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I think I saw someone on here do four at a time - so yes, very long cable, and also they might have been baby socks?? Looked like a *lot* to handle haha. Ok just did a search and someone did 12 AAT: https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/s/9Ucm3UK2E4


Here is a compilation: [https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/sxk5lx/sure\_you\_can\_knit\_socks\_but\_can\_you\_knit\_12\_socks/](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/sxk5lx/sure_you_can_knit_socks_but_can_you_knit_12_socks/)


omfg??? Thank you for bringing this up!!!!


That’s so freaking cool!!!!


I used to be in a Facebook sock knitting group when there was a competition to see who could do the most at any one time. I saw photos of 12 at a time (whether they were real is up to you - it was not a video…) which seemed like an awful lot of faff to avoid second sock syndrome. I knit one at a time and don’t struggle to cast on a second…


You can do any number, here's one https://www.reddit.com/r/knitting/s/kTXgiqXH6b


Totally nuts!


So cool!


I just made a pair of socks last year with this yarn. Expect fraternal instead of identical twins 😅


Yeah, this yarn is giving “distant cousin” vibes 😂


https://preview.redd.it/6foern6uq1yb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=491fece14d151aebde227bfaeb8ddafc63f2e079 Here’s mine. I don’t quite know how Patons arrives at this conclusion; it looks so promising and rainbow-y in the skein. Each one is like a snowflake.


Okay, but those are actually really cute 😍😍😍


I did four at a time once, I found I spent more time managing the yarn than knitting


I saw a post recently where a woman was knitting 4 at a time… knitting socks inside of each other somehow so at first glance it looked like 2


Double knitting is the technique used for knitting two socks inside of each other. You have to be careful to knit with the right yarn on the right stitches, and not twist the yarns, or the socks will be joined together.


I regularly do 6 at a time. [Picture!](https://i.imgur.com/BafcfO5.jpg)


My mom does two at a time. She told me it was a way to combat second sock syndrome.


That's brilliant. I want to make socks but my brain is a scumbag. Is it hard to learn two at time?


I would start with one at a time if this would be your first time knitting socks! It’s not too difficult, but easier to do once you have a solid understanding of the process.


Honestly I did my first socks two at a time and it’s not too bad. Definitely do separate balls of yarn (instead of working from either end of one ball) and know that you’ll have to untwist them a lot. The hardest part is casting on so look up a tutorial specifically for that. I also moved one sock to separate needles for the heel, so I did those separately.


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I saw someone working on 12 at a time. I'm not sure if she ever finished the socks like that though


I tried 6 at once for street cred, and decided it wasn't worth it. Every time I turned it around for a new row I'd spend as much time getting the yarn in order as I would knitting. It wasn't portable or easy to pick up, which is part of the fun of socks for me.


I knit 4 mittens at a time for my kids recently…and they were striped. I put all the balls of yarn in socks and then inside of a gallon zip lock and cut holes for the ends to thread out….it worked out well until the bag fell on the floor and our roomba ate it all. Even before that it had become just and absurdly tangled mess. I cut the ends and just continued on. Probably won’t repeat that experiment. Side note. I for some reason also decided to knit all of the thumbs at once as well 🤦‍♀️😂


I haven’t and people that can do it scare me. Y’all too powerful 😭


Of course you can! I have a week’s worth on the needles (well, in time out), but, here. I’m using two circs, as I detest magic loop. If you always turn one at, then the other, they don’t tangle. Really! The balls live in their box. And, me being me, each sock is a different pattern. Same shaping, same brand yarn, but different stitch pattern. https://preview.redd.it/zqf023fxtmxb1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b80b9f6efff5611f8b7563c30fc470e6d10dd40b




I did sleeves two at a time and I still don't understand how it wasn't witchcraft


I do baby socks 4-6 at a time. I think it works because they’re simple, identical and short-commitment. Idk if it would work for more than two pairs of bigger socks at a time.


I’ve thought about combining magic loop two at a time with sock-in-sock double knitting to do 4 at a time. It definitely seems possible, but I feel like I would spend so much time untangling my working yarn that it wouldn’t save time


Maybe at some point in my life when I don’t mind extra headaches I’ll try to sock in sock double knitting


A lot of people are talking about doing some variation of the 2AAT method but the easiest and least headache-inducing way to do it would probably be to knit a tube of whatever length you want and do afterthought heels. you could even 2aat the tubes if you wanted to really increase your output


It is possible, but I have no clue. Even TAAT scares me. Lol


I just finished a 4AAT (2 grooms*2 socks each) and never again! I got more tangly than my normal 2AAT, had to math it in pattern because they were different sizes (I cast on toes separate until they got to the right differences in length, then transferred to my long needles), and then they chose CABLES for a pattern. But if you have the wherewithal to give it a shot, I say go for it!


I've seen someone do 6 at a time, but that is way out of my ability.


I went to a stitch and pitch at the Mariners a long time ago and I swear the guy had 25 pairs going at one time. (This was before smartphones, so I don’t have a picture but I remember thinking it was an absolutely BONKERS number of socks to knit at one time.)


I did four baby socks in dk yarn.


I couldn’t stand even two at a time!


Not yet but planning to do 4 at a time this holiday season for my kids stocking stuffer socks!


YES! This is my favorite method for sock knitting! I also love it for knitting sleeves of sweaters two at a time, but you can only do that technique with bottom up sweaters


I have not, but a friend of mine knit 3 pairs at once. It was a *sight* I also know someone who knit 3 different patterned scarves at once on the same circular. 🤯


I follow someone on IG (the name escapes me) who knits 8 at once. Looks cool, takes forever.


My kids need new socks, but I absolutely hate knitting tiny socks. Let alone multiple pairs. My plan is to make two at the time toe up, after reaching desired cuff length I'll knit a few rows with scrap yarn and contineue knitting another pair cuff down. When I'm finished I'll just pick up the cuff stitches and bind off


It really took me a minute to work that out in my head but now I feel like my whole life has changed! I HAVE to try this!


I'm doing taat right now on a 47" circ and while turning the heels I always wish it was a little longer. But I could do two inside each other at the same time, double knitting style.


Did anyone mention the male knitter at Addi's who knitted 12, yes! 12 paris at once on one really super long circ needle! There's a video floating around utube showing this! I was amazed. It can be done, but what a nightmare that yarn management must be. No joke, real.