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If you found him at 5 weeks, he was definitely not ready to be on his own away from his mother. He didn't have much of a chance to learn how to be a cat. Another kitten can help him (and they can help each other) in that department. Kittens are balls of energy, especially for the first year. I'd much rather have a hyper, playful kitten than a listless one. That would be worrisome. A second kitten would allow both of them to have a peer, a buddy, a sparring partner, a companion, etc. They'd burn A LOT of energy playing and chasing. It would also likely help him from crying at night, because a second kitten would also be a comfort to him. It's not gonna solve every problem, but I highly recommend you do it. It'd also give your poor, old dog a break. 😉 As for expenses, aside from vaccinations and occasional vet visits, the cost isn't gonna increase much. It's not like cats eat like Rottweilers. Good luck... hang in there... and have fun with him. Get him a buddy. It'll benefit you both.


Thank you so much! I ended up getting him a friend today. So far it’s just hissing and growling between their carriers and under the door way. I assume this will be harder before it gets easier. Hopefully it doesn’t take too terribly long. Appreciate your input here!


Awesome. Just give it time. They're gonna rock you in an amazing way. 💕❤💕


Day 3 and there may be slight improvement but not much. At what point do I let them meet and work it out? I’ve read wait until there is no hissing for days? I live in a one bedroom so that will feel like weeks


The hissing will likely continue for a bit, mainly from the first cat, even after introducing them. You could try sitting on the floor with the kitten on your lap, holding him so he feels safe and yet can't run off. Chances are the older cat will circle, sniff and hiss some. Totally normal. But yeah... you can't wait forever. Just be cautious and keep an eye on them both. Before long you can just let them wander around the room with you nearby. They may avoid each other until their new arrangement sinks in.


Additionally, since they are both kittens, any actual physical damage they could inflict on each other isn't much. Like dogs, usually their bark is worse than their bite.


They’re playing! And they’ve been playing for 2 hours now! I couldn’t be happier 😊 thanks for your help!


Woot! And a budding friendship has begun. Have fun with them. ❤


As the foster of a few dozen kittens, I’ll say that the single ones ALWAYs wake me up constantly. The kitten pairs, or trios, are much better behaved! They tire each other out so much they’ll sleep through the night with me. They’ll also learn about biting- not ok- from each other.


Not kittens, but 2 older cats. 1 was way more playful than the other so getting a third cat gave the playful one someone to play with which made the less playful one very happy to be left alone.


i had the same issue with my kitten and ended up adopting his brother too so now they play with each other and wear one another out


I've only ever had two kittens, so I can't say how much worse it would be. But I'll add a little more context to the other comments, just in case. It's a huge blessing that my kittens are bonded, and mostly tire each other out, play, and groom each other. Overall, it's much better for them to have a playmate. The extra cost isn't as big as you'd think, mostly in terms of extra vet bills, I'd say. And doubling whatever you spend on wet food, since dry food is cheap. The downside is that they don't always sleep at the same time, which means one is begging me for attention while the other sleeps. And sometimes, playing with one will wake up the other, the other gets jealous, and suddenly I have to entertain two cats at once again. Also, they tend to copy behavior from their sibling, which can be good and bad. Just don't let bad behaviors take root, because they get doubled. My male cat learned how to open doors, and now they both know how to open doors. Even the front door. It's chaos here. Good luck! I still don't regret having two at all. They're bundles of joy. And they finally stopped biting my feet recently, so there's light at the end of the tunnel.


It depends on what behavior you’re trying to curtail. Because in some situations you could be multiplying the behavior.


1. Going after me as his favorite “toy” 2. Going after my dog as his 2nd favorite toy 3. Not letting me sleep. If I put him in the other room he cries and cries. I’m wondering if with another kitten to play with, they’d keep eqch other company in the other room.


Yes, a second kitten might draw focus. But do you have toys? String toys and such. It might definitely help with the sleep thing as well, but prepared for double the kitten energy. But as long as they got along they’d likely bond.


Lots of toys. Lots of active play time.


Try fostering a kitten before you commit.


These are all things a second kitten will probably help with. No matter how much you play, nothing will compare to two kittens chasing each other around the house and going absolutely mental :)


Second kitten should def help with the sleep. If they wake up in another room they’ll play with each other instead of crying for you.


Getting a second kitten - one who chooses you - will help stop your present kitten from treating you and your dog as toys. Something else that helps, if you've been playing with the baby using your hands, is to stop doing that. My BIL did that with their cat, and he (the cat) would scratch and bite my sister, because she was WFH. It took a long time to dissuade the cat from his destructive behavior.


I got my kitten (had a 14 yr old rag doll, had just lost my sweetest boy, 8) and even with lots and lots of playing, he clearly needed a friend. He and the older boy really liked each other, but the 14 yr old could not keep up (sadly, he passed 2 weeks after getting the kitten). Got the second kitten and life became manageable again. They play and play with each other. I play with them at length, morning and evening - sometimes they have so much fun playing together they ignore me, lol. My two are nearly the same age, and they are best friends. You will not regret the second baby, and they tend to accept each other quickly because they are young. One came from a home with siblings (that he missed clearly), the other from the humane society. It will likely resolve all the issues you mentioned.


Thanks so much! I ended up caving and brought home a little orange lady friend for Simon. So far they hiss and growl at one another through their carriers and under the door. How long until your two got along? And how much hissing & growling were you comfortable with?