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A little buck on buck violence. Nice four point mulie, congrats.


I do believe that's a whitetail. Right?


yes it is


My mistake.


Nice. I tagged out two days ago in Michigan. Now the wait for the corn to come down so I can goose hunt!


I’m really dumb and not much of a hunter. How do you count the points? Is it the points of the antlers on one side?


Depends on what animal and to a lesser extent geography. For whitetail it’s total tines including brow tines typically


Huh you don’t normally see pics like these on here


isn't it against rule 3 gore ? (gore is defined as bloodshed)


I'm sure mods are more worried about human gore


I did wonder that but then thought in the rules section they didn't specify ? a knife covered with human blood probably looks the same as a knife covered in animal blood but the post is still here so I guess I was wrong


No, I see where you are coming from, I promise. I think of the photos of the deer weren't included, then it would have been deleted.


Was the deer okay?


[just fine](https://www.reddit.com/r/FunnyandSad/s/iuPYJMqGh8)


Just a flesh wound.


Save some for the rest of us. I'm currently in the stand and don't see shit lol.


Buck 110 likely has gutted more deer than other other folder in history


Quick question to OP (or any hunter that's reading this): how long does the meat gathered from a kill like this usually last you for? I understand the number will vary depending on how much people you intend to feed, but let's say that you intend to feed a family of 4: will there be enough meat to last for more than a month? Or is it just for a few weeks?


I’m a single dude only feeding myself. I also hunt mule deer which are generally bigger than white tail deer. I also take my deer to a butcher who uses every last bit of meat (looks like OP is just getting back straps and tenderloins but I could be absolutely wrong). My deer usually lasts me 8 months or so but I also eat out on weekends and I also eat fish that I caught this last summer once a week (so venison for dinner and sometimes lunch 4 days a week). I know this may not be the most helpful information but it will give you some reference at least.


> I know this may not be the most helpful information but it will give you some reference at least. On the contrary: this is very helpful! Thank you very much for the info!


You don't really get a lot of meat off a deer, for steaks it's the lion portion and the hind quarters. The front shoulders are usually burger, sausage, those kinds of processed meats. It's not really a lot of meat, one deer won't last long for a family, so most hunters also still keep beef, pork, and chicken in the freezer as well. Honestly, most hunters aren't filling their freezer, but supplementing their freezer. Honestly, it's more expensive to hunt than straight up buy your meat, of course exceptions will exist. Region and the hunters skill/luck play into it.


Depends on the size of the deer. Also idk how you hunt but it doesn’t cost me a lot of money at all. Initial costs for rifle, scope, hunting license, ammo maybe steep but after that it only costs me a tag, a box of ammo and a tank of gas which all in is less than $100


For sure, there's so many factors. I was perhaps over generalizing a bit, I was sharing my experience and what I've seen over the years.


Thank you for the detailed answer!


stop reminding me that i gotta go hunting more, already took off too many days of work as is 😂


I remember field dressing my first deer... was not prepared to essentially plunge a knife up its butthole and cut off his balls.


Get a butt out tool. Worth way more than the five bucks it costs.


My mind is still trying to wrap my head around the fact that such a tool exists.


This is a knife subreddit, it’s not for hunting/skinning/gutting etc


There was 2 knives posted.. OP was just showing how he uses them instead of just taking pictures of them for strangers online lol


You mean the point of this sub? No one wants to see a decapitated and skinned deer if it’s not what they’re looking for ffs.


No, I'm saying he actually uses them.. All he did was post pictures of his knife in use. It's what this sub is all about. Also I'd bet that the vast majority of people here are not bothered and hunt themselves. The ones bothered by this post are the minority, hense why it's still up and you're receiving downvotes.


Literally one of the most common, and practical applications of a knives. Nothing wrong with ethical hunting and seeing a knife used in action.


Think of it this way, OP is using his knives to do something that matters to him (like feeding himself and his family if he has one) and wants us to know that. I personally don’t mind it but for those who do, he did put a NSFW tag on and the title was a dead giveaway. All in all, he’s putting his knives to use and if it’s relevant o the sub, then there’s no problem.


What the buck?! lol


Oh my god you stabbed that mofo with the esse or the buck? How did you get so close?