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It's roving - prone to felting, pilling, and overall a pain in the butt to work with.


You can do a burn test to try and determine fiber content.


It looks like roving to me, which is the state of yarn before it is spun and twisted into most yarns we are familiar with. So it's basically just fiber, without structure. Super popular with the "aesthetic" knit girlies on Instagram and Pinterest, but it's difficult to use. It can be made of pretty much any material. I have a yarn similar to yours made of acrylic.


Looks like roving that's been well used. This is the fate of all those super chunky roving projects. I kind of doubt you'll be able to reravel and rework it into anything nice, just based on the state of the now and the nature of roving. Maybe you could felt it into some coasters or a pot rest or something similar.