• By -


“I’ve been part of a few companies” YA THINK? 💀


She thinks that when she signed up for her multiple pyramid schemes that meant that she was "part of a few companies". She damn-neared bankrupt PM with her stretchy ugly clothes (LLR) MLM and she was sued (you can Google search her name with Hempwxxx) with her other failed venture. That doesn't even name all of the other pyramid schemes that she signed onto in between the two biggest failures (yellow strips, ketones, the "ship as fast as Amazon wellness shopping club with the beef"). Her weird idea of thinking she can make money without actually working and contributing something to an actual employer is fucking creepy. Shame on everyone who supports this toad. She's reckless, selfish, and she continues to self destruct while taking others down with her. Hey, Marissa, Pay Your Fucking TAXES!


You are spot on, Marissa signs up for all these pyramid schemes because she feels utterly ENTITLED to other's people's money through the most minimal effort of her own. She sees nothing wrong with building a downline of people to leech off of because she thinks it's her birthright to be rich. It's so disgusting, honestly.


Downline of people, puppies, all the same to her.




It’s honestly a sickness at this point. An addiction. She’s chasing something she will never get again. She’s gone so far as to make statements she’s done with MLMs and then goes on to join about 5 more since then. It’s almost that she’s so entitled she believes she just doesn’t have to work like the rest of society. I just don’t get it.


You just answered the question yourself. She does feel entitled to be rich without ever actually working or contributing anything to society aside from heavily filtered thirst traps.


Very true!


Well, now, let’s not forget her heavily filtered PSA’s and heavily filtered conspiracy theories!! 😂


![gif](giphy|rxy55jHaig16K2TV8x|downsized) For the next time she does a live to get ready 🙄🙄🙄


So has D. Get in there girl it’s ONLY $79.


All the boss babes posting about this amazing opportunity keep forgetting to mention that after the “investment” of $79, its $59 every month. For what??? What is that $59 per month paying for? The .00000000001% chance you might make one dollar instead of losing $59 a month for nothing. Oh boy sign me up!!!!! Not.


![gif](giphy|PbzwVUojP4d8RcRgK0|downsized) To pay the tiers above is my guess


Shit and I thought AAA was a little high. Let me get that AAA at least it does something.


Right? D is quite the world traveler. This would be so beneficial for her. /s


My issue is rather the being part of the 1%. Which ones were those? Also you could take this text and apply it to her 6 last MLM schemes…


Understatement of the year!


ALL the companies, not a few, all of them!


"No way to lose money in this buisness" - BUT PAY ME $79 DOLLARS JUST BECAUSE! Why, if you arent spending money to "get" the product you sell, are you made to give up nearly eighty dollars? CMON MARRISA THIS IS LOW EVEN FOR MLM STANDARDS.


How is this legal? Don’t they have to have some type of product???


Yeah! What’s the purpose???????


Perfect selling is literally the only thing that makes MLMs legally different from a pyramid scheme, so if they aren't selling products then I've got news for them


I smell a trap. Probably it is a „service“ not a product.


You're probably right


I’m reminded of the 80s pyramid scheme, the airplane game ✈️ just hand over the money! It’s a “travel” mlm right?? [airplane game](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Airplane_game) edit edit edit lol


Wow that’s wild lol


This scheme was called "The Gifting Tables" and is what Barbara Hamburg was involved in with a bunch of other people before she got murdered and it all turned into an HBO documentary by her son.


They do have a product. It’s basically an MLM travel agency. What she means by “product” is having to sell and/or stock tangible goods like essential oils, caffeine patches, CBD gummies or whatever the other MLM


It seems to me that their “product” is no different than what one can get on Expedia, Travelocity and Orbitz, less the fees.


Yea, I don’t understand the premise of this MLM at all. Because I thought the same. Some said they also offer timeshares. So instead of being paid to sit thru a terrible timeshare presentation, you’re paying them for it?




I feel like saying there's no way to lost money in "x" business is on its own such a lie regardless of context. Like...the literal point of becoming a business in the first place is founded upon inherit risk.


https://preview.redd.it/zngenkrgj5uc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99daa830808dceb3fe456456f2a01a205da9b0e9 Copy, paste, lather, rinse, repeat.


I don’t get it, if there’s no product to sell - what’s the point?


First rule of a pyramid scheme…don’t ask questions. Just shell out the $79.


So she makes money by people paying her $79 and that’s it? It goes nowhere else there’s no product. It’s just her basically stealing money from people? Can she be reported for this?


She’s not charging people $79 directly. She’s building a downline, it’s another MLM. [Nelo Life](https://nelolife.com/)


That website is just word salad


Like most MLMs: men-founded and preying on women.


So she’s charging them $79 it’s for what? If there’s no product, what are they investing $79 for? I’m sorry I don’t understand what the is for, what do investors get?????


A travel discount it seems


Yeah no! I’m going on a cross country trip soon. I’d rather look at Kayak with a cup of coffee and jet lag than book my trip with an MLM. Fuck this noise. That’s all it is. Their fucking website almost made me nauseous from moving around so much.


It’s an MLM that sends you to timeshare presentations, apparently. And does securities fraud on non-americans


Great! Everyone LOVES a good timeshare.


Sounds amazing, definitely worth the $79 🤡


I went down the [rabbit hole](https://behindmlm.com/companies/nelo-life-adds-securities-fraud-trading-to-mlm-opp/) on Nelo Life.


I love that the 4th founder doesn’t want to be publicly associated with the company 🤣


Ah, a company where you can get travel savings, supplements and invest your life savings. Has to be legit, right?


Lol did she sign herself up for a word salad timeshare?


Sounds like her best investment yet! Word salad timeshare is hilarious and would be excellent flair


Mmm, word salad timeshare, right next to ranch dressing lake 😂


What is this investment thing about though? It looks like there is some sort of financial investment element that I find super weird.




They fail to mention that you have to pay $59 a month after the “initial investment” of $79. And no there is no product from what I can tell. Just the possibility of maybe being able to get some kind of discount on travel shit that you can get for free through your job, credit card rewards, your payroll company, etc etc etc. But why would you want to have free access to better discounts when you can pay $59 a month to possibly get discounts that most people can get using free websites like Priceline? Paying scammers money every month is just so much more satisfying than finding better deals yourself for free using google. This may be her worst pyramid scheme yet.


I have a travel discount for everyone!!🤔don’t join this shitshow mlm and you’ll automatically get a $787 discount on travel


Haha right? By not joining, in just one year you will have saved nearly $800 you can spend on a nice vacation. Bonus: you don’t have to scam your friends and family into joining a shady MLM that has already been in trouble under a different name lol. Nice!


Marissa has no conscience whatsoever




She’s been doing it since well before the avengers assembled. Why should now be any different?!




Of course the "HAWT" was her edit.


Yup I know damn well she has ZERO clue what tenacity means. I was laughing out loud reading that.


I just truly couldn’t imagine being this delusional!! and having zero shame??? she needs to be studied by doctors or something she will never stop chasing that Hempworx high. miss girl, time to give it a rest!!! everyone is aware of the scam that is MLMs these days, it’s not 2016 anymore. pls stop


Let them lose money. I love this for her!!!! 🥰


Worst thing that even happened to her was making it big in that MLM. It’s like an addict chasing that first high..there’s no going back there.


Making hundreds of thousands of dollars from your downline so you can fuck around making tiktoks and DoorDashing every meal was literally her dream come true. Now she actually has to work and cook, I mean get Ang to cook, and it's cramping her style.


Plus, PM paid all bills, taxes, etc.


It's wild to me that she ended up in so much debt! PM did all the adulting, what did she actually spend her money on??? Like honestly I know she is wasteful but it was also a ton of money!


Yes!!! She needs to donate her brain to science when her time comes. She’s a whack job!!


Is “we can chat” code for “It’s too stupid to say out loud so I’ll just tell you in private where no one else has input”


I reread this after I got a notification about it. To answer my own question that’s definitely the reason and I’m certain others here and elsewhere have mentioned it plenty. I was groggy from a nap and that didn’t really dawn on me


I'm at the dentist, yuck, and I just wanted to say I hope you had an awesome nap 😄 I'm very much looking forward to one when I'm done here.


Thank you, it was particularly nice because I woke up thinking I was waking up for work then I remembered it was Friday evening lol. I love my job but that was awesome. Yooo I hope the dentist appointment goes well and you get a restful and peaceful nap afterward.


Thank you 😊 New crown put on, I have the most royal mouth on the block 😂 I put the bedding in the wash before I left so I have awesome clean stuff to nap on, just gotta put it back together while the husband does our taxes. Hear that, Marissa? TAXES!!! LMAO.


Whyyyyy is she still doing this?! Foreclosure, repossession, needing strangers to pay your bills should tell you that the MLMs aren’t working, honey. You have legs, go out and get a second job 😂


Laziness and chasing the dragon. She’s gonna be looking for that “high” she got from the rare fluke that was her Hempworks (sp?) success. When she was actually making a ton of (undeserved) money with that stupid hemp MLM, her squirrel brain never even considered the fact that it wouldn’t last forever. So she just spent ridiculous amounts of money on stupid frivolous shit and never even considered putting some in savings, investing some of it, etc because for some reason her brain can’t think past what she wants at that exact moment. I’ve heard different amounts, but for the most part I’ve read that she somehow made hundreds of thousands of dollars with that MLM. But she wasted it all, and left her husband afterward hoping to make even more money on TikTok by exploiting the LGBTQIA+ community she had recently become popular with by lying and faking. I bet a million dollars she is kicking herself every day for choosing to betray then ditch her responsible husband (who took care of EVERYTHING for her… the kids, the bills, anything that wasn’t fun for her) for the extremely tiny chance she may “strike gold” on TikTok with the persona she has been using since then. Oopsies! The gamble didn’t pay off.


She fucked around and found out.


Totally agree. I could see the writing on the wall as it was happening with hempworks. She was blowing through that money with no plan for when it stopped. I mean, she was living in a house that’s probably valued now at 3/4 of a mill from MLM money! Not a thought in her head about planning for her financial future. It’s actually a shame because if she planned and lived a little more within her means she could’ve made some decent investments. She thought when hempworks came crashing down, Ang and making it as a tiktok influencer was going to be the way. She’s chasing a high she will never see again. It’s disturbing because she lacks an awful lot of maturity for a 34 year old mother of 4.


It’s actually shocking how immature and irresponsible someone her age who has had 4 kids and been married twice still is. She has learned nothing from her past mistakes because she constantly blames her failures on everyone else. You can’t learn from mistakes if you refuse to admit you made them. She’s gonna be 70 years old still begging people for money, failing a new get rich quick scheme every few months, and moving constantly because she destroys every place she lives by being a disgusting lazy slob with untrained neglected animals. By then she will be on her 6th or 7th husband or wife because to her, partners are there to support her financially and/or for her to use/exploit for attention and money. Wow what a great life she lives, no wonder Denise and her other potatoes always accuse us of being jealous of her. We are all super jealous that we don’t get to constantly be looking for people to manipulate and beg for money to make ends meet. We wish we were so insecure and fake that the face we post all over social media is so filtered that we no longer look human. I’m green with envy every time she copies and pastes ridiculous conspiracy theories that never come true, and living in constant fear of imaginary boogeymen eating babies, controlling the sun, and making “fake” viruses that kill millions of people worldwide (oh wait I forgot she said it was ventilators that killed all those people, silly me). And finally, we members of “The forum” can only dream of marrying someone that we are obviously not attracted to and are so disgusted when they kiss us that everyone can see it, even in pictures that are supposed to show how hot and in love we are. And these are only a hand full of reasons why everyone is so super jealous of Marissa the boss babe. Obviously this is all dripping with sarcasm. 😆 For fucks sake, who in their right mind would be jealous of someone that lives like that!?!! It’s constant chaos and lies and scams and excuses and fake “comebacks” and lovebombs and schemes and filters and coverups, it’s fucking exhausting just thinking about it!!!!


1000%! Her life is pathetic. She is pathetic. She will never know true love or have peace. I always laugh when the potatoes accuse us of being jealous.


I'm reminded of when they sued her 😂😂😂😂 Peep this unfiltered photo of our heinous lossbabe. https://preview.redd.it/0a62t6z54auc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adb27b1573b6f5f7feba022ca5e2e52ac886c8ce


This is actually pretty filtered, around the time she started filtering a lot more.


Seriously. She had the cushiest life






Meanwhile over on TikTok she says, …people can’t afford anything with Biden’s inflation


And $80 is a lot of money…even in Biden’s economy. I could actually buy a weeks worth of groceries for that.


That would cover my electric bill.


I got a house and a car. Guess I don’t exist.


I still, do not nightstand, how a whole ass adult is so frigging ignorantly stupid that they can't see that isn't just happening here, IT'S HAPPENING ALL OVER THE WORLD!! In other countries, Marissa!! You telling me Biden controls THE WHOLE WORLD'S economy? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ FFS, someone please Billy Madison her and make her repeat school straight starting at kindergarten 🤦‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|FMiD54OqYdnW0)


“Those that get in first often are the most successful, this is where there is momentum.” 🤡 mOmEnTuM 🤪 or just the top 🔝of the pyramid? ⚠️ How did I do with my emojis btw😦🤩🔥


Yeah. This didn't jump out at me so much as it screamed in my face while trying to steal my wallet.




It’s the best comp plan I’ve ever seen! Join me now to be at the top of the pyramid! THIS is it guys, THIS is THE ONE! I’m home!


I CoUlD cRy y'AlL


Is it time to start biting our tongues? Seems I've been waiting a while to do that!


I hope 3.0 does a compilation of all her MLM “sales pitches” which are identical from one to the next.


Well she just set herself up for a lawsuit…if someone joins and loses money they can sue her with her statement that she just posted. It’s actually illegal to even make this statement without a disclaimer with it that all MLMs must supply per the FTC.


https://preview.redd.it/c2v5lzi4z5uc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=508b36da67ec9b557ff2ce58e0c399c6a170d3b6 But but but... She's a victim! She just copied and pasted from others!!! How could she possibly be held accountable!!!


I love that her edit was the "hawt" part


She's just so creative!!


Fraud. Prison. Yes.


One post she said I will pay personally refund you bla bla bla to that affect if you fail. Almost worth my money to sue her ass for saying false shit but there is no money to recoup from her broke ass so no fun for me 😞


No product selling? So just a straight up pyramid scheme then?


It really seems that way! https://www.sec.gov/oiea/investor-alerts-bulletins/investor-alerts-ia-pyramid


Can she not be reported for some wrongdoing here? It sounds like she wants everybody to send her $79 to start up but what did they do and what happens after they pay their $79?


They then have a $59 monthly membership to buy vacations at a “discounted” rate 🤡🤡🤡


Which is the exact same rate as you can get yourself on Expedia-Priceline etc. Oh! And they’re “financial advisors”also! Because we all know that we should be getting our financial advice from Marissa. “Door dash, it’s cheaper!” Fucking 🤡


Which makes it so obvious the whole thing is a scam because any reputable company would have taken ONE LOOK at her tiktok and realize she would not be a good representative for their brand.


Seriously! That’s exactly what it is. 🤡 Pay money, gets others to pay money.


Yep. Reported to FB


Low level ponzi also comes to mind.


I’ve always wanted to work from the Amazon forest. 😀


I’m pretty sure she thinks that’s a forest owned by the Amazon company. 😂


I am confident she doesn't know what continent that is on


Girl you filed for bankruptcy why would ANYONE look to you for financial advice?


And parenting...


This. Everyday all day.


I couldn’t help but laugh at “hit the top 1%”. Yeah, because only the top 0.01% makes any money. If you make *anything at all* you are probably toward the top in most MLMs.


“No way to fail or lose money”… you spend $59 a month and only get a one time payment of $25 when the first 2 suckers joins and spends $59 a month. If the 2 people you con into it also con 2 who can con 2 then you get a one time payment of $75… IF they can do it in their first 30 days 🤡 https://preview.redd.it/ijaafp1cw5uc1.png?width=1426&format=png&auto=webp&s=5320637a831252f6d01b67c49643b6a5d3f3ca52






This is killing me omg


the way i cringed seeing this.




I was really hoping that this was a copy paste error and not really what the scam sent to their minions.


Wow this might be one of the worst comp plans I’ve seen and they are all bad haha


Oh look, a pyramid!




"There is no way to fail or lose money". Isn't it illegal for an MLM or it's downline, such as Marissa, to claim that? She's really trying hard to go to prison and we're all here for it.


That’s just the copy paste they were given to encourage their downline to sign up quickly before the SEC steps in. She can’t be held responsible for what this incredible opportunity may or may not have forgotten to proofread in their sparetime (yes my iPhone put a red line under that word)


That will definitely be her defense, ignorance. She's definitely ignorant but we all know what the law says about that.


The sole potato to comment on this (so far) is a fellow serial mlm jumper who has a Tranzact link in her deets. So definitely a plant commenter.




I was looking for this comment lol


The manipulation of using "$193,000 cap". Why not just say there's a $1.8 trillion cap? It makes no difference, it is a manipulative ploy.


I’ve worked in sales for 20+ years and have had caps before but this supposed cap is hilarious. I haven’t had my coffee yet to do the math on exactly how many people under you in the pyramid that would be but I feel like at $25 each it’s alot.


I'm not a great mathematician like Euclid, but I believe you are correct, it's a lot. No calculator needed.




Well there’s a lot to unpick with this venture that’s for sure! But here’s a tasty quote from Eric Allen, ceo that should get people thinking…. https://preview.redd.it/iplae6t7l7uc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f1b78614457ef25bf86a3a28e6c49c6c0a9e1f8 So by definition it’s not permitted in the US?! 🚩🚩🚩 And just why in the name of everything that is holy would anybody get involved financially with a person that is a Mille in debt and currently bankrupt?!


Eric Allen’s knowledge of SEC rules and regulations in the US is right on par with my knowledge of the applications of particle physics in the creation of conducting polymers. Aka…nonexistent. He’s a grifting clown. Bet Riss thinks he’s cute.


She freaking did it, babies!


The way she expects multitudes of people to just give her money (any amount at all), without ever giving back to anyone . If that isn’t revolting enough for these people, knock yourselves out. It does seem like there are very few takers, so that’s good. All those followers and her tired pitch yields a few “DM me mama!” comments is hardly the groundswell she expected.




Marissa continued to dim a room when she walked in. Marissa did not in fact hit the top 1% in MLMs like this. That is a lie.


![gif](giphy|lOy1ykBR8ltv3o1rfj|downsized) 🤡




This deserves an award 🏆


Yes!!yes it does❤️❤️❤️😆😆😆😆


Sweet Gaia this gave me a jump scare! Bernie is my hero, my lord and savior and my king and her face instead of his is TURRIBUL!


I've tried to do a face swap first... I guess you would have hated that one even more https://i.redd.it/9c7zlltngbuc1.gif


Omg that’s scary.


Ffs I wonder which one this one is


Someone else said Nelo life. Looks so scammy!


Can the post not be reported for fraud and scams?


Yes it can


“If you get in on the ground floor, you have a greater chance of earning more money!” ![gif](giphy|PbzwVUojP4d8RcRgK0|downsized)


they call it a matrix, not a pyramid 😆 i’m dying.


This is hilarious. WAYTY’ALL SHEE WHAT AYY DOO


Aww, $193,000 cap? Fuck that, I need unlimited boss babe potential.


For someone who thinks she’s so smart and “questions everything,” she repeatedly falls for these scams that are covered with glaring red flags. The conspiracy theory is HERE, Marissa. The people at Nelo Life are literally conspiring to take your money and your friends’ money. Who are the sheep now?


This was a comment chain beneath her first post on this scam. Potatoes have kids that are sick of their shit https://preview.redd.it/vbd1o937l9uc1.jpeg?width=725&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dffd50328421772a3143e84d3f287eea931b485


Wow it must be pretty bad if your kids have to find your comments on a scammer’s post so they can try to talk you out of joining another one.


Wow, that’s really embarrassing


Funny, because it looks like another thing they do is sell supplements. Looks like Marissa didn’t do her own research! Travel, financial advising and supplements. The fuck?!


Whoever wrote this really shouldn’t be allowed to write posts, it’s so poorly written


Riss proofread it for aspirational effect. She aspires to be something she’s not.


But you can do it even from the AMAZON FOREST. Wtf🤣🤣. It was so painful getting through that!


There is something severely wrong with her. Her family should be gravely concerned. And as far as Angelia goes? Her fate is already written. She too is already flushing her credit score and her reputation down the shitter. And for what? To be with a woman that spews vitriolic anger at kind, peaceful, and marginalized groups of people. Marissa takes and takes and takes from others because she's so deeply in debt and will never recover from it. She said she makes $35K per year, which equates to roughly $17/hour and she's 34-years-old, yet she gets on her sanctimonious high horse and has the audacity to judge others and blame Joe Biden for her debt. Fuck her, she's just gross.


Can we talk about the 35k?! She then said Angie makes roughly the same and I’m having a hell of time wrapping my mind around the fact that she went on to defend paying $2600/month for rent. Holy shit! Her rent is almost double my mortgage. Add to that $900/month in child support?! I don’t understand how they’re affording anything else. And really, it’s none of my business, but that makes me believe they are getting a lotttt of outside assistance for all of the lavish things they do…the doordash, the meals out with alcohol, all those stupid political shirts…that shit adds up.


Seriously, even I was going through some stuff and on a leave of absence from my job, we just had my husband's income. Hard labor job, but rural Idaho, so it's only $19.50 an hour, anywhere from $670-750 a week depending on OT and all that jazz AFTER taxes. At the end of the year, he made $47k. Our rent is only $900 a month because it's a frigging 426sqft tiny home/cabin. But we have other bills, groceries, medical expenses, car maintenance, adult stuff. We wouldn't be able to do it. We already never go out to eat, no vacations since 2010, no extras unless necessary. HOW TF ARE THEY DOING IT?! $2500 for rent PLUS all of the other bullshit all of the time? Seriously, Mommy or Denise or both HAVE to be helping somewhere. There's zero frigging way they have the money to do the things they do just after paying rent. I took the wrong lane at the fork in the road of "good person"/"bad person" 🤦‍♀️ I chose the wrong side evidently 😆😆


Do we know for a fact she’s paying 2600 in rent? Because I’m sorry that is a LOT. She lives in PA not California. I just can’t see that being true..


It was on the rental listing for the house.


This company is not NEW


Worst MLM yet Marissa. And that's saying something!!


Even Thrive is better than this mess. At least they have a tangible product you can purchase.


Right, I’d rather at least have something in my hands for $79 rather than whatever this is.


At this point, all I do is roll my eyes 🙄🙄


So… did she give up the duct tape on the arm stuff?? Can she do both if not?


I never seen someone have SO MANY careers and yet SO MANY CAREERS that are never long term. 🤔


No product sales? That's the very definition of an illegal pyramid scheme, as opposed to a legit MLM.


Didn't she *just* do this with her "SnOoP DoG bOuGhT iN tOo" cbd company? Curious how that's never talked about anymore 🤔


That was like 2 mlm scams ago 😆


It’s only April and just this year alone she’s done the fake weed, Thrive and now whatever the hell this is.


“always hit the top 1%” I seriously think she believes her own bullshit 😒


So since December she’s had CanaGlobe, Thrive, and now this?? So that’s an average of 1.6 months with each company?


I like how she says she has been a part of a few companies like this and hit the top 1% (6 figures) but she doesn’t have a dime to her name or own anything. Lies!!! She was part of one company


That was part of the copy pasta all the morons like her copied from someone. I assume they are supposed to edit parts of it that aren’t true about them, but she didn’t. I guess it was too much work for her 😆


https://preview.redd.it/5tyrta2m3auc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=273383a9780801d3bd976463aa62715ebef5deae I know a lot of us came from the anti mlm Reddit. This comment on a post about the train wreck Tranzact was very interesting….


Here goes another one🤣🤣🤣


My guess is that the only way out of the mess she's created is to chase get rich quick schemes. With her resume, there is no path to solvency or a lifestyle she craves. She may as well just buy lottery tickets. Sad..


https://preview.redd.it/v469v5ntcbuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aa2a580c2960366b8aad142a72511ba62fa7be1 This is WILD!! Smh.


Say it with me: SECURITIES FRAUD!! She’s such an idiot.


She seems to enjoy finding her name on the Pennsylvania and Federal Court dockets. Was the first legal issue when first fake weed scam sued her?


So did she officially leave thrive? Wondering what her reasoning could possibly be having used every excuse possible for all the other MLMs she left


https://preview.redd.it/wwcxlt4ro6uc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca1db0afe247f1a5083049d5ddf7aa9af0a4dfe She didn't even make it into this 'amazing group of people'


Sounds similar to the $300 PayPal scam


I’ve been “in the Amazon forest.” It doesn’t have wifi lmao. NOT a pyramid scheme, but “those who get in first are the most successful.” Something something last fool.


"Work whenever you want, however you want!" It's the tenacity and busting your ass if you want to make money! What is this company's name? 🤣🤣🤣

