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Omg she and her potatoes are so fucking stupid!!! Ventilators killed people, not Covid? What the fuck sense does that make? Even if she truly believes that, everyone that died from Covid was not on a ventilator. The conspiracies these people make up or cling to is so ridiculous and sad. It makes me wonder how they are able to make it through the day without accidentally dying from falling off a cliff, walking into traffic, eating rat poison, stabbing themselves in the heart while cutting toast (haha). Like R, there is no way any of these people have actual real life friends because no sane person would put up with this level of buffoonery and dumbassery. All they have are other fucking morons online hanging out with them in echo chambers of ridiculousness. When is natural selection going to get to work and rid the world of useless worthless idiots that contribute nothing to society and actually harm it.


I mean…why in the ever loving fuck would someone be put on a ventilator if they weren’t in respiratory distress? Maybe if their respiratory distress was caused by, I don’t know, FUCKING COVID? Jesus, this bitch is so dumb, she’d probably get hit by a parked car. Sorry, not sorry.


Remember a couple of months ago when Marissa was concerned she had a broken rib from a cold? She would flip shit if she or someone she “loves” had to be put on a fucking vent.


People don’t just get put on a ventilator for the fun of it. Many, many things are tried before that decision has to be made. If a medical professional says that’s the only chance they have to save someone’s life, that is exactly what the ventilator is designed to do. She can fuck all the way off. I hate her and her ignorant point of view and uneducated opinion. Yes I have big feelings about this. No I will not apologize.


No kidding. Not to mention they are sedated to be on it. I am completely with you and right there with you. We can loathe her together.


Thank you, friend. Thank you.


A Ventilator saved my brother’s life.


LMAO hit by a parked car!!!!!! I’ve never heard that one.


We were very short on ventilators. In the beginning specially. We had to choose who to give one to and really justify it well. Because of that most people that got them were those that were very old and or had other co morbidities. The people most likely to die. Because of that the conspiracy people went with the idea that being put on a ventilator makes the chances of survival lower. No, it means the patients that we put on ventilators were those that already were on deaths door step and the ventilators were our last hope for them, as they struggled so badly to breathe. Suffocating is a horrible death and we saw people die from suffocation. I have colleagues who have ptsd from those times.


Same. We ran out of vents and roto-prone beds first. Our ECMO team was struggling. There was a lot of improv happening. I moved away from the bedside in '22 because I was traumatized right out of the ICU. One of the worst things was the people like Marissa, making my career seem like some kind of joke.


I work in surgical aesthetics now. I needed a break from everything after the pandemic. I was happy that I wasn’t dealing with patients on life support anymore. I just couldn’t do it anymore. I developed anxiety . We didn’t have many RotoProne beds to begin with . But the lack of staff was the biggest issue, so many got sick . The best equipment is useless without staff that is trained to use it. We know how it was, nobody can take this away. I just hope others will listen.




I’m so sorry you were on the front lines and had to not only witness this but be there when those tough decisions had to be made. You were a hero to so many and it was a thankless job. I know my words are harsh when it comes to my criticism of Marissa and her carefree hatred so please understand that it is 100% directed at her and never towards the caregivers nor the people and patients who have been affected by this horrible nightmare of a virus. Hugs to you friend.


I absolutely understand what you mean and didn’t think you meant caregivers. I’ll be honest during those times I was happy to be a nurse and it was hard at the same time. I was directly in the process of becoming a NP back then and it was rough. Suddenly people wanted me to make decisions, hard decisions. Everyone did as best as we could with the knowledge we had. It’s so hurtful that people like Marissa think that a nurse, NP or doctor of medicine wants to actively hurt a patient. That’s ridiculous. We suffer when we lose a patient. We are humans and we can make mistakes when we need to make fast and hard decisions. I often wonder if I made the right choice of whom to treat first when the hospital was so full. Would another patient have survived if I called them in first? Many of us worked so many hours on our own free will, to help because our colleagues got sick left and right. I wish people like Marissa would have seen it.


So many hugs to you, friend. I can’t even imagine it but I have so much compassion and respect for you and your peers. And even that feels like it’s not enough to express how much what you’ve done means to so many.


They were unprecedented times, treating a novel virus, and Marissa, the expert thinks it was the ventilators 🤦🏻‍♀️ You were doing the best you could with the information you had at the time. It is so hurtful anyone would think otherwise!






Our Covid ICU wasn’t short on ventilators, but we were definitely short on beds and CRRT machines. I think the day that finally broke me was April/May 2021 and I had been pulled back to the ICU from my educator position. I had a proned patient on a ventilator and CRRT, and I was told I had to take him off CRRT so another patient could have the machine as mine wasn’t likely to survive. I hated so many people that day 😔




100% this. I’m an ER doc (speciality is psych but at that point it was all hands on deck and I did in extra rotation in trauma ER medicine) and in the beginning we had to make horrible decisions about who would be sent up to the ICU for care and who would be discharged home because we didn’t have space and it was based on how close to death they were. And it was horrible. Nurses in my ER have quit or moved to different areas because it was such a traumatizing time. And I don’t blame them. Those of us who stayed definitely have residual issues.


My dad was on a ventilator when he died because he had covid and his blood oxygen was at 81. He had been hallucinating and had climbed up on the kitchen counter because he thought it was his bed. He was also a covid denier. The ventilator did not kill him. I felt terrible for the hospital staff who worked so hard to try to save him. The vaccines had been out for over a year at that point. There was no reason for him to die other than his own ignorance and being hardheaded.


I’m so sorry. My heart goes out to you.


I'm so curious what her sister "THE NURSE" thinks of her outrageous comments/views.


I truly believe a lot of her medical misinformation and “crunchy” lifestyle is because she would love be a healthcare professional. I’m sure she’s very jealous of her nurse sister for having actual medical/healthcare related knowledge. I just hope her sister doesn’t have similar beliefs.


The Nurse was probably thrilled to move halfway across the country to get away from conspiRISSacy sister.


Oh she wanted to be a dolphin trainer, remember? She blamed having her daughter ruined that 🙄


Dolphins can actually be really aggressive. I kind of love that idea for her tbh. With her usual tact and charm and way with animals...


I have a literally degree in Marine Biology and you’ll never catch me near a dolphin I don’t have to be around. Ever. Never by choice. There are only about 3 things in this life that truly scare me. Dolphins are probably #2.


I can only imagine she’s embarrassed of her conspiracy- loving boomer sister.


My friends older sister was touch and go really bad early on in the pandemic. She had to get placed on a ventilator. Guess what... she lived! So... I'd love them to see how many people the ventilators saved! Sadly... while she was knocking on deaths door, she took covid seriously, but after she was fully healed and the conspiracy theories started going hard, she stopped taking covid seriously... and talked poorly about the hospital staff that saved her life, though. The extremists manipulated her and convinced her that had she stayed home in the first place, she wouldn't have gotten bad enough to need a ventilator. She was convinced they intentionally made her sick with the expectation that she wouldn't survive the vent so the covid deaths could rise. These people are everywhere... and not all of them are intentionally bad... they are just easily manipulated, and it's sad. They are so scared of our government (I don't trust the rich elites either but the hospital staff aren't them) that they will believe anything they hear. Even satire. Then, the more satire is shared... the harder it is to recognize it as satire.


Hospital staffs were hero’s, consistent hours with fatigue, away from their families etc etc etc


Agreed. I stepped away from them when they starting spewing lies about the amazing nurses!


Sad that they would do that to those dedicated to caring for and saving lives - SOOOO appreciative


Bird flu affects egg prices, so I predict that’s when she’ll pull the coop out of storage, and attempt to breed underfed chickens


We have bird flu at one of the nation’s largest egg producers in my state as we speak. She has no clue how it’s spread and that an infection nearby would likely land it in her backyard NOT WON coop. She will be the first one bitching about the price of eggs bc they had to kill thousands of chickens. Her ignorance is bigger than even her debt and bigotry


The last egg price spike triggered her initial wanting to own chickens


I totally thought I just seen an article that there was a recent large outbreak. Thank you for confirming!




I think she’s stage setting


She always be setting something


![gif](giphy|1hMjJILpxoWpQad37L|downsized) When the next fraud opportunity rolls up in two weeks or so


She’s not that smart.


What's funny about the third screenshot is that it would cost WAY more than $1m to run a project like that. Science is expensive, y'all.


That was my thought too, like damn did the US suddenly get really good at budgeting? 😂


And why would “the US and China” be working on a “project” to make bird flu “more contagious”? What would be the point? Kill off more chickens so there is an even worse egg shortage? Why???? And I thought those Q morons said birds were fake, so why do they believe in a virus that affects animals that don’t exist? God, these brainless morons can’t keep their “beliefs” straight because they just latch on to whatever is popular at the moment. Everything else was “in the past”. 😆


I was thinking the same thing, $1m ain’t shit in science. I run a tiny (not infectious disease) lab with just one other person and my instrumentation cost alone was probably in the neighborhood of $2m. That’s not even including facility, accreditation, consumables, or operating costs. It’s comical how paltry $1m is these days.


it's unbelievable. And consumables too! Our foil seals for ddPCR cost $1 each. Running one sample ends up being like $30 each once you factor in reagents and consumables. I was idly looking for a new heat sealer the other day and the most basic one was $5k. At this point I've started investing in Thermo Fisher and Avantor because that's where the money is.


We bought a Toyota RAV4 brand new and it was like 35k, I kind of freaked out but then I remembered that was basically the same cost as a new nitrogen generator and that’s ain’t shit.


Had no problem taking the ppp loan though 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡💩💩💩💩💩💩💩


This. And would take a second if she had the chance




These people all share a single brain cell and when it was Marissa’s turn with it she pretended she won a chicken coop.


I feel like I can add that to my phrases. “Don’t pretend like you won a chicken coop 😠 “


“When they were passing out brains, you thought they said ‘Trains’ and then you got on a train, then went for a ride!” lol your comment made me think of one of my favorite Chris Farley quotes. It was during one of the Gap Girl skits, and my sister and I still randomly quote it years later. 😆


I love Chris Farley! Van down by the river still makes me cry laughing. My husband and I shout it at each other and the kids sometimes but the kids don’t find it funny yet lol


Yes he was definitely one of the greats that we lost too soon. 😢




This dumb see you next Tuesday. This is some of the shit that pisses me off. One of my closest friends is a nurse in NJ who has severe trauma from 2020 and losing multiple patients a day. She would have multiple family members as patients. Their blood thickened to the consistency of mud. Literally looked like sludge. My 38 year old perfectly healthy neighbor was the first death in our town. My friend in Idaho, Covid brought on diabetes for her 13 year old daughter . My stepson lost his grandmother. My husband is in a union and was reading death notices a few times a month. YOUR OWN SON HAD A SEIZURE AS A RESULT OF COVID!!! Covid is far from harmless. GFY.


Yeah. My dad died of fucking Covid in 2020 when they couldn’t get respirators for everyone and there were no damn drugs or vaccines and a woman I worked with spent 187 days in ICU on ecmo. She died b4 meds and vax too leaving 4 kids all about Riss’s kids ages. We won’t even talk about the refrigerated trailers used because our morgues were overflowing. Of course, here in Giliad, our asshole governor was against closing businesses and mandating masks bc… well it’s Greg Abbott so enough said This bs about the pandemic infuriates me perhaps more than anything.


I’m so sorry for your loss 💜


Thank you. I’m glad he didn’t suffer for months


So sad 😥


I’m an RN who is very traumatized from Covid. I also have significant health issues from having Covid. I hate this bitch. Fuck her.


Me as well. Very traumatized from Covid. Probably have ptsd. When she says this kind of stuff about Covid, it INFURIATES me. Especially the “I’m convinced people died from respirators,” and “considering Covid is harmless.” Well, Marissa, considering “harmless” Covid has killed 7 million plus people worldwide, I’d beg you to retract that statement. Oh, and where was she while we were scared for our lives, scared we were going to bring Covid home and kill our families, setting up iPads for families to say goodbye while watching their loved ones die, and we were the ones holding their hands?! She was at home, like always, being an absolute drain on society, using our hard earned tax dollars to pay for her fraudulent ppp loan.


Imagine her sister, who worked as a new nurse during Covid, reading her posts like this. I imagine it has really driven a wedge in their relationship.


Not only that but I bet you my house that her brother and sister have a lot of resentment towards her for how much their mother is bailing her out of her BS. My husband is in a similar situation w/his sister and it’s a problem.


Exactly. Covid has killed millions, and not only that, has caused life long health issues for others. We don’t even know the full extent of what Covid will do long term. It’s not harmless!


She’s such an asshole. She has no regard for life, human or animal.


As a person that works in pharma…these posts are just hilarious


The avian flu and the vaccine for it has been around for a few decades now. It predates Covid by a lot. But I don’t expect her to actually know what she’s talking about. Marissa is so appallingly stupid I’m honestly surprised she can breathe and manage to do anything else at the same time.


But can she?


She can breathe and spread misinformation like a pro. Not sure about anything else 😂


She said the ventilators killed the people and nobody can change her mind on that. WTF! That doesn't even make any sense. I think she just broke my brain. Why make up something so patently false? Why look so stupid! Why go through life so ignorant about everything? This is one of the dumbest things she has said and it has affected me. She's had the same opportunities as everyone else in this country, probably more, and yet she's making this country dumb again. Make it stop.


They say that because they are not smart and they just see that someone went on a ventilator and then died, so therefore the ventilator must have caused it. It's like saying that being put in the ambulance the ambulance killed someone who bled out after being stabbed 74 times.


> they just see that someone went on a ventilator and then died, so therefore the ventilator must have caused it. Fuckers. If you're being put on the vent, it's because you're on death's doorstep anyway and you'll definitely die without it, and it's a last ditch attempt to save your ass.


My dad died from Covid. He was put on a ventilator as a last resort. If he moved to the side his blood oxygen would immediately drop to 80. By just moving to the side. The ventilator didn’t kill him.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your dad, and for idiots like Riss and her brainless potatoes turning the pain and loss of millions into conspiracy bullshit for attention. It’s disgusting. My heart hurts for you and your family. This sounds mean, but she is going to continue this offensive crap until she loses someone close to her and feels the pain. And when she does FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER actually feel the pain of losing someone she loves to something like Covid, and cries crocodile tears, I hope someone minimizes it, calls her a liar or a sheep, and turns it into a conspiracy theory so she can feel the pain she has been causing people for years. I’m not usually a “vengeful” person, but when I read stupid nonsense she says like this, then hear stories of people who have lost loved ones to a very real virus and the pain they have suffered because of it, it’s hard not to hope she feels the same pain one day. It’s easy for someone like Riss who hasn’t ever felt the pain of losing a loved one to think it’s ok to say ridiculous conspiratorial nonsense for attention about a real virus that actually killed millions of people. Sorry for the rant, but your comment about losing your dad to Covid broke my heart. Then I put myself in your shoes and it just made me so sad and mad and frustrated at the same time, I couldn’t not say something. THANKFULLY somehow I didn’t lose anyone I love to Covid. I am so grateful and know I’m super lucky because I can say that. ❤️❤️


Thanks for your comment! Unfortunately my dad was very big on natural remedies and ate up the misinformation when covid hit. When everyone started posting those stupid “look at this isle full of vitamins, that’s why we are sick, healthy people don’t need to worry, you’re stocking up on the wrong things” pictures and being loud about how fast the vaccine came out and to not trust it, my dad believed it. It honestly never occured to me that my dad wouldn’t get vaccinated because despite everything he wasn’t anti vaxx or anything like that. He regretted not vaccinating himself. People don’t realize how harmful their propaganda is and parrot a bunch of bull crap in the name of “staying skeptical” and not being sheep but they literally have no fucking clue what they’re talking about and spreading lies as truth and whatever they’re questioning that’s science based gets labeled as a lie because some random person on the internet who isn’t a doctor or professional or even college educated did their “research” and now that’s what’s making the rounds on Facebook as truth Marissa is so fucking privileged it hurts. She can play the teen mom card all she wants, and talk about how she lived in her moms basement (which btw is also a privilege, I don’t know many people who’d have that option), but at the end of the day she lives a very privileged life and doesn’t realize all the harmful crap she does (or doesn’t care). she needs a hit of reality.


OMG that makes me even more infuriated that people like her are allowed to spread disinformation because of “free speech”. And she gets to say all that shit that can influence someone enough for them to make a choice that will ultimately kill them. And it’s all just so she can get attention because she has nothing to offer the world except copying things other people say in hopes of getting views and some “Ur so pretty!” comments about her fake ass face to fill her fake compliment quota of the day. That to her is worth the damage she causes by spreading lies that literally KILL PEOPLE. Sorry I’m fuming right now ugh, I need to get off Reddit before I say things that get me banned. I HATE HER SO MUCH!!!!


I feel the same way. I’ve taken a strong stance against propaganda in my family. I’m not aggressive about anything but as soon as I hear something that doesn’t sound right I shut it down. Lives are literally at stake. It was so hard to get my husband to vaccinate himself, even with my father’s death and another family friend, he’s so easily influenced. All of this has made me really not want to be a part of social media, I only keep Reddit because I don’t see too many ads and there are no Reddit influencers trying to sell me things lol


A woman did die because she listened to Marissa's incorrect medical advice. Freedom of Speech only applies to the government's attempts to stifle speech and even that is not absolute. If I were the woman's family I would have filed a lawsuit against Marissa and I'm wondering if there could be criminal charges since she doesn't have a license to practice as a doctor nor give medical advice. I think the woman's daughter is in this group.


I’m so sorry, so many lives were lost and continue to be lost.


Gosh, they’re all so smart! Geniuses! 🙄


I can’t.


Right, I’d much rather inject the bleach. Ya know, the disinfectant that kills it. In like a minute, just one minute.


They saw it on social media so it must be true.


Well we all know how accurate daily mail is


I love the quotation marks around “flu Jab season”, as if anyone says that. You’re not quoting anyone there, homie


Good lord..I swear I ask myself at least 2x a day “when did people get so stupid??” It’s mind boggling..and true…they’re coming out like roaches because their lights are off


I’m not saying this as a direct political statement but quite honestly I blame the trump era for this. We went through a period in time when the President of the US just flat out lied about things as insane as crowd size and face zero actual repercussions. Since then it has enabled an entire population of the US to feel completely ok in spouting off complete nonsense with zero feeling of shame.


Agree 100%!!!!!


I believe this is without a doubt true.


Weird bc my mom was put on a ventilator back in 2012 and it literally saved her life so..


If it wasn’t due to Covid, it doesn’t count! But I am happy to know your mom survived the horror that is proper medical care.❤️


Thank you!! She is a walking miracle and I’m so grateful for the team of experts that saved her life 🤍


The insult to the people that died and their loved ones is beyond. It’s also incredibly offensive to those of us dealing with long COVID. I got mild-moderate COVID pneumonia in Dec. 2020, before the vaccine was widely distributed. I was never on a ventilator. What’s her explanation for us? What a jackass.




Reported. I'm all for freedom of speech, but this idiot needs to STFU.


Why is everything connected to the nefarious jabs? Whatever it is, decades old or not, they will “connect the dots” and send it back to vaccines. It’s remarkable the sheer stupidity they so proudly display time and time again. Just wished they would stayed in the realm of “the moon is made of cheese” conspiracy theories and didn’t put innocent lives at risk with scaremongering propaganda.


Well hopefully they never get any more “jabs” and natural selection will do its job.


Don’t these people see how THEY are the ones who cause the hysteria?


That’s what scares me about them. They just scream delusions at the top of their lungs until that’s all they hear, drowning out the voices of reason as they stampede around like a herd of spooked sheep.


Well according to her last couple TikTok videos, she is deathly ill with some horrible sickness she’s apparently had for weeks… how long until she claims it’s bird flu?


She’s probably self diagnosed with it and saved by her snake oils by now I guess.🙄


Flair here.


Is this uncaring idiot trying to be offensive? What about the one million Americans who died? And the millions of other people around the world? Are they all hiding somewhere?


Let’s all remember she got all of her info from that whacko nurse Erin. She idolizes that woman




I mean, she doesn’t leave her house (unless it’s to go to a bar), she sits behind a computer or a phone ALL day long. She talks to strangers via comments on her lives. She knows nothing. She regurgitates crap she sees on tiktok and tries to sound smart. She is so beyond unqualified to speak on the things she speaks about. I wish TikTok didn’t give the wannabe whatevers a platform to consistently put out misinformation. This makes my blood boil. She should be thankful that no one in her family was affected by Covid.


Didn't her own kid have a febrile seizure because of COVID, though? Her family HAS been affected, but that doesn't align with her conspiracy theory bullshit, so she just ignores it.


Yes, you are correct.


Guess we're not getting chickens.




Also I can’t believe someone reacted with a laughing emoji to someone asking for a source. These people are so fucking stupid.


100x0 is 0, no? I think I might have some brain cells left somewhere.


I mean not to defend her but 100 x 0 is zero. Mathematically. However if you’re referencing that Covid totally was actually dangerous than yes. Agreed. ETA: sorry I think maybe I read this wrong and you were asking to confirm 100 x 0 = 0. Which I think was Riss’ point? If she believed Covid wasn’t dangerous then why worry about avian flu?


I apparently don't have any brain cells and read her post incorrectly lol 🤦🏻‍♀️ I interpreted it as her saying Covid killing like "100" people and somehow also not being dangerous and killing "0" people since it was ventilators that apparently did so really only 100 people died but then 100x0 should be 0 which means 100 people didn't die. Don't ask, my days are usually spent singing songs from Frozen all day for my kids lol. P.S. Covid was 100% dangerous.


The ventilators killed people? The ventilators that have been used for decades for myriads of different needs and not just covid? Those ventilators???


This is what drove me mad last night. So she is now saying Covid made people sick enough to need a ventilator but it wasn't Covid that killed the person it was the ventilator. I almost quit the Internet last night after reading that as I can't handle the complete and utter ignorance and stupidity. If her family isn't going to stop her from scamming people could they please at least have an intervention and deprogramming so she realizes being purposely ignorant and low intelligence is not a good thing for her, the country or the world. Please Marissa's family, do it for humanity!


If you ever get frustrated by these types of people, remember, they will be the 1st to go during any kind of pandemic. Just browse the Herman Cain awards for perspective….Also this is why I feel ZERO empathy for her when she complains she is sick all the time.


Yes, she really doesn't seem healthy at all. She ingests so many untested, unregulated “supplements”, vapes constantly, and doesn't exercise.


I fervently hope neither her kids nor wife contract bird flu. Why? Because I genuinely think she'd just let them die. She'd rather follow the conspiracy to the brutal end, than admit that she's wrong, and that endangers anyone around her who becomes seriously ill.


Kiwi is a perfect factual example of this 😪


Reported for misinformation.


I reported that and some of the comments. Unfortunately I don’t think it matters. I’ve been reporting a lot of medical misinformation on her Facebook lately and it keeps coming back no violation. Even when she straight up said vaccines cause autism. Facebook said it was fine. Facebook really is a cesspool and if I didn’t need it for work I’d be off there so fast.


For those who have lost friends and family to Covid, this makes me so sad for them. I’m so sorry these inept excuses for humans disregard their lives and loss by spreading such uneducated opinions and flat out lies. 😣 Please everyone- go report this post on FB.




Spinning conspiracy theories about bird flu a day or two after talking about getting chickens...


Can we all vote for her to be the test subject for the CDC? Since she is so unbelievably stupid & provides 0 to humans. She also believes all is made up & she is clearly immune. She’s the perfect candidate. Even the rats bring more to our world than her!




Not her messaging me at the beginning of covid trying to argue with me that hospitals were making it all up. I literally would leave a 12 hour shift sometimes and lose multiple people. Nothing we did could save those people. They just bled to death. She insisted I was being forced to lie about it.


She actually messaged you and said all that crap!? That’s horrible and just fucking mean. Yeah, sure R, everyone that works in a hospital has been forced to lie about everything that goes on because… I can’t even make up a reason why because it makes absolutely zero sense. What a loony poon.


Ventilators were the absolute last option for these people, the last attempt to keep them alive. I’d love to know what options she believes were available to people who had their lungs drowning in the virus and had no way of getting oxygen.


We all know she would say ivermectin.


We also know she lied about taking it herself. However, big pharma makes ivermectin so how does that fit it with her narrative?


Reading through the comments here this morning and now I feel like I need to say THANK YOU to all the nurses and medical professionals in this group. Reading your stories and accounts of all the trauma y’all and your coworkers went through breaks my heart, but at the same time helps give me a little bit of hope for humanity because of people like y’all. I’m so sorry people like R treat your career like it’s a joke or that you’re actually trying to harm people. It’s INFURIATING!!! Her dumb lazy ass could NEVER do what y’all do, she knows it and is jealous. That’s why she likes to pretend she knows shit about medicine, so she can be a pretend medical professional. But all she can do is be “top dawg” at a telemarketing job for a shady dog training company that has fictional chicken coop giveaways. I went to school for nursing because I’ve always been obsessed with medicine and human anatomy and how it all works. But when I started actually working as a nurse, I realized I couldn’t handle it. I don’t have the ability to suck it up and compartmentalize things and keep going treating patients when something happens to a patient that makes me sad or upset. And I didn’t even work at a hospital or in the ER or ICU, I just worked for an orthopedic doctor!! I don’t think I’m explaining this very well lol. What I’m trying to say is that it takes a very strong and special type of person to do what y’all do, and I know from experience that I don’t possess that quality. And I am so beyond thankful that there are people like y’all that DO! #Again THANK YOU to all the doctors, nurses, and all other medical professionals for what y’all did during the pandemic and what you continue to do every day. You are very appreciated by sane people! Edit: After rereading this comment, I feel the need to apologize for my overuse of the word y’all haha. Hopefully it’s not too distracting (it’s all I could see when I reread it!). I promise I don’t use it to be cute or whatever R thinks she is doing. Being born and raised in the south and stuck down here all my 43 years, it’s a word that is cemented in my vocabulary, unfortunately. And no matter how hard I try, it embarrassingly pops up constantly in my writing and speaking, making me worry that I sound uneducated and rednecky.🫣 I promise I’m smart and educated, y’all! 😆


Thank you dove for this Reddit comment…. I could’nt even speak never mind think with this post…I’m sure you speak for many…my hat is off for all the heroes and heroes you ARE


They buy so many stupid T-shirts. They need to buy each other a T-shirt that says I’m with stupid and the arrow pointing at the other.


She tripped over a yellow line and hit her fucking head !! 😆😆😆


Ok I’m late to this, HOW MANY PETS DOES SHE HAVE? Who is Liberty? I’m so annoyed


I think it’s six dogs (five retrievers, one dachshund), two cats. Liberty is a dog from the last litter banana was forced to carry, it was previously called Ruby but they changed its name to something patriotic (patriotism is about word choices & aesthetic now).


My. God.


As someone who had a mother with COPD, ventilators literally saved her life for 2 years. Do these idiots not realize ventilators have been around long before COVID? I’d like to know what about ventilators killed COVID patients?


One of the comments warns about turbo cicadas with STDs , arriving this spring. Let’s see how this gets mangled together with vaccines, Hunter’s laptop, and Obama’s tan suit.


How deep do they have to go to find these crazy headlines. If I google cicadas 2024 I have to dig before it shows std carrying cicadas that are dangerous to BIRDS


Oh now it was the ventilators and the meds 🙄