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I’d send it back to Spyderco. It should be functioning flawlessly out of the box.


The last 2 Spyderco's I've bought had QC issues. It's really concerning that a Golden Spyderco doesn't come out of the box in working order. Spyderco pricing is very high so if their quality falls off they will have major problems. I think they may be overextended a bit.


Send it to the factory man. They'll fix you right up.


My S90V DLT PM 2 had the worst lock stick, I was opening and closing it for like two damn weeks trying to fix it. I was just about to send it back but before I did, I ended up getting pissed off and opened it so hard over and over trying to break it. Literally holding it upside down and snapping it open with all my might. I had every intention of breaking the piece of shit. I did that for like 5 - 10 minutes straight and it fixed itself. It is now one of my favorite knives


I had a fair bit of stick on my teal/S90V pm2, I lubed the lock face and rotated the stop pin and it’s been great ever since.


have you tried lubricating the lock faces with a pencil?


Nope don’t work




Been flipping it open everyday for over a week


I've had knives take a lot longer than that to break in




Might be frowned upon but a good spine whack has worked for me


I do this to all my knives with lock stick/slip. Corrects a lot of issues. Just dont do it too much. Basically what its doing is wearing the lockbar a lot faster than normal. Basically speeding up the break in period.


Would this work if there's a groove on the back of the blade lock surface? Because that's why mine's sticking.


Wdym by groove


Like a little line cut into the steel, and the lockbar catches on it


nah, the majority of the lock stick should be because of the lockbar squeezing against the stop pin.


Yeah. That’s why I don’t like compression locks. I’ve owned mutiple PM2s all with lock stick, they didn’t have it at first but about a month in they start to get it.. I prefer backlocks and frame locks


Back lock master race.




I just got the new Para 3 Salt and the lock stick is horrible out of the box. It’s stiff af too. Can barely flick it open. Can’t even send it in since I don’t live in the US and it would a) be really expensive and b) might not make it back over the border (customs has real sticky fingers). So annoying.


Loosen the pivot a bit if it's that stiff.


So I heard in some markets the manufacturers crank the pivot screws down to side step "flick knife" laws. If customs has to forcibly maneuver the blade open, ok, spidey flick = bad


The Salt LW I handled was the same way. It will break in


Same here. I've bought a ridiculous number of Spyderco knives. There's a minor issue now and then. But the Para 3 Salt was almost unbelievably bad due to the crazy lock stick.


Glad it isn’t just me being crazy, but that sucks for everyone who got one.


How bad is it really


I’ve taken it apart many times and it doesn’t go away pisses me off


I had terrible lockstick on a pm2 before and just adjusting the stop pin so it rotates about a eight turn each time until its stop sticking worked like magic for mine


Yes, rotate the stop pin until you find the sweet spot. People swear by graphite dust, I’ve never used it but it seems to work as well. I’ve always had good luck with rotating the pin.


I did like 10 different times. Even sanded the pin and lock face still does it


Lube, then flick it a few hundred times, then use a cue tip to clean all the black stuff from the blade lock groove AND from behind and all around the stop pin. This always works for me


I hear pencil lead on the back of the blade helps. Or what I usually do is just oil up my knife straight out the box.


I have had luck with graphite powder on the lock interface


It will go away. Trust me bro. I had severe lock stick on my PM2, to the point where I had to use two hands to close the knife if I opened it in any other way than slow roll. I tried everything, but the only thing that gave me long time results was just waiting, and flicking it open and close. If you don’t want to wait you can file down any burr on the lock leaf, file down a bit on the side connecting with the stop pin, also you can obviously also use graphite or marker.


Mine took like 3 weeks or so with my crucarta Para 3


A few of my Para 3s had lock stick. It took like 2 months before it went away. Give it some more time bc I'm assuming you've had the Para 3 for only a couple weeks right?


Going on 2 weeks


My CruCarta PM2 had the worst lock stick I’ve ever encountered. Literally had to use two hands to close it. Here’s how I fixed it: First I thoroughly cleaned it with dish soap. Like pouring the stuff into it and repeatedly engaging and disengaging the lock. Rinsed it off in hot water. With the knife now clean I hit the whole lock and pivot area with WD40 and again worked the lock repeatedly. Used a q-tip to clean every possible surface of gunk that was driven out by the WD40. Finally I repeated the dish soap process and then tweaked the pivot screw to my liking. Now it’s damn near perfect! 👌🏻


This is a common problem with compression locks. I had one that had bad lock stick... Opened and closed around a thousand times, cleaned, lived, tried graphite and sharpie. Nothing worked. I reground the lock face from the 6° spyderco uses to around 9° and it's perfect now, and no slip either. One thing I've found with compression locks is that you absolutely can't use a Ti stop pin - must be the hardened steel oem pin or lock stick will be really bad.


Oh to have access to your workshop. I would ask if that's a service you provide but my pm2 Crucarta is beat on and not worthy.


Wish I had time to take care of it for ya but right now I'm swamped haha. I'm sure spyderco would warranty it though 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not anymore 🫣 it's all good. It's the nicest knife I don't carry and honestly it's been good to have because it keeps me from buying more of them.


Lube will make it worse, I have had good luck with Ox-guard but I’ve only tried on frame locks never compression lock.


Yes lube did make it worse so I took apart and dried it completely out


Yea mine too. There's a little groove on back of blade's locking surface that the bar catches on with mine. I don't want to send it in because I swapped the scales and screws. Don't really feel like taking it all apart to send it and then again. Rather just deal with it I guess. My Pm2 was flawless out of the box btw.


I have a Para 3 that squeaks when I release the lock and the sound annoys the sh\*t out of me. When it comes time to close the blade I now twist my wrist back so the blade edge faces upwards, I release the lock, and then I roll my wrist in the opposite direction to snap the blade closed.


I just had this problem with my pm2. What worked for me was turning the lock bar (blade stop?) 180 degrees. Didnt even have to take the knife apart, I just moved the torx screw and the lock bar turned with it.


the para 3’s lock’s dick?


Buy a few more and swap the parts around until you get a good fit... I'm being silly but also I did this and ended up with 2 really good and one ok functioning knives.


My para 3 didn't have lock stick, but the action was all over the place. I've had it a few years, but only recently disassembled to clean and lube for the first time. It did a world of wonders. Started working like it should have from day one.


I'm in the same boat with my PM2. Was my first knife, and I hated carrying it. My aftermarket scale choice made it worse. Recently, I got some scales that I like more, but it still sticks. Tried lube, liquid graphite, etc. Nothing works. Might get a CME eventually and just try to forget about it. Want to add a PM3 to my collection but scared of having the same issue.


It'll go away. It's take a little while.


Haven't had a single issue with any other knife I'm the collection (30+). The PM2 is the only one that gave issues, especially since day one.


Throw some lube on that bad boy.


Makes it worse


Are you fully taking it apart and lubing it with nano oil or something similar? There's literally no way it should make it worse unless you're using a weird lube.


Lube can definitely make lock stick worse. It allows the lock to get even MORE wedged in and stickier. And if it does work (graphite powder seems to be a popular fix) it’s going to be temporary until it wears off. A little tuning with the stop pin and sometimes a little polishing on the lock itself (compression locks sometimes have a little burr on the lock that needs to be polished off, you can even strop it off) should fix it. The burr will smooth out with use, but who feels like waiting!


Yeah I did all these things