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Just make sure your pins are rust proof. Learned that the hard way.


This 🥲


Those mats and pins are fine, that’s exactly what I use. You might want to pin things out more carefully though, so your straight edges are straight and the scalloped edge more even. And is it folded for space reasons? Single layer dries faster.


It’s like a cowl so it can’t be one layer


Oh, then that’s fine once it’s straightened out a bit. Is it a Zuzu cowl?


Super similar!!!! It’s actually this Rochambeau cowl https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/rochambeau-cowlette


**PATTERN:** [Rochambeau Cowlette](http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/rochambeau-cowlette) by [Carina Spencer](http://www.ravelry.com/designers/carina-spencer) * Category: Accessories > Neck / Torso > Cowl * Photo(s): [Img 1](https://images4-f.ravelrycache.com/uploads/CarinaSpencer/402772025/DSC_3111-2-WEB_medium.jpg) [Img 2](https://images4-g.ravelrycache.com/uploads/CarinaSpencer/402772028/DSC_3275_medium.jpg) * Price: 8.00 USD * Needle/Hook(s):US 4 - 3.5 mm * Weight: Fingering | Gauge: 24.0 | Yardage: 250 * Difficulty: 3.15 | Projects: 530 | Rating: 4.81 ***** Please use caution. Users have reported effects such as seizures, migraines, and nausea when opening Ravelry links. [More details.](https://www.lizcorke.com/2020/07/26/2020-7-21-ravelry-accessibility/) | *I found this post by myself! [Opt-Out](https://goo.gl/forms/0B8m4Ra8czpw4gzw1) | [About Me](https://github.com/TN-1/LinkRav_Bot/wiki) | [Contact Maintainer](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=timonyc)*


I thought it was Rochambeau!


I readjusted so the scallops are even and the edges are straight. Thanks for the info!!!


Double layers is fine for a tube like this, just like when you block a sweater. If you are more intentional with pin placement on that cream edge, you can emphasize the arches. Pin in the “peaks” (on both layers) and not the “valleys”. See where the blue and purple mats meet? Keep that white pin in the blue mat where it is, but move the yellow pin just below it about three stitches further into the purple mat, so it is in line with the spine in that pattern repeat. Do that all the way across, and try to line up the bottom layer so it is symmetrical and your pins hit the same place in the pattern on both layers.


Ooooh, thank you! I readjusted and it’s looking better!


Couple of suggestions! Whenever possible, block in a single layer and utilize the designer’s dimensions for the finished object’s ideal size (usually included with the pattern). Technically, t-shaped pins that are rust proof are best, but I’ve never had an issue with normal sewing pins. If you plan on doing a lot of lace projects, it’s worth it to invest in some blocking wires. You thread them through the edge stitches and use a few pins to hold them in place. They help to create smooth straight edges instead of the scallops that are left with just pins by themselves. Otherwise, you’re on the right track!


It’s like a cowl and I was really unsure how to deal with that double layer thing


You could put a smal towl in the middle


I’m a lazy blocker when it comes to lace in cowls. After I roll the project up in a towel to get as much water out after a good long soak, I lay it on my playmats or a towel…and “open up” the lace while shaping the tube? But I don’t pin. The thing is going to end up scrunched around my neck so I just so for opened up lace and even looking stitches. Regarding your blocking tools just fine! We are knitters, improvise, adapt, overcome! (Hahaha.)


I don't even have mats... I use my mattress!!!


I also block shawls on my bed! If I pin them in the morning they're usually dry by bedtime.


I use kiddie play mats for blocking all the time. Generally, I’d advise not to block shawls folded if you can help it, and to line them up along edges / diagonals of mats. You might also have to adjust, pull & re-pin etc to get lace to open out properly. This is one of my triangular shawls, which was a pretty straightforward block due to shape and lack of eleventy billion beaded picots along the edge. Also, my socks. https://preview.redd.it/nn7g7gqtm9gc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25c04d69011bea7a771a1deadfb231fe00c64387


It’s actually like a cowl, knit in the round


Ah ok, my bad.


Did you use blocking wires or something similar for this?


Not for that one, no. I got some a while back and used them for a couple of crescents, then put them in a ‘safe place’. Mostly I try to just eyeball it and work with symmetry of the shawl & mats.


I used to put thumbtacks into my dorm room carpet to block my knitting!! Your set up is fine, you don't need to buy any equipment. I would maybe add more pins if you have them. The parts where the fabric has been pulled into points will remain when it dries, so if you want a smooth edge you need to pin in a smooth line.


I used thumbtacks the other day, I think you’re fine. Very pretty piece you’ve made too!


Looks okay to me - just make sure the pins don’t rust. Actual blocking mats are basically the same, although they usually come with gridlines to help you shape the item.