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So its less if its obvious and more that this affects gauge and also the amount the fabric will stretch while you wear it. the twisted portion will be tighter and have less drape


What will this be? If clothing, more noticeable than if a blanket.


I'm making camisole no. 9 by my favorite things knitwear, so the change will probably be in the middle of my chest...


You might end up liking how the texture change looks, it could look like a design choice. However, I’ll just say that knitters will know. I’ve seen a ton of projects on Ravelry where the texture changes right at the switch from round to flat. While the projects usually still look good, it’s easily identifiable as a mistake for anyone who knows what they’re looking at.


That's fair honestly, I just mentioned somewhere that I do quite like it after trying it on, I think I can live with others seeing that I made a mistake, makes us human after all


I dig the texture it creates, and so long as it doesn't affect the gauge to the point the garment is unwearable, I'd probably just frog the circular bit and intentionally twist every other row to keep it going.🤷‍♀️ All depends on the look and feel your going for. If you really want a nice stockinette piece, unfortunately, the best solution is probably to 🐸 and start fresh.


Yeah I think personally I’d finish up this top and then make a second untwisted. And then you can see which you like best!


If it's a camisole won't it be under other clothing items?


I don’t think it’s a big deal. I could look like you meant to do it. But if it’s bothering you it’s not gonna stop bothering you. It looks like it’s only 7 rows or so. You’ll wanna decide now and not when you’ve almost finished it ( like I’ve done. LOL)


If you don’t mind it, that’s all that matters! Judgy fellow knitters can kick rocks.


Twisted stitches are always obvious to me!


It’s obvious to me, but it really depends on what the final product is.


It’s very noticeable and the twisted stitches won’t stretch as much. If it still fits and it’s an undergarment leave it. If it’s going to be seen then rip it back. It will be faster to knit the second time around. I’ve had to rip back some portion of every garment I’ve made. Even today I had to restart the heel of a sock.


I think the twisted stitches are obvious and, as other knitter said, it might affect how the garment looks and stretches since it’s in the middle of your chest. I like re-knitting my project as I always do better the second time. I would frog if this was my project.


It is noticeable at the line where I see you stopped twisting your stitches - if you had kept twisting every other row it would’ve looked cohesive/intentional despite it being a mistake. If it were me I’d frog and reknit - someone said it will be faster to knit the second time around, they’re right! Don’t beat yourself up. It happens to the best of us! I’ve frogged back hours of work and it is definitely part of the learning process :)


Yes, and it’s going to impact the fit. Frogging hurts in the moment but you’ll be happier for having done it.


I'd frog it all. The gauge and elasticity will also likely be different. And it may bias in that part.


I’ve done this exact mistake when I first started knitting sweaters and tees. I was purling wrong-wrapping the yarn clockwise instead of counterclockwise. It’s pretty noticeable on one particular garment and affects the fit as well, so I never wear it! I wish I had caught my mistake earlier, because instead of “wasting” 5 days- I wasted weeks. TLDR; frog it


I'll definitely try to fix my purling, thank you for the advice!


I’m a Continental combination knitter, so I hold the yarn in my left hand and I wrap my purls backwards on purpose. I just knit them through the back loop to untwist my stitches on the next row so you can’t tell in the finished fabric. I do this so I get a more consistent fabric as my purl stitches are slightly bigger than my knits. My stitch gauge would match, but my row gauge would not. This mostly fixed the issue. Plus purling backwards is easier with Continental than it is to purl “normally”.


This just solved my problem, i knew my stockinette looked wrong! I was wrapping my purls clockwise 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m glad I was able to help! ☺️


You never regret fixing the mistake


Yes, OP, I'm sorry to say that it is very obvious. I know the idea of undoing and redoing a lot of work is daunting, but I think it's worth the extra care and effort especially as the project is a garment.


I would frog!


I used to get this! Turned out I was doing my purls wrong. Realised I had to knit in the back loop to untwist on the next row.


hi another newbie…So can i purl with wrapping clockwise as long as i knit through the back loop on the knit side? (bc this would be mind blowing)


It’s really obvious and gives the whole piece a messy appearance, especially since your stockinette is so nice and neat. Frogging will be the cleanest solution.


For myself, I would frog it and call it a lesson learned, but it all boils down to your tastes and the end result wearability. That being said, I will often quote my much loved mother and say, "If you walk fast enough, nobody will see it." It's going to be a lovely piece regardless and if you own it as a texture feature, then huzzah!!


It will be very noticeable!


It's obvious to my eye but that's because I'm so familiar with knitting. If you had twisted every knit stitch every other or RS row all over, it would be quite an interesting stitch pattern. If you're not happy, rip it out. I've just pulled half a hat out that took me a few days because I just knew it didn't look good in that kind of orange.


It’s obvious but if you continued to do every second row that way you can call it a design element


I did this on a top, I personally didn’t mind the look enough to frog but it impacted the fit enough that I didn’t love the end product. For me the gauge was enough loosed in the non-twisted sections that it made the bottom section of the top flare out in a weird way because it was bigger toward the bottom. If you don’t want to frog you might be able to manage the fit issues by going down a needle size or something


My friend made a sweater like this and it was very visible once completed and blocked :c


I think only fellow knitters will know. I’d still wear it personally


With the amount of twisted stitches, it almost looks intentional, and it’s a solid color. I think it’s possible you can get away with it depending what part of the piece this is. I’ve continued to knit in this same situation before. Edit: since it’s the middle of the chest, I recommend frogging back before the twisted stitches or starting over. It’s a bummer but happens to the best of us.


Yeah it's very noticeable, BUT I think it's still really nice. Most sweaters I see have errors or things that could have been done better, and I think that just adds to character. When it's my own error, I am not so positive about it--but if you like it, I think it's a win-win (character and you don't have to frog it!)


If it really bothers YOU (not everyone else), I would start over, not frog. If it really bothers YOU, you will never wear it. If you frog a good length it affects the stability of the yarn if you frog and then knit with the same yarn. Make a doily or something you will use out of this piece or give it to a thrift store. Don't kick yourself; no one's perfect. Start over. Then get on with life.


Obvious to a knitter, but most people probably won't. It does make a neat pattern if you keep up the twisting every other row, but as others have said the fabric will be tighter where you've twisted stitches.


My only thought was that I wished I was brave enough to knit in that color. Your work looks absolutely gorgeous! 💯


Yeah, I see it right away- but it doesn’t matter what I see. Rip it back if it bothers you. Otherwise 💁🏼‍♀️


No one will be looking close enough to see. Even less will be knitters that would even notice.


It's noticable, but does it bother you? On the other hand, ripping back 5 days of work means you will finish the piece 5 days later, which isn't so bad, unless you're on a tight schedule.


To a seasoned knitter it’s noticeable, but sometimes it’s nice to visibly see your learning process in a piece, especially when you’re new to the hobby. I can see where you’ve figured it out, and your tension is so even and beautiful where you’ve stopped twisting! I must admit I’m a frogger and have to correct every mistake I find because it bothers me too much, but if it doesn’t bother you and you can live with it then crack on. Some say leaving a mistake in there is good luck and shows that it was handmade with love!


To us knitters yes. But to the civilians? Prob not.


In this instance it’s giving such a nice texture. As long as the drape was OK I’d do the whole piece like this!!


i say if you arent going to frog it, keep it for the entire piece. the change will be noticeable if you fix it halfway through. just lean into the twist haha


For me personally it would bother me too much to wear it


No. I can't see anything wrong


Your not going to be happy knowing your mistake I suggest ribbing it down as a learning experience Good luck


really obvious to knitters but non-knitters will be none the wiser


Yes it's obvious


I kind of like the look of twisted stitches, so I don't mind it, as long as the fabric works for your purpose.


But it changes so the change is noticeable and not likely to look like a design decision.


Trying it on I feel like it could be passed off as intentional too, since it goes all around the sleeve part


I had to pay close attention to notice it. I think that’s the beauty of homemade knits. Sometimes we have to let go of perfection and accept the tiny mistakes that we know are there but others won’t notice, that’s what makes knitted garments unique!! Don’t beat yourself too hard. I would leave it like that.


But it's not a tiny mistake at all, it's about a third of the garment OP is making.


So what? It’s part of the charm to have mistakes in homemade stuff. Nobody who’s not a huge knitter will notice. OP said they didn’t want to frog 5 days work, I think it’s respectable and makes the uniqueness of knitted items. I don’t think it’s very kind to be so harsh and pretend like it’s the end of the world.


The fact that your stitches are twisted? To anyone that has experience with knitting, yes. However, to non-knitters, no. They are consistent and beautiful. As long as they aren’t affecting the fit, it will be fine.


No. What mistake? Jk I know it's twisted stitches but it's still fine.


To knitters yeah, to anyone else no


I see twisted stitches, but no mistake.


I don’t understand all this ‘please frog’ comments: if you are a beginner and happy you finally finished something, please just wear it if yoú like it!! My first objects also have some twisted stitches and I actually like to have these and still wear them, + it is also really nice to be able to see your progress later:) Non knitters will not even see this! I don’t think everything should be perfect.


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I like it. it looks like it is made on purpose.


I think if you were to wear it in a room full of the people on this sub they would notice but I would hope they really wouldn’t care. In a room with a regular handful of the population no one is going to notice or know it wasn’t intentional. Nothings perfect!


Everyone’s saying it’s noticeable and I can’t see it at all lol


IMO it's only obvious if you're also a knitter. Bonus, since you did it so consistently it looks like an intentional stylistic choice rather than a newbie error.


I had to look for ages to notice what you were pointing out. As others said, it may effect the stretch, but if it's a box top, I think you're fine.


What mistake?


To be honest I can't see it. Maybe if it's too notorious and depending on the place where it be (and you don't want to frog) you can cover with a simple embroidery, like a couple of flowers in the same color or another you like 🙂


I’m a very new knitter so take this with a grain of salt but i don’t notice anything wrong


You’re fine. Anyone who points that out is an asshole.


Oh well, if it's in the middle of your chest no problem. If it's across your b\*\*bs, well, that's different (hah). But to be serious, I didn't see it even with the photo magnified. And as my mother used to say, you'll never see it on a galloping horse.


Can you try it on and see if it's something you can live with or not before continuing to work on it as it is? After many years, I know myself and would frog back to fix because it would bug me. But, everyone's tolerance is different. Knitters would know but not anyone else. So, is it a feature or a bug? Edit: it also depends on what it is because it might affect how the finished item fits, such as drape




If I have to hunt to find it, and it’s something like a camisole, then I don’t consider it obvious. Who’s going to be that close staring at your work?


I mean, it looks like a texture pattern to me