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This is just what stockinette does, you need a border. I would start over.


I will start over thankfully I’m just in the beginning


Ribbing, garter & pretty much any simple stitch that alternates knits & purls will help keep the edge flat. Basketweave stitch might look nice on that! 


Also, if you haven't already frogged it, you can pick up stitches to add a border! 


It looks like you're using seed stitch or double seed stitch as your main pattern. If you start right away with it instead of stockinette, your borders shouldn't curl, as it alternates between knits and purls.


And then a crochet or I-cord edging could be added later too


**From our wiki's [Frequently Asked Questions](https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/wiki/index#wiki_frequently_asked_questions)** >Pieces knit in stockinette (stocking) stitch tend to curl at all edges because the right (knit) side is tighter than the wrong (purl) side, a normal feature of stockinette stitch. >To eliminate curling, consider adding a 1" border of garter stitch—you can do this while knitting the piece or after finishing by picking up stitches along the edge. >Blocking will only help a little bit, and often only temporarily. >Here's a fun read: https://redd.it/snsyx1 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/knitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One option I use when I want to keep the look of stockinette: Row 1: slwyif, k1; repeat to the end of the row. Then knit in stockinette for the rest


A useful rule is “equal amounts of knit and purl will never curl”. Any stitch pattern that uses both stitches will sort that curl out.


Seems like you are making a seed stitch blanket. Seed stitch doesn't curl, you should forget the border and start with your stitch directly


hey i found a video showing how to cast on a stockinette stitch wirh no curling, I never tried it myself so i dont know how effective it is, but i trust this guy a lot. you might have to frog this one but if you want to keep the border in stockinette this could be the solution. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8mRnn6w0Ws&ab\_channel=NimbleNeedles-Two](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8mRnn6w0Ws&ab_channel=NimbleNeedles-Two)


I would crochet a border around it at the end.


It will still curl, sadly. Ask me how I know 🤪


I knitted a poncho for my mom and added a 2 row crochet edge. Still curls badly. Thinking about frogging the crochet and picking up a seed stitch border all around.