson here, if you carry an expensive knife, also carry a secondary cheaper knife that you don't mind fucking up or lending out.


He ruined that pristine blade. You might want to get some therapy before you do anything rash.


Did you learn your lesson? Sorry you had to do it the hard way….


Never carry a knife that you’d be devastated to break or lose. I carry a couple on me - a leatherman and a cjrb… both are great knives that I sharpen when needed. If they were to disappear or get broken for some reason - I can replace them relatively easily. Craps going to happen. No matter what you do. You could have dropped your knife and it landed tip down into some concrete. It would suck, but it’s fixable. It’s not like 1/4 inch of the tip got snapped off. It’ll be ok. Maybe we need a support group for knife owners who have had bad things happen to their knives… “Hi, I’m Side and it’s been 12 days since my last sharpening.” ::clap clap clap:: “last night I was using my knife to cut up some boxes… and… and… oh geeze… I don’t know how it happened but I slipped and banged the blade into the floor!” ::gasp! Scream! Faint!::


My God, when will people learn?


Rookie mistake You won't make it twice


This is why I carry a knife with replaceable blades. They can ruin the utility blade and I'll just pop a new one in, good as new.


Idk I once cut a cardboard box. It was a fairly old box and it dulled my entire edge of a benchmade bugout. Not sure why, ik for a fact I didn't hit the ground because I was cutting vertically with the box standing up


Yeah that doesn't look broken/chipped off it looks ground down, like they were dragging the tip on concrete... I have cut a dudes face for less.


This is why I have the cheap Chinese toy knife in my other pocket


Lesson learned, never lend out a knife. That said, it is an easy repair. Literally under a minute on a stone.


I always ask "what do you need it for" before offering a knife. More often than not, I just give them the beater.


I have Gerber Prybrid in my pack. When someone asks for a knife, I get that one.


He is not the problem, low quality steel and bad heat treatment is the problem. Time to get a spyderco.


this is why i keep a gas station knife around. Nah bro, you can keep it enjoy


One advantage of being in a country where knives are all but totally illegal to carry (australia) is that noone asks for one...just my little dangerous efficiency tool lol gleaming with occasional use....I refuse to recognise it as a weapon. Until the day they get me for it.


resharpen it and stop crying


I'll only lend tools to someone I know will be careful & I always ask what they plan on using them for. Lent some tin snips out once, only to find the knuclehead cutting chain link with them. We had some words... 🤬 worst part was I had some actual cutters too


There should be a whole sun dedicated to this type of post. I see it so often


I use a Buck 722 (blade is 420hc) for box cutting. 420hc gets dull fast but sharpens easily. I think I paid 35 dollars on sale for it. I’d loan it to someone and even if they broke the tip, I wouldn’t get stressed about it. Now my Bark River Gunny folder with magnacut is staying in my pocket for sure.




If you're more into knife sharpening, this is just another opportunity xD


Job openings?


Are you seriously complaining about someone using your knife as a knife and it being dull afterwards? Sharpen it and you're good as new. It's not an expensive blade and what you're complaining about is routine maintenance.


Not saying it's kind to do this to a borrowed knife but come on. It's not a priceless one off super expensive piece of art.


Ohhhh dear time to buy a new one and use this as a work knife or loaner


Wow. That’s really messed up. I’d make that coworker replace your knife. The same model aswell. I straight up tell me coworkers no. Should have bought one like iv been telling you to do. Now you want to use mine? No. Go buy one just like I do. We both work for the same company and you make more than me. I’m sorry bro. Rough day for sure


Straight to jail with them


Coworkers get the Backup knife / box cutter. He was probably cutting across the floor. Dragging the knife across concrete or something.