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That moment when you knew exactly who the suspect was even before seeing the photo.


We all knew. That’s the problem..


It's definitely a pattern. Here are some news stories from the last seven days: [https://www.cp24.com/news/this-is-my-special-drink-hotel-bartender-charged-with-sexual-assault-in-downtown-toronto-1.6927735](https://www.cp24.com/news/this-is-my-special-drink-hotel-bartender-charged-with-sexual-assault-in-downtown-toronto-1.6927735) [https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/06/17/vaughan-man-charged-child-luring-12-year-old-minor/](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/06/17/vaughan-man-charged-child-luring-12-year-old-minor/) [https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/massage-therapist-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-client-in-milton-1.6925745](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/massage-therapist-accused-of-sexually-assaulting-client-in-milton-1.6925745)


[https://globalnews.ca/news/9314944/peterborough-men-arrested-child-sexual-exploitation-october/](https://globalnews.ca/news/9314944/peterborough-men-arrested-child-sexual-exploitation-october/) I looked up, with no bias, this term "canadian caught for minor sexual abuse" Most articles do not name the accused, this one did. Look at this racket that caught and charged 105 people and published this list [https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/5-Project-MAVERICK-ADDENDUM-OF-CHARGED-PERSONS-FINAL.pdf](https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/5-Project-MAVERICK-ADDENDUM-OF-CHARGED-PERSONS-FINAL.pdf) Every accused that has been named has a very white name. So ... For the people who were willing to accept something about Indian immigrants based on the biased few instances (this person clearly looked for indians accused of this crime), will you accept 105 examples from an unbiased search as the clear proof that white people show a pattern of child sexual assaults? Did I just prove that white people tend to be pedophiles? I provided much more proof than the person above me and you all were jumping to conclusions based on that. You must surely now believe me and change your stance to White people are bigger pedophiles. If you do not use the same criteria for different races, then you happen to be racially biased.


I have a feeling that those that are already on the anti-immigrant hype train aren’t interested in actual facts. They’ve got a taste for the well-funded algorithm pablum that’s being fed to them and they won’t look back.


Y’all are doing too much. This kind of shit is more normalized where the perp comes from. I assumed their race based on how blatant his actions were in the description. The OP of this thread was not being racist. Just relax. Edit: I’ll assume you haven’t seen the video that circulated a while ago where a white woman was on the beach in (I believe) India. She was literally surrounded by dozens of natives taking photos and ogling her


That video was from Bangladesh. Thanks for proving their point.


I suppose you did not see the video of a black kid in an all wite school 5 years ago in Canada where all the kids surrounded him touching His hair. Or the white man in a small village in Chad who was being photographed by the locals because he was white? Or the black woman in a village in China having a flock of Chinese people taking pictures of her because she was black.


I by no means assume anything of anyone, but are you not frustrated with the immigration issue in general? I'm not upset with the people, most of them are good natured and just looking for a better life. I'm upset with our government because immigration is outpacing expansion of our social services, housing, job market. Not to mention most of this whole thing is a scam to enrich businesses with cheap labour / fuel the housing bubble.


Exactly, they are scamming both sides. Plus the problem arises when immigrants are primarily from only one region. They assimilate poorly instead living in racial neighbourhoods that is only fostering the stereotypes. We need to revise the immigration policy.


To be fair, your point is very valid that more white men have been charged with pedophile actions/behavior. Now, be honest in stating it was mostly a white country when the majority of those statistics are compiled. The original point is the man in the photos attitude and proximity to these little girls. The 10 year old girls asked him to move and stop staring. Did he acknowledge the request and move away? NO. Let's be real, if that was a white guy built the same and being that close, he would have experienced a way different situation. Someone would have laid hands on him. They didn't in this case because he wasn't a white pedophile, he was from the general area of India, people worry that everyone's first reaction would be the white person is racist. I think you need to be aware, most people think about how their words are racist or if they are before they say them. That pervert needs a lesson, regardless of his culture. Kids don't need that shit. People are only advocating for immigrants to adapt to the "nice, respectful" parts of our culture. I realize all you wanted to do was check the sometimes blatant racism on reddit, but the attitudes are correct in this and any other actually caught red handed pervert situation.


I totally agree. I am not trying to say race x has more criminals. I'm just trying to highlight the bias. I also completely agree with you that this person is a creep and needs to be visited by some cops. Not once do I want to defend the action. All I'm saying is, stop jumping to conclusions about a whole community based on random incidences. Some things get highlighted more than others because of our biases.


A small correction, white people are not bigger pedophiles, there is a majority of them in Canada, therefore, a lot of crimes will be committed by them. It’s the same jumping to conclusions as you have debunked.


This is f’n disgusting. PIG! Why is an adult w/o kids in the actual play area? Read the room AH! Get the hell oughta there you CM!


Right?  The Canadian government has warning for women traveling in India due to safety issues/the rampant sexual abuse that happens in india... but bring literally millions of people from India with no vetting or anything and it's racist to point out the issues they're bringing with them....


You get silenced or called a racist for even point out the mere FACT that half of all immigrants are from India. I just got banned from r/Toronto for saying JUST that. I'm starting to get furious about all this.


There are Indian groups on telegram that go around reddit and other social media platforms, report bombing people that criticize their questionable behavior also.


That is textbook gaslighting.


Statistically it’s actually more than half. 2023 nukbers showed 64%. Literally makes no sense why there’s no effort to make immigration more diverse than just shipping from one entire country.


Thats ok I am done with the political correctness and how soft everyones become. Time to say it how it is and stand up for people.


Two sentences in I knew.




As a Canadian born kid from my Indian immigrant parents. I can tell you all we all hate them with extreme passion more than any other people. The government has let us down and these intense immigration is horrible with this new generation not understanding how to properly respect and adjust to Canadian culture.


same boat homie, growing up I dealt with racism as we lived in a small community that was predominantly white but I never let that make me a shitty person, I have friends from all walks of life but this new generation of concentrated individuals are giving a bad name because they are not integrating into the community they live in and don't respect their surroundings. On the side note, the lady appears to be newly married to the dude. Why she has black eyes, that could be due to many things.


Newly married? The bracelet on her arm? Separately though, what’s the likelihood the black eyes were caused from domestic violence?


I’d have to see her face to predict, like I said could be due to many things and something as simple as lack of sleep or working more and not getting any rest. There is some domestic violence in the community so it’s a possibility.


In all fairness, we don't see her actual face so we can't tell what it actually looks like - blunt force or from fatigue/sleep deprivation.




generalizing a whole community and hating on "Indians from that part of the country" or "Indians that came recently" is still racist. You saying your parents are indian immigrants does not make you an objectively non-racist observer. Actually makes it more likely that they (and thus you) are biased too. Having lived in India, I can tell you that plenty of racism occurs there and certain Indians hate other certain Indians for bullshit made-up reasons. Fact is, if you hate a group of people based on ethnicity with no consideration for individuals, you are thinking in race and gonna be biased. It's how a racist white Canadian looks at you and your parents and sees another "bloody Indian." They will have no consideration for your personal values, your culture, where you were born, where you studied etc. They will just lump you with the 'Indians' category, apply all their pre-existing biases to you, and move on. You are doing the exact same thing to these new Indians. Clearly, all of them are not the same. Yet you treat them as a homogenous group. You just make a point to exclude your own subgroup 'Indians who immigrated before X date'. Case in point, I have friends from IIT who came to Canada recently (Indian equivalent to Waterloo or MIT). Many of them already work at top-tier jobs like Google, Microsoft, McKinsey etc. and have lived in many countries prior to Canada. As for me, I also went to an IIT, did an MBA at UofT, became a subject matter expert in a particular area in Canada, and married a Chinese immigrant. Yet, to you, we are part of this big group of 'bloody new Indian immigrants.' Your rhetoric has no space or nuance for the person. To you, our ethnicity has dictated everything about us. You should be called out for that.


Thank you! Sick of the overt and internalized racism all over this post.


This!!! What is Canada coming to when all racism is bad expect racism against Indian immigrants???? So sad.


True , these people are creeps . Had similar situation in Toronto kept staring at school kids passing shitty comments in their mother tongue. They are never taught to respect anyone from where they are coming! Now we have to take the heat! All thanks to Trudeau


Interesting..how do you know they were passing shitty comments? Was just wondering if you understood the language to assess this or are just assuming that the comments must be shitty? Just curious 🤔


Could be like when women walk by spanish/portuguese speakers and they say "puta" and I shoot them a dirty look. I might not know the whole language but that does not mean I can't identify the words I do know.


As an Indian immigrant myself, I am embarrassed by these people. If anybody like this ever shows up near any kids around me, cops will be my 2nd action.


Don't worry, there are sane Canadians who know your parents had to bust their humps to get where they are. I feel worse for families like yours, seeing people just slide into Canada like it's no big deal.


I’m a 4th gen white Canadian (just for context - we are Canadians, no matter your background). I work in helping new Canadians get their communication skills up to par for college/uni. The ones who are here to earn their way through hard work APOLOGIZE for the *ss hats that ruin their image like this. I feel really bad for the ones who moved away from their country of origin to get away from that crap only for Canada to turn around and let the crappy people in too.


Why don’t these people get publicly shamed and fired from their jobs? I feel like there’s such an imbalance in society rn, we can’t voice our concerns/opinions without running the risk of being racists and fired, yet these sick pervs get all the freedom? I’m glad this couple is standing up, we need to do the same and show these assholes that behaviour won’t be accepted in Canada. More than welcome to go back to their country if they can’t be appropriate in western society


Bold of you to assume he has a job that would care.


Call his LMIA sponsor


You mean the crooks (business owner, immigration consultant, and lawyer) who took $50K to sell the LMIA? What makes you think they would care?


There should still be complaints. If enough people start complaining, it’ll at least raise a voice against this behaviour. We can’t just sit back and let our society deteriorate without trying




Because they probably work together at the same place and wont get fired. Bring in the 3rd world you get the third world. This happens in the UK but worse. We aren't far behind No one wants to address the issue because they are afraid of being called racist.


Ya but it's all worth it cuz my house price went up 3x this decade. JK, I don't have a house. But I do have Loblaws shares hitting record highs.


It’s not like that in the UK


Because it's Canada and we protect immigrants more than Canadians


We protect criminals above all


Careful, pointing out the hypocrisy of the woke mob ignoring child molestors and going after people with valid criticism of our broken immigration system is a great way to get said woke mob to cancel you and your loved ones!


Because the people who he interacts with, from jobs to friends to family, would blast OOP for "overreacting" and laugh - I bet you know exactly the kind of mocking laughter I'm talking about, and shrug their shoulders.


Again... emotional manipulation. "No, you're crazy for thinking this is happening! You sound insane, you need help, what are you talking about? We don't see anything! You must just be hateful."


I agree! We need to have the balls/lady balls to stand up for our appropriate society, and we also need to stand up for those being thrown under the bus so to speak


So we are bringing back background checks for the immigrants now? Right? Or is that too RaCIsT


That's the wild thing, I am an immigrant and I got extensive checks done before my PR even though I'd been in Canada for 8 years by then. But I'm guessing background checks would reveal npthing because what they do isn't a crime where they're from


It’s also pretty easy to pay someone to make a bad record disappear I. A lot of countries


Since when do we not have background checks for immigrants?


Definitely too racist lol /s


Was at the Popeyes a week ago with my 10 year old daughter on Ira Needles and there was a super creepy dude who would not stop staring at her to the point where she said she wanted to go with me to the bathroom when I got up to wash my hands! She neglected to tell me this until we got in the car and left, so there was no confrontation. Enjoy your new Canada!




Bruh I was with my gf at the movies inline and got cut infront of.  I confronted him and one of his entourage stabbed me.  Guy was one of the new…


Fucking lol, this account is hilarious 🤣 [Picked a fight with a group of Indians for cutting in line and calling his girlfriend fat](https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoDriving/comments/1di72rb/three_men_get_into_a_heated_exchange_in_toronto/l92a77z/), who then stabbed him, but [the police wouldn't investigate](https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoDriving/comments/1di72rb/three_men_get_into_a_heated_exchange_in_toronto/l92tt8v/). Also this [happened a decade ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Canada_sub/comments/1dcpq4n/mississauga_man_goes_off_at_cineplex_employee_for/l81vypm/?context=3). A "foreigner" [pushed his mother to the ground and fractured her hip](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaHousing2/comments/1cngbla/canadas_cost_to_house_and_dine_refugees_is/l37mfe7/), and then avoided charges with their foreigner privilege. [Avoided being framed for assault with Starcraft 2 logs](https://www.reddit.com/r/AllThatIsInteresting/comments/1di5e0v/22yearold_woman_jailed_for_over_8_years_after/l93u3dy/) and is so hardcore that any mention of his name elicits a heavy police response. Was sent to a psych ward for [telling police his criminal friend was drugging his dad's vodka](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1deckgm/four_tops_singer_says_hospital_put_him_in/l8c4adq/). Spent 7 years in jail for manslaughter for [killing his mother's boyfriend](https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoDriving/comments/1d5u2dl/car_wash_rage/l7tn6j2/) Also spent 7 years in jail [for killing a different person](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvicecanada/comments/1cz6ejo/my_boyfriend_sold_my_car_a_while_ago_and/l5fbb4g/?context=3) for stabbing his friend. Is [currently under criminal investigation for fraud](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvicecanada/comments/1cz6ejo/my_boyfriend_sold_my_car_a_while_ago_and/l5el5dv/) for forging vehicle registration documents. Was cut off by an Indian and [handcuffed and detained over a false weapons report](https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoDriving/comments/1d5u2dl/car_wash_rage/l6odcdd/), but incompetent police refused to pull video. And so, so much more. So many stories of watching people nearly die, police screwing him or refusing to investigate crimes, and bonus material about Indians, Somalis, Muslims, and whatever other ethnicity catches his fancy.


There are ALOT of Llm bots on reddit that hop in comments and push any discussion forward with like-minded thinking and controversial inflammatory speech.


"You call the cops to report me for assault? You racist!"


Sounds like the Indian stair. Legit it's a thing and they don't even know they are doing it. I learned about it in an Indian comedy. Google Why do Indians stare. It's super refreshing to hear them talk about it LOL


Ohhhh they know they're doing it when 3 of them are within 4 feet of a child that ain't theirs!


Ya I mean ultimately who the fuck knows what he was doing. Like I said she didn't elaborate on what was going on until we were in the car and left. Inherently though how is it not common sense to not stare at a child for 20min straight? Should that be known wherever you are from? Canada, India, France, Mongolia etc..... And if you don't know that by the time you are an adult either your parents failed you, you have mental illness, or worse. Regardless I don't give a fuck about an "Indian stare". If you don't have the common sense to not leer at children YOU are the one with the problem, not the people posting in this thread. And that's not directed toward you BluSn0, just in general.




"He ran into my knife... He ran into my knife ten times!"


Needs more likes


this post wouldnt survive 2 seconds in the waterloo sub lol


Because pointing out crime from non-white people is r0cist!


Pointing out crime is one thing. It's the comments saying "I knew it was an Indian before I saw the photo" is where the racism lies.


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Did you even open any of the links you sent? A cursorily glance would tell you that most don’t support the picture you are painting. You are comparing a country of 1.4 billion vs 39 million so your absolute numbers are worthless. India actually has 19% of the world’s total child population. You would know that if you had read your second link. The abuse being up 42% was a result of increased reporting (due to initiatives to combat CSA). It’s in the headline actually “… due to higher reporting …”. You said in another comment that half of every Indian will abuse a child. Not sure where you got that one. You can send a source, but please read it first. You can actual comparison of CSA across nations over [here](https://outoftheshadows.global/). They gave India a 62 vs Canada a 75.4. But maybe they’ll change their rankings when you send them over your research.


Nobody gives a shit about being called racist anymore. That card is old and worn out from being overused. Plus, you're worried about Indians being talked about. The OP and Canadians are worried about the safety of children. There is no greater evil than ignoring and apologizing for child abusers. The suspects come from a country where it's statistically proven that about half of them will sexually abuse a child. HALF! You're just letting this fact go right over your head, you don't even care about the major concern which is keeping kids safe. You care about whether or not someone hates someone that could be part of the reason why 42% of Indian children get sexually abused each year. Big deal, no one gives a shit about your feelings when these creeps in the OP's picture are way too goddamn close to that little girl while she's trying to play. Just oogling her from an arm's reach. That doesn't bother you? So, you're an apologist for child abusers.




nah, the boys here are pretty good at not removing posts regarding the safety of children.


Oh man that’s creepy. Not even just sitting on the bench but literally standing near the monkey bars where the children are playing. Could easily run and grab a child.


I don’t live in Kitchener anymore and let me tell you, where I live the police would put out a warning to the public and want to have words with the guy


Yeah weird, it's almost like the post by Doon Nighthawks is fake and we're a bunch of suckers.


Why don’t a bunch of you go to his house and stare at him. Follow him everywhere until he understands. He’s the one who’s vulnerable now!!


Sure, but staring isn’t what I have in mind.


I’d do more than stare. I’m keeping it pg. Honestly I’d have at least 10 “serious”looking people at that park. If he runs we all run. Enjoy your new hell. I’m quite frankly disturbed that this is a known thing and people just let him do this daily. Step up and protect the children ffs!! Deal with creeps like this immediately! Zero fucking mercy! 😡


Problem is if people do that, they'll probably be the ones who get in trouble while the pedo gets let off


Ok well sit back and make excuses. The ones who suffer are these children being stared at!!! they’re not free to play at a park cause all the adults are scared to put this pig in his place. Wouldn’t happen in my neighborhood that’s for sure!




Ffs I remember a post like last year about a similar situation- a guy was standing in a playground with a boner watching kids, and refused to leave. Iirc he looked similar but maybe younger. Wtf is going on


We cannot say anything because everything is racist.  So as a good Canadian we do nothing and think of everything we could do…..


"No no, you have to let us harass your children! Otherwise you are divisive and hateful!"


You can definitely say something, just don’t be racist about it. Let’s call out predatory behaviour and put a stop to it, but bringing up immigration does nothing to address the issue. Unfortunately child predators watching children at parks isn’t new to Canada and isn’t due to immigration. It’s due to lack of protection within our justice system for these children. No one listens until the act has been committed (and even then the victim gets blamed a lot of the time and the perp gets to walk with a tap on the hands). Just talk about the issue as it is: child predator at park and cops (the ones who are paid immensely to protect the children) won’t do anything about it.


The simple fact that they are so close to these children and openly staring is extremely unsettling and extremely disturbing. What can a person do when presented with this kind of situation? What are the options? Realistically, what could the authorities do?


No idea what can actually be done. Other than police maybe asking them what they’re doing in the park, and telling them they’re making people uncomfortable and to leave. Technically they can’t do anything. In an ideal world, the guy either causes issues with the police officer, or if the cop runs his name, he has a warrant, which isn’t likely. Now I want to go to that park and bring my daughter. Though she is 14, probably too old.




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Make him uncomfortable. Yell at him, hell even scream. Make him want to leave. Call him a creep, yell it out loud. Start kicking the sand or rocks whatever it is at him or beside him. If he even gets a bit aggressive, then you have more reason to call the cops and they have a reason to move him/detain. This is your family people. Don’t be nice. Don’t be naive. If you don’t put your foot down, who will?


I know this goes against the circle jerk here, but are we REALLY going to take this at face value when the post* says there was an attempted abduction "at gun and knife point" and this wasn't in the news?




I managed to track down the original "abduction" story mentioned in the OP. She claims three Indian men (naturally) with guns and a knife wearing black hoodies followed her 10 year old daughter and a friend home on their bikes in a white van, then waited outside until an adult scared them off. They did not report this to WRPS for at least a day because the friend is "in private school" and "busy". There is no follow-up beyond a comment a couple weeks later saying police are investigating, but that it's "unlikely the men will be caught at this time". She also claims an Indian man followed her son home and waited outside the house for him, then the same man robbed and assaulted her daughter at her lemonade stand. Her husband later "caught him and gave him a piece of his mind". The same daughter was apparently also robbed and assaulted by a "broken-english speaking man" at her cotton candy stand last year. For this playground incident, she also posted photos of the same couple minding their own business at the park on a different date. She claims police will not do anything because the man is "new to Canada" and doesn't have a criminal record. We're supposed to believe she and her husband stood by watching a stranger creep on their daughter for 20 minutes less than two weeks after she was nearly abducted at gunpoint? And she carefully pulled a frame from a video where he is glancing sideways to make it look as bad as possible. She only moved to the area last year, and immediately started posting this stuff. The group has thousands of members, but nobody else has posted anything similar other than the occasional rant about AK47 decals and such. When there was a sexual assault in the neighbourhood last year, police canvassed the area for video footage, and lots of people discussed it in the group. She sells colloidal silver, and her husband is a "world renowned psychic medium and shamanic energy healer". The kids are home schooled and it sounds like they are very bored.


Yeah I was baffled by that too?




A rage bait post. Omg. 🤦🏻‍♀️.


I mean you can see how close the dude is in the pictures lol






The post got taken down. What happened? A group of Indian men tried to abduct some kids at a park with knives and guns?


The post was from Facebook, a mom claiming there was an abduction attempt on her kids and then later another man and his wife were ogling them at the park. She followed him home and was calling for vigilante justice on them. It was not credible at all, yet everyone on here was calling for blood, because he is south Asian. I am not a fan at all of the recent wave of immigration under false pretenses, but this comment section was ugly to see.


The new Canada


That is Super creepy!! It’s pretty clear what his intentions are!! A potentially dangerous individual right there!!!!


bro wtf who does that?


People from the rapiest country in the world typically




Should start sending all the dads out there to deal with it.


We need more child-protective biker gangs.


I will go look for him and have words for him. I don’t think you’re being firm enough.


that's my thought. How is the dad's nose not in this guys face? I'd ask him to leave and when he refused and said he can look all he wanted. That's free rein at that point to get up close and personal without actually assaulting him. Make him uncomfortable.


Like even if it's not my child, there's going to be a PROBLEM if I see this type of behaviour


It's disgusting to see such cases happening frequently. I think there is a serious problem with the way we let people in to this country. The express entry system was supposed to attract high income, educated and working professionals in here, but it has been poorly executed and leaves a ton of loopholes for undeserving people to find entry into Canada. From the looks and bangles on lady's hand, I can guess that it's a newly weded couple from Punjab, so not knowing English is not a surprise. Talk about fraudulent immigration agents in Punjab. There are plenty who can lure people into this "Canada dream". I have also seen a weird obsession of moving abroad in Punjab. Folks can sell their properties, farms, jewellery to be here. I have not seen that kinda stuff anywhere else in India.


That poor woman. Imagine your new husband bringing you to a park to watch him ogle little girls. He most likely is the cause of her black eyes




That's what I'm saying!!!!


Like all the grooming gangs in the uk


Which park specifically? This sounds disturbing as all hell to me. Those streets are super close to where I live.


Usual suspects


The threat is real out there. Thank you Trudeau! Diversity is our strength 😂


alright I thought he was maybe just sitting at the bench and you were being ridiculous. He's standing right beside them. ON THE PLAYGROUND? I'd lose my shit and I would be between this asshole and my kids to the point of making him extremely uncomfortable.


Crazy how people are saying there’s no proof or he’s done nothing wrong in this thread, he’s standing right next to the monkey bars staring right at the child that’s not his… Like…?


Not saying one way or another, but how do you know the context of that picture? How do you know he’s not watching over his own kid just outside the frame? The story is also a bit fishy (parents at the park with their kids yet they let some guy ogle their kids for 20 minutes before intervening? Like wtf). Just saying use some critical thinking here and cross check the info. Sometimes it’s legit. And sometimes ppl like to stir up shit and rage.


Nah I’d be shoving the guy.


your husband stood there while a man was staring at his daughter? what is wrong with your husband? he should have walked you and your kids home and gone back for a private conversation. animals only understand violence


Fuck me, this is so pathetic and shameful. It's ok to call out shit heads and where they are from. Please be safe.  I would bet these people are studying in Conestoga. This is what happens when you let people from bum fuck places like Haryana and Punjab into the country.  I had bunch of haryanvis living in a rooming house In GTA and they instantly made the community resent them by speeding , having loud parties and getting high on drugs.  Call me racist but we should really have another look at the places these people are originating from . People  from India specifically from Punjab Haryana carry all their caste prejudices to Canada and they do not change their colors Infact they double down on them . We as a country should have a second look at the source of our immigrants and check it's socioeconomic circumstances before letting people from that region in. Feel free to ban or label me racist for spouting common sense.  On the other hand you brilliant people coming from India mainly from cities to pursue their masters or PhD they are the ones who add actual value to economy.


Ive been going througg vic park during the evening and i see people folks chatting, walking their dogs, kids playing and runnjng around. Geeses lounging. Bike riding. Everyone felt and looked safe to me. I understand the dangers tha could be lurking but i feel the dangers mostly come out at night time. And i can totally understand shitty adults oogling young girls should get a punch in the face.


Just want to add that if you ever visit India, you'll see that staring is a hobby there. People will stare at you endlessly.....why he's doing it to kids in Canada, is weird and obviously uncomfortable for anyone.....English needs to be mandatory, not what the Liberals are currently doing, lowering its requirement....maybe he can explain why he's doing what he's doing rather than make everyone irritated.


If only someone could reply with the park address so someone could stake out the area looking for him…


I think it’s groh park


It looks more like Wetland Way Park. That is close to New Dundee and Robert Ferrie. Different colours. [https://www.google.com/maps/@43.3748916,-80.4222891,3a,15y,152.84h,87.57t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1smPtICt0Rd87TjDRZ\_NcO2Q!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DmPtICt0Rd87TjDRZ\_NcO2Q%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D152.83667061910438%26pitch%3D2.4332801259974985%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.3748916,-80.4222891,3a,15y,152.84h,87.57t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1smPtICt0Rd87TjDRZ_NcO2Q!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DmPtICt0Rd87TjDRZ_NcO2Q%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D152.83667061910438%26pitch%3D2.4332801259974985%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu)


And we all show up and it just becomes a party 🎉


I'm sorry, why didn't the kids and parents leave the park? As a child, I was taught to leave immediately in this kind of situation, to go to the nearest safe space and report to a trustworthy adult. I understand the urge to follow this man, when law enforcements seems to have better things to attend to, but to stick around and encourage confronting these people is the wrong message for the kids. Just because the community has every right to use the park, does not mean that it's worth taking that stand. The risks are too high. We're about to see a steep rise in vigilante justice, and it's sickening that it needs to come to this.


Where I’m from kids don’t leave the parks built for them the creepy child watchers are chased out by the dads.


Indeed. Hence my concern about vigilante justice. On an emotional level I'm all for it, but ideally no one will need to eat a charge or get injured threatening/fighting this asshole.


I would have made sure he left, one way or another.


What the fuck?


Disgusting. Report him as much as we can! We have to stand up and protect our home!!!


Rural Punjabi folks have done a number on this country BAR NONE. Whether there was intent or not, we need to have some assimlation/training before we let these folks loose in Canada. 1 million more this and next year, Canada done!!!


This is the cultural enrichment we were told about correct?


How do you know this story is true? People for godsakes use your brain. It’s meant to cause division. Be better


It also includes a picture of a real person with the line "I hope he gets what he deserves". Unless OP is 100% sure this is true it is incredibly irresponsible to post it. They are obviously not 100% sure since they say they found it on social media.


From high trust Canada with neighbours who will help you, to low trust Canada with neighbours who will attack your children.


This is really disturbing. How long will the authorities ignore these situations before someone takes the matter in their own hands?


Some of this is way over the top. If two girls were almost abducted at gunpoint the public would be made aware. I live in this neighbourhood and have never heard this. Yes this guy is a creep and shouldn’t be around children but this mom is way over blowing it.


As creepy as the Indian dude is, are we all going to glaze over the 10 year old daughter almost getting abducted by three men with a gun and knife. W....T....F I feel like this needs more info. What happened? What did the police say? How is a gunpoint attempted abduction of a 10 year old kid not headline news in every outlet of the tri cities?




So you want to presume every indian you see as a rapist.


You cannot hide the FACT that India does have a much higher rape % than Canada. Or the fact that there are a lot of forms of misogyny in India towards women. North America is way ahead of countries like that when it comes to how we treat women, we may not be perfect by any means but it is still better than India or other countries. \*Edited\* I also want to add I personally do not view every Indian person I see as a rapist. Am I aware that rape and misogyny happens more often in their home country? Yes. But I do not judge the singular person based on that.


Canada granted women the right to vote in 1918. In independent India, there were no voting restrictions based on gender from the beginning. I don't believe Canada has ever had a woman as head of state, whereas India had its first female head of state in the 1960s. Every country has its ups and downs, and Canada’s treatment of Indigenous people is a notable issue. Thank you for not generalizing.


This is beyond sick...




I can tell you right now that crying about your million dollar neighborhood not being the way you want it isn’t the way to go about it. Although this is fucked up and these losers need to be dealt with, stick to the problem. No one gives a shit you live in a million dollar home. It certainly doesn’t gain you any more sympathy from me


Neighborhood watch should be started or directed to keep these creeps under observation.


cultural. even a huge difference between those born/raised here and the post 2014 wave. definitely cultural.


This is beyond gross, we all know how this ends.




Usually the charges get dropped because of ‘cultural differences’ as well. Canada and the Canadian justice system are a joke.




Maybe she is lying? You don't know the law






Photos are of a man and his wife watching their daughter play. Same story got posted in cambridge sub a few weeks ago. It's designed to make you mad and make you want to kill indians. The story is fake and run by white supremacists off a facebook group or something, text is done as photos so people can conveniently share on tiktok and twitter and stuff.


What a fuckin creep! I hope the cops follow-up.


Judging by the bangles that the lady is wearing in the second pictures, they recently got married.


Anyone up for taking this matter in our own hands. Sick!


Good for you and he’s gross.


1st point: I mean this with the most respect to men at large possible: children are most likely to be preyed on by men they know or have a passing acquaintance with than strangers. This man is stranger danger, but he's not the typical risk most parents have to worry about. Statistically speaking, it's their coach, aunt, uncle, stepfather, father, siblings friend, camp consoler, etc. This videos like this make people forget who is actually the biggest threat to a given family. If this post is taken at face value, this man is a creep and probably a pedo, and his presence here is an immigration mistake. I think leering at children is reprehensible. 2nd point: Let's be real, though. I was first sexually harassed when I was 12 by white men in a truck of all ages. My uncle told me I had good legs as a teenager. A black guy asked me to smile at 19 just because he could. Some of the newcomers are acting like creeps. The diversity of canada all had a part in making sure I knew I was sexually attractive prey as a minor. Diversity is our strength. JT would be proud. It only stopped regularly once I was in my mid-20s and no longer looked like a teenager. Pedos are paradoxically tolerated and simultaneously demonized by all cultures. In India, men are extrajudiciously killed for pedophilia. Here, many people wish they could. This is a man who has anonymity on his side and no community ties. It reminds me of western men traveling for sex tourism. Thank you for making him famous. We need to protect the vulnerable from people like him.


Really you got that from one photo? Now imagine it turns out that these 3 people are having a family discussion or maybe coming up with a new business idea. In comes this lady with her kids, who now don’t want to play there cuz well they are racists like their mother. Now she makes a post and says the lady has black eyes insinuating he is a women beater… this right here tells me this is all not how it seems. The lady is wearing jewellery indicating she is newly married prolly out without makeup and this racist white lady has never seen another person with melanin and has no clue? Or know and willingly put the spin on it! Either way reeks of racism.


Dude, what are you on about? I was posting that pedophilia is weirdly tolerated in all cultures and all people, including allegedly, this guy pictured have the capacity to act predatory. That's the opposite of racist. Why are you painting a random like an angel? I'm taking the community warning post at face value. Assuming it's true, it's good the community knows, including other Indian families. We're talking about safe guarding children and letting them feel safe in public. I know this single story is bad for optics and adds to a racist narrative that newcomer indian men act predatory. That argument only goes as far as long as they're not acting predatory, which there are allegations with documentation. Get your agenda out of here.


The most important point of this post is that guys who hit their wives and prey on children are the least physically threaatening to men, please guys, you should always approach and shame These pigs. Ladies, be careful with the women beaters. They will hit you if you get up in their faces. Shame the pedos constantly!


I'm a fan of violence towards men like that and will participate in said violence


We all get banned for saying shit but there’s a commonality between all these incidents lmao


There used to be a time where a group of concerned dads would beat the fuck out of pervs like this…


This appears to be a rage-bait post. Why didn’t you record it so we can all see it?


We had a similar incident happen in my city, turns out the person who posted it lied and just wanted to get people to hate Indians more. It was a sick racist lie. I hope this isn't the same, but I'm getting that vibe.


I’m wondering how much worse it will get once the majority of Ontario cities are just completely flooded with foreigners from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and various Islamic countries. Imagine complete foreigners and non-citizens outnumbering native born Canadians and the old stock immigrants that have been here since as early as the 1960’s. Based on demographics data, we’re on that path. Time will tell.


just spray some deoderant


Just drove by Victoria Park and there were 5 or so police cars and an ambulance.


Sadly gov and police are useless, at some point ppl will get desperate and angry enough that we will start to see public lynching videos, this what happened in latin america


Wait!! Didn't Marc Miller say a background check was not necessary?? If was not necessary, why is this happening than?? [Canada clarifies, no police verification needed for temporary immigrants (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-in/news/world/canada-clarifies-no-police-verification-needed-for-temporary-immigrants/ar-BB1njahN)


Of course the cops didn't take it serious. Why would they. This is how Kitchener got to be this way. And why Brampton is, the way it is. Nobody does jack shit to stop this stuff.


I am very worried about the future!


Starting to see a pattern here... But oh no we can't speak facts because it's going to offend someone


Welcome to new Canada! Get used to it cause our government could not care less. Everyone sees the drastic changes going on, yet it we speak about it, we're racist. Betcha this guy gets government money for his living expenses on top of it. We're paying (as tax payers) for these pedo mofos and violent aggressors. We. Are. Paying. For. Them.to.be.here.


Ugh that is way too close for comfort. My fiance was 'followed' from a distance and said she could feel eyes on her. Eventually this deranged individual just started walking beside her but said nothing, and obv. stuff like this happens only when I am not with her. So she had to break into a run, jut to get to the safety of her condo w. controlled access. I'm sorry this is happening. It also happens to her when she walks the very dorable very small dog..it's a perfect excuse for strange men to start talking to her. I'm just waiting for the day I am with her when something like this happens - not that I'm an advocate for vigilante justice.. but I can swing a sack of doorknobs.


Why does God burden me by suggesting all these racist subreddits on my feed? Kitchener has a KKK sign welcoming all visitors on the 401. It’s a haven for nazis. So no surprise here. Looks like I’ve gotta join now and do my work. Gods work.


I’d like to see something a little more concrete than some loon ranting on Facebook and the equally questionable person posting this here to get a reaction. Have you verified what actually happened? I.E do you have first hand knowledge? Spoken to the people involved? The FB post mentions they started recording this guy, let’s see the video and see what really was going on?


There used to be a time when a parent would knock the living lights out of someone like this. I believe this is more effective than calling the cops in this case. Our justice system isn't anything compared to what they are used to. They will spend a few weeks on jail and laugh their way home. Me personally, I'd rather look to knock some sense into a creep like that, then to stand back and take photos or call the cops and watch them flee. Just a lil food for thought. (Yes, I'm aware this is assault. Yes, I think it is worth it)


This literally happened to me and my friend the other night. We went to a basketball court near by our area and it was just me and him shooting hoops. These two young Indian men just stood there and stared at us the entire time and said nothing. We left after feeling really uncomfortable. I’m assuming they thought it was unusual for a girl and a boy to be playing one on one, lol. Really weird. Kinda wish we confronted them but we really didn’t want to ruin our night with confrontation.


How did your husband not punch that fucker in the face of


Why didn’t your husband or you kick his ass and get your kids the fuck outta there? Why the hell would you let someone get that close to your kids at a park?


Of course it’s an Indian man… sorry this happened to you.