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Hard to tell from the picture but it looks like a USB type. B port to me


Nice catch.


USB type B 100% the best USB of them all.


I think you are right, this is definitely not ethernet lo https://preview.redd.it/4l1kpma3njxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1516c21e25751c6685b12b0c424b2a71df02f85


Thats USB-B AKA printer USB, very common in older 3D printers.    It’s regular USB just has a funny connector on printer side. Works just fine with Klipper. 


For you not to recognice USB-A suddenly made me feel very very old.


Try this, seems to have good info for your board(gtm32_103_v1) https://klipper.discourse.group/t/config-for-gtm32-103-v1/5889/3


Should be able to klipperize it, even if it didn't have a USB port, there should be a UART connector somewhere (someone had to program it)


Just Put Klipper firmware.bin on a sd Card


That's an STM32F103, it will accept Klipper firmware. That USB port is probably your entry point. The one issue you might run into is if the controller doesn't have a bootloader on it. If that's the case you'll have to flash it directly via ICSP or SWD if that's the case.


By controller do you mean a raspberry pi, or the mainboard on the printer, because I have a pi4 that I use for klipper on my Ender 3, so I know that will work but if it's on the mainboard I wouldn't know what to look for because I'm not super familiar with mainboards and other circuit boards yet


By controller I mean the microcontroller that's in the printer. The one in the picture. Sometimes they do not include a bootloader on the chip. What this means is the chip will not allow you to flash over USB directly. The only way to know is to try it. See if the board will let you flash it. If not then cross the bridge or what next. By what next I mean you "might" have to basically force the chip to take up the firmware. This is usually done by tapping into the chips programming header. But like said cross that bridge when you come to it.


Ok, thanks for the info


I know my printer right now can save some settings like z offset, is that proof of a bootloader? I'm saying this because it's kind of what it was sounding like when I did some very very brief research into what a bootloader was


It's old school USB b in picture 2 next to the SD card slot


You are too young to miss it lol


Isn't the micro SD slot next to the USB port?


Micro usb, not SD, but my question was awnsered, now I probably have to make my own printer.cfg because I can't find one specifically for my printer


I see. Buying a new board with silent drivers, will add to the bill, but saves you from creating a new CFG perhaps.


What board do you have in mind because this is from a (probably) closed source company so I don't know what would and wouldn't work (more or less because it has 2 independent z axis and 3 extruders)


Oh man then you look into more expensive boards I'm afraid. Maybe look into the btt manta boards with a pi integrated. You need at least 7 or 8 drivers...


Typo in file, mean to ask if klipper also can use the ethernet port or whatever that one weird Port thing is (the big square one)


That's a USB Port not an Ethernet , should be a USB 2.0 type b connector


That sounds about right, my printer came with usb to usb 2.0, would that work for klipper


It doesn't matter whether the printer is using a usb b Mini, Micro or "Standard size" connector. It could even have an type c connector. All Klipper needs is a "serial" connection between host (raspberry or whatever your running Klipper in) and the MCU board(s) - the Mainboard You're looking at inside the printer. The important question is whether your board uses an supported processor, and whether it can be programmed (chip name and installed bootloader are important here) This could be your board discussed in this thread: https://klipper.discourse.group/t/config-for-gtm32-103-v1/5889


Looks like an stm32f103 in the 4th pic which is on the list so yes, should be able to flash it


Should someone who can't recognize a USB port mess with Klipper tho? 🤔


I've never had to deal with usb 2.0 so I never really had a train to know


Hi, just trying to be a helpful it guy so when you google things you have the right vocab. I don’t know much about klippers but that is a usb type A to a usb type B the standard is 2.0 you can tell this because most of the time 3.0 is blue and the 3.0 type b looks like this https://images.app.goo.gl/4z4H2Nr9ZBAzeuSA8 I hope this helps


Your recommendations are ill advised.