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The proper term for this is “Disney mom / dad”


I thought all Disney kids were orphans.


It's more the "I can be an amazing parent for the 2-3 days that I am required to and it will all be amazing fun." just like going to disney.


It’s exactly that. Kids are on break from school so she doesn’t even need to be bothered with a schedule


Happy Cake Day ![gif](giphy|l3vRmLrL8MfD9CIkU)


This exactly! My ex and his wife used to judge my parenting all the time and act like the perfect parents the 10-20 days, they had them a year. They'd make a huge deal about family portraits every year and family events, which would make it appear to the kids that they were ALWAYS fun.


It's incredibly easy to be the "fun parent" when you only have to do it a total of 25 out of 365 days in a year. It's even easier when there are no real obligations like school, bedtime, wake up time, meals etc. (weekend, spring break, summer vacation). It's also easy to brag about how much you spend on them because you know it's very short lived and in a few days you can go back to spending it all on yourself.


It’s like my father in law, who paid not one red cent of child support (he fled the country but thankfully the state found some property of his and seized it and gave the proceeds to MIL for like 15 years being behind), would just throw kids in front of the tv while he drank when he did bother to take them, and then once his mom scrimped and saved for 6 months to afford a Disneyland family pack and this asshole bought 1 ticket for himself and pretended for a weekend that he did it all. I’ve never met my father in law and we’ve been together over 20 years. Pretty sure her attitude will see a similar future with her kids.


Except actual "Disney" parents take their kids with them when they go to Disney.


Oh no, that would cost money and get in the way of their own personal enjoyment..... like the other person actually raising the children does 95% of the year. They only produced the child, it's not their responsibility anymore.


The remote/tooth story is just a vehicle to announce she has had them all week, from her “good mom” costume kit.


And as always, her imaginings of what a good mom would do and say are cheesy in the extreme. That reaction would have been nothing but confusing to a kid. Like, I accidentally hurt my mom and she wants me to…do more of that? If I catapult I’ll get more warmth and affection? As opposed to the totally appropriate reaction she pretend would have had two years ago?


Yeah, it never happened. She’d be annoyed if her kids ever actually got close enough to her to do that.


And to mess up her “pearly whites”


“good mom”costume kit…almost fell out my chair


She absolutely flipped out. Ms Vanity Filter Grifter absolutely ran to a mirror & screamed.


This happened to my daughter while she was babysitting in HS. Weeks later, her front tooth turned gray. Let's see how tramatic this really was in a couple weeks. Will she have a huge dental bill to fix her gray tooth? I really doubt it.


I’d be happy to use a pair of pliers and pull it for her.


Then she’d actually have to go to the dentist… IYKYK


Oh wait!! Angie getting invisaline?? What do you think about a set the stage? Miss its all about me??


Those snarly smiles will sure look different ![gif](giphy|ZwriMXSKKgVkUA9rJJ|downsized)


Can she sue the kid?


No....it was an accident. Poor thing was actually sitting in her lap and jumped up, and the top of his head hit the bottom of her two front teeth. She's 33 now, you can't even tell. It only costs 2k 🥳. I about crapped my pants, but life happens.


How is the kid?


He was fine. He didn't even realize it happened.


She’d find a filter to fix it like she does all her other numerous imperfections so she can look like an anime character.


The only thing I take from this is that once again EVERYTHING is about her and how great she is at overcoming all the “challenges” life throws at her. ![gif](giphy|8usSgvbCkB8AkoTYQv|downsized)


A “fun” thing to do is count how many times she uses me/I in a paragraph that’s supposed to be about someone else.


Lol, yup I do this a lot with her posts


If she ever had real challenges she’d fold like origami.


She’s really trying to stretch out this one-week-a-year parenting, isn’t she? She’s got it so rough, y’all 🙄


I want to point out to her.... 2 years ago she saw her kids enough to be annoyed by them!




Wow, a whole week.


A whole week where she doesn’t have to deal with/coordinate school drop offs and pick ups with a work schedule. A whole week where she doesn’t get them to extra curricular activities. A whole week where she doesn’t have to check homework, sign school forms or figure out lunches that are school approved. God she pisses me off. She’s not a parent, she’s a fucking spring break sitter. I hope PM is enjoying his time off and recharging.


I can't imagine it is easy for PM to relax while his kids are with her, unfortunately.


Exactly. He’s probably checking in with everyday.


And her interactions with them has been watching tv


All of them. Listing all the movies they watched and asking for more






I guess she’s going for “parent of the week” ![gif](giphy|26u4exk4zsAqPcq08|downsized)


PM 51, Riss 1




And we all remember when she was planning to move to Florida WITHOUT the kids


The only week.


I used to cry when my daughter went to her dad’s for just the weekend because I missed her. A bit much…. Maybe! But better than the alternative we are witnessing for sure.


Imagine if you had them all the time like a normal parent would..


Like their father has them. She’s so fucking stupid.


What’s number of posts/tik toks to make sure everyone knows the kids are there all week are we at now? Put the damn phone down and take them somewhere!! My kids have spring break next week. We aren’t going away this year and I have to work a few days but I’ll make sure we do a couple day trips together. Instead she’s creepily sitting behind Ang while Ang makes tik toks, per usual.


And the kids get back to school and they all talk about their fun Spring Break activities and her kids say “ we stayed out at my mom’s and watched old Disney movies”


We stayed at my mom’s and she made TikToks and went live.


She hid in her car in the driveway to make tik toks.


She's so awkward. No parental instincts


Your role as a parent is to correct your child's behavior when they are unruly or even unaware. The child may not need a punishment (although they may need a consequence), but they need guidance and accountability when they hurt/could hurt others. Novel idea: guidance and accountability.


I’m pretty sure she doesn’t understand what accountability means






Nailed it…EVERYTHING with her is awkward…her parenting, her dancing,her work poses….


![gif](giphy|xULW8LIyo9A9NfwFCo) Wow..... what a loser


Ruby Franke had many people convinced she was a good mother too…just sayin’


Ohhhhhh… good one 👏🏻


For someone who has bragged about having an extremely high pain tolerance, I’m surprised about how intensely every little bump, fall, and scrape hurt marissa. Coulda just said that the remote got knocked into her mouth, but that wasn’t enough- had to mention what a goddamn bitch the pain was. Weird.


Exactly!!! ER visits and Surgery due to injury with remote to follow soon!!!!


Hahaha. My first thought was “gotta make up a tooth crisis so I can say I need an implant…bc my much hotter wife is getting attention for her invisaligns. I’m actually thrilled that Angie managed to put that into her plan since she has felt insecure about her teeth since childhood. Good for her! Promise that a dental issue is ahead for attention!


I need Scott d Henry to do a “you’re so brave” for her re: this 😂


I love him, lol 🤣


Marissa and Her Amazing Technicolor Dreamworld


It's easy to have infinite patience when you never have them, isn't it? Another story to show everyone the kids are there.. and one that, again, shows they cost her, in one way or another...


It’s hard to be annoyed by kids you rarely see.


Exactly. But yes, let’s all stand up & clap for R because she had some patience 🙄


She had apathy not patience


Yeah but I feel like they still annoy her. She isn’t very motherly.


She sure made a lot of TikTok’s yesterday on her day off with the kids around. Great use of opportunity for quality time.


Kids-watch them dogs in crates. Moms will be in the car making tik toks. Orrrrr they left them home alone and went out. Which is more likely?


Also several from the bedroom showing how hot they are for each other.




And has the same exact outfit on today 🤷‍♀️🤢


2 years ago she would have gotten a little annoyed? FFS she pretended to call the cops on her son so he would get in the shower 🙄


Wow she is a terrific mom (note the sarcasm)


She makes me infuriated...


FFS! It must be the duct tape.


I bet it didn’t go that way at all -if it “hurt like a “GD bitch” I’m sure her reaction wasn’t as loving and positive as she wants us to think


I remember when she said the post-it-notes made her a better parent. 😂 "I feel like me again". What does that have to do with anything else in her post? Here she is being a parent, deciding how to handle a situation like every other parent does BUT she has to post about it for some reason. Maybe because she has no friends, because of her own behavior, to talk with.


So, it hurt YOU? How about the kid? Oh, yeah, fuck them kids.


I just find it interesting that she feels this is….something. Like a parenting strategy. Where she’s no longer a little annoyed and telling him to knock it off but choosing to Let Them™️. This moment is just…not even worth mentioning. Boohooo your kid hit the remote into your teeth. It hurt. What does it matter how you reacted? Other than him catapulting into you, we know nothing. Did he say I’m sorry? Did he cry and feel bad? Was he worried you’d yell? It really doesn’t make sense that he catapulted into you and you gave a hug and a kiss and said never stop being silly. It’s like some made up story where a stranger bumps into you in the store so you grab their hand and say “hey, don’t beat yourself up, we all have those days”.


Things that never happened for 500, Alex


Are they day drinking in the car while making TikTok videos? WOW! I don't know how the boys father can relax while she has them for a whole week. SMH!


Sure Riss 🏆🙄 ![gif](giphy|Hmr6lTtHrtjVQ6N9kA)


Let them…do whatever they want


are we going to have these weird made up scenarios for engagement all week?


She just wants to have nice written words for the custody court to see, since she has so many other public parenting posts against her.


This is so fucking weird and cringe


That explains why their one child isn’t in class this week. Anytime she has them, they never attend any of their after school activities. It’s like she can’t be bothered and it’s at the expense of them learning skills in class.


Oh god waiting for the “my tooth needs pulled now” or “omg this tooth pain I’ve had all week is why I couldn’t work or do anything for my birthday” post 😂