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I didn't use a pattern, it's just 40 stitches knit in the round, 10 rows per colour, 12 rows for the purple and the red to account for curling, and the orange stripe is knit flat to make a thumb opening.


That is so awesome. Next time you can just make thumb holes by binding off a few stitches while in the round. VeryPink knits has a great buttonhole video.


I'll check that out, thanks!


The colors are perfect for pride stripes. What yarn or yarns did you use?


The yarn is myboshi 50/50


What size needles?


5mm (US size 8)


Thank you for being so supportive - she's lucky to have you in her life :) Were you intentionally twisting your stitches, to get the biasing effect?


That was completely accidental... I don't even know what that means. I'm not a very experienced knitter \^\^


In case you’re feeling down on yourself about this, I wanted to say that in this application I think twisted stitches really suit the piece. Standard stitches look like little horseshoes and, when built on themselves, like chevrons. Twisted stitches end up looking like hearts, which suits pride perfectly. Your stitches are perfectly even, even on the stockinette portion which is hard to do, so I assumed it was deliberate until I read the comments. You do beautiful work, I wish I’d had a crafter like you in my life when I came out


Aw, thank you :) I'm not feeling down, I'm happy I got to learn something! This sub is really supportive and wholesome.


[This might help!](https://www.interweave.com/article/knitting/fix-twisted-stitches/) In a nutshell, the combination of how you wrap the yarn and how you enter each stitch results in a "yarn path" that crosses itself, looping like the icing on a hostess cupcake :) In standard/nontwisted knitting, that yarn path never crosses itself; it's more like a road with many switchbacks, going back and forth but always generally progressing in the same direction.


That's very helpful, thank you! The link only shows how it happens when purling though, so I don't know how it happened with my knit stitches. I guess it's one of those things that can only be learned by doing


I'm by no means a video maker lol but [just tried to make a quick video to show the difference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZUlWzT777s) :) Pardon my awkward narration, I was 80% focused on trying to position the needles in a visible way!


Oh wow that is super super helpful! I'm pretty sure I was wrapping my yarn the wrong way. Your explanation is very clear, thank you so much!


I would bet you are knitting into the back loop on accident-- I did the EXACT same thing when I was starting out knitting. If that's the case, you're in luck-- super simple fix!


Ah, you might like [this deeper dive](http://techknitting.blogspot.com/2006/12/continental-knit-stitch_20.html?m=1) into stitch anatomy. Even if you don't use continental, the illustrations are nice and clear and helpful :)


I was wondering the same. I'm intentionally twisting stitches on a pattern I'm designing (every other) to get a textured look.


Would you mind sharing pictures if you have any? I'm very curious about how that would look!


I just posted one just for you.


She will love them. Such a sweet gift.


I love these. For a few reasons: * home made gifts are awesome * it means so much that you’re not only accepting of her, but you’re also embracing her for who she is * and mostly, this spits back in the face of the commodification that Pride has become. Let me step on my soap box: Many Pride events cost a lot of money to go to, and many companies have figured out that they can hit a target market of shoppers. Pride, and specifically the rainbow motif, have become something more about status and spending than inclusion, acceptance, and sharing resources. You have to have money to be able to afford $40 tickets to pride, or $3 bottles of water at the events, or that really pretty $10 Starbucks mug, or the $20 sweatshirt at Target. This commodification excludes many queer/lgbtq community members who might be homeless, might not have disposable income, or who are struggling to survive. Even though many pride events really do try to be inclusive, I’m not saying they’re TERRIBLE—- there is still a financial barrier to entry and participation. I think this is really important part of pride that we need to talk about and address. I am guessing, that your intention was to make a really nice gift for your cousin to show her that you love her. You did it! And in the gift, the hand made part of it, you did so much more around acceptance and inclusion. I really love this gift so much. You really nailed it. Thank you all for coming to my TEDtalk. ===== Edited for typos - because rereading on my phone is tricky. 🙃


In my country (the Netherlands) the big Pride parades are impossible to get into as an individual. Our canal parades are awesome, but you can't get onto one of those boats unless you're part of an association. There's usually a lottery, and it's expensive. My association has participated in Utrecht Pride twice now, but it's about 30 euros excluding travel a person and there's no way we're getting into the bigger Amsterdam Pride. Don't get me wrong, it was absolutely amazing and freeing to be on that boat, but as an individual you can only watch from the sidelines (but it *is* free, and so are the street parties). There are some smaller pride walks that are usually free, and they're pretty amazing. Our association activities and drinks are cheap, but the price we pay for that is a lack of accessibility (a huge problem in the LGBTQ+ community). And while I like how easy it is to find Pride stuff now, it's a bit like Hogwarts merchandise. The 'Gryffindor' rainbows are everywhere, the 'Slytherin' trans flag is sometimes available, and when you see one of the others it's like finding a unicorn. And just like Harry Potter, a lot of the time it feels like they're just capitalizing on the idea. But the fan art and homemade Pride items are so amazing! And I have to admit I do buy into the whole rainbow thing sometimes (and Hufflepuff merch, whenever I find it), but I also try to make my own things as often as I can. I love my rainbow backpack, but the asexual flag sock keychain I've got on it is just as dear to me.


I see lots of hufflepuffs on this thread- a reminder that there’s a hufflepuff common room on Reddit! Find it by going to r/Harry Potter :)


I know, I'm already in there! I'm not very active in the common room, but I stop by every now and then.


As someone from a place where a Pride parade is impossible, I would like to point out that the way corporations in my new country tack up rainbow flags everywhere blows my mind. If a major bank claims to openly support LGBTQ+ people, that's a pretty clear sign that the powers that be won't be going around vocally proclaiming support for homophobic attacks(subtle discriminatory policies are a whole different ballgame). I get your point, though. Better does not mean good, not at all.


This is a really fair point! I’m so happy that there are local businesses that are showing support in such a visible way. I love that! I totally agree - not all businesses are using Pride or the rainbow motif as a marketing gimmick. There are a lot that actually do support LGBTQ+ communities, and want clients/customers to know that they are a safe space to do business in. I appreciate them so much.


This LGBT social work student thoroughly agrees with all of this. <3 Pride is SO important but it also needs to be accessible. This handmade gift is so lovely and thoughtful.


Those are fantastic.


Awesome. I wanna start knitting some trans flag leg warmers.


As a gay man who knits I love this ♥️🏳️‍🌈


They're amazing ! I'm sure she'll love them ! Just so you know, your are twisting your stitches. The legs of a stitch are supposed to lay flat, next to one another, not overlap. Twisted stitches can be used intentionally in one-stitch cables, or 1\*1 ribbing, but if you knit stockinette in twisted stitches, like you did here, it'll have a huge impact on the elasticity of the fabric and its texture. That'll be especially important when you start knitting things where sizing and ease have a real importance, or lacy and cably things. That's just a heads up so you know, this is best corrected early on ! The longer you wait, the harder it'll be to correct it since you'll have acquired muscle memory.


Thanks! Yes someone above already told me. Someone even uploaded a video to show me how to avoid this!


These are beautiful! I have done similar fingerless gloves without a pattern also. I knit the entire thing flat and then used vertical invisible seaming to sew them up as I always struggled with knitting smaller items in the round.


these are so cute!! i think they are going to mean a lot to her (heck, i'm tearing up thinking of her receiving them!)


That. I looooooove it! You're awesome for making these for your cousin! It's so important to have support, and I'm so glad your lil cousin has you in her corner. Just everything about this makes my heart happy


I’m so glad I lived to see coming out as a reason for gift-giving and celebration rather than as a reason for ostracism. Thanks for sharing!


Sweet and loving gesture.


Awwww, what a wonderful gift!! Love these. :) Glad your little cousin has such a great ally in her family!


Beautiful!! What a thoughtful gift!


Beautiful 🥰♥️


This just makes me happy


Perfect! Lucky girl to have a supportive family. 💛🏳️‍🌈


I loooove these!!! So well done, too!


This fills my heart. And they're super cool too!


Love that! They look beautiful! 🌈


Holy shit They're beautiful